Chapter 596 596. Dance
In the kitchen, three women are cooking.

"Shengyu, Auntie, how about trying my dish?" Eri said confidently as she brought out a dish.

For this day, she has been specially trained, experimenting with dishes every night, making Ritsuko's kitchen a mess and wasting a lot of materials.

Therefore, her culinary skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and now she can finally confidently say that her femininity has broken through the sky!
"It's so delicate!" Mikoto said in surprise, the arrangement was too beautiful.

"Then let's taste it first"

The two tasted it, nodded, and praised: "It's delicious!"

Hearing the compliments from the two, Eri was very satisfied.

But Eri found that she was happy too soon.

At the dining table, Yusuke has fully integrated into the Sasaki family. The Sasaki couple are like parents. The attitude is used to it, nothing out of the ordinary.

This made Eri a little anxious!

She also wanted to bring vegetables to Yusuke, but Seiko didn't do it, she always felt it was too weird to do it.

It's really bad, I almost forgot that this is the home field of the Son of God, and I miscalculated.

After eating, everyone rested for a while, and then started training.

There are exactly four people tonight, fighting in pairs.

Yusuke confronts Toru, and Eri confronts Seiko.

Tonight's Eri is very excited, usually she doesn't feel much, but tonight she really wants to win.

But it's a pity that Shengzi completely crushed all his peers in terms of kendo.

It was only after being knocked down twice in a row that Eri realized that she was stupid, trying to beat Seiko in the way of swords was a cramp in her head.

I am out of proportion.

"No, no, no," Eri waved her hands at this moment, took off her hood, and said, "Let's take a rest."

Seiko also nodded, took off the hood, without a single drop of sweat on his face, and sat beside Eri watching.

However, the competition between Yusuke and Huche is still going on, and it is very intense.

Yusuke has super strong physical fitness and savvy. After training, his strength is increasing day by day, especially a lot of things have happened these days, which made Yusuke's mind more mature. The whole person has matured a lot, and his The attack style has also become more stable.

This surprised Hotoru who was fighting, Yusuke has finally grown to this point, only half a year later, Yusuke is already qualified to be his opponent.

Hu Che was very excited, he had been looking forward to such an opponent for a long time!

Yusuke also noticed that the master tonight was very fierce, and the attack was more violent than the previous sparring.

But Yusuke was unequivocal, and directly attacked without giving in, and the fierce beating sounds of the two kept ringing out.

Eri asked in a low voice, "Holy Son, is your training always this intense?"

Such a fierce confrontation made her look a little nervous. It was like meeting an enemy of life and death. Why don't you be so fierce!
“Tonight is special”

At this time, Shengzi's eyes were shining, his face was slightly red, and the corner of his mouth had unconsciously revealed a smile, and his eyes stayed on Yusuke.

Yusuke's strength has grown to this point, he deserves to be the man she admires.

Looking at Seiko's face, Eri had to admit that once the iceberg beauty Seiko smiled, his charm was very high, that reddish and shy face made her want to kiss her, no wonder Yusuke couldn't bear it live!
Eri was a little distressed, Seiko was much better than herself in various aspects, it was very difficult for her to fight back!

Finally, Kotoru's bamboo sword hit Yusuke's buttocks, and the competition came to an end.

Return to your seat, bow and salute.

Both of them took off their hoods, Huche said with a smile at this moment: "Yusuke, very good, your strength is progressing very quickly"

"Master, I'm overwhelmed, I'm still a little short," Yusuke replied, he could feel that he still had room for improvement.

Hu Che is very pleased, Yusuke's qualifications are really great, and his future achievements will definitely surpass him.

"Training has no effect on you. What you need now is actual combat. If you have time, come here as much as possible."

"This, I try my best"

Yusuke hesitated and replied that he had too many things to do and it was difficult to arrange time.

Seeing Yusuke's expression, Huche understood, and smiled helplessly.

Yusuke's aptitude is very strong, definitely the strongest he has ever seen, but Yusuke's ambition is not here, which makes him very regretful.

The twisted melon is not sweet, forget it, don't force it.

"Yusuke, arrange the time yourself," Huche said, "But you must not miss the training every week, and you must make up for those who are absent."

Yusuke nodded, this is the master's bottom line.

He knew that Master Chuan wanted him to advance in kendo, but Yusuke wanted to work hard in all aspects, and he couldn't promise Master in this regard.

Fortunately, the master is not a rigid old guy.

After a short rest, Hu Che left, leaving the place to the three of them.

"Okay, now let's discuss the establishment of the 'Cake and Special Drama' project." Yusuke said with a smile, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"I've considered it before," Shengzi said at this time, "There are two factors. The first is the cake. Our cake must be delicious. This is the most important point. The second is that our special drama must be delicious." special"

"I have different thoughts about Tokusei drama," Eri said at this time, "Would it be awkward if we performed in front of clients?"

Yusuke and Seiko thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it might be true.

Although they have experience in special filming dramas, when performing, they only care about their own thoughts to perform, which is completely a kind of self-indulgence. Now they want to serve customers, so they can't be like this.

And there is also one of the biggest requirements for special shooting dramas, which must have special effects!
Special effects dramas without special effects have no soul!

This special effect is difficult to achieve in reality. They can't hold fireworks and firecrackers to perform.

That performance is very eye-catching!
Yusuke immediately realized that this was a huge blind spot!
"Then do you have any good suggestions?"

Seiko looked at Eri at this time, Eri nodded and said, "I came up with an idea, let's dance."


Yusuke and Seiko were a little surprised.

"Dance is the best way to guide people's enthusiasm. The most important thing for a birthday is an atmosphere. We use dance to enhance the atmosphere and make everyone happy."

Yusuke and Seiko pondered for a while, this seems to be not bad.

"I've already thought about dancing"

Eri stood up at this time, "I designed a dance before, let me show you."

"Yes." Both Yusuke and Seiko nodded.

"Then I'm going to change clothes first."

(End of this chapter)

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