Chapter 635. Human nature

"No need, I can do it alone," Xia Xue said apologetically.

First come, first served, since I have promised my father, I must do this well, and the group of people is in a mess, and it is very rude to Mr. Sanze.

Mu Zhi was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but he didn't force himself, he smiled and waved his hands.

Yusuke and Xia Xue left first, while the three stood there, the atmosphere was a little silent.

He patted Mu Zhi on the shoulder for a long time, "Mu Zhi, you are too impatient"

Mu Zhi remained silent, and said indirectly for a long time: "I can understand your mood. Suddenly a handsome guy appeared beside Xia Xue. You must have a sense of crisis."

Mu Zhi's body froze for a moment, this was what he said.

Muzhi has been pursuing Xia Xue for a long time, but Xia Xue has never had feelings for him, and has clearly rejected him, but he still has not given up, and has always maintained a state of pursuit.

Of course, he didn't do too much in the process of pursuing, so Xia Xue didn't reject it, but today he suddenly saw Xia Xuedong walking with a handsome guy, especially the way the two of them were talking and laughing. He was a little startled, as if he was about to lose something, and there was an impulse in his heart, and finally he said what he just said.

At this time, he also regretted a little. His speech just now was too rude, and it was normal for Xia Xue to reject him.

But rationality belongs to rationality, emotion makes him a little unacceptable, and he feels a little uncomfortable at this moment.

Chihaya said at this time: "I think this matter is a bit weird"

The two looked over after hearing the words, and Chihaya went on to say: "A young man can be welcomed by the whole Sato family, which shows that he is very important to the Sato family, and judging by the age of the other party and Xia Xue's behavior, I think there seems to be something wrong." going to happen"

The two were a little confused, and Mu Zhi asked, "Qianhao, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Don't you think it's a ritual?"

"What ceremony?"

Mu Zhi suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Blind date!"

"Blind date!" Mu Zhi suddenly exclaimed.

"Impossible!" Mu Zhi immediately retorted, "Xia Xue is impossible to go on a blind date. Xia Xue is only a high school student now, how can a high school student go on a blind date?"

Chihaya was taken aback by his appearance, and quickly took a step back, "I'm just guessing, don't be so nervous"

Only then did Mu Zhi come to his senses, yes, this is just a guess.

"But don't forget, girls can get married at the age of 15. Although Xia Xue is a high school student, she has also reached the age of marriage. It is possible to get married at this time."

Chihaya's words stabbed Muzhi's heart again, and Muzhi was about to explode, but was held down for a long time.

"Muzhi, calm down, Chihaya, stop joking."

Chihaya shook her head, "I'm not kidding"

Jiujian and Muzhi were stunned for a moment, then their faces became serious, and they thought about it carefully.

After thinking about it for a while, I found that this possibility is really high. You must know that they are a closed village here, and their thinking is still somewhat traditional.

It is indeed a very proud thing to have a boyfriend in a big city, not to mention that this boyfriend is also very handsome.

Muzhi suddenly became nervous, his head was a little dazed, and he was a little at a loss, looking at Jiujian for help.

Jiu Jian was thinking about it, and he was not sure whether it was true or not.

"Do you know what festival is in a few days?" Qianhao suddenly raised another topic at this moment, and both of them looked over.

"In a few days, our village's annual ghost hunter competition will be held. The other party has come here suddenly. What do you think he's here for?"

"Participate in the competition!"

The two were immediately startled.

"That's right! I guess he's here for a blind date. I don't know the result of the blind date, but there must be a competition during the blind date."

"How do you know?" Jiu Jian asked suspiciously.

"You idiot" Chihaya curled her lips, "Have you forgotten the traditions of our village? People in our village like the strong, not to mention that Uncle Sato is a famous Matagi hunter, he will not allow his son-in-law is a jerk"

Having said that, Chihaya looked at Muzhi, who shivered.

The tradition of the village is hunting, but nowadays young people don't like hunting. They think it is too tiring and too dangerous. Many people have thrown themselves into the arms of other industries, and Muzhi is one of them.

