Chapter 592
"What's the matter?" The first man who spoke asked curiously.

"The injury on your face is probably due to this reason?" The voice of the second man came.

"It's because of this that I was beaten up. It's really bad luck!" Hideo Motoo's voice came, "I was killed by our president!"

Yusuke stood at the door, quietly listening to their conversation.

Hideo Moto was beaten up today, and he felt very upset. Facing his companion's questioning, he finally couldn't help but tell.

"Last week's fellowship, I actually went there with a mission. Our president asked me to take part in the Kendo Club's West City Dance"

"I heard that Xicheng Wu is the next president of the swordsmanship club. You actually have the courage to target her!"

"By the way, what does that Xicheng dancer look like?"

"It's so-so, but it's not my dish, I like the plump ones"

"I see"

All three men laughed.

"You don't like each other anymore, why are you still talking to her?" came the voice of the first man.

"I said, this is our president's request." Hideo Moto sighed, "I must win Xicheng Dance"

"Why?" asked a second man's voice.

"This..." Hideo Hideo hesitated in his voice.

"Is there anything you can't say?"

"This is an agreement between me and the president, it's not convenient"

"What are you afraid of? There are only three of us here. If you don't tell me, I won't tell him, and he won't tell you, no one will know."

"Are we still good friends? Can't you keep this little secret for you?"

Hideo Moto was a little upset today, and at the instigation of the two, he decided to speak out.

"This is the president's personal matter. I heard it's an arrangement at home. Our president is going on a blind date with Xicheng Wu."

"Blind date!" X2
Both of them exclaimed, Yusuke was also a little stunned, the inside story is too powerful!

"What is it?" The two asked expectantly, this gossip was really exciting.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I heard that it was arranged by the president's family. He has to go on a blind date. But the president already has his own heart and can't resist the family, so he came up with such an idea."

"Then what benefits have you received?"

Both of them were very curious as to what price he had paid to make him sacrifice his beauty like this.

"This is the secret," Hideo Motoo's proud voice came.

"You guys are too disrespectful!"

The two complained, but Hideo just smiled and refused to answer.

"Let me guess, is it a promise to you to be the president next year?"

"That's for nothing, it's not a powerful club, it's not a karate club or a kendo club, it doesn't have any power at all"

"You can't say that, the president can control the financial power"

"It seems to be the same, shit, is it really for you to be the next president?"

"I think so too," came Hideo Motoo's regretful voice, "but you also know the situation of our club, you want me to be the president, unless you have to wait until the third year of high school"

"That's right, your club is the most particular about the concept of hierarchy. Even if you are the main force of the club, there are still many seniors above you, and it's not your turn."

"Okay, don't get too far into the topic, what promise did your president make to you, tell me quickly!"

"Okay, okay, I said it, it's actually very simple, there is only one thing" Hideo Moto's voice was full of complacency.

"Money?" X2
The two said in surprise.

"That's right, of course it's money."

"How much money do you have?"

"This is really a secret, this must never be said"

"Looking at your lascivious smile, you must have collected a lot of money."

"I risked my life. You didn't see the wound on my face. I was beaten in the afternoon."

"The people in the Kendo club are really fierce!"

"It wasn't by someone from the Kendo Club, it was by that Yusuke Misawa"

"Why him?"

"That's Xicheng Wu and his girlfriend" came Hideda Motoyo's leisurely voice.

"Damn, this Misawa Yusuke is too fierce. I heard that he already has more than a dozen girlfriends, which is really enviable!"

"I heard that this guy is very powerful. Sure enough, rich people are different. If only I could be like him."

"Stop dreaming"

The three laughed, and the sound of footsteps sounded again, getting farther and farther away.

Yusuke came out from the bathroom, and the figures of the three just disappeared around the corner.

Yusuke quietly followed behind him, saw them enter the room, thought for a moment and then went back.

"Yusuke, you are so slow!" Yui said holding the microphone at this time, "Everyone has finished singing, and it's your turn next."

"No more." Yusuke shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It's not like you don't know that my singing is terrible."

"It's because singing is ugly, so I need to practice a lot, so that I can sing well." Yui replied seriously, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

Xicheng Wu was a little curious, and asked in a low voice: "How ugly is senior Sanze's singing?"

"You'll find out later," Rika replied with a smile.

However, Yusuke had no choice but to play.

There was a burst of crying and howling...

Xi Chengwu's face was full of shock, she found that the tall image in her heart suddenly collapsed, it turned out that Senior Sanze is not omnipotent!
Yusuke doesn't care either, singing is indeed his weakness.

Everyone talked and laughed, and continued to sing, and Yui and Saijou played again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yusuke and Eri sat together, watched their performance, and whispered what they had just heard. The three of them were a little surprised, and this matter was too tortuous Bar.

"It seems that it is not easy for us to intervene." Shengzi said at this time, "It is related to Xiaowu's blind date, and this has already involved other people's family affairs."

"But what if Xiao Wu is forced?" Eri said seriously at this time, "Sometimes it is difficult to disobey the orders of parents, maybe Xiao Wu has such troubles."

Everyone is a little distressed, and this problem is not easy to solve.

Yusuke pondered for a moment, looked at Xicheng Wu who was singing, and she was smiling all over her face at this time, so she made up her mind and said seriously: "I decided to help Xiao Wu!"

All three looked over.

"Xiao Wu is our friend. She has helped us a lot. Now that she is in trouble, we must help her. If Xiao Wu does not have this intention and is forced by her parents, for Xiao Wu's happiness, even if she is criticized, I must help, too."

"That's right!" Shengzi nodded earnestly, "This matter is also counted as mine."

"How can I miss such a thing!" Eri replied seriously.

"I'll help too!" Lixiang also had a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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