Chapter 630
At this time, mother looked at Lixiang and Yui from the front.

Lixiang has an outstanding appearance, with thin eyebrows and big eyes, a small cherry mouth, a touch of blush, and long black hair, just sitting there quietly, with an elegant temperament rushing towards her face, this is a literary girl!
And Yui is another style. Her facial features are not very three-dimensional, but they fit together very well. The whole person looks a little childish and a little hazy, just like the feeling of first love.

The temperament of the two is completely different, each with its own characteristics.

Mom's eyes lit up, the looks of these two girls are really outstanding, where did Yusuke find so many beautiful girls with unique characteristics!

I heard that they are all members of the same club, so besides Yusuke, the whole club is full of beautiful girls!

Meihe suddenly had a strange idea, this could not be his son's harem group.

While her mother was thinking wildly, Lixiang spoke at this moment, her tone a little excited.

"Yusuke, seeing you like this, suddenly inspired me."

Yusuke shuddered, Rika's inspiration was not a good thing, Yusuke would never forget that Long Aotian-style plot!

Lixiang has a good appearance, a cheerful personality, and a decent manner. This is a super beautiful girl.

The only bad shortcoming is that she likes to use the people around her as material, and Yusuke is the one she often takes care of.

Although there are good and bad scripts in her pen, most of them are cheating scripts.

"Student Zhongchuan," the mother said at this time.

Lixiang smiled, "Auntie, just call me Lixiang"

"Rika-san" Meihe asked with a smile, "I'm curious what inspiration you have?"

Yui was also very curious, Yusuke had a toothache, and Rika was very excited, and briefly talked about the plot.

The story of a weak and beautiful man who was bullied, finally worked hard, and finally vowed to become a generation of queens.

"Wait!" Yusuke hurriedly stopped the excited Rika.

"Let's not say that the weak and beautiful man is not reliable with me at all, what does it mean to become a queen in the end! Isn't this all transgender!"

"That's right!" Lixiang said appreciatively, "It's sex change, Yusuke, your current image is really suitable!"

The black line on Yusuke's face is definitely not a compliment!

And Lixiang continued to explain: "Yusuke, your feeling is much softer than before, and you have a neutral aesthetic."

Unisex aesthetic!

Miwa and Yui were startled, and then looked at Yusuke.

Yusuke's appearance is still the same as before, but his eyes are much softer, and his temperament has also become softer, which belongs to the kind that looks more pleasing to the eye.

It's strange, why did Yusuke suddenly feel that Yusuke's temperament has changed a lot after Lixiang said this!
Yusuke was also taken aback, unexpectedly being spotted by Lixiang.

Yusuke himself also felt that he seemed to be a bit of a pussy, so he deliberately lowered his voice for this reason.

Others were attracted by his illness and didn't notice his image, but they didn't expect Lixiang to find out.

Yusuke had a feeling of being seen through, and coughed at this moment.

"Stop talking nonsense, no one will read such a story"

"I think it looks pretty good!"

Yusuke looked at his mother in surprise, but he didn't expect it to be a backstab from his mother!

"Counterattack, it sounds very passionate." Yui also agreed.

It turned out that it was for this reason that the islanders have inexplicable feelings for the next game, and stories of this kind of counterattack are widely circulated.

This is in line with the characteristics of the islanders in the second grade.

"Yusuke, I think this script can be made into a movie, what do you think?" Yui asked excitedly.

"Not so good." Yusuke shook his head.

"But don't you think it's burning?"

"It's hot, but I don't want to be some kind of queen"

I can still consider becoming a king, but don't even think about becoming a queen!

"It's not impossible to change to the king, but I always feel that something is missing." Lixiang thought for a while and said, both mother and Yui nodded, with expressions of approval.

Yusuke decided to skip the topic.

"Why didn't the Holy Son come with you?"

Even the members of the Kendo Club know about it, so it's impossible for the Holy Son not to know about it.

"When we came here, we also went to see the Holy Son," Yui replied, "The Holy Son said that she has other things, so we came here first."

Yusuke was a little strange, but he didn't go into it too deeply. After chatting with the two for a while, they left first.

"I'm exhausted, Yusuke, then you can handle it yourself," Mom said at this time.

She feels so tired!
As a woman, she despises her son's affectation.

But as a mother, she is a little relieved that her son is amazing!

This mood is very tangled, so I just let it go and let Yusuke take care of himself.

As soon as the mother left, the Holy Son came to visit on the back foot.

The Holy Son came here with a thermos.

"Yusuke, this is the porridge I specially made for you, this is added with special things, it is good for your body"

Shengzi said straight to the point, Yusuke was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled for a while, so it was because of this matter!

In the afternoon, when Shengzi knew that Yongsuke was sick, he returned home as soon as possible, specially made hot porridge, and added a lot of medicinal materials. This is a medicinal meal!

In order to make this medicinal meal, the Holy Son spent several hours, so she was the last one to visit.

"Drink it while it's hot!" the Holy Son exhorted,

Yusuke nodded, and opened the thermos, which contained warm rice porridge.

This porridge is completely white porridge, but it tastes faintly of medicinal materials. I don't know how Seiko dealt with it. After Yongsuke finished eating, he felt much better.

The medicinal effect is very obvious!
"This is a herbal diet handed down from my family, it can nourish the body"

"Thank you" Yusuke said sincerely.

A small cold, but there are so many people who care about him, Yusuke is very relieved, and there is a faint sense of pride in his heart.

"This is my job," the Son replied with a smile.

"The Holy Son is here!" Mom appeared again at this time.

Although she said that she didn't care about her son, she was still her own after all, so she came out to take a look, and finally saw the Son, who greeted her with a smiling face.

The Holy Son is also the girl she agrees with!
"Hello, Auntie!" Seiko greeted respectfully, and the two women chatted quickly, putting Yusuke aside.

Yusuke smiled and didn't care.

Not knowing the efficacy of the herbal porridge, Yusuke had fully recovered on the second day and was able to go to school normally.

After returning to school, I greeted everyone and returned to normal life.

The turmoil caused by the cold finally ended.

After school, Yusuke returned home, and Rie was with him.

Rie came here to guide Yusuke, this is what his mother said before, and Yusuke didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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