Chapter 625 625. Care
Yusuke still had a cooling sticker on last night, but now the cooling sticker on his forehead is gone.

He could feel a cold touch last night. Obviously, someone used a cold towel to help him dissipate heat last night.

Although the feeling was not very clear, he could feel that it was a pair of rough hands, which were his father's palms.

I didn't expect my father to have this side.

"Yusuke" Yui interrupted Yusuke's contemplation at this time, "You are hungry too, Auntie cooked some porridge, do you want to eat?"

Yusuke nodded, "Then trouble you."

"It's ok"

Yuyi picked up the hot porridge, took a spoonful of it, blew on the hot air, put it near Yusuke's mouth, and said softly: "Come on, ah..."


What Yusuke meant was: Thank you for bringing it up, not for Yuyi to feed it.

But seeing Yui's serious expression, Yusuke decided to accept the love, opened his mouth, and ate the hot porridge, the temperature was just right, neither hot nor hot.

"Is it hot?"

"Not hot, just right"

"That's over, continue, take the next bite, ah..."

Yusuke took another bite, and Yui nodded in satisfaction, "You're so cute."

"You treat me like a child"

"You are a patient now, the patient should be obedient"

"All right"

"That's the way to be good, open your mouth, come, ah..."

After eating a bowl of porridge for more than ten minutes, Yui wiped Yusuke's mouth very thoughtfully, which made Yusuke a little flattered.

Yusuke suddenly fell in love with this feeling, this kind of meticulous care really made people very comfortable.

It turns out being sick isn't all bad.

After dinner, Yui waited on Yusuke to rest on the bed.

Yusuke asked at this time: "Yuyi, don't you go to school yet?"

It's already this time, so I must be late.

Yui shook her head, "I don't plan to go to school today, you took care of me last time, this time it's my turn to take care of you"

"It's not that troublesome"

"No!" Yui said seriously, "Sickness is no small matter. When I saw Aunt Meihe in the morning, she worked hard to take care of you, so I have to come and take care of you."

Yusuke smiled, "Then trouble you."

In order to take care of him, my parents definitely didn't sleep well last night, and I should be very tired today. With Youyi's help, it will really make my mother feel more relaxed.

"There is no need to talk about this between us," Yuyi replied with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and Yusuke was a little tired at this time, so Yui left the room to let Yusuke rest.

Ten minutes later, the door opened again, Yui took a look quietly, and found that Yusuke had fallen asleep, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly closed the door again.

Yuyi returned downstairs, Miwa was in the living room, seeing Yuyi smiled and asked: "Yuyi, is Yusuke okay?"

"No, his condition is much better." Yuyi replied, "Auntie Meihe, you look very tired, why don't you take a rest, and leave it to me here"

"Then how can I do it!"

"It's okay, we're all family," Youyi replied subconsciously.

The next moment the two of them froze at the same time, Yuyi's face turned red instantly, she accidentally said the wrong thing!

Miwa smiled, "Since that's the case, I have something to go out first, and Yusuke will trouble you to take care of it."

Dad was very worried about Yusuke last night. He didn't sleep much all night, and he woke up in the morning not in a good mood. Mom was also worried about Dad.

At this time, Yusuke recovered from his illness, and Meihe wanted to go to see how his father was doing.

After listening to Auntie Miwa's explanation, Yui patted her chest and said that this matter was her responsibility.

Miwa nodded with a smile, and went out with some condolences, Yui and Yusuke were the only ones left at home.

Yusuke was resting, and Yui had nothing to do, so she picked up her textbook and began to review her homework.

Yusuke is sick, so he may miss his homework, so he has to help him with tutoring.

I had just read a book for a while, when the doorbell rang.

Yuyi came back to her senses, and went to open the door. Surprisingly, the visitor at the door turned out to be Rie.

The two were amazed!

"Yuyi, why are you here?" Rie asked in surprise.

"Yusuke is sick, I'll take care of him" Yui replied, very curious at this moment, "Rie, why did you come here?"

"I thought about it last night, and I still felt something was wrong. After the first class, I went to Yusuke's class to see how he was doing, but found that Yusuke didn't come to class, so I asked his friend. That's when I found out that Yusuke was sick. Yes, I asked for leave from school and rushed over to see it.”

Yui was a little surprised, Rie was so thoughtful!

"Then come in," Yui greeted, and Rie entered the house.

The relationship between the two is actually very delicate, but now that Yusuke is sick, I will not mention these for the time being.

Rie came to Yusuke's room, looked at Yusuke worriedly, and found that Yusuke was still sleeping. At this time, she withdrew from the door and asked in a low voice, "Yuyi, how is Yusuke?"

"Yusuke's fever has subsided. He ate some hot porridge in the morning. He is resting now. He should be fine in the evening."

Rie breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and said, "I have asked for leave from school, why don't I help take care of Yusuke here today?"

Yui hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Rie breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Yui would not agree, so she immediately skipped the topic.

"The final exam is coming soon, how is your study going?"

"I was reviewing just now"

"Then let's study together"

The two of them reviewed their homework in the living room.

But not long after the two sat down, the doorbell rang again.

"I'll open the door" Yui said, and Rie sat in the room.

After a while, Youyi came back with a strange expression, and a figure followed behind her.

That's Eri.

Why is Eri here!
Rie looked at Yui curiously at this time, Yui shook her head lightly, she didn't know why Eri was here.

Just now when they went to open the door and saw Eri, both of them were shocked at the same time.

Although it was very tangled, Yui finally let Eri into the house.

At this moment, Eri asked, "How is Yusuke doing now?"

"The fever has subsided, nothing happened"

Eri nodded, and wanted to go upstairs, Yui stopped him at this moment: "Yusuke just fell asleep and is resting at the moment, don't disturb him"

Eri gave up, looked at the two of them, and then said, "I want to stay and take care of Yusuke."

The three of them looked at each other immediately, and the atmosphere fell silent.

At this time, the doorbell rang again, and the three of them came back to their senses, and at the same time their hearts tightened, who is here again.

Fortunately, it was Meihe who came back this time.

Mom walked in with a smile. She had already visited Dad. Dad was fine, and Yusuke was fine. He was in a much better mood.

But seeing the situation at home, the smile on his face stopped immediately.

what happened!
(End of this chapter)

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