Chapter 612 612. Comments
The referee commented on the two players, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little hotter.

But for the other players, the direction of the wind was a bit wrong. They seemed to be a foil. Many people's mentality collapsed, and of course some people didn't care.

Yusuke and Seiko also looked away, focusing on the work in front of them.

The atmosphere at the scene is very hot. Of course, the three referees will not only comment on two players. They will also comment on the players who performed well. As for whether it will affect other players, it depends on the mentality of the players. up.

Yusuke's workbench was also captured by the camera, giving a close-up for a few minutes.

The three referees were a little surprised when they saw Yusuke's semi-finished product, and the host asked: "The three referees are surprised by the work of contestant No. 32, can you comment for us?"

The audience also looked over, Yusuke was standing on the workbench at this time, rolling a piece of dough with his fingers, his movements were so fast that his hands almost turned into shadows, like Avalokitesvara.

What is this guy doing?

This is a cake competition, why is it like juggling.

However, everyone's focus quickly shifted, this guy is so handsome!

That's right, Yusuke's appearance is the best in the audience, and his handsome appearance is completely different from other contestants.

Standing there, that serious expression and resolute eyes seemed to be emitting light, so dazzling!

Many female audiences were attracted. It doesn't matter whether the cake tastes good or not, as long as the person is handsome!

Lixiang and Yui felt a little funny when they heard the discussions around them, but Eri didn't think it was funny.

These guys were actually discussing next to her: wait a minute and ask Yusuke for a phone call. Do you think she is dead?
These bloody little whores!

As a professional host, he also paid attention to the atmosphere of the scene, and praised with a smile: "Contestant No. 32 is so handsome!"

Laughter broke out at the scene.

The host continued: "Contestant No. 32 is Yusuke Misawa, and his assistant is his girlfriend, Seiko Sasaki."

Wait a minute, girlfriend?
Eri was taken aback, why is she a girlfriend?
Aiyi and Xiaoye next to her were shocked. Is Sister Shengzi his brother's girlfriend?What happened to sister Yuyi?
In fact, the host doesn't know if the two are boyfriend and girlfriend, but both of them have super good looks, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, and they are very topical as a couple. The host subconsciously matched them up. If you make a mistake, just wait and apologize.

"Mr. Kitazaki, what kind of cake did contestant No. 32 make?" the host asked, asking everyone's questions.

Kitazaki Masato replied: "Contestant No. 32 made fondant cake, which is a kind of artistic cake, which is very complicated to make, and only contestant No. 32 and No. 18 made this cake on the spot."

Everyone took a look, contestant No. 18 was also making a strange cake, so it turned out to be a fondant cake!
"Fondant cakes are a must for international cake competitions!"

Kitazaki Masato said at this time, the host suddenly became excited, as if he had discovered a bright spot.

"That's amazing. Now I have a question, which is also your question. Mr. Kitazaki, is this fondant cake better than other cakes?"

Everyone looked over, it was a great question.

"Fondant cake is an artistic cake, and the emphasis is on artistry. The appearance is definitely more beautiful than ordinary cakes, but in terms of taste, it is no different from the top cakes."

"The appearance of the fondant cake has certain bonus points, but making fondant cakes on the spot also has certain risks. It is a waste of time to put the fondant cakes on the spot. Few people do this. It seems that contestants Shenyuan and Sanze are very serious about themselves. Very confident!"

The audience immediately understood, and the nervous contestants felt relieved. It turned out that there was such a difference. It was just a little more beautiful, and that was fine.

Kitazaki Masato smiled, but he still didn't say a word: Those who can make fondant cakes are very confident in their own craftsmanship!

Because of the referee's explanation, Yusuke also received the attention of many people, but Yusuke didn't care. At this time, the dough in his hand had already formed a shape. I drew it.

With the help of a god when Yusuke wrote, with the increase of colors, the image of the cake quickly emerged.

The holy son beside him was amazed, Yusuke's hand can be said to turn decay into magic, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't dare to imagine it.

Also paying attention to Yusuke is the Kanhara couple. They thought they were the only ones making fondant cakes, but they didn't expect someone to challenge this item, which made them a little curious.

This scrutiny immediately surprised them.

The opponent's nimble fingers and skilled movements are definitely at the professional level!
They cheered up immediately, this is a strong enemy!
Also paying attention to is Xikujo Denghua, although she says she doesn't care, but Yusuke's influence on her is too great, she always loses to him, Xikujo Denghua has already had a psychological shadow, she turns her head from time to time to peek .

Xi Kujo, who was next to him, shook his head, and couldn't help persuading him: "Denghua, concentrate on the game, if you distract yourself like this, you won't be able to win the game."

Xijiutiao Denghua was startled, her face turned red, and she cheered up.

Also concerned about Yusuke's work status are Eri and others, but their focus is different.

Eri pricked up her ears, listening to the discussions of the surrounding female audience.

"Number 32 is so handsome!"

"Although he has a girlfriend, he is really handsome!"

"I'm really envious of his girlfriend. If I had such a handsome boyfriend, I'd wake up laughing."

Everyone's focus is on Yusuke's good looks, which makes Eri very angry.

How dare these vixens want to seduce my Yusuke!

What's even more irritating is that everyone has recognized that Shengzi is his girlfriend, how can this be tolerated!
Aiyi and Xiaoye beside them were silently praying, brother can't lose!

All players are working hard.

Finally, a bell rang and the game was over.

Everyone stopped. Of course, there were still some contestants who did not finish, so they could only declare failure.

The staff counted it, and it turned out that only half of the people had completed it, which was beyond everyone's expectations!
The success rate is too low!
The reason for this was the referee's comments and the host's fanning the flames. Some players whose mental quality was not good enough collapsed.

But on the other hand, to be able to complete a work, at least the psychological quality and craftsmanship must pass the test.

Everyone suddenly became excited, and finally reached the most tense part!

(End of this chapter)

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