Chapter 634 634. Right to Choose

Facing the probing eyes of the two, Yusuke replied seriously: "Exploration and survival."

Adventure and survival?
Yusuke went on to explain: "The original hunting video has been slightly adjusted and expanded to more aspects, such as how a person survives, how to find food, and how to hunt when outdoors.

In fact, it is similar to Mr. Sato’s previous videos, but the problem is that the positioning of the two is different. The previous videos focused on how to hunt, but now the focus is on how to explore and survive. Hunting is only one aspect of it.”

Both father and daughter Sato were deep in thought after listening.

Yusuke took a sip of water, that's all he can say, as for how to comprehend it, it depends on the individual.

How to think and how to act, after all, still depends on the subjective initiative of the individual.

After a while, Mr. Sato raised his head and said seriously: "Thank you Misawa-kun, I probably know."

The eldest daughter, Chunxiang, also wanted to understand, and nodded gently: "Thank you, Mr. Sanze, for your suggestion."

Yusuke said with a smile: "This is just my experience, how to operate it depends on you."

"We can figure it out by ourselves, and now someone can help us point out the direction, which is already very helpful," Hideo Sato said with a smile.

In a confused environment, having direction is much better than no direction

The three chatted a lot. Chunxiang had many questions, all of which were answered by Yusuke. After listening, she felt a sense of enlightenment.

"Mr. Misawa, if you don't mind, can you guide me on the spot?" Chunxiang looked at Yusuke enthusiastically at this time.

Yusuke smiled and was about to answer when there was a knock on the door and the three of them stopped communicating.

It was the youngest daughter Dongyue who entered.

"Father, Mr. Misawa, it's time to eat"

"I forgot the time as soon as I started chatting, Misawa-kun, please don't mind the routine." Hideo Sato said with a smile.

Yusuke responded with a smile: "Excuse me."

At this time, he looked at Chunxiang, "I will help guide you in the next few days."

Chunxiang suddenly showed a smile, "Then please trouble Mr. Sanze."

No matter how much you talk about it, it is better to actually do it, so that everything is clear.

Hands-on teaching is the most effective.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Misawa-kun," Hideo Sato said sincerely.

This is someone's ability to eat, and it is very sincere to be able to teach him hand in hand, for which Hideo Sato is very grateful.

Yusuke doesn't care, whether he can eat this bowl of rice depends on his own ability, if he can't comprehend it, no matter how much he teaches, it's useless.

A group of people came to the dining room, and the table was already filled with all kinds of food, which was very rich.

"Small tea and light food, please don't mind," Sato Keiko said with a smile in an apron, and her second daughter Xia Xue and third daughter Qiuzi were behind her, and they were also helping.

"Please take a seat"

Yusuke and Hideo Sato sat at one end of the table, while the four daughters and Aunt Keiko sat beside them.

The dishes on the table are basically meat-based.

"Our village lives on hunting, and the most common game is all kinds of game. You are welcome, Sanze-kun, let's try it," Sato Keiko introduced with a smile.

"Then I'm going to try Aunt Keiko's skills," Yusuke responded with a smile.

"Sansawa-kun, would you like some?" Hideo Sato took out a large wine bottle at this time, "This is some medicinal wine we brewed at home, it is very nourishing for the body, would you like some?"

Japan stipulates that you can drink alcohol at the age of 20, but for rural families, this rule is useless at all. Sato's family doesn't care about Yusuke's drinking, and Yusuke nodded with a smile.

Everyone started.

Yusuke ate a piece of meat, which tasted a bit strange, and asked, "What kind of meat is this?"

"This is venison," Aunt Huizi introduced with a smile, "This is rabbit meat, and this is pheasant."

Sure enough, all the food here is a collection of game, and this is the first time for Yusuke to eat such raw ingredients.

Today, in order to welcome Yusuke, the Sato family has prepared a lot of food, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

Having enough food and drink, Yusuke and Hideo Sato were resting in the living room.

"Misawa-kun..." When Hideo Sato was about to speak, Aunt Keiko came over and whispered something in Hideo Sato's ear.