There are two different voices in the village. Some people insist on the tradition, while others think that we should get rid of the old and welcome the new and start a new industry. This is the opposition between the old and the new.

The Sato family is different, because of Sato Hideo's teaching, the whole family can hunt, and the hunting skills are not bad.

Among them, Xia Xue's skills dominate, even better than her father.

But because of her gender, Xia Xue couldn't participate in many activities, and Xia Xue was very depressed about this.

It suddenly occurred to Muzhi that Xia Xue had never accepted him, maybe it was because of this reason, because he didn't know how to hunt and didn't meet Xia Xue's requirements for choosing a mate.

If it is really what Qianhao said, then the hope of getting the return of a beauty is slim!
"What should we do now?"

Muzhi's head was already in confusion, and he felt that his future was bleak. At this time, he looked at Chihaya for help.

"We are also participating in the competition." Qianhao said seriously, "Only by letting Xia Xue see your hard work can you pull back your score."

"But I can't hunt"

"I will!" Chihaya said confidently, "I have learned from my father for a while, the skills are not bad, we can form a team"

"Then please! Chihaya!"

Mu Zhi grabbed Chihaya's shoulder and pleaded vigorously.

"You guy scratched my shoulder so painfully!"

"I'm sorry." Mu Zhi immediately let go of his hands, clasped his hands together, and begged, "Please!"

"Leave it on me!" Chihaya replied confidently.

For a long time, I have some doubts, is this really the case?
But what Chihaya said was well-founded, and it was difficult to find a place to refute it.

Forget it, let's see when the time comes, if the opponent really participated in the competition, it means that what Chihaya said is true.

On the other side, Xia Xue took Yusuke to visit the whole village.

"The village is probably like this." Xia Xue said with a smile, looking at Yusuke at this time, "May I ask, Mr. Sanze, how did you meet my father?"

Xia Xue was very curious. Although her father had explained it, she really couldn't believe it. It was unbelievable that such an old man like her father could be mixed with such an energetic young man.

Everywhere the elders are more powerful than the younger.

But the relationship between father and Yusuke Misawa is different. Dad respects Yusuke Misawa very much, as if he was talking to his peers, which surprised her very much.
"It's like this." Yusuke smiled and told the process of their acquaintance.

After hearing this, Xia Xue pondered for a moment, then asked hesitantly, "Why do you want to help Dad?"

It's hard to imagine, everyone just met in the same mission, but Yusuke Misawa not only taught his father to be a video blogger, but also imparted a lot of related experience, which is really incredible!

This made them very confused, so the sisters discussed: Is this Yusuke Misawa a liar?
"This..." Facing Xia Xue's question, Yusuke replied, "Maybe it's because of his eyes."

Eye edge?

This answer made Xia Xue feel a little unbelievable, and Yusuke explained with a smile: "Sometimes, meeting people is a very strange thing, sometimes you will become good friends with him with a few words, and sometimes, the first time It's a feeling that you can hate someone at a glance.

To be honest, I had a very general impression of Mr. Sato at the time, but after talking with everyone, I began to understand Mr. Sato as a father who deserves respect.

There is no reason to help a person, is this answer satisfactory to you? "

Xia Xue nodded, and it took a while to react, and said a little ashamedly: "Sorry, I am judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"It's okay." Yusuke replied with a smile: "It's really hard to imagine a young man becoming friends with a middle-aged man, but friendship doesn't distinguish between age and gender."

"Yes! Friendship does not distinguish between age and gender!" Xia Xue nodded in agreement, and she suddenly understood why her father respected this Yusuke Misawa, this person is too mature!

Standing in front of her is an indomitable man!
"Okay, let's go back," Yusuke said at this time.

Xia Xue nodded and took Yusuke back home.

"You are back!" Sato Keiko was a little surprised.

When Yusuke and Xia Xue first went out, the relationship between the two was very polite, but now that they are back, they feel that the relationship between the two is much more harmonious.

The second daughter's temper is not very good, but I didn't expect this Yusuke Misawa to be so capable and able to treat her submissively.

No wonder he and her husband became good friends.

