Chapter 624
The night was dark, there was light snow on the road, and the weather was very cold.

When Yusuke returned home, he felt cold all over his body, even his voice trembled a little.

This state is not right!
This familiar feeling...

The whole body is weak, the head is muddled, and the whole person can't lift his spirits. This is the rhythm of a cold!
Yusuke didn't expect him to catch a cold at this time, which made people speechless.

What is the most important thing about a cold?
Drink more hot water, drink more hot water, drink more hot water.

This is the most important thing, say it three times!
Drink plenty of water, take some medicine, and rest more, and the cold will heal naturally.

Yusuke and his mother took some cold medicine and cooling stickers, and his mother was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Yusuke to catch a cold. At this moment, he asked worriedly, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Yusuke shook his head, "No, it's not serious, just take a rest."

Yusuke took some medicine, put on cooling stickers, and went back to his room to rest.

Lying on the bed, closing his eyes, a strong sense of tiredness hit him, and Yusuke quickly fell asleep.

What Yusuke didn't know was that after he fell asleep, the door of his room opened quietly.

Dad walked in, looked at Yusuke, reached out to touch Yusuke's forehead, felt the temperature, and looked worried.

At this time, my mother also appeared beside me. The parents looked at each other and quietly left the room.

Outside the room, Dad whispered: "I will watch Yusuke by the side tonight, Miwa, you go to rest first."

Mom shook her head, "Kazuya, you have to work tomorrow, let me watch."

But my father refused, and his attitude was very firm, so my mother had to go to rest.

No matter how old a child is, he will always be a child in the eyes of his parents.

Yusuke felt very uncomfortable throughout the night, the effect of the cooling stickers was not very good, his whole body was hot and cold, his whole body was sticky, and he was very uncomfortable.

In a daze, he felt a cold touch.

This cold feeling makes the body a little more comfortable.

Yusuke felt this cold touch last several times.

Finally, the temperature of his body dropped, Yusuke felt comfortable all over,
The next morning, Aiyi was eating at the dining table, and found that her mother looked a little tired, and asked curiously: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Laughing and shaking his head, "Nothing"

Aiyi didn't suspect anything else, and looked at Yusuke's position at this time, and asked curiously: "Is brother not up yet? Let me call him."

"No need" Mom stopped at this time, "Yusuke is sick, and he will have a day off today, Aiyi is a good boy, don't bother your brother"

My brother is sick!
"How is brother? Is it serious?" Aiyi asked nervously at this moment.

"It's nothing, it's just a cold." Mom replied with a smile, "Aiyi can go see her brother when she comes back from school in the afternoon."

Aiyi nodded. A cold is contagious. Although she is very worried about her brother's condition, her mother said so, so don't trouble her.

After breakfast, Aiyi said hello to her mother and went out. After waiting for a while at the door of Miyajima's house, Saya and Yuyi came out.

"Xiaoye, Sister Yuyi," Aiyi greeted.

At this moment, Yuyi looked around and asked, "Aiyi, is your brother going to bed late again?"

Aiyi shook her head and said, "Brother is sick today, so he has to rest at home."

Yui was taken aback, remembering how Yusuke kept sneezing yesterday, and immediately realized that he must have caught a cold!
What a mistake!
Yusuke should have noticed yesterday when he sneezed, but he was so serious that he couldn't go to school today, he was very worried at this moment, without thinking, he walked directly towards Sanze's house.

"Sister, aren't you going to study?" My sister Xiaoye asked from behind.

"I'll go and see Yusuke, you guys go to school first"

"Oh, then let's go first!"

The two little girls left first holding hands.

Yuyi arrived at Misawa's house and rang the doorbell.

Soon, Auntie Meihe came out, saw Yui smiling and said: "Yuyi, Yusuke can't go to school today"

"I know, Auntie, I'm here to see Yusuke"

"Are you going to be late for school?"

"It's okay," Yui replied, "I'd better go and see Yusuke first."

Miwa nodded, and brought Yui into the house.

"Auntie, how is Yusuke's condition?"

"Yusuke had a fever last night, but the fever has subsided this morning. To be on the safe side, it's better to rest at home today."

Yuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and seeing the tired look on Meihe's face, she asked worriedly, "Auntie, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Miwa shook her head, "I took care of Yusuke last night, and I didn't have enough sleep."

"Auntie Meihe is really working hard!"

"Parents are like this," Meihe replied with a smile.

"By the way, I almost forgot, I was still cooking porridge." Meihe hurriedly ran into the kitchen at this time, and Yui also followed.

Meihe was holding hot porridge in a bowl.

"This is for Yusuke, I need something light to eat when I'm sick"

"Then I'll help you take it up, Auntie is so tired, let's take a rest first."

Yui picked up the plate first.

"But you still have to go to school"

"It doesn't matter" Yuyi replied, "I will arrange this matter myself"

Meihe smiled, "Then I will trouble you."

Yuyi came upstairs with the dinner plate, came to Yusuke's room, knocked on the door, but there was no response, then pushed the door open and walked in.

Yusuke was still sleeping on the bed.

Yui put down the dinner plate, put her little hand on Yusuke's forehead, felt the temperature, and breathed a sigh of relief after a while.

Your temperature is normal, so you should be fine.

At this time, Yusuke felt a cold touch, and opened his eyes in a daze, and there was a pretty face in front of him.


Struggling to sit up from the bed at this time, Yuyi quickly helped him, padded the pillow, let Yusuke lean on the head of the bed, and muttered: "I told you yesterday, but you still don't believe it. You see, you have a cold now, and now you are well, lying sick in bed."

Although she said so in her mouth, there was a worried look on Yuyi's face, especially when she saw Yusuke's pale face, she became haggard all of a sudden, which made her feel distressed.

Being sick is the most torturous thing!

"I made you worry," Yusuke replied.

"Do we still need to talk like this between us?" Yuyi continued to ask, "How do you feel now?"

"It feels better," Yusuke replied.

Yusuke could feel that someone must be taking care of him last night.

Needless to say, it must be the parents.

At this time, my heart was moved. The love of parents is always the support behind silently.

(End of this chapter)

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