Chapter 599 599. Crazy

"He is not suitable for Eri"

Zhihua's words poured cold water on Eri again.

"Why!" Eri asked angrily.

"Because you are the daughter of Jiang Zhihua's family!"

This answer made Eri panic, and suddenly remembered what Rika said, do I have a marriage contract on my back?
At this time, he asked nervously, "Mom, do I have a fiancé?"

The two were stunned for a moment, why did they suddenly jump to this topic.

Enoka Linge touched her daughter's head with a smile, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

It turned out not!
Terri breathed a sigh of relief.
"Because you are the daughter of Enoka's family, this Yusuke Misawa is not suitable for you," Zhihua emphasized again.

"Jiang Zhihua's family needs a strong man, and the one who can match you can only be a strong man. This Yusuke Misawa is very capable, but no matter how strong he is, he is only at the level of ordinary people. His family background, his vision, None of his strength is suitable for you."

"Are these really important?" Eri asked back.

Zhihua nodded seriously, "It's really important, you're not a child anymore, do you still believe in the childish words 'everyone is equal'?"

Eri opened her mouth, unable to refute.

Life is inherently unfair. Everyone's starting point is different. Some people are born with a golden key in their mouths, and some people are born beggars. What's the difference?

"But Yusuke is different!" Eri said resolutely, "I believe he can become a strong man!"

"Yusuke has the faith and heart of a strong man!"

Zhihua shook his head, "You are too naive, do you know how many people can stand out in this society now?
Every strong person you know stands out from thousands of competitors and is killed from the sea of ​​corpses. There are countless people who fell down, and only a few people can be remembered by you.

Just a few people make you think that success is so simple.

you are too naive!
You remember because they succeeded, no one ever cared about the losers"

"I don't care that much anymore!" Eri exclaimed angrily, "Anyway, I'm convinced, this is how things are!"

"You are cheating!"

"Mom, what do you say?" Eri turned her eyes to her mother at this time, her mother praised Yusuke just now, maybe her mother will have a different opinion.

"Eri, what Zhihua said also has a certain truth."

These words splashed cold water on Eri's head, but his heart was cold.

"But Zhihua's words are too absolute!"

Eri suddenly felt hopeful again.

"I've read the profile of Yusuke Misawa, and it's very good. Among the young people I know, he is the most outstanding boy except for his family background."

Eri's face brightened, her mother was indeed on her side.

Zhihua wanted to say something, but Enoka Linge stopped her with her hand.

"The only shortcoming is that there are too many girls around"

Eri also knows that Yusuke is not good at this point, he is too good and attracts too many girls!
"I am not picky about character and ability, the only thing is that this is not good"

Zhihua next to her nodded her head. As expected of her mother, she speaks very well, and she made her younger sister docile with just a few sentences.

Eri didn't know how to refute.

Damn Yusuke, who told you to be so handsome!
Eri was silent for a moment, then raised her head and said firmly: "I will snatch Yusuke, he belongs to me!"

At this moment, Eri's aura is very fierce, very similar to her sister.

"What's mine is mine, and I won't let others take it away!"

Zhihua looked at his resolute younger sister, and finally sighed, "Is it necessary?"

"Sister, you don't understand," Eri replied calmly, not as angry as before.

"Can you really grab it?" Mom asked at this time, "Your opponent is very strong."

"I have confidence in myself!"

Ling Jiang looked at Eri's firm eyes, hesitated for a while, and said: "There is still one year left before the appointment with your sister, we will not negotiate with you within this year, but you only have this year , if you can really grab him, mom will agree."

Zhihua wanted to object, but was stopped by her mother.

Eri nodded happily, "Thank you, Mom!"

"Well, who told my daughter to be so stubborn?" Ling Jiang sighed.

"Where is it? I listen to my mother the most," Eri said coquettishly.

"Okay, you go back to your room first, I have something to say to your sister"

Eri nodded and left first, she knew that her mother was going to convince her sister next.

Seeing Eri leave, Zhihua asked calmly at this moment: "Mom, why?"

"Both your sisters are very stubborn. If you push too hard, your sister may do something."

"I'm doing it for Eri's sake"

"But you sisters will turn against each other because of this." Mom shook her head, "I don't want to see this"

Zhihua hesitated. Although her character is very strong, she still loves her sister very much in her heart, but the way of expressing it is a bit different. Her desire to control is too strong, and she wants to arrange her sister's life perfectly. beautiful.

But Eri is not a doll, how could she obey her?

"Eri's personality is similar to yours, and her experience is also very similar, but there is a little difference." Mom said at this time, and Zhihua looked over.

"When you were in high school, you didn't meet a strong boy like Eri. Since you were young, you have been stronger than your peers. In your eyes, no boy can be seen.

Eri is different, her age is the most sensitive age, when a strong boy appears in her life, her life becomes different"

"But it's easy for my sister to have an accident! It's easy for a girl of this age to make mistakes." Zhihua was a little angry.

"You're right about one thing," my mother said at this time, "Jiang Zhihua's family needs a strong man. If your sister compromises, then I would rather let her be an ordinary girl, and she is not suitable for managing the family." thing"

"And this Yusuke Misawa is also very interesting." Mom continued, "His ability and insight are very powerful. I haven't seen such an energetic young man for a long time. Maybe he can kill a bloody way."

"Mom, do you like him very much?"

"Don't say I'm looking forward to it, I just have some expectations. Don't worry so much. There is still a year. If your sister can't get this man within a year, you should see through it."

"Don't think about it so much," Mom comforted with a smile, "Just be crazy like a young man."

Are young people crazy?

Zhihua thought for a while, and it was indeed like what her mother said, she had never been crazy at this age.

After pondering for a moment, he finally agreed.

Let the girl try it, even if she falls and is covered in bruises, I will stand behind her and support her.

However, something is about to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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