Chapter 598
"I'm home," Ritsuko said at this moment, and Eri finally recovered from her contemplation.

Looking at the front door of the house, Eri took a deep breath and approached the house.

What to face is still to be faced.

The huge house is brightly lit. Walking through corridors and rooms, the servants on the road nod their heads from time to time, and Erito smiles and nods in response.

Ritsuko who was following behind her was a little relieved, Eri had grown up a lot in the past few years, especially in the past two years, when facing servants before, Eri always had a cold and condescending look, but now she can be calm Say hello to the locals, and the attitude is much more approachable.

Ritsuko has a sense of familiarity, and Zhihua used to be the same way. When she was a child, she was arrogant and arrogant. When she was in middle school, her mind became more delicate, and her attitude became more approachable. After entering university and entering society, she gradually gained her own majesty. .

Eri is following her old path!
It can only be said that they are indeed sisters!

But Eri is always Eri, not her sister Zhihua.

Standing in front of the room, Eri calmly knocked on the door and opened it.

Jiang Zhihua Zhihua was sitting in the room, there was a lot of information in front of the desk, and her assistant was beside her.

Seeing Eri walk in, the assistant stopped reporting, Zhihua raised his head, then raised his finger, the assistant next to him nodded slightly, and walked out of the room.

When passing by the door, he nodded to Eri, and Eri nodded in response, which surprised the assistant, but he left the room without thinking too much, and closed the door.

Seeing this scene, Zhihua's face was very calm.

"Sister" Eri said hello, walked in, and sat directly on the chair opposite, "What can I do for you?"

Zhihua looked at her calmly, the look in her eyes made Eri a little furious, but she still forced herself to be calm, and the smile on her face remained unchanged.

"Are you still with that brat?"

Eri frowned, the smile on her face narrowed.

Zhihua calmly took out a document and put it in front of Eri, Eri looked at it curiously, there was a photo of Yusuke on it.

Suddenly stood up angrily.

"Sister, you actually investigated Yusuke!"

"Of course!" Zhihua replied calmly, "Facing my sister's safety, of course I have to do a comprehensive investigation."

Eri didn't know how to refute this answer.

But she is still very angry, this is an invasion of her privacy.

"I'm sorry for violating your privacy," Zhihua said calmly.

This blocked the opportunity for Eri to get angry.

Eri took a deep breath and sat back on the chair.

"Look at it, this friend of yours is not an ordinary person, his methods are really powerful, and he has many boats on his feet!"

"Yusuke is not that kind of person!" Eri retorted angrily.

"Just look at the information and you'll know," Zhihua replied calmly.

Eri was a little angry, looked at her sister with a calm face, fell silent for a while, and picked up the report on the table.

This report is very detailed, from Yusuke's birth to the present, everything is on it.

This is the first time for Eri to see Yusuke like this.

Yusuke before and Yusuke now are completely two people!
Before high school, Yusuke was very strange, he often did some unbelievable actions, summed up in two words: Secondary School.

After entering high school, he seemed to be a different person. His mental appearance changed, his body became stronger, he became cheerful, and he had a wide range of contacts. It was as if he had been reborn. He was incredibly strong. .

Eri was very surprised. If she didn't believe in her sister's ability, she would have suspected that this information was fake.

Why is Yusuke before high school completely different from Yusuke after high school!
Holding back the doubt in her heart, Eri continued to read.

This front part is just an appetizer, and the main point is in the back.

After entering high school, Yusuke has a wide range of contacts, and the relationship with the opposite sex is very good, and he has met many girls.

Childhood sweetheart Yui Miyajima, schoolmaster Rie Komiya, daughter of a swordsman Seiko Sasaki.

These three girls have the closest and most ambiguous relationship with him.

Seeing this, Eri's face is a bit weird. My sister also missed two people, one is a college student Norio Sakurai, and the other is a mysterious foreign girl Jessica. It seems that the information collected by my sister is not enough .

But Eri didn't point it out, as long as you know it.

This information is very useful, and Eri secretly remembered it.

Putting down the information in his hand, he said calmly: "I know all these people, is there any problem?"

Zhihua replied calmly, "I know you know each other, but do you think this is interesting?"

"This is my own private matter," Eri responded seriously.

Zhihua sighed, with a rare soft tone, "You are my sister, can't I care about you?"

Eri's expression hesitated for a moment, and Zhihua continued: "This Yusuke Misawa is definitely not a good person. He is among so many girls and has an ambiguous relationship with everyone. Do you think such a person will use him in the future?" Is love specific? Is it worthy of your entrustment?"

"Yusuke is not this kind of person, he just has a hard time choosing!" Eri retorted stiffly.

Zhihua looked surprised, as if meeting his sister for the first time, and sighed, it seems that the sister has fallen too deep.

"I don't agree!" Zhihua became serious at this moment, "I can't watch you break into this vortex, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

"Don't worry about it! This is my business!"

"This is the business of Jiangzhihua's family! As a child of Jiangzhihua's family, you must serve Jiangzhihua's family!"

"Don't keep using the family matter to pressure me!"

Eri stood up abruptly, and retorted angrily.

The atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

"Okay, sisters, stop arguing!"

At this time, a voice came from the door, the two turned their heads, and a middle-aged woman walked in.

"Mom" X2
The two retracted their movements and whispered softly.

The person who came was Eri's mother, Aya Enoka. What are the two sisters arguing about?Can't you speak well? "

The two were silent, and neither refuted.

Enoka Linge walked in and looked at the information on the table.

"Is it about that Yusuke Misawa?"

Eri was a little surprised, she didn't expect her mother to know about it.

After understanding her daughter's expression, Lingjiang smiled and said, "Zhihua has already told me about it before."

Eri is depressed, why the whole family knows why I am in a relationship!
"This Misawa Yusuke is very good!" Enoka Linge said at this time.

Eri suddenly became excited, is my mother very optimistic about my love?
This is really great, with the support of my mother, I don’t have to be afraid of my sister!

(End of this chapter)

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