Chapter 633 633. Transformation
"Okay." Chunxiang stopped the playfulness of the two at this time, and everyone sat back in their seats.

"Dongyue, tell me your reasoning"

After the initial panic, the sisters also calmed down at this moment.

At this time, Dongyue patted her stinging face. Once her sister said she couldn't, she would resort to force and pinch her face all the time, which made her very angry.

It's not okay to be unhappy, but Dongyue still has to answer seriously when faced with the elder sister's question, after all, it is terrible for the elder sister to be angry.

"When did you think dad was so serious? Normally, the whole family would only be together during the Chinese New Year or during family ceremonies, but this time, to welcome Yusuke Misawa, dad was so serious." ,What does this show?"

"This Misawa Yusuke is very important to the family," Xia Xue replied after hesitating for a while.

"No, Dad treats him as a member of the family!" Dongyue said with a serious face.

Everyone was startled. After being told by my sister, everyone realized it, as if it was true.

"And our family members are all daughters. The best way to become a family member is of course to become a son-in-law."

At the end, Dongyue got a little excited, and was slapped on the head by Qiuzi.

"Why are you so excited!"

"You guy hit me again, I'll fight you!"

The two suddenly started fighting again.


A stern voice came, and the two shuddered.

Chunxiang looked at the two with an unkind expression.

Sister is angry!
The two immediately returned to their original positions.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and none of them spoke, feeling a little depressed.

After a while, Chunxiang said, "Impossible!"

The three sisters all looked over, and Chunxiang explained at this time: "It's not that you don't know Dad's character. Although he is an antique, he has always respected our choices since he was a child. Xia Xue, you often quarrel with Dad, but When was the last time that daddy forgave you?"

Xia Xue blushed a little, "Sister, don't talk about this topic."

Chunxiang smiled, and then said: "Although Dad is an old-fashioned person, he has some ideas that are different from ours, but he still hopes that we can be happy in his heart, and he will not make fun of our life-long events. I trust Dad in this respect."

The three younger sisters thought for a while, and it was indeed the same as what the older sister said. No matter how confusing the father's operations, he was ultimately for his daughter. The father went out to work every year, and all the money he earned was spent on them. It can be said that, For this family, Dad has done his best!
"That's right, it's absolutely impossible for Dad to do that!" Qiuzi nodded, and then gave Dongyue a vicious look, "You damn girl, you're talking nonsense again!"

Dongyue turned her head in embarrassment, "I'm just guessing."

"If you want to get married, marry your younger sister first, so as not to waste the family's food."

"I think it's right to marry you off!" Dongyue said angrily at this time, "Hiding at home all day is like a dead house, and I will definitely not be able to marry you at that time, so why not marry you while it is still valuable?" sold"

The two stared at each other for a moment, and they were about to start fighting again.

Chunxiang sighed. The sisters have different personalities and often fight together. As the eldest sister, she has a lot of pressure.

In the living room, Yusuke was chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Sato, everyone exchanged a few words, and soon got to the point.

"This is a traditional activity in our village, and people from our own village usually participate, but in recent years everyone has become more open-minded and has begun to accept applications from outsiders.

However, there are still many traditional ceremonies in the village, and Sanze-kun, you have to follow along with them when the time comes."

"It's okay." Yusuke nodded.

Do as the Romans do, understandable.

"I've already arranged it for you," Hideo Sato said with a smile. "The competition is just three days away. In these two days, I will take you to visit the village and let you familiarize yourself with the environment."

"Thanks Mr. Sato"

Yusuke straightened his face and asked seriously: "Mr. Sato, how is your latest video doing?"

Yusuke also knows how to reciprocate. He was invited from a long distance to participate in the competition. On the one hand, he was hospitable and wanted to make him a friend. On the other hand, he also wanted to ask him.

Yusuke is the leader of Hideo Sato, and Yusuke is an expert in this field. Hideo Sato is a beginner, and there are many problems that cannot be solved. At this time, it is the most direct way to ask the successful people for their experience.

Before coming here, Yusuke watched some live broadcasts and videos of Hideo Sato, and probably understood his problem.

Mr. Sato's face became serious. Sure enough, Misawa-kun is so outstanding.

He invited Misawa Yusuke to come over this time, and he was indeed selfish, but he didn't expect this Misawa Yusuke to be so good.

Hideo Sato was no longer humble, and asked Misawa-kun his question directly, and he had nothing to be ashamed about.

The master is the teacher!
Hideo Sato's problem is very simple. His video account is often restricted and banned due to some violations. Although he has many fans, the series of operations on the platform have a great impact on him. His current stage is stuck in the middle, and he doesn't seem to be up or down.

This made Hideo Sato very distressed. Having tasted the benefits brought by the live broadcast, he was no longer satisfied with his previous life, so he thought about it.

But it is a pity that he is only a beginner in this regard, and there is no one to communicate with. At this moment, he thought of Yusuke Misawa, and planned to take this opportunity to exchange his experience with Mr. Sansawa.

Yusuke said at this time: "I have seen your video, your video is very exciting, but your video is a bit extreme"

"Please wait a moment" Hideo Sato stopped Yusuke from speaking at this time, Yusuke looked at him a little strangely, Hideo Sato explained with a smile.

"My eldest daughter has always been helping to manage my account. She can only understand many professional terms. Please wait a moment and let my eldest daughter come over and listen together."

Yusuke nodded, "No problem."

Live streaming is a brand-new concept for middle-aged and elderly people. There are many professional terms that are like listening to heaven for them. Hideo Sato can keep up with the times and become a video blogger. It is indeed difficult for him to learn the data operation and marketing operation.

