Chapter 620 620. Add Money
Both Yusuke and Kixiong stopped their movements at the same time, and they felt a strange sight.

The two turned their heads at the same time, and at the door of the room, a small head was lying there.

It was a woman, and her eyes were full of surprise, gossip, curiosity, and excitement.

Who is this?

Yusuke was a little curious and looked at Ji Xiong.

Ji Xiong glared at the woman angrily, his little head retracted instantly, and the voice came from behind the door.

"Go ahead and pretend that I don't exist!"

How could it be possible when you didn't exist!
Ji Xiong got up from Yusuke's body, tidied his clothes, his expression was a little shy, a little angry, and a little regretful.

At this moment, Yusuke took a deep breath and calmed down his mind. He almost fired his gun just now. Fortunately, his self-control is not bad.

Then he asked, "Who is that person?"

"She is Zuo Fang Meixu." Ji Xiong said angrily, and then told about Zuo Fang Meixu.

Because Zuo Fang Meixu couldn't find a job and had no money to pay the rent, she was evicted by the landlord and had nowhere to go, so she had to ask Ji Xiong for help and stayed in Ji Xiong's studio for a few days.

As a result, Ji Xiong forgot about her existence, so the oolong incident happened.

"Meio, don't hide, come out and get to know each other"

Ji Xiong shouted at this time, since he was discovered, it is useless to hide any longer.

"Don't worry about me, just pretend I don't exist"

Mio's voice came from behind the door, and Ji Xiong was almost pissed off, what are you talking about!

Do we still have to act live erotic palace in front of you!
Gritting his teeth, he said angrily, "Come out and get to know him, this is your future boss."

Future boss?

Mio was a little surprised, after a while, her little head was exposed, she looked at Yusuke, and suddenly remembered.

She once saw Yusuke's appearance in the photo, but she never thought that he was even more handsome than the photo.

Yusuke waved to her with a smile, and Mio Zuofa also realized that his behavior was inappropriate, smiled awkwardly, and walked out.

Only then did Yusuke see Zuofang Mio's appearance clearly, Zuofang Mio was a girl with short hair, with six or seven points of appearance, she was considered a beauty.

"Let me introduce you," Ji Xiong said at this time, "This is my boyfriend Yusuke Misawa, and this is my good friend Mio Zuofa"

"Hi, I'm Yusuke Misawa!"

"Hi, I'm Mio Zuofang"

The two shook hands.

At this moment, there was a cooing sound, and Yusuke and Ji Xiong were stunned for a moment, then looked at Zuofang Mio.

Zuofang Meixu blushed a little, and then let out a cry of hunger, and the atmosphere was suddenly very awkward.

Ji Xiong felt very ashamed.

Her face is almost gone!

Mei Xu was also a little embarrassed, coughed and explained: "I'm sorry, I didn't eat at noon"

"Then why don't you eat?" Ji Xiong gritted his teeth and asked.

"No money"

"Don't I still have some snacks in my studio?"

"I ate it all up last night, and I ran out of drinks"

Ji Xiong stroked his forehead with a look of powerlessness.

Why do I have such a friend!
Yusuke smiled and said, "It's almost time for afternoon tea, let's go eat something together."

"Great!" Mio instantly became excited.

From morning to now, she only drank water and didn't eat anything. She was already so hungry.

She planned to borrow some money from her when Ji Xiong came back, but unexpectedly Ji Xiong brought a man back, so she had to hide.

I didn't expect to be discovered, otherwise there would be a good show just now.

Ji Xiong gave up, since she didn't feel ashamed herself, she couldn't care less about it.

The three of them set off together and found a restaurant. Yusuke specially ordered a lot of things, and immediately gained a lot of goodwill from the other party.

After a full meal, Mio regained her spirits at this time, her IQ was on the line, and said with a smile: "Since you are dating, then I won't bother you."

"No need." Ji Xiong shook his head, they had already played what should be played.

"We have met, let's talk about the recruitment before."

Everyone had no objections, so Yusuke explained the situation of his company.

Zuo Fang Meixu began to ponder, and Ji Xiong said next to him: "Do you still need to think about it? You almost have no money to eat."

Mei Xu glared at her for an instant, you guys value sex over friends!They even dismantled my desk!
At this time, he no longer pretended to be deep.

That's right, she has no money, and if she can't find a job, she will have to drink the Northwest wind, so as long as the job is not illegal or vulgar, she will agree.

"Happy cooperation everyone!"

Both smiled and shook hands, and the studio added another staff member.

But Zuofang Meixu's situation is a bit special, she doesn't have a dime on her, so Yusuke generously gave her salary in advance.

She doesn't even have money to eat, let alone buy a bus ticket to go to work.

This makes Ji Xiong feel very embarrassed, Yusuke is so generous because of her face!

Yusuke looked at the time and said, "It's almost time for me to go back too."

"So soon, don't you stay overnight?" Mio asked in surprise.

Ji Xiong glared at her angrily, once you say it, how can I say it!Wouldn't that make me look very erotic!
Yongsuke comforted Ji Xiong with a smile, Ji Xiong was a little bit reluctant, today's date was very happy, but time passed too fast, and I don't know when the next date will be.

But what should come will still come.

The two waved their hands to say goodbye, seeing Yusuke's figure disappearing at the intersection, Ji Xiong then withdrew his eyes.

There are still two years left, and Yusuke will be going to university in two years, and he will graduate by then, so we can be together forever, just bear with it.

"Don't look, he's gone"

Mio's voice came from the side at this time, Ji Xiong came back to his senses, and gave her a look, today's date is perfect, the only regret is this guy.

Mio didn't care about Ji Xiong's attitude, and said with a smile: "Your boyfriend is very handsome, and he is very mature in doing things. He doesn't look like a high school student at all. No wonder you are so worried. This kind of handsome guy is not suitable for little girls. But the lethality is super invincible, even I am a little bit moved.”

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just kidding"

Only then did Ji Xiong withdraw his gaze, and snorted unhappily, I am sending a spy, not a love rival!

"Don't forget the mission I gave you!"

"Is your attitude begging for help?"

"I have money"

"It's amazing to be rich!"

"That's right, being rich is great!" Ji Xiong said seriously: "Having money means doing whatever you want!"

"Damn it, you bloody rich!"

Mio was very angry and was deeply hurt by Ji Xiong's words.

At this time, the eyes were very serious, and the expression was very serious, "I want to add money!"

This kind of thing needs to be paid for!
(End of this chapter)

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