Chapter 593 593. West City Dad
"I've already considered the matter." Yusuke said seriously at this time, "Let's have a showdown with Xiao Wu directly, don't hide anymore."

All three nodded.

"Yusuke, it's your turn." Yui's happy voice came at this moment.

The two looked at the three of Yusuke curiously, but found that the expressions of the three were very serious, so they were a little puzzled, what happened.

Yusuke waved at the two, "I have something to tell you."

The two curiously put down their microphones and walked over.

a while...


The voice of Xicheng Dance came from the loudspeaker, the volume was so loud that everyone was startled.

"Xiao Wu, your microphone"

Yui quickly snatched the microphone from her hand.

Just now Xicheng Dance was excited and screamed all of a sudden. The high-scoring voice echoed in the room through the microphone, which shocked everyone.

Xicheng Wu ignored Yui's actions, and said anxiously: "Absolutely impossible, I don't know about it, there has never been any blind date!"

Yusuke recounted what happened just now, everyone was shocked, and Xicheng Wu's reaction was very excited.

She was actually on a blind date, what the hell is this!
She has never been on a blind date!
Did dad arrange it?
Damn dad, why didn't you tell me that you sold your daughter without saying a word?
Excited, angry, angry, all kinds of emotions are tangled together, and my head is muddled.

Lixiang and the others quickly comforted her to calm down.

Xicheng Wu took a few deep breaths and finally regained her composure.

"Absolutely impossible!" Xicheng Wu seriously shook her head, "I've never been on a blind date, and my father never told me about it either."

"Could that be your engagement when you were a child?" Yui asked in a low voice at this time, "Just like in a TV show, the engagement when you were a child will be fulfilled when you grow up."

"This..." Xicheng Wu hesitated.

With Dad's character, maybe it's really possible.

Oops, did I really get sold by my dad?
Lixiang coughed at this moment, and everyone looked over.

"I think the most important thing now is to find Xiao Wu's father to confirm, the key to the whole thing lies in Xiao Wu's father"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that, yes, the key person in the blind date is Xiao Wu, and the deciding person is Xi Chengwu's father.

"But if it's really your engagement when you were a child, then what should you do?" Youyi asked in a low voice at this time, seeing that Xiao Wu's face was a little strange, she quickly explained, "I didn't mean it, I just Just think about the worst possible way.”

Xicheng Wu's expression changed, and she sighed, "I understand, and I didn't mean to blame you, but I really don't know, if it's really like this, I don't know how to choose."

"Let's talk about it later," Yusuke said at this time, "everything is guesswork right now.

But Xiao Wu, remember, no matter what choice you make, we will stand by your side"

Xicheng Wu looked at everyone, and everyone looked at her seriously.

Xicheng Wu felt a little moved, "Thank you!"

"Then let's go now"

Everyone packed up their things and set off.

On the way, Yusuke sent a message to Yui, saying that there is no way to go to the studio today, so let's talk on the phone tonight if there is anything to do.

On the other side, Lixiang quietly approached Eri at this time, and asked in a low voice: "Eri, do you have a marriage contract?"

Eri shook her head, "As far as I know, no!"

"What about when you were a child?"

"This..." Eri hesitated, "I'll go back tonight and ask."

"I think you'd better ask." Lixiang said seriously, "Families like yours usually have marriage contracts, so you have to find out."

Eri nodded, feeling a little heavy, hoping the situation wasn't too bad.

The group soon arrived at Xicheng Wu's home, which was still the massage clinic.

They were lucky. When they came here, Xicheng's father just came out of the clinic.


Hearing Saijo's voice, Xicheng's father turned his head and was a little surprised to see Yusuke and the others.

"Father, these are my friends," Xicheng Wu introduced.

"Hello Uncle!" Everyone greeted.

"Hello!" Xicheng's father responded with a smile.

"Father, I have something to ask you." Xicheng Wu's expression was very serious.

Seeing Xicheng Wu's expression, Xicheng's father was a little surprised, and then looked at Yusuke and the others, everyone had a serious face, and at this moment he also realized that his expression became serious.

"Alright then, come in and talk."

Everyone followed Xicheng's father into the clinic and into the reception hall.

Everyone also met Xicheng Wu's mother, a middle-aged woman with a soft face.

"Several students, what do you want to drink?"

"No need for mom, we have something to talk about," Xicheng Wu replied, and everyone else nodded.

"It's like this, then I won't bother you." Xicheng's mother left the reception room without asking too much, leaving the place for everyone.

"Xiao Wu, what's the matter?" Xicheng's father asked seriously at this time.

"Father, did you arrange a marriage contract for me without telling me?" Xicheng Wu asked nervously.

Xicheng's father looked at Xicheng Wu incredulously, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, "Where did you hear that?"

Seeing Xicheng's father's reaction, everyone was a little puzzled. Could it be that Xicheng's father didn't know?
Xicheng Dance also came to his senses, heaved a sigh of relief, and told what he had heard in the afternoon.

"Impossible!" Xicheng's father waved his hand resolutely, "I have never promised such a thing, and I don't have such a marriage contract, it is absolutely impossible!"

Hearing Xicheng's father's answer, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then why did Senior Sanze hear something different from what Dad said?" Xi Chengwu asked strangely.

"Could it be that they did it on purpose?" Lixiang said at this time, "I told Yusuke on purpose?"

Yusuke shook his head, "Impossible, we met by chance, these guys definitely don't have such scheming"

Then there is a blind spot.

Everyone fell silent.

After a while, Xicheng's father said: "I think of someone."

"Who is it?" Everyone looked over.

"It's a client of mine. I met him before. He always wants to introduce his son to Xiao Wu, but this client's character is not good. I never promised him. If it is him, the chances are very high."

"What's that guy's name?" Xicheng Wu said angrily, this is just out of thin air to defile her innocence, this guy is here to tarnish her reputation.

"Xinzhu Jiangzheng, his son seems to be called Xinzhu Santai"

(End of this chapter)

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