Chapter 606 606. Hand Tail
After joking for a while, Yusuke put away his smiling face, became serious, and said, "It's time to deal with the mess."

Seiko and Eri stood up, and Yui and Rika wanted to follow suit, but Yusuke stopped them.

"Just let us go, not because there are many people is useful"

The two thought for a while and nodded, and then they separated.

The three of them came to the Kendo club, Xiangzi and Xichengwu were already waiting here.

Xiangzi asked, "Yusuke, are you alright?"

Yusuke shook his head, "It's okay, at most two or three days of class suspension, nothing serious"

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Senior Sanze!" Said Xicheng Wu apologetically.

Yusuke shook his head, "There's no need to talk about this among friends."

Xicheng Wu was a little moved, Xiangzi came over at this moment, and said in a low voice: "I have already controlled people."

Yusuke nodded, and the others glanced at each other, knowing what was going on.

Everything is under the arrangement of Yusuke and Shoko.

To deal with Mrs. Xinzhu, it is not simply a matter of beating him up, and everything will be over. There are still many things that have not been resolved.

A group of people set off, left the school, and came to an unfinished building not far away.

There is gray cement everywhere, messy.

In the middle of the open space, several men were surrounding the two teenagers.

Those men Yusuke looked familiar, they were all members of the Kendo club.

Seeing Yusuke and the others, they nodded.

The two surrounded were Naoki Yamagata and Daigo Plaza. At this moment, they were standing back to back, their legs trembling.

They thought the matter was over, but they didn't expect that it was just their wishful thinking.

The two sent Mrs. Xinzhu to the infirmary, and after they came out of the school, they were surrounded by people from the Kendo Club, and five or six men directly surrounded them.

They are very familiar with this way of doing things, and they used to treat other students like this, so they were very flustered.

But the other party was so numerous that they couldn't escape at all. The two were escorted here and waited anxiously for a long time. Now they finally saw the rightful lord appear.

It really is Yusuke Misawa!
Sure enough, it was this guy who did the trick. It was a bit of a loss for not reporting him just now.

Facing the horrified eyes of the two, Yusuke didn't care, and walked over, the Shedaoshe and others took a few steps back, Yusuke stood there, and Seiko and the others stood behind him.

In the eyes of onlookers, this Yusuke Misawa always brings a group of women with him when he travels, he is really arrogant!

The legend is indeed true, this guy drives a big harem, and lives a shameless life like a stallion every day.

"Misawa, this is none of our business!" Naoki Yamagata said nervously, and Daigo Plaza also nodded nervously.

In fact, the three of them planned the assignment of Hideo Moto to seduce Xicheng Wu, but now that Mrs. Xinzhu is unconscious, the matter is not up to what they say, and it must not be admitted at this time!
"Are you important?" Yusuke said calmly, the two opened their mouths, not knowing how to refute such arrogant words.

Once upon a time, they also spoke in such a tone, but they didn't expect it to be their turn today.

"I'm not talking nonsense, there are two solutions now," Yusuke said, and the two suddenly became tense.

"The first one, when Mrs. Xinzhu wakes up, the three of you kowtow in front of Xiao Wu to admit your mistake, cover up this matter, don't let me hear any more rumors, this matter is over like this.

The second one, I’ll beat you up, and then you’ll kowtow to admit your mistake, you choose.”

Is there a choice?

"I choose the first one"

"Me too"

The two said nervously, afraid that Yusuke would go back on his word, and at the same time, they were a little confused. The plan is too easy, right? Just kowtow and admit your mistake?

Yusuke didn't want to do anything to each other at all. At that time on the baseball field, if the three of them were willing to admit their mistakes, Xiao Wu fought back and regained her reputation, and the matter would be turned over.

But I didn't expect Mrs. Xinzhu to beat someone, so don't blame Yusuke for fighting back.

Yusuke nodded and said, "Let them go."

The members of the Kendo Club took a step back at this time and made an opening, and the two hurried away in a panic.

Eri frowned and said, "Would it be too cheap for them?"

"Otherwise?" Yusuke said with a smile, "Beating them half to death, we are very happy, but the matter is not resolved, the rumors in the school cannot be stopped, and Xiao Wu's reputation will be even worse, so the focus of the solution It is to restore Xiao Wu's reputation."

Eri thought for a while, then nodded, but still felt a little unhappy in her heart.

"What about Xinzhu's beating of Xiangzi?"

Mrs. Xinzhu threw it at Xiangzi's head at that time. If Yusuke hadn't stopped him, Xiangzi would have been lying in the hospital by now.

"Of course not, let's just forget about it. One yard counts for one yard. I only solve Xiaowu's problem. I don't need to worry about Xiangzi's problem." Yusuke replied with a smile, and Xiangzi also nodded.

As the president of the Kendo club, it would be embarrassing if he was put down like this, and all the members would not give up so easily.

This year's Kendo club is not the strongest, but it is definitely the most cohesive!
Solve Xiao Wu's matter first, and then Xiangzi's matter.

Naoki Yamagata and Daigo Plaza must have something to do with this matter, but it doesn't matter much, they are just clowns.

Everyone greeted, and everyone in the Kendo Club went back to school first.

Yusuke stopped Eri at this time, "Eri, you don't want to make trouble!"

Eri froze for a moment, and asked angrily, "Why are you talking to me alone?"

"Because I feel that you are very excited, as if you are going to do something!"

Eri wanted to refute, but was stopped by Yusuke's hand.

"I have experienced your situation before. It is very enjoyable to use force to defeat the enemy for the first time. It is easy to indulge in the pleasure of this kind of power. If you are not careful, your thinking will go into extremes.

Just like the question you just raised, beating the other party up and giving the other party a hard lesson is a solution.

But this is not the only way, there are many solutions, and using power to suppress people is also a method, and it is more effective.”

Eri thought for a moment, then nodded.

She really had the feeling of wanting to be the boss just now, and she suddenly understood why teenagers like to fight so much, because this kind of happiness of suppressing others by force is incomparable to other achievements, it is the confidence in her own strength !

However, it's easy to go astray.

Although with Eri's family background, she is fine no matter how she plays, but for her growth and thinking, this is a wrong direction!

(End of this chapter)

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