Chapter 601 601. Next year will be lively
After finishing the conversation with Yusuke, Ji Xiong walked in happily, and her companions surrounded him curiously, looking at Ji Xiong with gossipy eyes.

"Ji Xiong, is it your boyfriend who was talking to you just now? The voice sounds very warm. What does the other person look like? Where does he work?"

Ji Xiong said proudly: "It is indeed my boyfriend, he is very handsome and very capable."

"So confident, do you have any photos?"

"Of course, let me show you our photo."

Ji Xiong took out his mobile phone and recalled the photos he took before.

"You look so handsome!"

The looks of the two are very eye-catching, standing together, they look like a golden boy and a jade girl.

"What is your boyfriend doing now?"

"He's still studying, he's still a high school student"

The companion's smile froze, and he looked at Ji Xiong in disbelief, his eyes shocked.

"Damn, you bastard actually eats tender grass!"

"Who is the old cow!"

Ji Xiong glared at her.

"I'm just a girl in the blooming season, where's the old cow!"

"Amazing!" The companion was so impressed that he hooked up with Xiao Xianrou!
At this moment, he asked curiously, "How did you hook up?"

"Don't say it so harshly, we are consensual"

"Well, you are consensual, can you tell me about the process of your acquaintance?"

"There's a story here," Ji Xiong said proudly, and then told the process of the two getting to know each other.

The companions are a little envious, this is a youthful encounter!

"But long-distance relationships are hard work"

"That's right!" Ji Xiong nodded, "I was confused for a while before, but now I am sure, Yusuke is a good man, I must grasp it"

"A good man is too much." The companion said hesitantly, "He is still a high school student, and it is not clear what will happen in the future."

Ji Xiong showed a proud smile at this time, "That's the achievement you didn't know Yusuke had achieved!"

Ji Xiong proudly showed off Yusuke's achievements.

In terms of force, he won the Jade Dragon Banner champion, setting a new record and claiming to be unprecedented.

In terms of career, the studio he founded is very successful, and he is now a million-level video blogger. Although he is only a high school student, he earns at least tens of millions of yen a year.

"Wait!" The companion hastily reached out his hand to stop Ji Xiong's speech, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Are all high school students this aggressive?
Am I out of date?
This is completely different from her high school life!

Isn't the so-called high school just about falling in love, sweating, passionate youth, etc. When did you become a business tycoon?

My lord, have times changed?

"So Yusuke is a good man!" Ji Xiong responded seriously.

Well, if it is really like what Ji Xiong said, apart from being a little young, he is indeed a good man, even too good, he is even better than those classmates in school!
"Mei Xu" Ji Xiong leaned over at this moment, looking at her with a smile.

At this moment, Mei Xu came back to her senses, "What is it?"

"Aren't you looking for a job recently?"

"That's right." Mio sighed, "I'm not like you. I have the talent for painting. If I knew it, I wouldn't have chosen to major in painting. It's so hard to find a job now."

"It's actually like this, my boyfriend is recruiting now"

At this moment, Mio looked at Ji Xiong in surprise, "Don't you want me to work with your boyfriend?"

"Yes, are you interested?"

Every time Mio wanted to refuse at the first moment, she asked me to work for a high school student, what a joke!
But after thinking about my pocket, I'm running out of money!
The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is to eat!
When she came to Ji Xiong's place today, she actually planned to take refuge in Ji Xiong, because she was almost out of money to pay the rent, so she just asked Ji Xiong to give her a place to sleep in the studio.

But now there is another option.

Mio hesitated a little.

Seeing that Mio didn't object immediately, Ji Xiong immediately stepped up his efforts.

"Actually, I also have something I want to ask you for help." Ji Xiong said at this moment, and Mio looked over.

"You know, we are in a long-distance relationship, and Yusuke is so good, there are always a lot of crazy bees and butterflies around him, and I can't see it, so, as my good friend, you can take care of it for me , of course, I will give you some information fees."

"You want me to be a spy?"

"That's right!" Ji Xiong nodded, "How about it? You can earn two salaries."

Mio no longer hesitated, nodded firmly, "No problem!"

Let's do some more good things like this!

"Great!" Ji Xiong laughed happily.

Now Yusuke can't escape from my palm. By the time Yusuke is in college, I have already graduated, and then I can go to live with him. With my own charm, I should be able to get married in the second year.

Life has no regrets!
Ji Xiong suddenly fell into a beautiful fantasy.

At Misawa's house, Yusuke hung up the phone and adjusted the schedule. This Sunday, I have a date with Ji Xiong, and some things need to be rearranged.

At this time, the phone rang again, and Yusuke took a look. It was the middle school game group with Jessica and the others, and everyone was speaking on it now.

Yusuke looked at the message, they were discussing the Winter Comic Con.

I didn't expect the time to go so fast, and it would be Winter Comic Con again.

Semi: The winter comic exhibition is coming soon, what activities are we going to hold this time?

Jessica: The last Summer Comic Con show was a success, and we're going to make persistent efforts this time!
Ewen Jielin: I suggest, let's dance the same dance as last time, the atmosphere is very hot!

Jessica: But wouldn't it be weird to do the same dance twice in a row?

Evangeline: Is there any dance that can mobilize people's hearts?
Yusuke: I'm sorry, but I won't be participating in this Winter Comic Con.

Yusuke's speech shocked everyone instantly.

Jessica: why?
Because I'm so busy, I can't arrange the time at all!

Studios, clubs, kendo, and appointments, these tasks are full, and Yusuke can't stop for a moment. He is completely at a loss!

After hearing Yusuke's answer, everyone expressed regret.

"We haven't played together for a long time." Evan Jielin expressed regret, and the other two also agreed. The three of them often get together, but Yusuke is often absent. This group feels that it is about to split.
"It's okay, it will be much better when we go to high school next year." Jessica said at this time, "When we go to the same school, we can play together again, and it will be more convenient to meet in school."

"Jessica is right!" Evangeline responded, "I plan to study at Semi's school"

"I'm going to go to Yusuke's place"

Yusuke was a little surprised, Jessica is coming to Hechuan Middle School?
Then next year will be lively!
(End of this chapter)

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