Chapter 602
"For Hechuan Middle School, the deviation value is a bit high."

"It's okay, study hard these days and try to pass the exam"

"Then let's temporarily suspend activities for a while, everyone work hard."

The three little girls were chattering in the group, Yusuke was silent for a while, and finally blessed: "Let's study together then."

What should come will come eventually, let's talk about it when the time comes, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and soil.

We have discussed that until I am admitted to high school, all games and activities will be temporarily suspended, and I will study hard and try to get into a good school.

Everyone went offline, and Yusuke took out the schedule to revise it again. This time, there is no middle school game group, and there is more time to come out.

The mobile phone on his body rang again, Yusuke looked at it, it was Ji Xiong calling, he was a little surprised, and connected.

"Yusuke, I have good news for you!" Ji Xiong said happily immediately, "I found a good employee for you!"

Yusuke was a little surprised, he just told her about it, and he answered immediately, could it be that his luck will start to change this month?
At this time, he smiled and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's a friend of mine." Ji Xiong introduced something about her friend.

Zuofang Mio, a third-year student at Waseda University, majored in painting, but she is not as good as Ji Xiong. She will be a senior next year, and she is now facing difficulties in finding a job.

Normally, Waseda University is a famous school, and it is not difficult for graduates to find jobs, but the painting major is an exception.

Sometimes it's hard to say about luck, Zuofa Mio hasn't found a satisfactory job until now, and Ji Xiong knew it, so he suggested to her to help Yusuke first.

Zuofa Mio agreed under Ji Xiong's persuasion, but she had a request, she had to check the situation of Yusuke's studio before answering.

Yusuke agrees!
Finally, a college student from a prestigious school came. Although she majored in painting, she was admitted to Waseda University, which shows that she also has two brushes.

"When will the other party come?"

"Next week," Ji Xiong replied.

"no problem"

I have a lot of things to do this week, and I'm just in time to finish my work.

"Then how do you thank me?" Ji Xiong asked with a smile at this time.

"Then what do you want, I'll buy it for you"

"Is this how you thank? How insincere!"

"Where is there no sincerity? Isn't the best way to buy it?"

"Hmph, you've passed the level, then you can figure it out."

"I'll give you another surprise then"

"That `s a deal"

Yusuke hung up the phone, took out the schedule again and revised it, it seems that luck will improve from this month.

At this time the phone rang again, Yusuke was a little surprised, there are so many things going on tonight!

After looking at it, it was a call from Yuyi.

Walking to the window, looking at the opposite window, Yui was wearing pajamas, standing by the window, saw Yusuke appeared and waved with a smile.

Yusuke picked up the phone and asked with a smile, "Yuyi, what's the matter?"

"You open the window"

Yusuke was a little surprised, so he opened the window.

The cold wind blew in, and the room suddenly became cold.

Yui on the opposite side also opened the window, holding a small paper cup in his hand, and threw it vigorously.

But unfortunately, the wind outside was too strong, Yui's strength was too weak, and the paper cup fell in mid-air.

Yuyi pulled the rope back with some regrets, it was a paper tube phone.

Yusuke smiled, found the cardboard phone from last time from the corner of the room, tied a small toy on it, and threw it over here, Yui who was opposite received it, and nodded with a smile.

The two closed the window and leaned against the wall. Yusuke picked up the paper tube in his hand and asked with a smile, "Can you hear it? Can you hear it?"

"I heard it, I heard it" Yuyi's voice came from the receiver.

"What are you doing today? Why are you so busy? I saw you were never idle in the room just now."

"You peeked at me!" Yusuke exclaimed.

"Do you believe I beat you?"

"Okay, just kidding"

"What are you doing in your club today? Did you come back so late?"

"A lot of things happened today." Yusuke thought for a while, and then told about Saijou.

It turns out that there is such an inside story!

Yuyi was shocked, and said angrily: "The people in the baseball club are really shameless, you must seek justice for Xiao Wu!"

Youyi has seen Xicheng Dance, she is a very interesting girl.

Yusuke went on to say: "So the matter of the studio these two days has troubled you."

"Leave it on us"

"By the way, have you read Xiao Zhizi's proposal?" Yusuke asked.

"No, you are the biggest boss, I must let you have a look first"

"Then I'll send you the plan."

"I don't care, it's up to you to decide anyway," Yui said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, Yui looked at the time and said, "Okay, it's getting late, I'm going to bed, you should go to bed early too."

"Okay, good night"

Yui opened the window, threw out the paper tube phone, and Yusuke retracted the phone cord.

Soon, the lights in the opposite room went out, Yusuke packed his things and got ready to sleep.

After a busy day, I can finally rest.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Yusuke and Yui were walking to school.

"Today you are going to find the people from the baseball club, be careful," Youyi reminded.

"Don't worry, usually I won't do it lightly," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"I'm just afraid of you like this." Yuyi frowned and said, "I'm afraid every time you fight, maybe one day the school will expel you"

"That's not necessarily." Yusuke shook his head, "It depends on what kind of achievements you have achieved. As long as you are good enough, all these mistakes can be made up for."

"It feels like you are the villain boss"

"What I'm saying is the truth, and I don't need to do anything now," Yusuke said, "I'm notorious now, and my reputation can calm many people down."

Yuyi rolled his eyes at him, "You seem very proud?"

"Okay, that's too much bragging," Yusuke said, rubbing his nose.

The two chatted and laughed, and soon came to the school.

Unexpectedly, I ran into Shoko Takayama at the school gate.

"Yusuke, I have something to ask you." Shoko looked serious, and Yui took a look at the two of them, said hello and left first.

Yusuke nodded, waited for Yui to leave, and communicated with Shoko.

Xiangzi was a little surprised that Xicheng Wu didn't go to the Kendo club yesterday, Xiao Wu would report to the club every day, and would say hello if something happened.

But yesterday Xiao Wu was silent and didn't respond at all, this matter was a bit abnormal.

After the training in the kendo club, she went to Xicheng's house on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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