Chapter 613 613. Eye-catching
The competition process is very important, but the most eye-catching part is the selection part, which is also the part that players and audiences look forward to the most.

This aspect is a test of the strength of the referee.

The referee must not only tell the good or bad of the work, but also have sharp comments, which must convince the audience and the players, which requires the referee to have hard skills.

The entries were arranged in order according to the number plates. The three judges drank a glass of water, rinsed their mouths, and began to taste the No. 1 entry.

“Good taste but too sweet”

Tongkou Sanlang commented, the other two nodded, put down the knife and fork in their hands, and a taste is enough.

Player No. 1 fails.

Contestant No. 2 was directly defeated because he did not complete the work in time, followed by contestant No. 3, namely Xikutiao Denghua.

The three referees became serious at this time, and the audience also lifted their spirits.

Just now the referee had a very high evaluation of contestant No. 3. I don't know what kind of performance she will have.

Xijiutiao Denghua confidently took the cake and walked up to the high platform, the camera also turned the lens around, and Xijiutiao Denghua's work was quickly projected on the big screen behind it, it was a black forest cake.

The round cake base is decorated with chocolate chips and white cream, and there are two or three red cherries in the middle. The appearance is very beautiful.

From the appearance, it has passed the test, now we have to try its taste.

The referees each cut a small piece of cake and tasted it.

Toka Nishikujo looked at them nervously, waiting for the verdict. Although she yelled loudly, she cared about this competition very much, especially after knowing that Yusuke Misawa was also participating, the nature of this competition became different. same.

She must win this game!
The three judges smiled.

"It's delicious, the sweetness is just right, and it's not greasy," Saburo Tongkou praised.

"The taste is very delicate, with the aroma of almonds. You should use almond flour instead of bread flour." Kudo Shingo said at this time, "This is the most authentic method, and no one has done it for a long time."

Xikutiao Denghua nodded, "That's right, I did use almond flour!"

The onlookers were a little amazed, this referee is still capable!

For the cake made by Xikujo Denghua, the three referees unanimously approved it.

Xijiutiao Denghua breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately regained her confidence, and now she has the upper hand!

The other contestants were a little nervous. All competitions have preconceived ideas. Xikutiao Denghua is one step ahead, which puts a lot of pressure on others.

But it's not like there's no chance.

The work of contestant No. 4 was also presented at this time.

"No, it's not sweet enough, and it's too greasy"

Kitazaki Masato waved his hand, and the other two also took a sip and put it down.

Player No. 4 is eliminated, the next one.

“This is too sweet”

“This one is kinda burnt”

"This is a bit bitter, too much cocoa powder!"


Five or six contestants were eliminated in a row, and Xijiutiao Denghua was the only one who could pass the approval of three referees. This surprised the audience. The selection requirements are too high!
The host also asked this question just right: "Three referees, what are the selection criteria?"

In this regard, food critic Masato Kitazaki spoke.

"There are two selection criteria. One is the appearance. The appearance of food affects people's appetite the most. A beautiful appearance will make people have a strong desire. The works presented just now basically pass the test.

The second is taste. Cakes are desserts. The most important thing is sweetness. Too sweet or too light will not work. At the same time, it contains cream, too greasy.

As for the works just now, basically everyone made the mistake of being either too sweet or too greasy.

And then there is a higher level of requirements: a sense of hierarchy.

The taste after eating, the taste felt by the tongue, a perfect ratio, in simple words, you feel like you want to continue eating after eating, and the whole person is very happy after eating, this is a perfect work.”

The audience around suddenly realized it, and they didn't know what was going on. This sounds so powerful!

"It's amazing!" The host praised, "Which one is the final result? Please let us continue to watch and invite the next contestant!"

The next one happened to be contestant No. 18, the Kanhara couple who won the bronze medal in the British International Cake Competition.

Seeing that the two of them were playing, all the players and spectators looked over. They were the third in the world. Although it was in the past tense, it also meant that they had such strength!

The audience was amazed to see their cake, they made a castle.

That is the famous Kinkaku-ji Temple!

On the big screen at the back, the audience could see the whole cake, the attic, the corridor, the eaves, all the details, very realistic, completely replicating the appearance of the golden attic, and the audience gasped in amazement.

This castle is so similar, it is completely a miniature building!

is this cake
This can be used as a model!

"Amazing, as expected of Saichiro Kanbara!" Shingo Kudo praised with a full face.

"This appearance is definitely the best in the audience!" Saburo Tongkou also nodded in praise.

"And what amazes me the most is Saichiro Kanhara's craftsmanship!" Masato Kitazaki exclaimed at this time.

"The making of fondant cakes is very troublesome and time-consuming. To be able to make such a high-level cake on site, Saichiro Kanhara's craftsmanship is definitely world-class!"

The unstinting praise from the three referees changed Xijiutiao Denghua's face, which was completely different from her evaluation just now!
All the contestants' hearts sank. Didn't they say that the good fondant cake is an art cake, and the taste is similar to ordinary cakes, but what is the reason for this kind of praise!
Everyone seems to have been deceived.

The camera also gave a few minutes of close-ups, and it is likely that the champion was born here.

The host said at this time: "It seems that the three referees spoke highly of contestant No. 18. The appearance of contestant No. 18's work is definitely the best in the audience, but the cake still depends on how it tastes. Next, I would like to invite the three The judge tastes and gives an evaluation"

The three referees rinsed their mouths and were ready to taste.

Kamihara Saichiro cut the cake into three pieces, placed them on a plate, and presented them to the three judges.

And everyone saw it at this time, the original delicate model was cut open at this time, and you can see what it looks like inside, it is really a cake!

The three referees tasted it and nodded in the eyes of all the audience.

"Full score!"


"The taste is rich and layered, but also very delicate!"

All three referees gave very high evaluations, and the scene reached a climax all of a sudden.

Finally, the cake that the referee was satisfied with appeared!

Kamihara Saichiro showed a satisfied smile, very confident.

Cake number 18 was a small climax, and the cakes that followed were nothing out of the ordinary.

Although some works tasted good, but the appearance was completely overwhelmed by No. 18 Kinkaku-ji Temple, and finally came to the last work, which is No. 32 Yusuke's cake.

(End of this chapter)

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