Chapter 611 611. Mental Quality
Several people in Eri stood watching from a distance, and many people at the scene were discussing.

All the cakes were made on the spot this time, and the cameraman above swept the camera from the workbenches of each contestant from time to time, so that the audience could watch the production status of each contestant.

Of course, a good chef also needs a good narrator, this kind of program can be fun, otherwise people can't understand the chef's operation, and can't see their awesomeness.

The job of the commentator is of course handed over to the three referees.

The three judges are Saburo Tsuguchi, president of the Western Bakery Association, Masato Kitazaki, a food critic and food editor, and Shingo Kudo, a senior baker and famous chef.

The host first introduced the situation of the three people, and then handed the microphone to the three people.

The three of them had been through the battlefield for a long time, and they were already very familiar with such scenes. Their sharp comments and witty language soon heated up the atmosphere at the scene.

"Mr. Kudo, which group of players do you like most?"

The host asked a question that everyone wanted to know very much. As a professional chef, Shingo Kudo, his opinion is most recognized by the audience!
After all, we are colleagues!

Shingo Kudo showed a decent smile and said, "There are two groups of players that concern me the most."

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even the contestants in the competition couldn't help but look over.

"The first one is contestant No. 3!"

The host looked at the data sheet at this time, and the photographer immediately turned the camera to the workbench of table 3.

Soon, images of a man and a woman appeared on the screen.

Eri was a little surprised, she didn't expect it to be Xikujo Lantern Flower!

"The No. 3 contestant is Xikutiao Denghua, and she's a high school student." The host said in surprise. The contestants on the scene were all a little surprised. A high school student must be so appreciated by a professional baker, it must be no ordinary person!

Shingo Kudo said with a smile: "Nishi Kujo Toka is a very good contestant, but what I care about more is her father, who is also her assistant, Nishi Kujo Yuto"

"Is it Nishikujo?" Food critic Akitazaki Masato exclaimed at this moment, and the camera quickly focused on Nishikujo.

"I didn't think Xikujo Toka was his daughter, what a tiger father but no dog daughter!" Kitazaki Masato praised.

Some of the contestants were surprised, some were taken aback, while the audience was at a loss. Who is this Nishi Kujo fighting?Judging by the referee's appearance, isn't it very powerful?
The host also got the relevant information at this time, and introduced to everyone the achievements of Nishi Kujo Fighting.

To put it simply, Nishi Kujo is a well-known chef in the industry. He has been featured in magazines. His restaurant has been rated as the most anticipated restaurant for several years in a row. He has entertained many foreign guests, and many big stars are him. The guest of honor, and the awards he has won are countless,
This shocked the contestants. Compared with such a professional chef, they were all reduced to scum in seconds!
Fortunately, only his daughter participated.

But everyone didn't dare to be careless. Dad is so powerful, so does the daughter need to talk about it?
The few people in Eri who were watching were very surprised. They had seen Nishi Kujo's father and his award-winning medals in the restaurant. They didn't feel much at the time, but now the host told him about his achievements. , Everyone realized that they had underestimated him.

Following the host's introduction, Nishi Kujo immediately became the center of the entire venue, and even the camera gave them a few close-ups.

Xikutiao Denghua was a little proud of this, Xijiutiao Xiangdou reminded in a low voice at this time: "Denghua, don't divert your energy, focus on the game"

Only then did Xijiutiao Denghua come back to her senses and continue to work, but her mentality was a little different.

Xi Jiutiao Xiangdou couldn't help frowning, but he didn't say much. After all, his daughter became a little more irritable.

"Then who is the other player who attracted your attention?" The host asked another question to Shingo Kudo at this time, and everyone paid attention again.

The first character is so powerful, so who is the second player?
"The second player is No. 2," Shingo Kudo replied with a smile.

The camera immediately turned around.

Contestant No. 18 is a young man with an ordinary appearance, and his assistant is a girl.

The host quickly found the information on the 18th.

"Contestant No. 18 is Saichiro Kanhara, and his assistant is his wife Rika Kanhara. Mr. Kudo, can you introduce us?" the host asked at this time. Very curious.

"The Kanbara players are amazing!" Kudo Shingo praised, "They once won the bronze medal in the British International Cake Competition."

Yusuke and Seiko paused for a moment, British International Cake Competition?

They had only heard of this name two days ago. This is known as the Oscar of the cake industry, and winning the bronze award represents a certain level of strength, which made Yusuke and Seiko look sideways.

However, the surrounding spectators were at a loss. They did not understand what the British International Cake Competition represented.

Shingo Kudo explained at this time: "The British International Cake Competition is the highest event in the cake industry. It is known as the Oscar of the cake industry. If you win the gold medal, you will be number one in the world, and if you win the bronze medal, you will be ranked third in the world. Contestant Kanbara The strength is very strong”

There was an uproar among the crowd, the second contestant was even better!
I didn't expect Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon here!There is still such a pair of strong opponents hidden, Xi Kutiao and his daughter can't help but see it, they didn't expect there to be such a strong man.

In the face of everyone's curious eyes, the camera's lens, and the audience's curiosity, the Kanbara couple appeared very calm, never stopped the movements of their hands, and completely immersed themselves in their own world.

This psychological quality is in sharp contrast with the people around him, he is worthy of being a professional!

The couple in Eri looked at each other in embarrassment, and the game that they thought was a surefire match was a bit confusing at this moment.

The standard of this cake competition is too high!Isn't it just an ordinary business competition?Why do people like this show up!

There is no mistake!The full-level number came to slaughter the Novice Village!
The other contestants were a little distracted. Compared with these professionals, my work is a bit unsellable!
Shingo Kudo also noticed that the atmosphere at the scene was wrong, and quickly said: "But they were the winners of the previous year, and they didn't participate in last year or this year."

Only then did the contestants come to their senses. It turned out to be the former champion, so it was nothing.

But the Kanbara couple didn't care about everything around them, even if it was praise or belittling, they didn't care, and they were completely devoted to their work.

This mental quality is tough!
(End of this chapter)

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