Chapter 631 631. The First Time

In Misawa's house, in Yusuke's room, there is a table with Yusuke and Rie sitting on both sides, and the door is still open.

"Rie, drink a cup of tea to warm your body"

Miwa smiled and put a cup of hot tea in front of Rie.

"Thank you, Auntie." Rie nodded with a smile.

Mom exchanged a few pleasantries and left, leaving the place to the two of them.

"Okay, let's start reviewing." Yusuke said with a smile, and both of them took out their textbooks.

Maybe because she knew her son's nature, the mother passed by the door from time to time, looked at the two people in the room, and was afraid that Yusuke would do something indescribable.

But the two were just studying normally, and they didn't do anything wrong, which made my mother feel relieved.

Mom is actually worrying too much. Yusuke already has his own plan. Before he is strong to a certain level, he will not shoot anyone casually. This is his responsibility to himself and to others.

Yusuke's studies are actually pretty good, and being absent for a day or two has no effect on him.

However, my mother had entrusted Rie before, so Yusuke didn't care, and Rie was also teaching with her heart.

Under her guidance, Yusuke has indeed benefited a lot.

Sure enough, Xueba is different from ordinary people, his head turns fast.

"Let's learn English next." Rie said with a smile, put away the math textbook, Yusuke nodded, and also took out the textbook.

"Do you two want to take a break?" Meihe came over with a snack this time, "Study is so tiring, it's okay to take a break."

"Then let's take a break for a while." Yusuke said with a smile. They reviewed several homework in a row. It has been more than two hours, and they are a little tired.

Rie nodded with a smile and closed the textbook.

Mom put down the snacks and left with a smile. The two chatted while eating the snacks.

Studying is Rie's home field, while chatting is Yusuke's home field. Although there is no sweet talk, Yusuke can always tell the essence of the matter to the point.

Sure enough, when a girl looks at you with adoring eyes, it is the most unbearable.

Yusuke reacted shamefully!

I don't know if it's because of the negative state, his concentration has also returned to the state of an ordinary person. Facing these shy girls, he will always unconsciously have the reaction that an adolescent should have.

No way, I have to get rid of those dirty scenes in my mind!

However, the more you don't think about this kind of thing, the more you can't stop it, and the girl's fragrance is lingering in the tip of your nose, Yusuke is a little confused.

Yusuke's thoughts suddenly turned yellow.

"Yusuke, what's wrong with you?" Rie asked worriedly at this time, "Your face suddenly turned red, is it because you are not feeling well? It will be bad if you catch a cold again, do you want to take a rest?"

"No need!" Yusuke shook his head in embarrassment.

It's a kind of disrespect to think about messy things in the face of others!

When did I become such an old pervert!

Rie was still a little worried, and sat up at this moment, propped one hand on the table, and put the other on Yusuke's forehead, feeling the temperature.

The distance between the two suddenly narrowed a lot.

When Yusuke raised his head, he could see her fragile skin.

The nickname of the beautiful girl who meets once in ten years is not just a joke. When viewed from a close distance, Rie is even more beautiful.

"It's nothing, the body temperature is normal." Rie breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, lowered her head, and just met Yusuke's eyes, she froze for a moment, and stopped her movements.

The two looked at each other, face to face, eye to eye, and could feel each other's breath.

This distance is too close!
The two remained motionless and did not separate.

A subtle feeling hovered between the two.

The acquaintance of Yusuke and Rie was just a coincidence.

Rie was originally just a good friend of Yui, and the two got to know each other. At first, it was just ordinary communication, but as the relationship got better and better, everyone communicated more and more. attracted.

It was also the first time for Rie to meet such a man.

Because of family reasons, Rie has always been better than her peers.People with smart heads, good looks, and high emotional intelligence are very popular.

Since childhood, many people have confessed to her, but Rie didn't feel much, because the young people of the same age are too naive, and everyone's thinking is not compatible at all.

