Chapter 600 600. Date

Ritsuko was drinking tea in the living room, and was a little surprised to see Eri come out of the room happily.

Is Zhihua settled?
No way?When did Eri become so fierce?
She also knows Zhihua's character, how can such a domineering person listen to other people's words?
At this moment, he asked curiously, "Eri, have you dealt with your sister?"

Eri nodded happily, "Mom agrees, I have one year"

It turned out that Aunt Lingjiang had intervened.

That's right, only Aunt Lingjiang can control her daughter.

Ritsuko stopped there and didn't ask any more questions, since it was someone else's business after all.

On the other side, Yusuke also returned home, greeted his family, returned to the room, and asked about today's work situation in the work group.

Xiao Zhizi had a private chat with himself.

It took only one day for the project to be approved last Sunday, and Xiaozhizi has already prepared all the materials and even made the plan.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this action is so fast.

After reading the plan, although it is very simple and only a few pages, the basic content is clearly stated.

This time the show is called Beauty Kitchen God, which combines beauty, outdoors, and gourmet food. The leading role this time is played by Kimura Satomi. Her appearance can be called a beauty.The planning, photography, and script are all in charge of Xiaozhizi.

Xiaozhizi knows very well that this is an opportunity, if it succeeds, it will prove that she is able to be independent, and Yusuke will give her more authority.

And Satomi Kimura is also very caring, she thought she was just helping out, but she didn't expect Xiaozhizi to let her be the leading role, which surprised her a little, but also a little bit moved.

She has done live broadcasts before and knows the rules of this industry. A top Internet celebrity is much better than ordinary wage earners. This is an opportunity to return to the big stage, so she is also very attentive.

The two hit it off, discussed for a long time, and finally made this plan.

Xiaozhizi wrote the script first, and Kimura Satomi went to train to learn about various wild plants, and at the same time learn some survival skills in the wild.

The shooting time is scheduled for the spring of next year, when everything is ready.

Yusuke read the plan, pondered for a moment, and then agreed, and will allocate a sum of money for them to practice.

But now there is another problem, the manpower is short again!
Yusuke had some headaches. He thought that his scale had almost stabilized, but he didn't expect to expand again now and recruit people again.

Yusuke posted this news in the work group. If anyone has any good candidates to recommend, it is more stable to follow the path of recommenders given the company's current scale.

After arranging the work, Yusuke took out the schedule, and the next thing was Ji Xiong.

Ji Xiong wanted to go on a date last Saturday, but he shied away because of Aiyi's affairs, and now he can't delay any longer.

Called Ji Xiong's phone number and was connected quickly.

"Ji Xiong, what are you doing?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and after a while, a strange female voice came.

"Ji Xiong is not here, she went shopping just now, and accidentally left her phone here, I am her friend"

Yusuke was a little surprised, and responded, "Then I'll call again later."

"Ah, no need, Ji Xiong is back"

There was a burst of complicated voices on the phone, and then Ji Xiong's voice appeared.

"You are finally willing to call me!" Ji Xiong's voice was a little angry, but also happy, and a little coquettish.

"I just finished my work and finally have time"

"I knew that you, a steel straight man, can't comfort others, forget it, I won't act like a baby with you next time." Ji Xiong laughed.

On the studio side, Ji Xiong looked at his gossiping companion in front of him, twitched his mouth, walked to the balcony, closed the door, and went outside to make a phone call.

"Are you outside?" Yusuke heard the wind on the phone.

"Call outside, or my friend will hear everything later"

“The weather is a bit cold, please keep warm”

"This guy finally cares about people." Eri's smiling voice came, "He cares about me so much, why don't you come and see me?"

"I am too busy"

"Is this the only excuse?"

"This is real"

Yusuke talked about the development of new projects in the studio, and the establishment of a project by the club, so he was really too busy at the moment.

"So busy, do you have time to allocate it?"

"Try your best." Yusuke replied with a smile, "If you suffer more now, you will enjoy it in the future."

"I'm afraid that you will suffer all the time and suffer again"

"So now I'm going to have something sweet from you"

Ji Xiong smiled, "Then what sweets do you want?"

"I will eat whatever is sweet on you"

"You pervert~" Ji Xiong said with a slightly red face, feeling a little shy.

These astringent love words can only be carried out between young lovers.

"Then you should pay more attention to your body recently, and be careful not to get tired." Ji Xiong's voice could not help but soften.

"Don't worry, I'm physically strong," Yusuke responded with a smile.

"You are so busy, you should find more people to help you."

"I'm worrying about this right now." Yusuke smiled wryly, and explained his situation. With more and more projects and bigger business, he needs more manpower, but it's hard to find talents. what.

Ji Xiong pondered for a moment, then asked: "Then what kind of talents do you need? Can other majors work?"

Yusuke suddenly became interested, "What's the matter? Do you have any good candidates to recommend?"

"I have a friend who is looking for a job, but she is studying painting. I wonder if it meets your requirements?"

"Painting?" Yusuke said, "I'm not very opposed to this aspect. The question is, is he interested?"

“It’s hard to find jobs for painting majors. Except for a few who can develop in this industry, basically many people have developed in different industries.”

This is good news for Yusuke.

"There is no problem with this, but there is one thing you have to talk to him about first."

"What's the matter? Is it a salary issue?"

"It's not about the salary, it's about the boss. I'm younger"

Yusuke talked about his own disadvantages, and Ji Xiong remembered that Yusuke was still a high school student, and many people felt a little awkward to ask college students to obey the arrangements of a high school student, which is a trouble.

"Let me help you ask, let's talk about whether it will work or not."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then"

"Did you call for something?" Ji Xiong asked expectantly at this moment.

"Can't I hear your voice?"

Ji Xiong was very satisfied, "You have passed the test."

"Let's go on a date this Sunday," Yusuke continued.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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