Chapter 626 626. A Cold Sweat

It's hard to describe Eri's mood.

She made arrangements yesterday, and today she is going to visit Yusuke's house. According to the original plan, she will buy a fruit basket, and then have a cordial exchange with Yusuke's mother, to impress Yusuke's mother, and then use this as an opportunity. Frequent contact, the two families are friendly, and the relationship between her and Yusuke will go further.

That night, Eri told Ritsuko about the plan, and when she was triumphant, Ritsuko pointed out the loopholes.

By the way, Ritsuko later learned that Eri had made an agreement with her family: Yusuke must be captured within a year.

In terms of personal feelings, Ritsuko is on Eri's side. Although she and Zhihua are good friends, it doesn't mean she agrees with Zhihua's ideas.

Eri was the one she watched growing up, she was also her younger sister, and she respected her choice.

Ritsuko chose to stand on Eri's side, which moved Eri a little.There was no one in the family to support her, and Eri didn't say anything, but she was under a lot of pressure in her heart. Ritsuko's statement made Eri's psychological pressure a lot less.

There is another reason, Ritsuko is very optimistic about Yusuke.

Although it is a bit nonsense to say so, some people can feel that this person will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future when they get in touch with him, talk to him, and get along with him, and Yusuke is such a person.

Invest as early as possible!

So Ritsuko is also supportive of Eri's love affair, and will also help with planning.

Ritsuko pointed out the biggest loophole in Eri's plan.

You know, fruit is very expensive in Japan, and a whole basket of fruit is very generous, which is a kind of respect.

But the problem is, Eri is just a student now, such behavior will make people feel very prodigal.

For people in ordinary families, it will create a deep sense of distance.

Eri suddenly realized, and then asked: "Then what should I do?"

"Normal communication is fine," Ritsuko said.

The most important thing about friendship is pure, without any mixed things.

For young people, sometimes it is very happy to get together, and there is no need to do other rituals.

Eri nodded, Ritsuko was right, she planned to visit Yusuke's house after school.

Just as an ordinary friend.

But the plans couldn't keep up with the changes.

When Eri was in the classroom today, she happened to see Rie leaving the school in a hurry from the window. She was a little puzzled and curious, so she asked her through her relationship.

In the end, I found out: Yusuke didn't come to class today, please say that he was sick, he was very surprised, asked the school for leave without hesitation, and rushed over directly.

At Sanze's house, the three girls were embarrassed, while Meihe had a headache.

She knew that her son was very good and very popular with girls. She had never cared about this aspect. Anyway, she would just wait to have a grandson in the future.

But the current situation is not good!
Seeing the alert expressions of the three girls, Meihe had an intuition that her son might be about to capsize!

What should I do now?

My son is still sick!

There is no other way, now only the mother can play, if you don't help, maybe the daughter-in-law will fly away.

"Yuyi" Meihe spoke at this time, breaking the stiff atmosphere of the scene, and the three of them immediately came back to their senses.

"Yuyi, I'm a little tired today, can I trouble you to tidy up the house for me? I was a little messed up last night"

You Yi immediately cheered up, and replied excitedly: "No problem!"

It's time to show off your femininity!

The other two were a little ready to move, and Meihe continued, "Rie, I bought something just now, can I trouble you to bring it into the kitchen for me?"

"No problem" Rie replied happily.

Only Eri was left, looking at Yusuke's mother expectantly.

"Enoka-san" Miwa said with a smile.

"Mother Yusuke still remembers me!" Eri smiled like a flower.

"You are such a cute girl, how could I forget?" Miwa said with a smile, "Can I trouble you to wake up Yusuke? He hasn't taken his medicine this morning."

Eri nodded excitedly.

The three girls had their own missions, and the guarded mind disappeared. Instead, the mentality of competition arose, and they tried to show themselves in front of Yusuke's mother.

Meihe breathed a sigh of relief, this test is over, but the next is the real difficult time.

Assigning tasks is only a temporary measure. If we really want to deal with this matter well, we have to find a way to separate them.

Meihe's head turned quickly...

Eri took the pill and happily came to Yusuke's room.

But when she saw Yusuke's haggard face, she immediately felt bad. It was the first time she saw such a haggard Yusuke, and she felt very uncomfortable.

But Eri quickly adjusted her mentality.

When you are sick, you must not have pessimistic emotions.

Seeing Yusuke sleeping, Eri suddenly had a bold idea.

At this time, he looked at the door, and it was locked.

His face suddenly turned red, and his heart beat so fast.

It's okay, I just woke up Yusuke.

Eri hypnotized herself, then leaned down, and slowly approached Yusuke with her lips.

I'm just imitating the part of waking Sleeping Beauty, it's ok!
Eri has been hypnotizing herself.

However, her hands were tensely clenched into fists, and her lips were trembling.

It's so stressful!

The lips are getting closer and closer to Yusuke...

In the end, Eri still couldn't do anything.

I always felt that it was too wasteful to lose my first kiss like this, so I just kissed Yusuke lightly on the cheek.

Yusuke felt a strange feeling, moved his eyebrows a little, and Eri was startled for an instant, and retracted his body.

Yusuke was about to wake up, and Eri took the opportunity to calm down.

After a while, Yusuke opened his eyes, saw Eri, and was stunned for two or three seconds before he realized, and asked in surprise, "Eri, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see you." Eri's energetic voice came, and she had already adjusted her mentality, so she must not reveal her secrets at this time.


She was bouncing nervously, even her smile was a little stiff.

Yusuke had just woken up at this time, and his consciousness was a little muddled. He didn't notice this, and then asked, "Aren't you in class today? Why did you come here suddenly?"

"I asked for leave from school." Eri smiled and asked, "How is your health?"

“Slept a bit better now”

"Auntie asked me to bring you some medicine, do you want to get up now?"

"sorry to bother you"

Hui poured a glass of water and brought over the medicine.

After taking the medicine and drinking a glass of water, Yusuke regained consciousness for a while.

The next moment I was shocked.

its not right!
Yui was here just now, she said she would stay here to take care of me, and now Eri has also come in...

Thinking of it, Yusuke broke into a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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