Chapter 604 604. Physical Training
Everyone in the baseball club looked at each other and looked at their boss with contempt in their eyes.

You can't do this well, you guy can't do it well!

"You are slandering!" The third wife of Xinzhu also realized at this time, and shouted loudly.

But Xiangzi will not give him a chance. She discussed it with Yusuke. The nature of this matter is that he sent people to ambush Xichengwu and beat the members of the Kendo Club for no reason!

That's the bottom line of things!
"I still don't admit it when I'm about to die. We have all the witnesses and evidence here." Xiangzi shouted sharply. At the same time, Yusuke also stood up and said in a deep voice, "What I saw with my own eyes."

Mrs. Xinzhu looked at Yusuke and shouted angrily: "This Yusuke Misawa is a member of your Kendo Club. Don't think you don't know that you have joined forces to slander me. I have seen this kind of trick a lot!"

"I'm not the only witness," Yusuke said, "Others have seen it too."

The Son of God also stood up at this time.

"We've all seen it"

"As soon as we showed up, we saw people from the baseball club beating Xicheng classmates!"

"If we hadn't appeared, student Xicheng would have been in trouble!"

"The people in your baseball club are really despicable, even bullying a girl!"

Mrs. Xinzhu shouted angrily: "You all know each other. If you unite to fool me, I don't believe it!"

"Then you call out Hideo Moto, and everyone confronts each other!" Yusuke said at this time,
Mrs. Xinzhu turned her head to look at the crowd, and the members looked at each other, only to find that Hideo Hideo had left at some point.

This guy ran away!
Damn it, wait a minute and clean up that guy!

"Facts don't allow you to quibble, quickly kneel down and admit your mistake!"

Xiangzi shouted sharply, and Yusuke and Seiko also stepped forward, and the three stood together, pressing each other.

The club members behind all raised their bamboo swords and took a step forward, and the baseball club members couldn't help but take a step back.

There are many people on the other side, and there are two masters of swordsmanship, so there is no advantage here!

The surrounding melon-eating crowd watched this scene nervously. How will this develop?
The Karate club members in the crowd were discussing.

"Do you think people in the baseball club will resist?"

"The current situation is not good for the baseball club!"

"Then how will the people in the baseball club fight back?"

"President, what do you think?" A member of the karate club asked the president at this moment.

"I guess I will fight with the other party. I heard that the president of this baseball club has a small mind." The president of the karate club replied at this time, "Let's not care so much, just watch quietly."

Mrs. Xinzhu's face was very gloomy. He found that he had fallen into the other party's trap. Whether it was true or not, he was the one to take the blame!
The anger in my heart was unbearable at this time, this group of guys didn't respect the seniors at all, a group of juniors from the first and second grades dared to go against the opinions of our seniors, you don't care about seniority!
At this time, he thought of the members of the club who were in the first and second grades. These guys just need to be beaten up to be obedient!

He gripped the bat in his hand, got to show them some color!
Thinking of this, he swung the bat in his hand violently, and the target was Xiangzi's head.

Let's take this guy for surgery!
The surrounding crowd exclaimed, the president of the baseball club suddenly hit someone, this change is too fast!

Xiangzi couldn't react either!
Then a hand reached out and grabbed the bat that was being swung.

This hand is like steel, and the bat is firmly fixed there.

Mrs. Xinzhu's face was flushed red, and she exhausted all the strength in her body, but the bat was still fixed, and she didn't move. At this time, she looked at Yusuke in surprise.

This guy is so powerful!
"Then I will be self-defense next," Yusuke said softly.

The third wife of Xinzhu hadn't reacted yet, when a black shadow struck.

The next moment, his tall body bowed into a ball, flew out, and hit the ground.

The onlookers exclaimed, and the president of the karate club had a toothache. He was so familiar with this scene!This is how Kaneki Taiji was beaten into the air.

This Yusuke Misawa is a monster!

There was some commotion in the ball club, but the members of the Kendo club had already dispersed and surrounded them.

Everyone in the baseball club panicked. Could it be that the next thing was a brutal beating?
"It's none of our business!"

"This is the president's problem, we are all innocent!"

"That's right, it's none of our business. If you want to find it, you can go to the president, or Hideo Moto!"

"Where's Hideo Moto?"

"That guy didn't know where he went, and we became scapegoats!"

Facing the aggressive Kendo club, the people in the baseball club panicked.

"What are you doing!"

Several teachers ran over from the teaching building at this time, and shouted nervously.

They were resting in the classroom, and suddenly a student came over to report that people from the kendo club and the baseball club were about to fight, which shocked them!
What's going on this year?Why are there always so many disturbances in the school?

All the teachers were dispatched, and then they found a lot of students surrounded by the baseball field, they must be here.

When they saw the situation at the scene, they all gasped.

All the students of the Kendo club were mobilized, each holding a bamboo sword, and the baseball club showed no sign of weakness, each with a bat. This scene was simply a large-scale fight, which made them panic.

If this situation is known by the news media and parents, the school will be in trouble, and all teachers will remember it.

We must stop them immediately!
"What are you doing?"

The teachers ran over, looked at everyone, and finally looked at Yusuke Misawa, it must be the ghost of this guy!
This guy is simply a broom star!Wherever you go, there will be something!

Yusuke looked calm, everything was within his expectation.

Xiangzi waved his hand at this time, and the members came back immediately, all gathered together.

Xiangzi stepped forward and explained to the teachers: "The Kendo club comes out to do physical exercise, run for a run"

Physical Training?

The corners of the teachers' mouths twitched, do you think we are stupid!

Is there such a physical training!
"Student Xinzhu, what's wrong with you?"

A teacher exclaimed, and everyone came back to their senses and found that Mrs. Xinzhu was lying unconscious on the ground, and they were shocked in an instant!

"What happened to you guys!"

A teacher asked angrily, this group of students are really good at tossing!

"I have to ask the people in the baseball club," Xiangzi replied calmly. The teachers immediately turned their attention to the baseball club. The people in the baseball club looked around, but no one answered.

"Yamagata, Plaza, you two, come out and talk about something," the teacher asked, pointing at the two of them.

They are good friends with Mrs. Xinzhu, so they must know something!
(End of this chapter)

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