Chapter 608 608. Black Water Spring

Everyone is very confident in Yusuke's cooking skills, but in order to win the championship, they have to be fully prepared.

Delicious cake is the most basic, but also to achieve the best appearance.

Everyone put forward a lot of suggestions, such as Chiffon Cake, Black Forest Cake, these are too common, I feel that there is nothing novel, and finally Yui proposed.

She took out her mobile phone and showed everyone a picture, which was a beautiful doll.

"This is not a figure." Yui said with a smile, "This is a cake. This is an Oscar-winning cake known as the cake industry. It is edible."

Everyone is very surprised, this is also very delicate!
If this cake participates in the competition, it is definitely the champion without a doubt!
The question is, can it be done?

Everyone looked at Yusuke, Yusuke thought for a while and said, "Let me take a look"

It was the first time he saw this kind of cake, and it was very novel, so he checked the relevant information.

This kind of cake is called fondant cake, which is also an art cake, a combination of gourmet food and art. It is the current mainstream cake. The production method is very complicated, which is a test of the pastry chef's skills.

And this Oscar-winning cake in the cake industry is made by Chinese people. It is very exquisite, and it amazes everyone as soon as it appears on the stage, and it becomes famous in one fell swoop.

After reading some related materials, Yusuke pondered for a while and said, "I can try it."

This kind of cake is very difficult, but it also aroused Yusuke's competitive spirit.

With the blessing of skills, maybe it can be done, after all, the system is omnipotent.

"Then let's practice our hands first!" Eri said with a smile.

After buying all the materials, everyone came to Ritsuko's house. The kitchen of Ritsuko's house was their experimental battlefield.

"You guys are here again!" Ritsuko sighed helplessly, "This is my house, not your club room!"

Eri coaxed her with a smile, and Ritsuko gave up.

When she heard that it was Yusuke who made the move this time, she immediately looked forward to it. Yusuke's cooking skills are very strong.

Tomorrow's game is a team of two, with Yusuke as the chef and Seiko as the assistant.

Eri originally wanted to fight for the position of assistant, but her strength didn't allow it!

Shengzi, who has been immersed in cooking for many years, is very strong. No matter how much Eri strengthens his training, he is no match for Shengzi in this respect.

Eri knows that now is not the time to be impulsive, but...

Seeing the two of them busy in the kitchen, sometimes their eyes met, and they both smiled knowingly. That warm scene made her a little worried, it was so tacit!
Yui and Lixiang next to each other drank tea and looked at it calmly.

This melon is really beautiful!
The first time I tried to make a fondant cake, it was unexpectedly successful.

Yusuke didn't know how the skill of cooking was judged. When he tried to do it, it seemed as if there was a divine help. Everything went smoothly, and the proficiency of the movements surprised the Son of God.

Is this really the first time making a cake?
Those dexterous hands even made her look sideways.

This kind of subtle technique requires very high hands. Seiko thinks that she can't do this. After years of kendo practice, her hands don't have such high sensitivity, but Yusuke can do it.

Yusuke's fingers are extremely flexible, and the finished product is very delicate, this is a master craft!

Yusuke made 4 images out of the cake, Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur, this is the first generation of Pokemon, the appearance is very realistic, exactly the same as the figure, everyone is very surprised.

"Yusuke, you were fooling us before, right?" Yui said in disbelief.

You said it was the first attempt, how could it be possible to achieve this level?
If you are considered a novice, then other bakers should commit suicide!
"I'm a genius!" Yusuke had no choice but to explain.

"Everyone, try the cake I made." Yusuke skipped this topic at this time, and everyone came back to their senses, looking at the exquisite cake in front of them, and ready to do it.

Yui got Squirtle, Rika got Frog Seed, Eri got Charmander, and Ritsuko got Pikachu, all the same.

Everyone looked at it, and the shape of this cake is definitely passed the test, and the degree of lifelikeness of each one is exactly the same as that of the figure.

"It's so beautiful, I'm not willing to do it!" Lixiang said with a smile, and everyone else nodded.

Such a beautiful thing, I always feel guilty to destroy it.

"Why do you think so much?" Yusuke said with a smile, "Isn't it just a piece of cake, taste it quickly, and then give me your opinion"

Everyone stopped being hypocritical and started directly.

"Mine is fruity." Yui was a little surprised.

"Mine smells like flowers," Rika responded with a smile.

Each cake has a different appearance and taste, which makes them very novel.

The cake was sweet but not greasy, and the taste was excellent. A small piece of cake was eaten quickly, and everyone was still a little bit unsatisfied.

"How?" Yusuke asked.

"not bad!"

"Very tasty!"

"We've won!"

There was an endless stream of compliments from everyone, there was no opinion, and it was unanimously decided that this cake was perfect.

Yusuke became confident, and saw that the cooking skills were beyond his imagination. This system is a scam, but the skills produced are still very good.

There is no problem with cooking skills, but the next step is to do more training and try to compress the production time so as not to be in a hurry when the time comes.

By the time the practice was over, it was already evening, and it was time for everyone to go back.

"Let's gather at the station tomorrow," Eri said, and everyone nodded.

As night fell, Yongsuke walked home alone, the weather was cold, and pedestrians on the road hurriedly walked.

When passing the intersection, a black shadow suddenly flew out of the alley.

Yusuke's reaction was extremely quick, and he took a step back in an instant, brushing past this black shadow.

The black shadow fell to the ground. It was a young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

A woman came out from the alley and said calmly, "Run, I'll see where you are going."

The pedestrians passing by were a little curious and stopped to watch this scene.

Yusuke felt that this woman was a little familiar, recalled it, and immediately remembered it.

It was a few months ago that they met each other, and they were on the show together. They are also video bloggers, martial arts masters, and Heishuiquan.

Yusuke didn't come forward to say hello, probably the other party had forgotten about him long ago, and the woman didn't notice Yusuke's existence, and walked towards the man.

The man on the ground was very angry, staring at Heishuiquan fiercely, and took out a small knife from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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