Hideo Sato looked pensive, nodded, and said to Yusuke, "I'm sorry, Misawa-kun, I have some things here, and I can't take you out for a stroll this afternoon."

"It's okay" Yusuke replied, "I can do it by myself"

"Well, I'll let Xia Xue take you there. The village is relatively conservative. You may be bullied as an outsider. It will be better if you are accompanied by my daughter."

Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded.

In such a conservative place, it is really not appropriate to add extravagance.

In the kitchen, the four daughters are helping to tidy up things while talking.

"What were Dad and Mr. Sanze talking about just now?" Xia Xue asked curiously at this time.

When they were chatting just now, Chunxiang was called by her mother, saying that her father had something to see her, and the few of them were brought by her mother to help make lunch.

This meal of lunch took a lot of effort, and they complained endlessly, which was more tiring than during the Chinese New Year or family sacrifices.

"I'm talking about Dad's video," Chunxiang replied with a smile, "Mr. Sanze gave some good advice."

"What advice did he give?" Qiuzi was very curious.


"Xia Xue!" Mom appeared this time, and everyone stopped chatting.

"Dad told you to go over there," Mom said with a smile.

Xia Xue was a little strange, "What did Dad ask me to do?"

Mom explained with a smile: "Wait a minute, you will be responsible for taking Sanze-kun around the village and acting as a tour guide for him."

"Why me?" Xia Xue said a little angrily, "Qiu Zi can do it too."

Qiuzi glared instantly, this guy actually tricked her!

"Akiko is too young. Chunxiang has other things to do, so you are the only one who is the most suitable. It happens that you are about the same age as Sanze-kun, and there should be a lot of topics for people of the same age."

Everyone froze for a moment, mother's statement was a bit weird!

peer?More topics?
Blind date!

For a moment, everyone thought of the term.

Could it be that Dongyue really hit the mark?

The youngest sister, Dongyue, was very excited at this time, and finally wanted to marry these scumbag sisters!
Xia Xue hesitated for a while, then asked worriedly: "Mom, are you going to marry me off?"

The mother was shocked, looking at her daughter's eyes full of surprise.

Looking at Xia Xue with those eyes was a little stinging.

"Mom, what are you talking about, why are you looking at me like this?" Xia Xue asked a little at a loss.

"Are you stupid?" Keiko sighed.

Xia Xue was a little angry, but at the same time he was relieved, it turned out that it was not what she thought.

"Why do you have such an idea?" Sato Keiko looked at several daughters, and several daughters looked at each other, and finally Qiuzi said: "It was Dongyue who said that you want to marry us off."

Everyone looked at the youngest daughter, and Dongyue panicked.

"I was just joking," Dongyue said with some embarrassment.

"Can this joke be played casually!" Qiuzi said angrily, which was desperately making up the knife.

Dongyue glared at her, but with her mother present, the two dared not be presumptuous.

"You guys are thinking too much." Sato Keiko finally met her daughter's airwaves and said with a smile, "Misawa-kun already has a girlfriend."

So this is ah!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't think about those messy things, hurry up and tidy up the kitchen, Xia Xue, come with me, and entertain guests well"

Xia Xue nodded, knowing everything, she adjusted her mentality and treated him as a guest.

I followed my mother to the living room, and there was only Yusuke in the living room, and he was in touch with his family.

As soon as the winter vacation started, everyone in the middle school game group clamored to get together and have a good time. On the side of the "My Children and Me" club, Eri and the others were also discussing where to go to play. The studio Here, the year-end party and year-end trip are in progress.

At the same time, there are kendo training and the establishment of new projects, and Yusuke is very busy.

After Yusuke arranged everything, he ran here alone to travel.

On the one hand, it was Hideo Sato's invitation, and on the other hand, he was really too busy, and he hadn't rested for a whole year. No matter how busy he was, he had to take a breather, so he came here alone.

Indeed, it's a lot easier not to think about so many things.

Yusuke was thinking that he would find a place to travel alone every year, let go of everything, and let his mind be empty.

Yusuke had just finished contacting his family when Xia Xue came in.

"Mr. Sanze" Xia Xue greeted with a smile, "Father asked me to take you around the village, please come with me."

