The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 632 632. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

Chapter 632 632. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
After getting off the station, the cold air hit our faces, and the passengers who got off couldn't help shivering and quickened their pace.

Yusuke also followed the team out.

This is an ordinary city, but this is not yet a destination.

Yongsuke took a suitcase and changed to a tram, and took a bus again. The surrounding buildings began to become scarce, the place became more and more remote, and the roads on both sides began to appear dense forests. This is the departure towards the mountains. .

At a remote station on the road, Yusuke got off the bus, and it was time to change trains from here.

Yusuke looked at the road signs, and there was still one station away from the destination, but the frequency of this bus was very rare, only two times a day, the morning one had already passed, and the next one was still an hour away.

This place is really remote enough, no wonder Hideo Sato wants to travel all over the world, accepting missions to make money, there is no way out in this kind of place!

Yusuke took the luggage, sat on the chair beside him and waited.

After a while, another car stopped. Several people got on and off the car, and they were also waiting here.

There were three young people, two men and one woman, talking and laughing, Yusuke glanced at them and didn't pay much attention to them.

The three young people may be due to habit, they speak a little loudly, and their voices can be heard from this distance.

"Why didn't Xia Xue come out with us?" A man asked.

"I heard that there is a guest at her house, and the whole family welcomes it together," the girl replied, lowering her voice at this time: "I heard that this guest is very important to their family."

"How important is it?" Another boy asked aloud, "Could it be the savior of their family?"

"I don't know the exact situation, but Xia Xue's father asked them all to wait at home today."

"Xia Xue's father, there's nothing I can do about it." The first boy said, "Xia Xue's father is so scary, Muzhi, you are so pitiful."

"If her father finds out that you are pursuing Xia Xue, then Muzhi will be in trouble for you," the girl said with a smile at this time.

The second boy named Muzhi remained silent, while the two companions took up this matter from time to time, and soon, the boy named Muzhi became furious, and the three of them chatted and laughed. .

This is just an ordinary high school student's daily life.

Yusuke sighed a little, young is good!

After waiting for a while, the bus arrived. It was a minibus of some age.

Yusuke got into the car with the three young people, and they all went to the same destination.

The three young men also looked at Yusuke at this time. Although Yusuke was just dressed in ordinary clothes, his aura was in sharp contrast with the others, and he had the aura of a city kid.

"This man is so handsome!" came the girl's voice with a little joy.

"Qianzao, don't be a nympho." The voice of the first boy came.

The girl known as Chihaya became angry from embarrassment: "Why? I can't even look at the handsome guys. Why did you all look crooked! None of you are decent!"

"I don't agree with this sentence," another boy said, "I am called the beautiful boy in the village who meets once in 10 years!"

Even Yusuke was shocked by such shameless words.

He glanced at the three of them just now, and had some impressions of the three of them. He was just an ordinary handsome man. Compared with Yusuke, he was completely scumbag. Where did this guy get his confidence?
Or is it that everyone in their village is crooked and bad, and this man is the top existence?

"Stop bragging! Last time you said that you were the only strongest handsome boy within a ten-mile radius, but now it's once in 10 years. I think you learned a new term from a variety show and applied it to yourself." Girl Without hesitation, he dismantled the road.

The three people quarreled again. There were not many people in the car, and there were only eight drivers, so the whole car looked very spacious, and everyone could hear their voices.

But the other passengers didn't care about it, they seemed to be used to it, and it might be because they were all from the same village and knew them already.

The car went over mountains and ridges all the way, including a section of dirt road, which surprised Yusuke, who did not expect such a remote place in Japan.

Finally, after driving for more than an hour, the car arrived at the stop, and everyone got off here.

Passengers looked at Yusuke curiously, they were all from the same village, but Yusuke was an outsider, his appearance with luggage was really eye-catching.

Facing these curious eyes, Yusuke smiled and released his kindness.

In this conservative and remote place, an outsider is easily noticed, and sometimes, a simple smile can solve everything.

