Chapter 627 627. Like a Caterpillar

"Yusuke, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Yusuke's sudden silence, Eri asked at this moment: "Are you too tired, do you want to rest?"

Yusuke came back to his senses, shook his head, and said calmly: "I've had a rest today, I'm fine, Eri, why don't you go back and continue class, the final exam is almost here, and you're nervous about studying at this time. Go back and continue your tutoring."

Although he didn't know what happened underneath, his intuition told him that Eri must not be allowed to stay here, otherwise something would happen.

"It's okay." Eri smiled and shook her head, "The final exam is nothing to me. My studies have always been good. These are trivial things."

Yusuke almost forgot that Eri may be an all-around expert, versatile in sports, and also top-notch in studies, but Eri is usually too outstanding in other aspects, which makes people forget.

This is a little troublesome!

At this moment, Yusuke felt a urge to defecate, he hadn't been to the toilet since last night, and he had been holding it for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Eri, I'll excuse you for a second, I'm going to the bathroom"

Eri nodded, Yusuke left the room first,
Seeing Yusuke leave, Eri breathed a sigh of relief, she was so nervous just now that Yusuke almost found out.

Fortunately, Yusuke didn't notice, and he felt a little happy at this moment, feeling a little happy that the prank was successful.

Yusuke left the room and went to the bathroom, unexpectedly, he met Yui here, and Yui was holding a pair of boxers in his hand.

Those are Yusuke's panties!
Yui kept staring at the underwear with a blank expression, not knowing what she was thinking, for several minutes, but there was no response.

Yusuke coughed involuntarily, and Yui was startled when he heard the coughing sound, then turned his head and saw Yusuke standing at the door.

The two looked at each other.

The next moment, Yui's face turned red.

"That... thing... that... actually I came to help hang the clothes... that... I haven't... No... I don't! Yes! I did something strange... That underwear looks so unique!"

Yuyi was very flustered and explained in a mess.

Yusuke touched his nose, he didn't know what expression to use at this time, so just pretend he didn't see it.

"Then I'll trouble you, uh...I have to go to the bathroom now"

"Oh, then I'm going out first"

Youyi picked up the clothes basket in a panic, and left in a hurry.

Yusuke shook his head, throwing away all the messy thoughts in his head.

You can't be too dirty!
After coming out of the toilet, Yusuke has been thinking about it, and must find a way to separate them.

At this time, the figure of mother appeared at the door.

The mother and son looked at each other, and they understood everything in an instant.

"Yusuke, what should we do?"

Yusuke pondered for dozens of seconds, and said, "Mom, you are responsible for Yui, and Eri will be taken care of by me."

"Then what about Rie?"

There is still Rie!

But Yusuke quickly reacted, "Yuyi and Rie will leave it to you."

The relationship between Yui and Rie is actually very subtle. The two have always been in peace, but if Eri is added, the atmosphere will be very stiff.

And the solution now is not to let the three of them meet, and then find an excuse to persuade the three of them to go back.

The mother and son discussed it and decided to do this.

Yusuke returned to the room and stood at the door, when he heard some strange sounds, he pushed the door open.

The time returned to a few minutes ago.

After Yusuke left, Eri was left alone in the room.

Eri was a little nervous at first, but as time passed, she quickly calmed down. After waiting for a long time, she felt bored. At this time, she looked at Yusuke's room.

It was only then that she remembered that it was the first time she had entered Yusuke's room, and she felt very curious and looked around.

Eri soon discovered that this room was too clean!
The books are neatly arranged, the table is spotlessly wiped, and even the curtains are neatly arranged. The whole room gives the impression of being refreshing.

This is a very disciplined person.

Eri nodded, very satisfied with Yusuke's attitude towards life.

At this time, he looked at Yusuke's bed, this is where Yusuke slept.

A bold idea suddenly popped into my mind, if I also slept in Yusuke's bed, then...

Eri's smile began to become a little wild...

But quickly shook his head, no, I can't be so shameless!
But at this time, I was a little hesitant, why don't I take the opportunity to smell it?
Just a sniff, no big deal.

Hesitating, hesitating, thinking, thinking, and finally...

Eri still succumbed to her desire and decided to sniff it secretly.

Thinking of this, Eri jumped directly onto Yusuke's bed, picked up his quilt, and writhed on the bed like a caterpillar holding the quilt.

This is Yusuke's quilt!
This is Yusuke's taste!
After writhing like a caterpillar for a few minutes, he felt something and turned his head, just in time to see Yusuke standing at the door.

Yusuke averted his eyes in embarrassment. When he came in just now, he saw Eri holding his quilt, moving it like a teddy.

That scene...

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such a dirty picture

Although there are no scenes that are not suitable for children, Yusuke feels shameful!

The two looked at each other.

The next second, Eri's face turned red, almost smoking hot, and she quickly jumped up from the bed.

"I just tidy up the quilt for you, don't get me wrong"

Eri explained in a panic, pulling the quilt with both hands, but her hands and feet trembled very badly.

Yusuke didn't know how to answer this time.

I saw everything clearly just now!

I didn't expect girls to be so horny!

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Eri also knew that this explanation was too nonsense, and finally couldn't stand this feeling, and said in a panic: "It's getting late, I'll go back first."

Yusuke immediately realized that he was still having a headache just now on how to persuade Eri to retreat, but he didn't expect to achieve this goal by mistake, it's really great!

Eri, who was already in confusion, said hello and ran out of the room in a panic.

Coming downstairs, Miwa looked at Eri strangely.

You look so flustered, what's wrong?

"Auntie, I have something to do and I'm leaving first"

Eri said hello, and without waiting for Miwa's response, she immediately fled the house as if fleeing a disaster.

Miwa is very puzzled, what did Yusuke do to her?

At this moment, she remembered that the girl's clothes were a little messy just now, as if she had struggled.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, could it be said that Yusuke him...

(End of this chapter)

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