"That's troublesome Miss Xia Xue." Yusuke smiled and nodded.

Xia Xue froze for a moment, he looked good when he smiled!

But he quickly put this strange idea behind him, this is a guest, and he cannot be neglected.

After tidying up, he took him out together.

This is an old village, walking on the street, Yusuke has a feeling of walking in Japan in the 90s.

The village is quite big, but there are few residents, and there are many single-family buildings, and many buildings are separated by a certain distance, which makes the land seem sparsely populated, and it feels a little desolate when walking on the road.

There are also some shops and hotels on the road, but they all look old.

Along the way, Xia Xue was greeting people, and everyone seemed to be familiar with Xia Xue, which made Yusuke a little curious, Xia Xue explained with a smile: "There are not many people in the village, basically everyone We all know each other, plus Dad is a famous hunter in the village, everyone basically knows our family.”

"Mr. Sato is the most powerful Matagi hunter in the village!" Yusuke said in surprise.

"That's right!" Xia Xue nodded triumphantly, "Father's hunting skills are the strongest in the whole village, and his best record is shooting down three black bears in a row, which is the strongest record in the village."

Yusuke nodded, and singled out three black bears alone. No matter what method he used, he was definitely a strong man who could do this. In this kind of hunting village, such a strong man would definitely be respected. of.

Seeing Yusuke's recognition of her father, Xia Xue was very happy.

Xia Xue took Yusuke to visit many places, and also saw some ancient shrines, all of which are places for traditional sacrifices, and this is also the venue for the competition.

After the trip, Yusuke had a general understanding of the situation here.

After getting along for a while, everyone found that they are not difficult people to get along with, and the relationship has become more harmonious.

"Xia Xue, why are you here?" At this moment, a surprised voice came from a man.

Both of them turned their heads, and there were two men and one woman in front of them.

Yusuke was somewhat familiar with the three, they were the three they met at the station.

With surprise on her face, Xia Xue responded excitedly: "Muzhi, Chihaya, Jiujian"

The three of them came over, and Xia Xue also walked over. They gathered together and started chatting, while Yusuke watched from not far away.

Several people greeted each other, when a girl named Chihaya discovered Yusuke's existence, and said in surprise, "Isn't this the handsome guy at the station?"

The two boys also looked over at this time, and Xia Xue also reacted at this time, and said with a smile: "This is my guest."

The two men and one woman were shocked. They had already received the news that a very important guest would come to Xia Xue's house today. The whole family wanted to welcome him together. They thought it was some important person, but they didn't expect it to be someone Young man, he looks similar to them, what kind of ability does this man have?

Is it a rich second generation?Or a powerful dad?

Noticing the gazes of the three, Yusuke nodded with a smile.

The three of them froze for a moment, and the man smiled nicely.

"What are you doing?" the girl named Chihaya asked at this moment.

"I'm taking Mr. Sanze to know the village." Xia Xue said with a smile, "I won't tell you, I'm still busy, let's talk when I have time."

Xia Xue said hello and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" The boy named Muzhi said at this time, "Why don't we take your guests to visit the village together, it will be more lively?"

At this moment, the young man looked at Xia Xue with enthusiastic eyes.

This kind of look is somewhat familiar to Yusuke. Kitagawa Hideki from Higashikawa High School looks at Semi like this, it's so obvious!
On the other hand, the boy named Hisama and the girl named Chihaya looked like they were enjoying the show.


Xia Xue hesitated a little, and it's not that she didn't know the other party's feelings, but Xia Xue didn't have any feelings for him, and had already rejected him, but Muzhi still didn't give up, and she couldn't help it.

If you reject him in front of everyone now, it will embarrass Mu Zhi. A man's self-esteem is very strong. Although we can't be boyfriend and girlfriend, we can't humiliate him like this.

But if I promised him, I still have tasks to do now, and I have to continue to take Mr. Sanze to visit the village, and Mr. Sanze doesn't know if he will mind. If Mr. Sanze feels left out, it will be troublesome , this is not the way of hospitality!
Now, the choice is hers.

(End of this chapter)

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