Seeing his smile, everyone immediately had a good impression of him, and his super charm made everyone have a good impression of him.

Such a person must not be a bad person!
The fellow passengers left one after another, and Yusuke could still hear the voices of the three young men talking.

"He looks good when he smiles." The woman's excited voice came, followed by the laughter of the two companions.

Yusuke didn't care, so he took out his mobile phone and called Hideo Sato.

"Mr. Sato, I'm here"

"Are you here? I'll pick you up right now, wait a minute"

"no problem"

After hanging up the phone, Yusuke waited at the intersection. Ten minutes later, a car drove towards him.

Yusuke could see Mr. Sato in the car window, he also saw Yusuke, smiled and waved, and Yusuke also waved.

The car quickly stopped in front of Yusuke, Hideo Sato got out of the car, Yusuke went up to meet him, and the two shook hands.

"Mr. Sato"

"San Ze-kun"

"You're tired, go to my house and have a rest"

Hideo Sato put Yusuke's luggage in the trunk, and Yusuke got into the car with him.

"It's very remote here," Sato Hideo said with a smile in the car.

The car was already driving towards the village, and many old-fashioned buildings could be seen on the road. They were wooden houses from the Showa era, which had a sense of age. Yusuke did not expect to see such buildings.

"It was really miserable in the past. We could only live by hunting. Everyone lived very hard. Later, the economy improved and everyone liked hunting. We old antiques were advocated by others. Thanks to the blessings of those years, we people also made money. Quite a lot, but the economy has been bad in the past few years, and the new generation doesn’t like hunting, the village is a bit remote, and there are still some traditional rules. The situation in the village has not been very good in recent years.” Hideo Sato drove the car Introduce the situation of the village.

And as the car moved forward, Yusuke could also see some small buildings mixed among these wooden houses, and the whole village seemed to live in the 90s.

Of course, this is just an old house with all the necessary living facilities.

The car soon stopped in front of the wooden house.

This is a wooden house with a courtyard inside and covers a large area, but it is a bit old because of the age.

It seems that Mr. Sato has been rich for a while.

At this time, the wooden door was opened, and a middle-aged woman came out, followed by 4 girls, from big to small, from tall to short, in order, with long hair and short hair, each with its own characteristics.

"Misawa-kun, let me introduce you." Sato said with a smile, "This one is my wife, Keiko Zuo Peng."

Sato Keiko is a middle-aged woman. Although there are some vicissitudes in her eyebrows, she can also see that she was also a beautiful woman when she was young.

"Hello Aunt Keiko," Yusuke greeted respectfully.

The middle-aged woman smiled and nodded, "Mr. Sanze, you have worked hard. My husband is often taken care of by you."

"Auntie, you're being polite. I'm actually the one who is under the care of Mr. Sato."

The two exchanged a few words, and Hideo Sato then introduced the four girls.

"These are my daughters. They are Chunxiang, Xiaxue, Qiuzi and Dongyue from the oldest to the youngest."

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, this name is unique!
Chunxiang and Xia Xue are girls with long hair, while Qiuzi and Dongyue are girls with short hair. They all have good looks, and the second daughter, Xia Xue, has the best looks.

Hideo Sato looks very ordinary, but the daughters he gave birth to are very beautiful. It seems that he inherited the beauty of his mother.

As for why the ordinary-looking Hideo Sato was able to marry the beautiful Aunt Keiko, thinking about the economy of those years, Yusuke probably understood.

"This one is Dad's friend, Yusuke Misawa, you can just call him Mr. Misawa"

The four girls nodded gently, "Welcome Mr. Misawa"

Yusuke also smiled and nodded, "Hello!"

Everyone greeted each other, and Hideo Sato led Yusuke into the door, followed by several girls.

However, Yusuke found that the eldest daughter Chunxiang and the youngest daughter Dongyue were more well-behaved, while the second daughter Xia Xue and the third daughter Qiuzi seemed a little frivolous. Of course, they were not impatient, but their personalities were more outgoing and lively.

