Chapter 628 628. All of them are women
Miwa shook her head, Yusuke was definitely not that bold.

Let's ask what method the son used later.

Yusuke has completed the task, so it's up to me.

Although the two of them were delayed by housework, Yui was in charge of tidying up the house, and Rie was in charge of tidying up the kitchen, but both of them were very nimble with their hands and feet.

"Auntie" Rie's voice came at this moment, and Miwa came back to her senses.

"There's some meat here, do you want to put it in the refrigerator?"

"I'll take a look"

Meihe walked into the kitchen, and was a little surprised to see the appearance of the kitchen.

The kitchen has been cleaned up, the knives are all put together, the countertops are spotless, the bought vegetables have been washed and put on separate plates.

Meihe said in surprise: "Rie, you are really capable!"

Rie's modest response: "Nothing"

"Whoever marries you is really happy!" Mom joked with a smile, while Rie blushed with joy on her face,

The two arranged the ingredients, and Li Hui also saw the bear paws in the refrigerator at this time, and asked in surprise: "Auntie, your bear paws haven't been processed yet!"

Meihe said with some distress: "Bear meat is too difficult to handle. I tried to do it several times, but the smell was too strong, so I didn't succeed. By the way, Rie, you also have a bear paw, and your bear paw should be processed." How is it?"

"I haven't done it yet," Rie replied, "The smell of bear meat is too strong, it's very troublesome to remove it, I'm also trying now.

However, I recently read some Chinese recipes and got some inspiration.

There is a saying in ancient China: You can’t have both fish and bear’s paw, bear’s paw was delicious in ancient China, and there are many ways to treat it.”

"Amazing!" Miwa praised, "Rie, you are really talented at blogging."

At this moment, an idea struck, and he continued, "Yusuke is only able to achieve today's success with your help."

"Auntie is over the award, Yusuke's ability is much better than mine"

"Rie doesn't need to be modest." Meihe said with a smile: "I can see clearly who you are and what ability you are. Yusuke's ability is strong, but he is still alone. As the saying goes, unity is strength, without you Help, he can't sleep alone, Rie, you are definitely Yusuke's greatest helper, a good wife is very important!"

Rie suddenly felt hot.

Good wife?
Auntie, what does this mean?Does this agree with me?

Feeling a little excited at this time.

Seeing her expression, Meihe knew she was hooked, and then said: "But Yusuke has been sick for the past two days, and may not be able to go to the studio, and I will trouble you for a few days."

"No problem!" Rie replied immediately, "This is my job!"

"Rie really has a sense of responsibility! I heard that you are going to have final exams this week, and Yusuke is sick. I don't know if you will fall behind in your studies by then."

Meihe showed a distressed expression this time, "If the grades can't keep up, you might have to repeat the grade."


Rie hesitated and said, "It shouldn't be that serious, right? Yusuke's usual grades are pretty good."

"It's hard to say. Sometimes the head is not very clear when you are sick, and the time of illness is not dependent on time. Just like now, when you suddenly get sick, you will fall as soon as you say it. Everyone is caught off guard."

Rie nodded approvingly.

"Rie, I have an unfeeling feeling, can I trouble you to give Yusuke a tutoring session these days?"

"Leave it to me!" Rie replied immediately, "This is my job!"

"That's great, but what about your own studies?"

"Don't worry, Auntie, my academic performance has always been very good, there is absolutely no problem" Rie said while patting her chest.

"That's really going to trouble you, but there are only a few days left for the final exam, is there time to prepare?"

"It's definitely in time!"

"Then trouble you, you go back to prepare in the afternoon, and start tutoring tomorrow, can you?"

"Leave it on me!" Rie replied immediately.

"Then I will trouble you!" Meihe immediately agreed.

After a while, Rie realized that something was wrong?
But I feel like I'm overthinking it.

Having said the words, Rie had no choice but to say hello to Miwa, tidied up and left first.

One is done, now only Yui is left.

Youyi was drying clothes on the balcony at this time, the sun shone on her body, through the glass of the balcony, her beautiful curves could be seen at a glance.

Among these girls, Miwa is the most satisfied with Yui.

On the one hand, she watched Yuyi grow up, and she had great trust in Yuyi's character.

On the one hand, with Yuyi's appearance, such a well-behaved and cute girl is too rare to be missed.

In terms of heart, Meihe is more inclined to Yuyi.

However, she also respects Yusuke's choice.

After drying the clothes, Yui returned home, and was surprised to find that Eri and Rie had already gone back?

What happened to this!

At this time, Yusuke had already changed his clothes and came down from the stairs. His fever had subsided, and there was nothing serious about it, even if he had to lie in bed all day.

Seeing Yusuke, Yui suddenly remembered what happened in the bathroom just now, and his face turned red.

Her actions just now looked too perverted!

Seeing Yui's expression, Yusuke immediately recalled Yui's actions just now, coupled with Eri's sexy picture just now, Yusuke reacted shamefully!

Both blushed and looked at each other, the atmosphere was very ambiguous for a while.

At this time, there was a coughing sound, and my mother was standing by.

The two reacted immediately, Yuyi looked a little embarrassed, but Yusuke had a thick skin and didn't care.

Mom said at this time: "Yuyi, can you come in and help me in the kitchen?"

Yui nodded, and immediately fled the embarrassing scene.

Yusuke took the opportunity to clear his mind, and at the same time he was ready to face the next crisis.

Sickness can be big or small.

Although it was just a common cold, Yusuke couldn't guarantee whether other people would come to visit him.

It's not that Yusuke is boasting, his popularity is indeed very good!

Yui, Rie, and Eri are all present, and Seiko will definitely not be left behind.

But with Seiko's personality, she should come to visit after school, and there might be Rika and Yui accompanying her.

On the side of the Kendo Club, Xi Chengwu and Gao Shan Xiangzi may come to visit.

Yusuke has a very close relationship with the Kendo Club. A few days ago, Xichengwu specially came to invite him to the annual meeting. Today, Yusuke is sick, and there is a high chance that he will come to greet him.

As for the studio, Xiaozhizi and the others may also take action.

Some common social etiquette, we still have to maintain.

Yusuke did some calculations, if everyone was present, there would be more than a dozen people in total, and...

All are women!

(End of this chapter)

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