Chapter 610 610. Cake Competition
On Saturday morning, Yusuke set off with his two children.

Aiyi and Xiaoye are very excited, the cake competition sounds very good, I don't know how many cakes there are to eat today.

The two of them deliberately ate only a little in the morning, just to empty their stomachs, so that they can eat a lot later.

It will be slower to move with two children, and when Yusuke arrives at the station, Eri and his party are already waiting here.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yusuke said with a smile, "I'll bring my sister over, Ai Yi, Xiao Ye, say hello to everyone"

"Hello sisters" X2
The two little girls greeted obediently, and Eri and the others also smiled. They had met these two little girls before, one was Yusuke's younger sister and the other was Yui's younger sister.

They didn't mind the joining of the two little girls, anyway, they were all onlookers today, and everyone said hello and headed towards their destination.

The location of this cake competition is the shopping street.

This game has been vigorously publicized before, and basically everyone around knows it, so there are many people here today.

In the central area of ​​the shopping street, a huge open space is separated by a fence. There are many tables in the open space, and all kinds of kitchen utensils are complete. This is the place for the competition.

In the front is a high platform, and behind it is a huge screen. A camera is shooting not far away, and the situation in the field is projected on the big screen behind.

In front of the screen is a long red table with three chairs, which are the judges' seats.

As the end of the year approaches, merchants increase their promotions and vigorously publicize, the atmosphere here is very hot.

"Then let's go first," Yusuke and Seiko said with a smile.

"Come on brother!" X2
The two little girls gasped seriously.

Yusuke smiled and waved, and went to report with Seiko.

There is no requirement for registration, but you must register in advance and pay a registration fee of 1 yen.

After reporting to the staff, Yusuke and Seiko received their number plates, as well as temporary chef uniforms.

The two of them were equipped and walked to their workbenches, while other contestants had already entered the arena one after another, and the crowd of onlookers was also increasing.

Food shows are popular no matter when and where!
Cakes are the favorite of many girls, so many of the onlookers today are girls.

Yusuke looked it over. There were many contestants, of all ages, and many contestants were housewives. The 30 yen bonus was a lot of money for many housewives.

Unexpectedly, Yusuke found two familiar figures in the crowd.

Xikujo Toka and his father.

The two are dressed in white chefs and are preparing something.

I don't know if it's because Yuanjia Road is narrow, Xijiutiao Denghua sensed something, turned her head, and met Yusuke's eyes, both of them were a little surprised.

Nishikujo's father felt something was wrong with his daughter, turned his head, and happened to see Yusuke, recalled it, and suddenly remembered who this young man was, and waved his hand with a smile.

Facing the other party's kindness, Yusuke also responded with a smile, Seiko also turned his head and was a little surprised to see the other party.

Yusuke thought it would be enough for everyone to meet each other, but unexpectedly, the other party came towards him, so Yusuke had to put down his things and walked over to say hello to him.

"Mr. Nishikujo, hello"

"Hello, Misawa-kun, we meet again." Nishi Kujo's father said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to come to the competition."

"I'm also surprised. I didn't expect Mr. Nishikujo to be interested in this kind of competition."

"Actually, I'm just an assistant, and the real chef is Toka," Nishikujo's father said with a smile, and gestured to his shoulder scarf, which had the word 'assistant' written on it.

"Misawa-kun is the chef, I am looking forward to your work this time," Nishikujo's father said with a smile.

"Father, how can you build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige!" Xijiutiao Denghua walked over at this time and said dissatisfied.

"It's not a big deal. It's nothing to be ashamed of acknowledging the strength of others. Only the one who can face up to his own strength is the right strong man," Xi Kutiao's father responded with a smile.

Yusuke's impression of him has changed. Mr. Nishi Kujo's three views are quite upright, but why is her daughter like this?

At this time, Yusuke looked at Nishikujo Toka with regret in his eyes.

This daughter is unbelievable!
Sensing the look in Yusuke's eyes, Nishikujo Toka instantly frowned,

"What kind of eyes do you guys have!"

"Nothing." Yusuke shook his head, not interested in arguing with her.

Xikutiao Denghua crossed her arms and said confidently: "I'm sure of this championship!"

"Good luck"

Yusuke's words made Toka Nishikujo hold back, this is not the answer she expected!

The two sides greeted each other and went back separately. At this time, the Holy Son leaned over and asked, "Did you quarrel with her?"

Yusuke shook his head, "No, just to say hello, Mr. Nishi Kujo is not bad, but his daughter..."

Yusuke shrugged, Seiko instantly understood that this was a spoiled child.

On the other side, Xijiutiao Denghua said to her father angrily: "Dad, why are you talking to him!"

Nishikujo's father replied with a smile: "Sansawa-kun's fried rice was amazing last time, and I am looking forward to what he will come up with this time."

Seeing the daughter who was a little bit fried, Nishi Kujo's father said with a smile: "As a chef, I am looking forward to the emergence of new works."

"Then Dad, you're going to be disappointed!" Xijiutiao Denghua said confidently, "I'm sure to win this time!"

Pastry baking and cooking seem to be related, but they are actually two completely different categories.

With the development of the times, every chef is good at different categories. A Japanese chef will definitely not be able to cook French food. Similarly, a housewife who can cook is definitely not a good pastry chef.

Nishi Kujo couldn't believe it anymore, this Yusuke Misawa would be so powerful!

Yusuke and Seiko didn't pay attention to what happened on Nishi Kujo's side, and they were checking various tools at this time, in case they missed anything.

Soon, when the time came, a bell rang at the scene, and the staff began to enter the venue to maintain order.

A host in a suit stepped onto the high platform at this time, the camera quickly turned to the high platform, and the host's face was projected on the big screen behind.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the first cake competition held by Oumeda Shopping Street this time!"

"A total of 32 groups of players participated in a competition, and each group of players has extraordinary strength, and the next one will be a battle between dragons and tigers"

"I declare now that the cake competition has officially begun!"

A bell rang at the scene, and the game began!

(End of this chapter)

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