Chapter 595
This plan is very simple. According to the existing information, I have a great advantage here.

Everyone analyzed everything, and there was only one conclusion: this guy is dead.

After listening to everyone's analysis, Xicheng Dance breathed a sigh of relief.

Senior Sanze is very reliable!
The image that was somewhat broken before was erected again at this time.

Although senior Sanze's singing is difficult, he is still very strong!

Worthy of being my idol!
The group discussed for a long time, and before they knew it, it was already very late. Xicheng's mother wanted to keep everyone for dinner, but everyone refused with a smile, and said goodbye to each other at the door of Xicheng's house.

"Senior Misawa, thank you so much today!" Xi Chengwu bowed seriously at this time, and she also saw Yusuke's care for her.

"You don't need to be so polite," Yusuke replied with a smile, "We are all good friends."

"Yes, good friend!" Xicheng Dance responded with a smile.

Everyone waved their hands to say goodbye, seeing the figures of Yusuke and his party disappear at the intersection, Xi Chengwu went home full of joy.

Xicheng's father, who was quietly watching all this at the door, appeared at this time, and waved to Xicheng Wu. Xicheng Wu walked over strangely, "Dad, what's the matter?"

Xicheng's father decided not to procrastinate any longer. Looking at his daughter's appearance just now, she must have fallen into it. This is absolutely impossible!
This Misawa Yusuke is definitely not a good match!

At this time, he said in a serious tone: "Xiao Wu, you can't fall in love with that Misawa Yusuke, he is definitely not a good match!"

Xi Chengwu was dumbfounded, looking at her father in disbelief.

Seeing Xicheng Wu's expression, Xicheng's father was heartbroken. He didn't expect his daughter to fall into it. This is a terrible situation!
After a long time, Xi Chengwu sighed helplessly, "Father, you misunderstood, I didn't like Senior Sanze"

"Then you just told him..."

"I have some admiration for senior Sanze, but I definitely don't like it. There is absolutely no love between men and women!" Xicheng Wu shook her head firmly.

Only then did Xicheng's father heave a sigh of relief, this is really great!
"Father, you seem to have a big prejudice against senior Sanze." Xi Chengwu asked strangely, "Did he do anything that made you hate?"

"No." Nishijo's father shook his head, "Yusuke Misawa is very good. Among all the boys I met, he is definitely the best."

"Then why do you have such a low opinion of him?"

"Because he is too good, too good man, there will be a lot of women behind him, look at this Yusuke Misawa, how many girls are there around him?"

"Eri-senpai and the others are ordinary club members!"

"Will there be only one male club with all girls?"

Only then did Xicheng Dance react.

Yes, this is too strange!
And looking at their relationship, it has already surpassed the boundaries of ordinary friends. Could it be that Dad really hit it off?
"Father's request is very simple." Xicheng's father said seriously at this time, "As long as Xiao Wu can be happy, that's fine."

"Anyone who dares to hurt Xiao Wu, I will fight him desperately!"

Xicheng Wu was a little moved, and hugged her father gently, "Don't worry, Dad, I won't let you down!"

Xicheng's father nodded in relief, and gently hugged his daughter.

The daughter was not cheated at last.

On the other side, Yusuke said goodbye to each other at the station.

"Yusuke, why don't you come to my house for dinner tonight?" Seiko said at this moment, Eri, who was about to leave, stopped and looked at them in surprise
And Lixiang and Yui, who also heard this sentence, quickened their pace, this Shura field came too fast!You can't be involved!

Yusuke was also a little surprised, Seiko said at this time: "Yusuke, you were absent from training last week, if you have time tonight, please make up for it together."

Yusuke nodded, his training has been greatly reduced, and it is normal to make up for his absence.

But Eri didn't think so.

Eating at Shengzi's house, meeting parents, and training together at night, this is completely a family!
If during training, the two of them exchanged glances, and one of them accidentally sparked, then she would have nothing to do with it!

This can't be done!
The method of the Son of God is really powerful, even using Yangmou, how to solve this!

Eri's head turned rapidly.

Yusuke and the two were about to leave together, Eri hurriedly said, "Wait a minute!"

The two stopped and looked at her strangely.

"Eri, what's the matter with you?"

At this moment, Eri had an idea and said, "Yusuke, the planning of the 'cake and special drama' you mentioned last time has not been carried out yet. I have time tonight, so let's study it together."

This project has already been set up, but Yusuke has too many things recently, so it has not been carried out until now.

Yusuke thought about it, now is the time to do it, and there is just time after the training.

At this time, he looked at the Holy Son, and the Holy Son nodded. This plan was proposed by her, and she was also interested.

"What about Rika and Yuito?"

Everyone looked at it, and the two had already disappeared.

"It's okay, just the three of us are fine, as long as they are in charge of the performance," Eri replied with a smile.

The two thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Holy Son, I'm sorry to disturb you tonight." Eri said with a smile, and Seiko nodded calmly, "It's okay, it's more lively if there are more people."

The three soon arrived at Sasaki's house.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm sorry tonight." Eri greeted the Sasaki couple, and the Huche couple also responded with a smile, and they didn't dislike this little girl very much.
"Yusuke, please sit in the living room first, Seiko, help me in the kitchen" Mikoto said with a smile, Seiko nodded and followed.

"I'll help too!" Eri hurriedly followed, this was the time to show off her femininity, and she must not lose to the Son here.

Only Yusuke and Kotoru were left in the living room.

"Master, where's Toranojiro?" Yusuke asked at this time, and he hasn't seen Toranojiro since tonight.

"Torajiro is doing his homework in the room, and he has fallen behind a lot in his recent homework." Toru replied with a serious face, "He has to study hard for a while!"

Yusuke nodded, deeply agreeing.

"By the way, have you finished dealing with your family's affairs?" Hu Che asked at this time.

"It has been processed"

Yusuke told what happened on Saturday from the beginning to the end, Huche nodded after listening.

"I have heard of the Yasuda family. Kosuke Yasuda is a very powerful person. If you don't have to, don't interact with these people."

"I see." Yusuke nodded, "Our family doesn't plan to be relatives with him either."

"That's good, we'll go to practice after dinner, and I'll see if your kung fu has fallen behind."

"Don't worry, master, I have grown up again recently"

"Really? It's really exciting!"

(End of this chapter)

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