Chapter 621 621. Last week

On Monday morning, when the alarm clock rang, You Yicong woke up from sleep, got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, changed his school uniform, tidied up his appearance, looked in front of the mirror, looked beautiful, nodded with satisfaction, and went downstairs ate breakfast.

The younger sister was already eating, and when she saw Yui, she smiled and said hello: "Sister, good morning!"

My younger sister, Xiaoye, is becoming more and more sensible. She was naughty before, but as she grows older, she looks more and more like a girl.

"Good morning, Saya, Mom"

Yui sat in her seat and began to have breakfast.

"Sister" Xiao Ye who was sitting next to her leaned over, looking forward to looking at herself, "Sister, when can you eat that cake?"

On Saturday, Yusuke sent a cake made in the image of Yui, and Yui was very happy.

And that cake Xiaoye has always been very greedy.

According to Xiaoye, Yusuke made the same type of cake before, it was very delicious, and the taste made her unforgettable, but now that she owns a whole one, she has been drooling.

"No!" Yuyi directly refused, other aspects are easy to talk about, but this aspect is absolutely not!

I heard from Yusuke that if this kind of cake is preserved properly, it can be preserved for a long time. I still want to keep it for viewing, so how can I let Xiaoye eat it.

Xiaoye is a little regretful, my sister is really stingy.

But don't worry, I still have a way, she knows the secret: if you act like a baby with brother Yongsuke, you will get a cake, and if your sister gets such a big cake by acting like a baby, then if I act like a baby once, wouldn't it be possible to get a bigger cake!

Xiao Ye was thinking about whether she should go to Sanze's house to try her luck after school.

"Xiao Ye, hurry up and eat, it's time to go to school." The elder sister's voice came at this time, Xiao Ye came back to her senses, watched for some time, hurriedly finished her food, wiped her mouth, and said goodbye to her mother, He picked up his schoolbag and ran away.

"Sister, wait for me!"

"Xiao Ye, don't fall down!" Mom urged from behind, shaking her head helplessly.

The two sisters went out of the house together. The cold air outside formed a sharp contrast with the warm atmosphere at home. The two couldn't help shivering. It was really cold this morning!

"Sister Yuyi!" Aiyi who was standing at the door greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Aiyi!"

Yui responded with a smile, but strangely, she didn't see Yusuke.

Yusuke would wait for her at the door every morning, no matter it was windy or rainy, it never stopped, but what happened this morning, she didn't see Yusuke's figure, which made her a little puzzled.

"Aiyi, where's your brother?"

"Brother is behind," Aiyi responded, "He will come out in a moment, Sister Aiyi, let's go first."

The two little girls left first holding hands.

Yuyi was a little strange, thought for a while, and then walked towards Sanze's house.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Misawa's house, Yusuke walked out of the house.

"Yusuke, good morning!"

"Good morning, Yui," Yusuke responded with a smile, "It's so cold this morning, I almost couldn't get out of bed"

Yui was a little surprised, "I didn't expect you to be bedridden, it's really rare"

Yusuke smiled, his nose itched and he sneezed, Yui was a little surprised, and looked at Yusuke worriedly, "Could it be that you have a cold?"

Yusuke shook his head, "No, I just feel a little cold"

The attributes are halved. Now Yusuke is at the level of ordinary people. His physical fitness is not very strong. He has all the conditions that ordinary people should have. He was very tired after a busy day yesterday. He was a little tired in the morning, so his resistance is a little weak some.

Yuyi was a little worried, and asked, "Do you want to take a day off?"

Yusuke shook his head, "No need, by the way, this Friday is the weekend exam, how is your review?"

"It's okay," Yui replied.

After reading this week, the semester will come to an end.

This year flies so fast!
The two walked towards the school, chatting, and soon arrived at the station.

The station is still so lively.

"Yusuke, it's up to you!" Yui said with a smile, and Yusuke nodded.

But he forgot that he was able to squeeze Yuyi into the tram at ordinary times, relying on his super physical fitness, which is now at the level of ordinary people, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze out a little space in this crowded tram The power of the tiger.

There was very little space between the two of them, and they were close together.

Yui's whole body was attached to Yusuke's body, even through the thick padded clothes, Yui still blushed a little.

Usually you don't have to act like this, could this guy be doing it on purpose to take advantage of him?
At this time, I was a little shy and a little angry.

Looking up, seeing Yusuke's ugly face, he was startled.

At this moment, he grabbed Yusuke's arm nervously, and asked worriedly, "Yusuke, are you okay?"

Yusuke shook his head, "It's okay."

When I squeezed up just now, I was accidentally hit with an elbow. Although I was separated by clothes, my chest was still a little stuffy.

After listening to Yusuke's explanation, Yui was very angry, which guy is so wicked!

"Forget it" Yusuke replied, his face looked a little better at this time, "There are so many people, there is no way to get to the bottom of it."

"Yusuke, your condition today is not quite right." Yui came back to his senses and said hesitantly, "You seem to be particularly weak today."

"Maybe I'm too tired," Yusuke replied.

When the two were talking, the tram had already arrived at the stop, and Yui wanted to say something, but Yusuke pulled her off the bus.

Seeing that Yusuke's expression had returned to normal, Yui didn't say anything more.

When they arrived at the school, at the entrance, the two said goodbye, and Yusuke went back to the classroom.

Opening the door of the classroom, the voices in the classroom suddenly quieted down. After a while, the voices of voices resounded again, but it was much quieter than before.

The whole school knew what happened in the baseball club last week. The final result was that Yusuke was suspended for three days. Everyone recognized that this incident was caused by Yusuke Misawa.

Rumors are flying around the school now.

Yusuke doesn't care about this, anyway, his reputation is up and down, and he has long been used to it.

I greeted Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu, and the three chatted and laughed for a while.

Yusuke asked at this time: "This week is the final exam, how is your review?"


"is acceptable"

In the next semester, the two of them did not go to part-time jobs, but participated in club activities, so they had more time. Correspondingly, their study status was also better.

"By the way, after the exam is over, do you want the three of us to play?" Gao Chengmu suggested with a smile, "We haven't acted together for a long time. It just so happens that the exam is over, so let's go and relax."

(End of this chapter)

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