Chapter 605
Naoki Yamagata and Daigo Plaza looked at each other and walked out nervously.

"Tell me, both of you, what happened at the scene?"

All the teachers stared at them, waiting for their answers.

Daigo Plaza wanted to speak, but was pulled by Naoki Yamagata next to him, and he gestured with his eyes. Daigo Plaza turned his head, and Yusuke Misawa who was not far away was looking at them with a smile.

Dawu at the plaza suddenly remembered that this Yusuke Misawa was a troublemaker.

They have heard about what happened this semester. This guy beat up the president of the student union in front of the whole school, but nothing happened. This guy has a background!

If I told the truth, at most I would just punish him, but I must have offended the other party, so the gain outweighs the loss!
It is very troublesome to be an enemy of him!

The teachers also followed the gazes of the two of them, and found that it was Yusuke Misawa, and frowned immediately. This matter must have something to do with Yusuke Misawa!

At this time, he turned his head and said seriously: "If you have anything to say, just say it, the teacher will make the decision for you!"

The two opened their mouths, and finally...

In the end, I still admit it, and my own life is the most important thing, I believe the third wife can understand.

At this time, he looked at the unconscious Santa again and shivered.

Yes, the third wife must be able to understand!

"The third wife was doing physical training just now, but she overtrained and passed out accidentally." Naoki Yamagata explained, and Daigo Plaza nodded seriously, "That's it!"

Everyone in the baseball club looked at them in surprise, as if they were meeting them for the first time.

Of course, the teachers wouldn't believe it. After looking at the people in the baseball club, they pointed at a student casually, "Tell me."

The student quickly put away his surprised face and nodded, "That's right, what they said is right, that's how it is"

The teachers are a little angry, this is not the answer they want!

Looking at the Kendo Club again, everyone stood there calmly.

After hesitating for a moment, he pointed to Naoki Yamagata and Daigo Plaza and said, "You two send Xinzhu to the infirmary and let the school doctor take a look. The others should leave if they have nothing to do. Those who should be doing activities should go and do activities." "

Xiangzi greeted, and the members put away their bamboo swords, ran up while shouting slogans, and returned to the gymnasium.

Everyone in the baseball club dispersed in a rush. Many people threw their bats on the ground. They decided to quit the baseball club after returning. In a real club like this, there is no future!

"Yusuke, come with me!"

The head teacher Mishima Noya who was in the crowd stood up and said.

The other teachers were a little dissatisfied, but Noya Mishima was the class teacher, so they had no choice but to give up at this time.

Yusuke nodded, and left with the head teacher. The onlookers were not busy watching, and they all dispersed at this time.

"Okay, let's go back," Eri said at this moment, and everyone else nodded.

"Well, should we leave Yusuke alone?" Yui asked hesitantly.

"What are you afraid of? Yusuke is often called over by the teacher, and he is used to it."

Everyone else nodded.

Yui thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

Huh?When did Yusuke become a bad student?
In the teaching room, head teacher Noya Mishima looked at Yusuke helplessly.

"San Ze, what's the matter with you?"

It was agreed last time that I would not cause trouble for him, but it turned out that this happened again at the end of the year. What he, the class teacher, is really tired of doing!
Yusuke sighed helplessly, "I don't want to either, teacher, we are the victims, this is how things are, let me explain to you.

Xinzhu Santai sent someone to ambush my friend, and I caught him, so I came here to seek justice."

"Your excuse is too bad!" Noya Mishima smiled and shook his head.

"What I said is the truth, you can ask Hideo Moto from the baseball club to come over and ask"

"Come on, you've scared them half to death just standing there! How dare they object!"

Yusuke smiled and said: "This is the truth, teacher, I can assure you that I have never wronged my classmates, nor have I bullied any classmates"

Noya Mishima pondered for a while. Although Yusuke Misawa was a bit bad in some respects, he was still trustworthy in terms of character.

After pondering for a moment, he sighed helplessly, and he believed it in his heart. At this moment, he asked: "Then what happened to Mrs. Xinzhu? How did you knock him unconscious?"

"I did it in self-defense. Everyone present could see that he was hitting Shoko Takayama on the head with a bat. I didn't stop him. Shoko was already lying in the hospital at this time. I did it bravely." !"

Mishima Noya's eyes became serious, and he asked, "Is what you said true? Can you guarantee it?"

Yusuke nodded seriously, "No lies!"

Noya Mishima pondered for a while, and said: "I will report your words to the school, and the school will investigate. If it is true, I can guarantee that you will be fine, but you will still be punished."

Yusuke wanted to say something, but was stopped by Noya Mishima, "It is impossible not to punish, you have done such a big thing, it is difficult to convince the public without punishment."

Yusuke nodded, he understood the truth, and at the same time was a little happy for Mishima and Noya's trust, there are too few teachers who are so responsible!
"Yusuke" Mishima Noya looked at him helplessly, "Can you promise me, this is really the last time, every time I do so many things, I am very embarrassed!"

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, so he could only persuade with a smile: "Teacher, I will help you get more good reviews. When I become a well-known alumni in the future, I will definitely praise you at the commendation meeting: All my achievements today are Mishima. Noya taught well”

"Fuck you!" Mishima Noya shook his head with a smile, "As much as you can, don't cause trouble for me and burn the incense."

"Teacher, don't you believe me?"

"I believe, but by the time you become a well-known alumnus, I will have retired."

"That's not necessarily the case," Yusuke said with a smile, "Be famous as early as possible, maybe I'll be famous in two years."

"The scenery is also something that will happen in two years, so let's deal with the things in front of us first."

Mishima Noya sent Yusuke away, and he wanted to discuss what he got with other teachers.

Yusuke left the teaching office and returned to the club, where Yui and his group were chatting and laughing, and greeted Yusuke when he came back.

"You guys are not worried about me at all!" Yusuke said with a smile, "This is too heartless!"

"Stop coming!" Yui replied with a smile, "You've long been used to this kind of thing, which time did you have a problem?"

"Is that a compliment?"

Everyone nodded, "This is a compliment!"

"Well, it's a compliment!" Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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