Yusuke sat in the living room with the Sato couple, while the four girls gathered in another room.

"This is Dad's guest. Will Dad be cheated?" The second daughter Xia Xue asked seriously at this time.

Because of work, my dad basically works outside every year.

A few days ago, everyone was very happy when I came back to celebrate the New Year, and my father also brought a news that a friend of his would come to visit in a few days, and my father asked everyone to greet him at home.

Facing the speech of the head of the family, neither the daughter nor the wife objected. They dressed up early this morning, but they did not expect to be greeted by only a young boy.

This made them very surprised. When did Dad meet such a young boy?

Judging by his age, he is about the same age as me, which is too strange!
Fortunately, good tutoring didn't make them embarrassing on the spot, so they greeted them respectfully.

At this time, the four girls gathered together to discuss this matter. Will Dad be cheated?

Don't say it's impossible!
Although he is the head of the family, it does not mean that he is omnipotent. Some new scams are specifically aimed at these middle-aged and elderly people.

"No." It was the eldest daughter Chunxiang who answered, "I heard from my father that he and this Mr. Misawa met on a hunting trip. Before that, no one knew each other."

After thinking for a while, he continued, "Dad is doing this live broadcast recently, and it was taught by Mr. Sanze."

"It turned out that he taught Dad!" The third daughter Qiuzi said in surprise at this moment, "I just said, when will an old man like Dad learn how to use live broadcasting?"

"By the way, how is Dad's live broadcast doing?"

Everyone looked at Chunxiang, and Chunxiang had been helping to manage Dad's live broadcast.

Chunxiang hesitated for a moment, and said, "The data of the live broadcast is very good, and there is a considerable income every month."

"Father has really become a big blogger!" Qiuzi was very surprised, he didn't expect that old-fashioned father to be able to keep up with such a new profession.

"Okay, let's stop discussing the authenticity of Mr. Sanze," Chunxiang said at this moment, "Although Mr. Sanze is very young, I can be sure that he has no malice towards Dad, nor is he a liar."

The sisters thought for a while and nodded.

Their suspicion was that Misawa Yusuke was too young, but after thinking about it, Dad didn't seem to have lost anything, but instead learned a lot from him, and at this time their doubts were dispelled.

"Then why did dad suddenly call him over?" Dongyue, the youngest sister, asked at this moment.

The three sisters froze for a moment.

"Didn't Dad say that he would be invited to participate in the annual Oni Hunter Competition?" Xia Xue replied.

Speaking of this, Xia Xue curled her lips. According to the tradition in the village, only men can participate in the ghost hunter competition, and women cannot participate, which makes her very upset.

Xia Xue's hunting skills are very strong, even better than her father's, but because of her gender and village traditions, she cannot participate in many activities, which makes her father feel very sorry, and it is also Xia Xue's heart disease.

"Okay, Xia Xue." Chunxiang said at this time, "Father also has his own difficulties. After all, this is the tradition here, and there is nothing we can do about it."

In a conservative traditional village, there are some things that cannot be defied.

"I don't think this is the reason." It was the youngest daughter Dongyue who spoke, and the three sisters looked at the youngest sister at this time.

Don't look at how well-behaved this younger sister was just now, but everything is faked, her head turns very fast, and she is also very precocious, almost like a young adult.

She is the youngest child here and also the brightest.

"I think Dad might want to marry one of our daughters to him," Dongyue said seriously at this time.

This sentence was like a depth bomb, instantly knocking everyone out.

"This is impossible!"

The first person to protest was Qiuzi, who slapped the table and stood up, "Father would never do such a thing!"

"Don't be so excited." Dongyue said calmly at this time, "What kind of hands and feet do you look like?"

Qiuzi was so angry that he laughed back. At this moment, he grabbed her face and rubbed his hands together.

"You bastard, let me go"

Dongyue suddenly returned to the prototype, and restored the nature of a child, and the two immediately started fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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