The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 622 622. Invitation from the Kendo Club

Chapter 622 622. Invitation from the Kendo Club

"Sorry." Osamu Sakata shook his head, "I have other things to do."

"Me too," Yusuke replied.

Gao Chengmu was a little strange, "You two have an appointment!"

Sakata Osamu said at this time: "It happens to be Christmas after the holiday, and I want to go back to my hometown."

"Go to see your girlfriend," Takashiro said with a smile, and Sakata nodded.

Having not seen each other for half a semester, Osamu Sakata misses his girlfriend Matsuka Mihara very much. Although they have video calls every day, face-to-face contact can make them feel each other's existence better and bring their hearts closer.

And one more thing, after the Chinese New Year, Mihara Matsuka will start preparing for the entrance exam.

Mihara Matsuka is going to be admitted to the high school here, so she has to prepare well first.

"By the way, how is Mihara's academic performance?" Yusuke asked. Although he helped to settle the school here, Mihara Songhua's grades should not be too bad. After all, Hechuan Middle School is also a school with a relatively high deviation value.

Of course, if the grades are really bad, Yusuke also has a solution, but it is easier to solve it if the grades are good.

"Songhua's grades are very good." Sakata Ji replied with a smile, "Songhua wants to get out of the remote hometown, so he has been studying hard."

For ordinary people, reading is the most important way to change fate!

Mihara Matsuka has such an awareness, Sakata Osamu is very pleased, even with his learning attitude is also a lot more serious.

"Then what's the matter with you, Yusuke?" Gao Chengmu asked curiously at this time, "Zhi is going to accompany his girlfriend, so you also want to accompany his girlfriends, right?"

Speaking of this topic, Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu both looked narrow-minded.

They know that Yusuke has many confidante.

"I was invited by a friend" Yusuke replied, ignoring the playful eyes of the two.

In fact, Yusuke also felt a little apprehensive, Christmas is coming.

Jessica is a Westerner, and Christmas is an important holiday for them.

In Japan, influenced by the West, coupled with the promotion of businesses, Christmas has become an important festival for couples.

The girls must have been looking forward to it, but it was a torment for Yusuke.

What to do if you have too many girlfriends!

And after Christmas comes Valentine's Day, which is another headache.

At this time, the class rang, and Yusuke came to his senses. Let's think about this matter after returning home.

The students stopped communicating and returned to their seats. The class teacher, Mishima Noya, walked in and started the class.

At the end of the course, Mishima Noya closed the textbook and said: "This week is the final exam, I hope you will not be distracted by other things recently, and study hard."

The winter vacation is coming after the final exam, and the students are whispering, some are happy, while some are depressed.

The three of Yusuke are very calm, their usual grades are not bad, for the three of them, this final exam is just a small summary.

During the lunch break, Xi Chengwu ran over excitedly, Yusuke was very strange.

"Is that guy Xinzhu still pestering you?"

Xicheng Wu shook her head, "How dare that guy appear in front of me now!"

Xinzhu Santai was taught a lesson by Yusuke last time, and he knelt down in the kendo club to beg for mercy. The entire baseball club was disgraced, and many people quit the club. The baseball club is already facing the crisis of being abolished.

Yusuke did not expect that he brought down a society by himself.

But the baseball club is a very rubbish club, even if it falls down, it's nothing, Yusuke doesn't care about it.

"Senior Sanze, I'm here to invite you." Xicheng Wu said excitedly, "The Kendo Club has a party at the end of each year. This is the tradition of the Kendo Club. This year's party, the Kendo Club would like to invite Senior Sanze to participate."

Yusuke smiled, "Isn't it appropriate for me to be an outsider at the party inside your club?"

Xicheng Wu shook her head, "Senior Sanze is offended by saying that, you are also an important member of our Kendo Club"

The results of the Kendo club in the first half of the year were rubbish, and it was Yusuke who raised its upper limit by himself. It can be said that Yusuke is the savior of the Kendo club. If Yusuke had not joined Eri's club, Shoko Takayama would have wanted to pull him up a long time ago. Entered the kendo club.

Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded.

He will not refuse the kindness of the Kendo Club. In some respects, he is already bound to the Kendo Club, and he still has many good friends in the Kendo Club. Attending parties helps to exchange feelings.

"Then it's settled!" Xicheng Wu said with a smile, "I'll send you the time and place when the time comes."

Yusuke nodded and agreed.

The day's classes are over soon, and after school, it's time for club activities.

However, because the final exam was approaching, many associations had suspended their activities, and there were many students staying in the classroom. Everyone was reviewing, and many students gathered in twos and threes to discuss exercises with each other.

Yusuke said hello to the two, and then went to the club, and Eri had something to announce.

When I came to the club, several members of the club were already here, and everyone said hello.

Eri stood up at this time and said: "The final exam is approaching, and our club activities will be suspended for a while, and we will resume after the exam is over, but before that, I want to announce two things.

First, the Kendo Club invited us to a year-end party.

At the end of every year in the Kendo Club, all the members of the Kendo Club will gather once. This is the tradition of the Kendo Club. This year, the Kendo Club wants to invite our club to participate together. I would like to ask for your opinions."

"I know" Yusuke said at this time, "Xiao Wu specially invited me, I'm fine"

"Xiao Wu came to invite me too," Shengzi said, "I'm fine now."

The two of them are the most important contributors to the Kendo Club. As the next president, Xi Chengwu came forward to invite them to show their importance.

Both Lixiang and Yui had no objection to this, and the matter was passed unanimously.

"The second thing is about the year-end summary of our club"

Everyone looked at each other, confused.

"What is the club's year-end summary?" Yui asked at this time.

"We are a new club, representing a new force. Our establishment represents a pioneering work, so it is necessary to make a summary at the end of the year," Eri replied seriously.

"You didn't think of it until you saw the Kendo club gathering?" Yusuke complained.

"How is it possible!" Eri retorted righteously.

Yusuke is [-]% sure, this guy is definitely a temporary idea!

"What is the summary at the end of the year?" Yui continued to ask, "Could it be that we are asked to make a report?"

"Of course not, we don't engage in this kind of formalism!"

Eri said: "That day we will eat together to celebrate!"

After talking for a long time, isn't it just a party!

What about the year-end summary, the result is not copied from the Kendo Club!
Sensing everyone's weird eyes, Eri responded very cheekily: "This is our Jiran Club's annual meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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