The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 607 607. Suspension of Classes 23 Things

Chapter 607 607. Suspension of Classes

"Yusuke, about your suspension, is there any problem at home?" Seiko asked at this time, skipping the topic just now, and Eri also came back to his senses at this time, and asked worriedly: "Do you want to?" Looking for sister Ritsuko for help?"

"I'm afraid that Ritsuko will tear me up later," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Both Eri and Seiko laughed. Every time Yusuke made troubles, it was Ritsuko who helped to deal with the aftermath. If he made any more demands, Ritsuko would probably go crazy. She is a teacher, not a nanny!

"I will explain the reason to my family, and my parents will understand." Yusuke said, it is a good thing to have enlightened parents.

Both nodded, chatted for a while, and then everyone went back.

Yusuke came to the studio, and everyone in the studio was here.

"Yusuke, are you okay?" Rie asked at this time, she was the last to know about the matter, she was very flustered when she heard Yusuke fighting with someone, although Yui explained, she was still a little worried.

"What's the matter with the boss?" Xiao Zhizi asked suspiciously, and the others all looked over.

Yusuke smiled, "It's nothing, it's just a fight with others, it's a small matter"


Everyone's expressions were a little strange, did not expect that Yusuke, who has always been steady, would actually fight with someone?
It was only then that everyone remembered that the boss was only a high school student. In high school, it was very common for boys to fight, but this kind of thing happened to Yusuke, which made them a little unimaginable.

"Then boss, what punishment did you receive?" Xiao Zhizi asked curiously.

Yusuke smiled, "Don't you ask me who won?"

"Then it goes without saying, it must be the boss!" Xiao Zhizi replied with a smile, "There is no one who is your opponent for the boss, but you are a fierce man who can fight a wild boar!"

"I don't think your words seem like a compliment!" Yusuke shook his head with a smile, and everyone laughed.

"It's okay to suspend classes for two or three days"

"This punishment is fine." Xiao Zhizi said excitedly, "Boss, you can take this opportunity to make more videos."

Yusuke nodded, taking advantage of the opportunity to shoot more videos as inventory, other projects are still under development, but this main business must not be forgotten, this is the root of everything.

The punishment for Yusuke soon came down. Suspension of classes for three days was no pain to Yusuke. Yusuke also explained it at home. His parents didn’t say anything after hearing it. They just warned Yusuke not to let such a thing happen again.

And for three days, Yusuke has been working all the time, during which he also learned about the subsequent development of Xicheng dance.

After Xinzhu santai woke up, under the narration of Naoki Yamagata and Daigo Plaza, he quickly understood everything. At first, he was very angry and expressed that he wanted to show the other party a good look.

But under the persuasion of the two, especially the personal experience of the two, they quickly calmed down, even a little scared.

The power behind this Yusuke Misawa is huge, and it will definitely not end well if you fight against him!
Although they are domineering and powerful in the baseball club, it also depends on who they are compared with.

Obviously, going up against Yusuke Misawa is nothing.

The other party can force the president of the student union to step down, and the entire student union will be wiped out, let alone the seniors like them, this guy is a bully in the school!
In the face of future and dignity, the three of them chose the future, and they had no choice in this matter.

The next day, the three of them found Xicheng Wu and knelt down to admit their mistake, not caring about the surprised eyes of others.

They thought it was over, but they forgot about Xiangzi, so they had to kneel down again. Anyway, they had already knelt down once, and they didn't mind a second time.

Xiangzi said that this is the end of the matter, if they want to take revenge later, then everyone will wait and see.

The three quickly promised that they would never dare!
The matter in the school was settled, but Xicheng's father had some twists and turns. Xicheng's father had a quarrel with Xinzhu's father, and the two sides almost fought. Mrs. Zhusan stopped it, and the father and son didn't know what they had exchanged. Finally, Xinzhu confessed to be cowardly, and the matter ended here.

Because of a small incident that caused so much trouble, Xicheng Wu specially came to thank him for this, and at the same time sent a lot of coupons, Yusuke smiled and accepted them, and then gave them to his father.

A lot of things happened in three days, the school's public opinion was very unfriendly to Yusuke, and Yusuke's reputation fell again, but Yusuke didn't care about it.

On Friday afternoon, Yusuke came to a family restaurant, where the four of Eri were waiting.

Because of the punishment, Yusuke couldn't carry out club activities, so everyone gathered at a nearby family restaurant.

Yusuke said hello and was seated soon, Eri coughed and everyone looked over.

"Everyone is here, now I have two announcements." Egeng's expression was a little weird.

"The first news, unfortunately, our sponsorship is gone, and the trip to Hokkaido is going to be ruined"

Everyone was shocked, the big fat sheep disappeared?

"I'm sorry everyone," Eri put her hands together and said apologetically.

"It's okay." Yui waved his hand, "After all, it's a sponsorship, so I can't ask for too much." The others also nodded.

To put it bluntly, Eri's family paid for them to play together, and now they are not willing, so they can understand.

Seeing that everyone didn't mind very much, Eri felt a little better.

My sister cheated her this time. She suddenly went back on what she had said before and stopped sponsoring her. This caught her by surprise. She asked angrily and got a sentence.

"Use my money to sponsor you on a date, do you think I would do that?"

Eri has nothing to say. After her sister found out about her love affair, many things are inconvenient. Fortunately, some relationships in the family can still be borrowed. They are not completely blocked, but the funds are cut off for her.

My sister's action made all her previous plans come to nothing, and she felt a little depressed.

However, Eri is not such a person who is easily defeated. At this time, he cheered up and said: "Now announce the second news. The cake competition will be held tomorrow. When we get the money, we can carry out other activities. Already!"

Everyone nodded. If there is no skiing, there will be nothing, but the money for the winner of the cake competition must be obtained!

"I propose" Yusuke said at this time, and everyone could see it, "we don't use the money from winning the game for the time being, and use it as a project fund for 'cake and special drama'"

Everyone thought about it and nodded.

Entrepreneurship also requires capital, so take this as the first capital!

"Then let's discuss tomorrow's cake competition now!"

(End of this chapter)

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