There are also people who are older than her, but they only have an advantage in age. In Rie's view, their proud appearance and academic qualifications are not worth mentioning. What really matters is a person's ability.

Until she met Yusuke.

Yusuke usually doesn't show his mountains or waters, but after getting in touch with him, Rie can feel that there is a huge potential hidden under his appearance.

This is a stable and calm man, he has detailed plans for his future, and every step has his own arrangements, but he is not like those gloomy people, every time he moves forward, he is aboveboard.

This is a bright and optimistic young man.

In the communication with him, Li Hui was gradually attracted by his characteristics.

Rie has already fallen in love with this man, but...

Rie was a little troubled.

This relationship is full of twists and turns, strictly speaking, she is competing with Yuyi.

Yusuke and Yuyi are childhood sweethearts, but with his joining, the relationship between the three is very delicate.

Rie was a little distressed, but also a little ashamed.

Emotional, moral, rational, all kinds of aspects make her very tangled.

And Yusuke's attitude has always been very subtle, after all, there are too many girls who like him.

And on a certain night, Rie once had a dream that she was with Yusuke and Yui, and that scene...

Thinking about it now, I feel a little blushing. If this is really the case, then they are really together, but...

This scenario is very unlikely!

Looking at Yusuke who was close in front of her eyes, Rie's head was a little blank, and her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Yusuke's heart was beating fast, he could hear Rie's panting.

It was a nervous panting sound.

The figures of the two got closer and closer, Yusuke raised his body, and Rie slowly lowered his body...

At this time, there was a coughing sound, and the two turned their heads. Mom was standing at the door, her eyes full of worry.

The son really made a move!

The two immediately sat back on their bodies, Rie blushed and lowered her head, not daring to speak.

But Yusuke was a little embarrassed. It was really embarrassing for his mother to meet this scene.

But being disturbed by mother, those impulses in the body disappeared.

Mom took a look at the two of them, and finally waved to Yusuke.

Yusuke greeted Rie, walked out of the room, and closed the door. It is better for Rie to calm down at this time.

In the corridor, Mom looked at Yusuke with some concern.

This is the first time Yusuke has seen this look. His mother has always been very proud of himself, but this time his eyes are full of distrust. It seems that his image has collapsed in his mother's heart.

After thinking about it, he said, "Mom, that's what you think, I have many girlfriends"

Miwa looked at Yusuke and sighed helplessly.

"Mom used to agree with you to fall in love, but now I want to add a condition"

"What conditions does Mom have?"

Mom said seriously: "Before you go to college, you can't kill people!"

Yusuke nodded, "I don't think so."

"That's good"

"Also, you should be more restrained at home." Mom said awkwardly, "If you want to be intimate, you should also close the door!"

We are here to escape!

Yusuke wanted to answer this way, but after thinking about it, no one would believe him, so he nodded.

The mother and son communicated well, Yusuke returned to the room, and Rie returned to normal.

Seeing Yusuke coming back, Rie was the first to say, "Yusuke, let's continue studying."

Yusuke nodded, without the ambiguous atmosphere just now, the two fell into the embrace of learning again.

The two are addicted to studying...

The voice of younger sister Aiyi came, "Brother, sister, it's time to eat."

The two came back to their senses and looked at the time. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

Accidentally forget the time.

Rie said in a panic: "It's so late, I should go back too."

Yusuke responded with a smile: "No, let's have a meal here."

"That's right," my sister said beside me at this time, "Mom has already cooked the meal."

Rie hesitated, then nodded.

The whole family is at the dinner table, something Rie is no stranger to having been a guest at Yusuke's before.

Everyone said hello, and everyone sat together happily.

The mother felt that she owed these girls a little, so she was very enthusiastic, holding vegetables all the time, asking for their health, and the treatment was better than that of her son.

Rie was flattered and could only accept it humbly, which made her mother's impression of her even better.