Keiko Sato, who had been accompanying the guests, stood up at this moment, "Please wait a moment, I'll call Chunxiang over here."

After a while, Sato Keiko came with her eldest daughter Chunxiang, said hello, and left the room quietly. She is a housewife, so she couldn't understand what they were talking about. It's better not to mix it.

"Miss Chunxiang, are you managing your father's video account?" Yusuke asked at this moment, and Chunxiang nodded seriously.

Half a year ago, my father came home suddenly and brought the family together. That night, he announced that he would become a video blogger. This news shocked everyone.

Video bloggers are an emerging industry in the past two years, and they have been very popular in the past few years. However, young people are generally engaged in this industry, and only middle-aged and elderly people are engaged in this industry.

They were very surprised that an old man like his father would suddenly enter this new industry, and everyone was very puzzled.

Facing the questions of the daughters, Hideo Sato gave an explanation.

In the last hunting operation, he cooperated with a team. Those hunters not only had strong hunting skills, but also had some operations that he could not understand. They shot videos while hunting.

Out of curiosity, he asked about the relevant situation, and the other party introduced him warmly, and he was instantly shocked.

It turns out that hunting can still be done in this way. One job has two incomes.

Hideo Sato is heartbroken!

According to his idea, he just took pictures of his usual hunting process, posted it on the Internet, and then he could collect money.

The money came too easily, this is what he wanted!

The daughters discussed it and thought they could give it a try, but what happened later was beyond their expectations.

I didn't expect my father's video to be so popular!
The full and tense hunting process is the favorite of some people. The number of videos played is constantly increasing, and the number of fans is also increasing. Unknowingly, my father has grown from a rookie in a new industry to an owner. Blogger with 10,000+ followers.

Also because of their father, the daughters started to get in touch with this industry, and with a deep understanding, they suddenly reacted.

My father's success came too fast. From an unknown rookie to a big blogger with 10,000+ fans, it only took half a year. This speed is too fast, and he is a dark horse!
You must know that many young people in the same industry have no way to achieve this kind of achievement.

It made them very happy, but also with some sense of urgency
They are completely newcomers in this industry, and their sudden popularity caught them by surprise. It can be said that this is an opportunity, but it is also a crisis. If they are not handled well, their peak state will be here.

In order to go further, they studied a lot of courses, and even their father watched videos all night, looking for a breakthrough.

They are now looking for changes, and their father is looking forward to the arrival of this Yusuke Misawa. He puts all his hopes on Yusuke Misawa.

The eldest daughter, Chunxiang, also has a serious attitude towards learning. To be able to become a leader in this industry, he must have his special skills. Therefore, the opinion of Yusuke Misawa is very important.

"Your background data, did it rise rapidly for a while, and then flattened, without any fluctuations, and sometimes there were some declines?"

Chunxiang nodded, the situation was exactly the same as what he said,
"Normally, the popularity of each video has a step-by-step trend. You are now in a flat period. If you can go further, video bloggers can go one step further. However, your videos have a big flaw. If you don’t handle it well, you may be banned in the future because of it.”

Yusuke's words shocked the two of them for a moment. The income of video bloggers is very considerable. At the beginning, the income was not a lot, but with the increase of fans, the income has increased a lot. Sato Hideten is very concerned about this. If there is a loss of income, it will be very heartbreaking.

Satoh Hideo asked nervously: "Misawa-kun, can you tell me what the problem is?"

"Many of your videos have stepped on the line. I have seen your videos, and some of them are not very continuous. I believe you should delete some of them. The reason may be because of violations.

The positioning of your video is hunting, Mr. Sato, you must have posted the picture of decomposing the prey too."

Hideo Sato nodded. When he first got in touch, he really recorded the whole process, including the hunting of the prey, and the subsequent decomposition. Therefore, many scenes were too bloody. I was warned by the platform, and after my daughter made adjustments, many pictures were deleted again, but there were still violations.

Because the hunter video requires a sense of reality and excitement, sometimes when the shotgun is shot, the head of the prey is exploded, and there is no way to deal with the bloody picture.

There are also some small animals, such as rabbits, wild deer, etc. Whenever these prey are caught, many people scold him below, and some people report him, which makes Hideo Sato very depressed.

They have also adjusted this, but the focus of the video is excitement and truth. One deleted and the other deleted, his videos became unwatchable, and the playback volume of subsequent videos began to decline. Many fans are saying that the video has no Excited at first.

Hideo Sato's video attracted viewers with its gore and reality from the beginning, but the later videos have begun to become popular, and there is nothing to watch.

This made Sato Hideo very troublesome, and Yusuke gave his answer.


"There is no way out without transformation. Mr. Sato has won the first batch of fans and capital by relying on blood and truth. At this time, he should adjust his direction"

Yusuke went on to say, "The pursuit of hunting is truth, but it doesn't have to be a bloody scene, such as using traps, ropes, etc. to directly catch live prey. Such videos can also be appreciated by some viewers."

Hideo Sato hesitated for a while, and said: "But in this case, the shooting time will be longer, and the number of corresponding videos will be reduced."

After all, things like traps often depend on luck, and it may take a few days to catch a prey.

"Quality over quantity!"

Yusuke explained: "A good video can attract viewers, you already have some die-hard fans, the chassis is already there, the next step is to attract more fans.

Your positioning is hunting, but your video can also attract other audiences, such as those who like outdoor adventures and camping. These people can all become your potential fans, so your video should adjust the direction”

Sato and his daughter suddenly realized and nodded.

Chunxiang immediately looked at him with admiration, this Yusuke Misawa still has two brushes.

"Then what is our new position?"

(End of this chapter)

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