Chapter 619 619. Getting closer

Doubled the charm value, under the original physical fitness, he was very handsome, but now with a weak body, he looks a bit coquettish.

Could it be that too strong charm will kill both men and women?

Yusuke couldn't help but shuddered, this was really scary!

Yusuke sincerely hopes that next time he won't draw 'Double Charm Value' again!

After putting on new clothes, tidying up my appearance, I said hello to my mother and went out.

Walking out of the house, feeling the cold air outside, Yusuke shivered instantly.

The weather is still the same, but my body is much weaker and I am not used to it.

Yusuke finally knew how powerful "doubled combat power" was. Fortunately, the negative state was only for a week, and it passed after a while.

Yusuke stopped thinking about it and walked towards the station.

Norio is a student at Waseda University, located in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

Yusuke got off the Shinkansen and called Ji Xiong at the station. Ki Xiong was already on the way, so Yongsuke was waiting outside the station.

"Yongsuke!" Ji Xiong's voice came from behind at this time, Yusuke turned his head, and Ji Xiong was running over with a smile.

She was wearing a beige coat, a white plush hat on her head, and a long black hair shawl. Her joyful smile warmed the air a lot.

Yusuke also waved his hands with a smile, Ji Xiong opened his arms at this time, Yusuke also extended his arms with a smile, and hugged each other.

"Yusuke, you are finally willing to come to see me!" Ji Xiong said with a smile, the joy in his words was fully revealed.

"I'm coming to see you now" Yusuke replied with a smile, coaxing her a few words, Ji Xiong was already smiling.

"Let's go." Yongsuke smiled and held Ji Xiong's little hand, and Ji Xiong nodded happily. The two held hands and held each other tightly.

Today's date is very ordinary, shopping, shopping, the atmosphere is very warm.

It's rare that Ji Xiong changed his usual appearance full of nasty jokes, and now shyly followed Yusuke's side, looking like a little bird clinging to others.

Yongsuke said with a smile: "I didn't expect Ji Xiong to have serious moments!"

Ji Xiong frowned, raised his small fist, and tapped him lightly.

"Don't you guys deserve a beating!"

Yusuke replied with a smile: "This is what you usually look like."

"You guys don't understand sentiment at all!"

"Okay, I was wrong!" Yusuke surrendered, Ji Xiong remembered something at this moment, showed a strange smile, attached to Yusuke's ear, and said softly: "You can like those lewd love words, as long as Let my sister teach you~"

Yusuke shook his head with a smile, and then said seriously: "No matter what you look like, Ji Xiong, I like it!"

This sudden confession made Ji Xiong's little face turn red, he lowered his head, faltered, and dared not speak.

My heart is beating so fast, it seems like it's about to pop out, but what's the matter with this happy mood?The corner of Ji Xiong's mouth couldn't help but smile.

Yongsuke smiled, took Ji Xiong's little hand, did not speak, the two walked on the street, enjoying the warm atmosphere.

Eating, shopping, reading in a bookstore, trying on clothes in a clothing store, and eating snacks in a snack street, although they are ordinary items, the two of them had a great time, and Ji Xiong's smile never stopped.

"Yusuke, would you like to visit my studio?" Ji Xiong asked with a smile at this moment.

Yusuke wanted to take her to the movies, but then he thought about it and nodded.

The strongest thing in the island country is manga, and manga artists have some fantasy color, Yusuke is very interested in the manga artist's studio.

Ji Xiong's studio is in a small building with 1 floors. The place is not remote, and the surrounding environment is also very clean.

This place is safe for female cartoonists.

"Come in and sit down," Ji Xiong said with a smile, and Yusuke took a look at the place.

There are only two rooms here, and in one room there is a huge workbench, which is filled with all kinds of straw paper. Yusuke saw many drafts of manga characters.

After knowing that Ji Xiong is a manga artist, Yusuke went out to buy her manga and watched the animation adapted from manga, so he is very familiar with Ji Xiong's style.

The style of these characters can be seen to be Ji Xiong's handwriting.

There are various drawing tools and pencils on the table, which are thrown in a mess. The whole table is very messy, and it looks like it is often working.

And there are many stickers on the wall next to the table, with many strange sentences on them.

Ji Xiong explained at this time: "These are the dialogues in comics. Sometimes I think of a good dialogue, so I write it down and stick it on the wall. I can use it when I need it."

Yusuke very much agrees that the most important thing for literary and artistic creators is inspiration.

At this time, I thought of a question and asked: "Cartoonists need to lie on the table for a long time. I heard that it is very bad for the waist. Have you taken any precautions?"

"Of course!" Ji Xiong replied with a smile, pointing at the chair in front of the workbench, "I made this one at a huge price, and it's very comfortable to sit on. Do you want to try it?"

Yusuke took a look at this chair, it was indeed very different from the usual chairs, so he tried to sit on it.

The height of the chair is just right, it can just face the workbench, the cushion is neither soft nor hard, leaning back, there is just a pad at the waist, which is pressed against the waist, and there is a U-shaped cushion at the neck The sponge cushion just caught the neck, and the backrest of the whole chair perfectly matched the curve of the cervical spine of the human body, so it was quite comfortable.

"This chair also has a massage function." Ji Xiong said with a smile, "You press the button next to it."

Yusuke didn't expect it to be a massage chair, so he tried to press it, and then there was a push from his waist and neck.

"How is it? Are you comfortable!" Ji Xiong asked with a smile, Yusuke nodded, feeling good.

Ji Xiong looked at Yusuke, his face was reddish, and now he made up his mind, he turned around and sat directly on Yusuke's lap, which shocked Yusuke, sat up straight, and happened to be face to face with Ji Xiong.

At this time, Ji Xiong wrapped his hands around Yusuke's neck and lay down on his stomach.

Yusuke could feel the smell of Ji Xiong's body, it was sweet and sweet, and it smelled very good.

Seeing Ji Xiong whose face was reddish and nervous at the same time, Yusuke suddenly became nervous and also had some expectations.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, and still hugging each other so closely, could it be that...

Next is the adult part?
Yusuke swallowed his saliva, as soon as his thoughts changed, his body immediately changed accordingly.

Ji Xiong also felt the astonishing heat from his thigh, and his face turned red immediately.

Both can feel the breath of both sides, and the faces of the two are getting closer...

(End of this chapter)

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