Looking at the two of them, Keiko Sato suddenly had a strange thought, if he could become one of his own...

But he quickly shook his head, this Yusuke Misawa has a girlfriend, so don't think too much about it.

It's just a pity...

"Mom, I have already taken Mr. Sanze around the village," Xia Xue said, indicating that she had completed the task.

Sato Keiko nodded, looked at Yusuke, and asked, "Mizawa-kun, do you need to rest? I have already tidied up the room here."

"Mr. Sanze, you are back!"

The eldest daughter, Chunxiang, appeared at this time, and was a little surprised to see Yusuke.

"Mr. Sanze, I happen to have some questions to ask you. Are you free?"

"Misawa-kun has been working so hard today, I'm already very tired, I need to take a rest first." Sato Keiko looked at Chunxiang with some reproach, this is not the way to treat guests.

"It's okay." Yusuke replied with a smile, "I don't have anything to do right now, so I just want to help out."

"It's really troublesome Misawa-kun!" Sato Keiko said apologetically.

"You're welcome, Aunt Keiko"

Yongsuke followed Chunxiang and took a step ahead, Xia Xue was about to leave when his mother stopped him.

"Xia Xue, you have to adjust your state in the past two days, cultivate your body and rest, and get ready"

"Preparing for what?" Xia Xue was a little surprised.

Sato Keiko replied with a smile: "Preparing for the Matagi Hunter competition"

"Isn't that competition only for men?" Xia Xue thought of something at this moment, with a look of surprise on her face, "Could it be possible for me to participate?"

Keiko Sato nodded, "This year, my father resisted all opinions and asked the village to reform. The Ghost Hunter competition must include female contestants. This year is the first experimental year. You can participate."

"It's really great!" Xia Xue jumped up happily.

The Oni Hunter Competition in the village has always been a traditional event in the village, and only men can participate. However, the economy has not been good in recent years, and the village has discussed: allowing outsiders to participate and turning it into a travel show.

However, the competition is open, but the effect is not very good. Everyone is discussing whether to change it back to the original state.

But Hideo Sato had other ideas. He decided to step up his efforts and make further reforms to allow female players to participate.

Contestant Sato left today because the village meeting was going on and his opinion was needed.

As the strongest Matagi hunter in the village, Hideo Sato's opinions are very powerful, and he is also the first person to eat crabs. He is the No.1 live broadcast hunting in the village.

When Hideo Sato first started broadcasting live hunting, many hunters were not optimistic about it. They didn’t know what live broadcasting was or marketing. ?

At the beginning, everyone was a little curious, and some people saw it as a joke, but later on, everyone didn't care.

However, with the changes in the Sato family, many people began to take it seriously.

The most obvious thing is that Hideo Sato is rich. He not only bought a car, but also bought a lot of electrical appliances. Keiko Sato inadvertently revealed some words when communicating with neighbors to let everyone know that Hideo Sato recently passed It was a bountiful harvest.

This surprised everyone very much. I didn't expect to be able to make money!

Some people were tempted, and some people asked Hideo Sato for advice.

Hideo Sato understands the way to survive. In a closed village, being too good will attract people's envy. Moreover, the cake of webcasting is so big that he can't finish it by himself. Why not take this opportunity to win people's hearts? .

Under his guidance, other hunters also started live streaming.

Of course, not everyone was successful, but Hideo Sato's reputation quickly rose in the village, and his status also rose. He was also consulted for some reforms in the village.

The person who can bring benefits to everyone is the most capable person!

Hideo Sato will not let go of the opportunity. He wants to use this to reform some regulations in the village. If he succeeds, his position in the village will be stabilized.

The people in the village discussed it all afternoon, and finally agreed to the reform.

After all, making money does not permeate people!
If you fail, you can change it back next year at most.

Therefore, not only the Sato family, but also the daughters of other families have been notified that women can participate together this year.

Hideo Sato has great ambitions. He wants to make this year's Matagami Hunter Competition famous, and he will broadcast the game live on the Internet.

He doesn't know how to market, but he understands human nature, and women's participation is necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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