Chapter 603 603. Baseball Club

When Xiangzi came to Xicheng Dancer's house, the time with Yusuke and the others happened to be staggered, and the two sides did not meet.

When dealing with Xicheng Wu, Xiangzi found that Xiao Wu's state was not quite right, so he asked about it.

Xi Chengwu hesitated for a while, and then told her situation, which made Xiangzi very angry.

The head who bullied the Kendo club is here!

Xiangzi said that he would make the other party pay the price!

I can't control the adult's affairs, but she can manage the baseball club's affairs!

Xiangzi sent a message to all the members of the Kendo Club overnight, and everyone was very angry. Everyone went to the stage together to seek justice for Xiao Wu.

Now Xiangzi communicated with Yusuke about the situation of both sides, and Yusuke also talked about his own arrangements, and the two decided to go to the baseball club together after school.

When he came to the classroom, Osamu Sakata leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Yusuke, is the matter about Xiao Mai true?"

"What really?" Gao Chengmu asked curiously.

Sakata Osamu looked at Yusuke, Yusuke nodded, Sakata Osamu explained in a low voice, Takashiro Mu was very surprised, he didn't expect such a thing.

"Do you need help?" Gao Chengmu asked seriously at this time.

"If possible, please help to promote public opinion." Yusuke replied, "Don't let Xiaomai be hurt by the school's rumors."

Gao Chengmu nodded, he was very happy to help in this regard.

After school, Yusuke came to the kendo club. On the way, he met Eri and Seiko, who nodded and walked together.

In the Kendo club, all the members gathered together with serious faces, and the leader of the club was the president Shoko Takayama.

Xiangzi looked at the crowd, and said in a low voice, "I've already said what happened last night, let's go now!"

All the members stood up, holding bamboo swords silently, and walked out of the gym one by one.

The students who passed by glanced at it and ignored it. The Kendo club often conducts physical training, which is nothing unusual.

As they moved forward, a group of people came to the site of the baseball club, and the students on the road realized that something was wrong.

Everyone in the Kendo club was aggressive, holding bamboo swords one by one, and directly occupied the field of the baseball club.

This is not the right way!

Many students stopped and looked at the scene curiously. Students from other clubs stopped their activities and gathered around to watch.

Not far away, the members of the karate club who were doing physical training stopped exercising.

"President, there seems to be a conflict between the people in the Kendo club and the people in the baseball club."

"That Misawa Yusuke is here too"

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Yusuke Misawa!"

The members of the club were discussing that they were very impressed with Yusuke Misawa. He was the president of the defeated student union and the strongest karate champion. It can be said that he was a huge rock on the head of the karate club.

The president of the karate club pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Let's just watch and don't interfere."

Everyone nodded. Misawa Yusuke has a notorious reputation, so there is no need to mess with him.

Instead, I was a little curious, what did the people in the baseball club do?Even this guy was involved, this guy is not easy to deal with!

The members of the baseball club also noticed something was wrong, and soon someone went to notify the president.

The president of the baseball club, Shinzuki Santa, appears.

He is tall and strong, very strong, and looks very powerful. At this time, holding a bat in his hand, he walked out with all the members.

Shoko Takayama stood at the front, and all the members of the Kendo Club stood behind her.

Although she is a female president, the students onlookers have to praise that this president is really domineering!
The presidents of the two clubs stood at the front, and behind them were the members holding bamboo swords and baseballs. It felt a bit like the underworld PK.

The students watched this scene nervously, there was going to be a large-scale fighting!
Someone has already gone to notify the teacher, but in this way, it is probably not enough for the teacher to come.

"What are the people from the Kendo club doing here at our baseball club?" Xin Zhusan shouted angrily. The visitor was not kind, so he didn't need to give face to the other party.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been rude long ago, but the one who came here is the Kendo club, a powerful club with more members than the baseball club, so he can't afford to offend him!
The scene fell silent, and everyone was waiting for the Kendo Club's answer.

"We are here to seek justice!" Came Gao Shan Xiangzi's deep voice, raised his bamboo sword and pointed at him.

"You bullied our members, I'm here to seek justice"

Mrs. Xinzhu was a little strange. Since when did the baseball club bully the members of the Kendo club?Could it be the people below?
At this time, I took a look at his two friends, Naoki Yamagata and Shimogo Plaza.

The two immediately understood, asked in the team, came back, and shook their heads.

The third wife of Xinzhu was determined, and sternly shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about! When did we bully your people? Don't make trouble for nothing. Although there are many people in your kendo club, the people in our baseball room are not easy to bully. of!"

As his voice fell, everyone in the baseball club raised their bats and shouted loudly.

"I'm talking about you, Mrs. Xinzhu!" The bamboo sword in Xiangzi's hand pointed straight at his face.

Xicheng Wu also came out of the crowd at this time, Mrs. Xinzhu was a little surprised when she saw Xicheng Wu, turned her head, and Hideda Moto, who was in the crowd, had already started to back away.

It was so!
He understood everything, but he didn't expect Hideo Moto to sell himself!

The third wife of Xinzhu was very angry, but the current situation must be dealt with first.

"I don't know what you're talking about, please explain the matter clearly." Mrs. Xinzhu decided to cheat. Telling this matter has no effect on him at all. On the contrary, Xicheng Dance's reputation will be lost, so he doesn't care at all. Not in a hurry.

"We all know what you did!" Gao Shan Xiangzi said righteously.

"You ordered the members to ambush Saijo Mai, a member of the Kendo Club. If Yusuke hadn't appeared and rescued Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu would have been murdered! Don't try to quibble!"

Mrs. Xinzhu's hand holding the bat stopped, with a disbelief on her face, suspecting that she had heard it wrong!

Something is not right!

its not right!You guys are talking nonsense!
This is splashing dirty water!

Depend on!You guys are shameless!
The third wife of Xinzhu's complexion changed wildly. She didn't expect this group of guys to be more shameless than herself!
Gao Shanxiangzi's face was full of grief, and he said sharply: "Now I want to seek justice for the members of our Kendo Club!"


The members shouted loudly, raised their bamboo swords high, with unanimous slogans, and their momentum was like a rainbow, like warriors carrying out the Meiji Restoration, instantly suppressing the momentum of the baseball club.

(End of this chapter)

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