Chapter 614 614. The Perfect Cake

Among the dozens of cakes that the judges commented on just now, the best one is No. 18 contestant Saichiro Kanbara's fondant cake 'Kinkakuji', followed by No. 3 contestant Nishikujo Toka's Black Forest cake

The game has passed a small wave of climax, and Yusuke is the last one. Logically speaking, it is near the end at this time, and the enthusiasm of the audience is not so high.

But when Yusuke appeared, there was another small climax at the scene, which surprised the referee and the host.

But it was soon discovered that these excited calls were a bit strange.

"Contestant Sanze is so handsome!"

"Contestant Sanze just smile!"

"Contestant Sanze, I like you!"

The host and the referees smiled, it turned out that the problem was caused by the appearance.

In this world, it really depends on the face!

The cheers made Eri's teeth tickle with anger.

These little bastards are really shameless!
But not everyone is attracted by Yusuke's appearance, for example, Nishikujo Toka, she is very curious about what kind of works Misawa Yusuke can produce.

For example, Saichiro Kamihara, he was very curious about what kind of work this strong man who made fondant cakes on the spot like him would hand over.

When Yusuke's cake appeared on the rear screen, there was a burst of exclamation.

This doll is so exquisite!

The doll is more than ten centimeters tall. It is the image of a young girl with long black hair, light blush, big black eyes, slender fingers, gorgeous and noble clothes.

The puppet girl is sitting on a chair at this time, with one hand on the arm of the chair, her chin resting on her chin, her eyes are looking forward, her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, the corners of her mouth are slightly opened, and there is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which is playful. cute!
This is so exquisite!
The audience all gasped in amazement, this is exactly the same as the figurine, is this really a cake?Completely refreshed their three views!
All the players were shocked!

Kanbara Saichiro opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

Although everyone makes fondant cakes, the works of the two sides are completely incomparable. What I make is a miniature model, while the other party makes a doll. Obviously, the fineness of the doll lies above the model. .

The degree of completion of this cake is too high, even if it is said to be a work of art, some people will believe it!

"It's amazing!" Saburo Totsuguchi stood up and praised, his face full of disbelief, it was the first time he had seen such a work.

Kitazaki Masato and Kudo Shingo both came back to their senses, and immediately stood up from the referee's seat, walked to the cake, and watched it carefully.

This is unbelievable, how on earth is it done?
"Where did you see this?"

Food critic Yasaki Kitazaki said to herself, recalled it, and remembered it immediately.

The winning cake of this year's British International Cake Competition also looks like this!

Kitazaki Masato was shocked, that cake was made by Chinese people, I didn't expect someone in Japan to do it.

At this time, I couldn't help asking: "Contestant Sanze, what is the image of this cake?"

"Diaochan" Yusuke replied, "I chose the image of Diaochan from the Three Kingdoms era"

All three referees nodded, Diao Chan's image is well deserved!

It's so delicate and beautiful!
Kitazaki Masato looked at Yusuke, where did this boy come from?Which family is he a descendant of?
His proficient movements just now are obvious, they must have been practiced since he was a child, and only families with handcrafted skills can have such kung fu.

This Misawa Yusuke is no ordinary person!

For such a work, the three referees highly appreciated it.

This cake is the most perfect!

This conclusion has also been recognized by all audiences, which is really amazing!
The audience is very excited, this time the game is really interesting.

Zuoichiro Kanbara suddenly became nervous. He had a bad premonition in his heart. The other party was far ahead of him in appearance. The next thing to do is to see how the taste is. But still the same sentence, the ones who can challenge the fondant cake are all He is very confident in his own strength.

My hopes are not great.

Toka Nishikujo's face was gloomy. Although the referee hadn't said it clearly, she knew that there was no hope this time. At this time, she took off her white chef's hat, sighed, and lost to Yusuke Misawa again.

At this moment, a hand was placed on her head, Xijiutiao Denghua froze, turned her head, and saw her father's smiling face in front of her.

"Work harder next time!" Dad said with a smile.

Xijiutiao Denghua opened her mouth. At this moment, thinking of her performance on the field, she couldn't help but reflect, she was too rough.

It seems that I have to cultivate myself for a while.

The review process is still going on, the appearance of the cake is fine, the next step is the taste, but...

Looking at this exquisite cake, the three referees suddenly felt a little bit helpless.

The thought of slicing this cake into pieces, this beautiful work of art, was a bit overwhelming for everyone.

And the audience is also whispering, it is really a pity that this exquisite work of art should be destroyed.

The three referees discussed it and finally decided to remove the chair under the doll and keep the exquisite doll.

Carefully separate the cake, each referee placed a small piece in front of it.

The three referees picked up the spoons, took a bite out of it, and put it in their mouths. The camera also projected the expressions of the three on the big screen behind.

After a while, the three of them froze, and then quickly ate up all the cakes on the plate.

There was only a little bit of cake, and it was eaten up quickly, and the three of them were still a little bit unsatisfied.

The audience is whispering, what is the result.

And the host also asked this question just right: "Please comment on the three referees!"

Tongkou Saburo nodded seriously, "It's perfect."

"It's delicious!" Kitazaki Masato praised.

"Very good!" Shingo Kudo said excitedly, "I would call it the best in the game!"

"It's amazing, this is the second cake that three referees judged as perfect"" the host said in surprise at this time.

"Then who is the champion this time? Please call the three referees."

The three referees were whispering, and the audience was also very curious.

After a while, Saburo Totsuguchi stood up as the representative.

"There are many excellent works in this competition, such as the work of No. [-] contestant Xikujo Denghua, Black Forest Cake, which is very amazing.

No. 18 contestant Kamihara Saichiro's 'Kinkakuji' cake is a work of art of fondant cake, and the most admirable one is No. 32 contestant Misawa Yusuke Sawa Yumi. It can be said that he alone has raised Japan's The level of the cake world.

Therefore, our three referees agreed that the winner this time is contestant No. 32, Yusuke Misawa! "

(End of this chapter)

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