Chapter 636 636. Power
Yusuke followed Haruka to a room.

The room was messy, there were a few flashes, some sockets and stands, a few tents, and some tools, everything was in a mess, the whole room was very messy.

"This used to be a storage room. Later, when Dad started live broadcasting, it was changed into a studio." Chunxiang introduced with a smile, "Because there are only two of us, sometimes we are too busy, so the room is a bit messy, please don't mind"

Yusuke replied with a smile: "Understandable, it's the same situation on my side"

There are now five or six people in Yusuke's studio, but once he gets busy, things are thrown away, let alone a studio with only two people, it will definitely be a mess.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Yusuke asked.

"This is how it works"

When it came to the topic, Chunxiang straightened her face.

"According to the positioning direction you mentioned before, I deleted and re-adjusted the video in stock, but the effect is not very good, and I don't feel that any aspect needs to be improved. Mr. Sanze, can you Can you help me take a look?"

Yusuke nodded.

Creators often fall into such a misunderstanding that what they think is good is completely insignificant to the audience, and sometimes what they think is their favorite work is worthless to others.

There are only a few creators who can have a keen intuition and directly grasp the market.

Sometimes it really depends on talent to create this kind of thing. If God rewards you with food, that would be the best.

But not everyone has such a talent, and this is where the importance of teamwork comes into play.

Each person is responsible for a part, integrated, and then discussed and screened. To a certain extent, it is much better than fighting alone, and this situation is very common among video bloggers.

Some are in charge of filming, some are in charge of script writing, some are in charge of costumes, some are in charge of advertising, and some are in charge of fan interaction afterwards, etc. The efficiency of a team is much stronger than the energy of one person!
Hideo Sato's account is developing too fast, and his logistics work can't keep up at all, so Chunxiang has been dizzy with busy work for a while, and she is the only one in the logistics, so she has no way to consult with others when encountering problems. Dad was only in charge of the live broadcast, and didn't understand the logistics at all, so Chunxiang needed to study it by herself, which wasted a lot of her energy.

Now Misawa Yusuke is here, just in time to ask him for advice.

Yusuke sat on the chair and watched the video. The video was not very long, more than 30 minutes. After watching it, Yusuke became thoughtful.

"Mr. Sanze, how are you?" Chunxiang asked nervously.

"I always feel a bit boring," Yusuke replied, "I have seen your previous videos, and you have mastered the tense rhythm very well, but now your rhythm is too slow, you should show some hunting process, of course you You know, hunting for prey often takes hours, which is an extremely boring time for the audience.

The normal way is to cut down the time spent looking for prey, select a few interesting sections from it, and then edit them into fragments to play a role of presenting and following.

Although your video also does this, but your rhythm is not well grasped, and the picture is too peaceful.”

"However, Dad has been very silent during the live broadcast, and the screen is very quiet. Such a scene is not easy to show." Chunxiang thought for a while, and said worriedly.

"You can try to add a narration, let Mr. Sato read the script lines that have been arranged, insert them, add subtitles and soundtracks, there are sounds, pictures, and subtitles, this can mobilize the audience's appreciation, and at the same time show the prototype of the story”

Chunxiang thought about it and thought it was a good idea.

"Of course there are more advanced gameplays. Through the rhythm of the music, the picture moves quickly, creating a sense of tension and oppression for the audience, just like a movie montage."

"Wait, Mr. Misawa, please wait a moment"

At this moment, Chunxiang rummaged through the cabinet and took out a notebook, "Wait a minute, I wrote down what you just said."

Now is the time to take notes!

Yusuke replied, "Then I'll say it again."

The two were discussing in the studio.

On the other side of the village, in an old house, several middle-aged people walked out of the house, chatting while walking, and one of them was Hideo Sato.

"Xiufu, are you sure?" It was a middle-aged man who asked.

This middle-aged man is a little thin, with a little hunchback. He is a good friend of Hideo Sato, Kamiki Ichiro.

"Fifty percent," Sato Hideo replied, "but this is an opportunity, I can't let it go"

While the two were talking, another middle-aged man came out of the house, and the two immediately stopped communicating.

The middle-aged man who came out had a burly figure, his hair was a little gray, and he stood there with a calm and majestic aura.

"Satou, I hope your idea will succeed," the burly middle-aged man said in a low voice.

"I will do well"

The two looked at each other, and the burly middle-aged man left peacefully.

"It seems that Qianjing is still a little bit unconvinced!" Shenki Ichiro said worriedly, "I don't know if he will play tricks behind his back."

This burly middle-aged man is the director of the Ghost Hunter Competition. All the competitions have been arranged by him all the time, and he is not low in the village.At the same time, he is also a ghost hunter, and his strength is the second strongest in the village.

As we all know, the relationship between the first and the second is not good, and both of them dislike each other.

And this time, Hideo Sato made a big splash in the Matagami Hunter competition meeting and got most of the votes of approval, so this time the competition was arranged by him, which made Mitsui very upset, thinking that his power had been divided gone.

No matter where and what age, power is the most attractive thing, especially in this conservative and traditional place, the power of power is stronger.

Hideo Sato didn't care about this aspect before, but with some recent events, he has begun to breed some ambitions. He wants to go further and seek a position in the village, so he must win this competition.

"If you need help, just say it," said Kamiki Ichiro.

Hideo Sato replied with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely not be polite."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, then said goodbye and went home.

Hideo Sato returned home, and Keiko helped him tidy up his clothes. Hideo Sato asked at this moment, "Where is Sanze-kun now?"

"Xia Xue has already taken him around the village, Sanze-kun is now in the studio with Chunxiang"

Hideo Sato nodded, "Then I'll go find him."

(End of this chapter)

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