Chapter 609 609. Another Friend

"Did you use a knife?" Heishuiquan said calmly, "You have to think carefully, you were only considered robbery before, but the nature of using a knife is different. Robbery may be in prison for one or two years, but it is at least 10 years if you use a knife. More than a year, have you thought about it?"

The man was a little panicked when he heard the words. He just wanted to scare him with a knife, but he didn't expect such serious consequences.

Just when he was hesitating, Heishuiquan acted.

At this moment, he rushed forward and raised his legs. As soon as the man raised his head, he saw a black shadow flashing past his eyes.

One foot kicked the man's head hard, kicking him down, the man's head hit the ground, and he passed out directly.

"Dare to steal my old lady's things, it's simply impatient to live!"

Heishuiquan curled his lips, and the surrounding people also realized at this time that it was an attempted robbery!
At this time, Heishuiquan took out his mobile phone, called the police, and waited here.

Passers-by took a few glances, and at this time they all dispersed, and Yusuke was about to leave. This was just a chance encounter.

"Mr. Sanze, you are so ruthless! You don't even say hello to acquaintances!"

Heishuiquan's smiling voice came, Yusuke stopped, turned around, and smiled.

"I'm afraid that if I greet you suddenly, you forget me, that would be so embarrassing"

"Look at you saying that!"

"Okay, I'm the one who treats a gentleman with the heart of a villain!" Yusuke said apologetically.

Yusuke remembered that she was the one who took the initiative to greet everyone when she was on the TV station. Heishuiquan was still very enthusiastic. Although it had been a long time since we saw each other, everyone still had some impressions.

Now that they all said hello, Yusuke was too embarrassed to leave like this, so he stood here and waited with her.

Everyone is not familiar with it, but they are all video bloggers after all, and they have common topics.

"You've done a good job in your career recently!" Heishuiquan said with a smile. She was tall and tall, and as a martial arts expert, she stood there with a strong beauty.

Yusuke was a little surprised, "Have you followed me?"

"Your animals are smart and funny, sometimes it's nice to watch a video to relax"

Pet videos are a big category, very popular, much more popular than sports videos, which makes her very envious.

Different types of video bloggers receive different advertising fees. This Yusuke Misawa received several times as many advertisements as hers. This earning power is invincible!

And this Yusuke Misawa is also very capable, and the new series "Beauty Hunter" developed is also very popular, which is another new way of making money.

For this kind of super blogger, she doesn't mind communicating with him.

One more friend in this world is one more door!
Yusuke also doesn't mind dealing with Heishuiquan, people rely on each other, and Heishuiquan's personality is also very good, the two of them can chat.

"How about we cooperate next time?" Heishuiquan suggested at this time.

Yusuke replied with a smile: "You mean Beauty Hunter?"

Pet videos don't need humans, only Beauty Hunter can cooperate with Heishuiquan.

Heishuiquan nodded and asked, "Have you thought about inviting guests to interact with each other?"

Yusuke thought for a while, this is not bad, and Heishuiquan is a martial arts expert, but also a beautiful woman, the interaction between the two sides, and the communication between each other's fans, is useful for both parties.

"Okay." Yusuke said with a smile, "Let's add an email address, and then we can talk about it."

"Then it's settled!" Heishuiquan responded with a smile, no matter whether it succeeds or not, the two sides have a preliminary friendship, and it will be much easier to cooperate in the future.

The police came and took away the man on the ground, and Heishuiquan was going to the police station to take a statement, everyone waved goodbye to each other.

Looking at the number on the phone, it was a surprise, and I had another friend before I knew it.

Yusuke returned home, greeted his family, and then told his mother about tomorrow's game.

For Mom, this matter is much more important than Yusuke being suspended from school.

Every time Yusuke gets the certificates, it's the mother's capital to show off!
The younger sister immediately became energetic when she heard the cake competition, and asked excitedly: "Brother, can you make cakes?"

Yusuke nodded, and Ai Yi immediately asked happily: "Are there a lot of cakes to eat in the cake competition?"

Children can't resist sweets!
"Brother, can I go with you tomorrow?" Aiyi asked expectantly.

"No problem." Yusuke nodded with a smile.

Aiyi is very happy, there must be cake in the cake competition!
This was so good, she decided to share it with Xiao Ye.

After hearing this, Xiaoye looked envious, and she also wanted to eat cake.

At this time, the little head turned, and immediately ran to Yuyi's room, and rushed in directly.

Yuyi was changing clothes and was taken aback. At this time, she grabbed Xiao Ye's head and turned her palm around her forehead.

"How many times have I told you that you have to knock on the door to enter the room!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Let me go, sister!"

Xiaoye immediately begged for mercy, and accidentally forgot about it.

After getting dressed, Yuyi asked, "You ran in in a hurry, what's the matter?"

"Sister, are you going to participate in the cake competition tomorrow?" Xiao Ye asked expectantly.

"What cake competition?"

Xiao Ye was shocked when she heard the words, "Sister, have you been abandoned?"

You Yi twitched her veins, and flicked her forehead with her fingers.

"If you talk nonsense again, I want you to look good!"

"Okay, I was wrong" Saya surrendered, and her sister's behavior became more and more violent.

Then she told what she had heard.

Yusuke is going to participate in the cake competition tomorrow, but my sister doesn't have a share, it's very strange!
"That's Yusuke's club activity" Yui replied.

Yusuke had already told Yui and Rie about the cake competition.

The place where the competition will be held is the shopping street. If the two of them run into each other at that time, and they don't know the details, there will definitely be a lot of misunderstandings, so Yusuke told them in advance.

In order to appease the two, Yusuke promised to make them two special cakes. The two were a little upset at first, but after hearing the agreement, their minds were smoothed over.

Seeing her sister's calm appearance, Xiao Ye was a little anxious, so wouldn't she have no share tomorrow?

Seeing Saya's expression, Yui suddenly understood, and said, "You can tell Yusuke that he will take you with him."

"Is this embarrassing?" Xiao Ye was a little embarrassed.

Yuyi was a little relieved, Xiaoye finally grew up a little bit, and began to understand some etiquette, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll tell Yusuke."

At this time, he picked up the phone and called Yusuke. After a while, he hung up the phone and said with a smile: "Yongsuke agreed, you can follow tomorrow."

"Great!" Xiao Ye jumped up happily.

(End of this chapter)

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