After eating, Rie took the initiative to help wash the dishes, and when everything was done, it was past eight o'clock in the evening, and it was time for Rie to go back.

"I'll take you home," Yusuke said at this moment.

It was dangerous for a girl to come home on a cold night.

Rie didn't refuse either, the two of them tidied up, greeted each other and went out.

The weather was cold, and the two wore cotton clothes and walked on the road hand in hand.

Whether in a car or on foot, the hands of the two have never been separated, and they are tightly held together.

The two walked while chatting, and soon came to Rie's house.

Standing at the door, Yusuke reminded: "Rie, don't be too tired at night, you don't have a lot of homework, go to bed early."

Rie nodded, looked at Yusuke, and said at this time: "Yusuke, wait for me, I will come down soon"

Yusuke watched Rie run into the house, and ran down in a hurry with a bag in his hand.

"This is my Christmas present for you, but the weather is very cold these days, let me give you the present first"

Rie opened the bag, and inside was a waist protector, which could protect the waist from the cold.

This is really a special gift. Most people give scarves or gloves, but few people give waist protectors.

"Actually, it is the waist that is really easy to catch cold. A man's waist is very important," Rie explained.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, this is very reasonable style, everything is based on practical actions.

"Thank you for the gift"

"It's fine if you like it." Rie smiled.

The two looked at each other.

Under the light, Rie's raised little face looked very delicate, that delicate little face was like porcelain.

There was an impulse in Yusuke's heart, and at this moment he stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and gently hugged Rie.

Rie froze for a moment, her body was a little stiff, but soon softened.

Looking at Rie close in front of his eyes, Yusuke couldn't hold back the passion in his heart after all, bent down, and their lips were gently combined.

Under the light, the shadows of the two merged together.

After a long time, the two separated, and Li Hui's face turned slightly red.

"This is my first time"


"Maybe I don't have much experience, please bear with me"

"Then, do you want to come again?"

Rie nodded shyly, stood on tiptoe, this time Rie took the initiative.

The lips of the two pressed together.

The weather is cold, but the person in my arms is so warm...

"I'm going back," Yusuke said with a smile, and Rie nodded shyly.

Even so, the two still hugged each other tightly and did not separate.

After a few minutes, the two finally said goodbye reluctantly.

Yusuke smiled and waved his hand, and his figure disappeared at the intersection.

Rie, on the other hand, bounced back to her home with a feeling of secret joy.

Sometimes surprises come so suddenly.

For Rie, tonight was an unforgettable night.

Rie tutored Yusuke for a few days, and finally it was the final exam.

On that day, everyone played normally and spent it safely.

The final exam was finally over, and that night, Yusuke and Seiko attended the end-of-year meeting of the Kendo Club.

The party was held in the kendo club, all members of the club participated, and everyone had a great time.

Eri has already returned to her normal state, and Yusuke did not mention what happened that day, both of them tacitly kept it as a secret, only the occasional eye contact at the wine table, Eri will be a little shy, but very Cover up quickly.

Of course, it cannot be said that there has been no change. For example, when facing Yusuke, her tone will involuntarily soften, which forms a strong contrast with her previous tough image, which is quite cute.

At twelve o'clock on Saturday night, as soon as the time passed, all the negative states disappeared, and Yusuke regained his superhuman fighting power.

The weekend training went smoothly, and this time Yusuke showed extraordinary strength, which surprised Seiko a little.

"Maybe it's a different mood," Yusuke said with a smile,

An illness made him feel a lot, not only broke many inherent relationships, but also brought him to grow a lot.

The Son nodded, his eyes filled with admiration.

This is a one-in-a-million genius!
On the first day of the winter vacation, Yusuke said goodbye to his family, took his luggage and got on the Shinkansen. At the invitation of Hideo Sato, he went to the northern part of Honshu Island, Japan, to participate in the annual Matagi Hunter Competition.


(End of this chapter)

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