Chapter 637.
There was a knock on the door, and Yusuke and Haruka, who were discussing in the room, stopped communicating.

Outside the door is the Sato couple.

"Misawa-kun, are you having a good day today?" Hideo Sato asked with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Sato for your concern, I had a very happy day today" Yusuke responded with a smile.

Hideo Sato looked at the surrounding environment and asked with a smile, "Are you guys discussing the video now?"

Yusuke replied: "We were just discussing the issue of video positioning, and now we have almost discussed it. I have taught Miss Chunxiang almost everything that needs to be taught. I believe Miss Chunxiang can handle it well."

Chunxiang nodded, "I have benefited a lot from Mr. Sanze's teaching today."

"That's really troublesome Misawa-kun, you haven't rested since morning, Sansawa-kun, why don't you take a rest?" Sato Keiko asked concerned.

Yusuke nodded, seeing Mr. Sato's face, he probably had something to discuss with his daughter, so he didn't bother him here, and said hello, Sato Keiko took Yusuke back to his room.

Only Sato and his daughter were left in the studio.

Seeing his father's face, Chunxiang knew something was up.

"Father, what's the matter?" Chunxiang straightened her face and asked.

Hideo Sato didn't answer, but instead asked, "Chunxiang, how did you learn from Misawa-kun today?"

"Mr. Sanze has solved many of my doubts, but there are some questions that Mr. Sanze has no way to answer. Mr. Sanze is still learning now, but he is just one step ahead of us."

Chunxiang was a little excited, "I believe that as long as we work hard, we can reach the heights of Mr. Misawa. At that time, Dad, you won't have to work so hard. We can organize a team and even establish a company."

"Establish a company?" Hideo Sato was a little surprised, "Is it possible to establish a company for such a thing?"

"I haven't thought about it before, but after being reminded by Mr. Sanze, it's actually possible. This is a new industry, and its prospects are very big. It's beyond our imagination."

"It's like this." Hideo Sato felt a little emotional. He seemed to see a bright road, but he quickly adjusted his mentality.

No matter how good the future is, the foundation has not yet been laid, and everything is a castle in the air.

"Chunxiang, you know about the Matagi hunter competition in the village, right?"

Chunxiang nodded.

"This year I am leading the competition. I advocate that female players can participate together. I have already prepared Xia Xue to participate, and this time I will hold a different competition. I will broadcast live during the competition.

Chunxiang, I need you to temporarily put aside other work and prepare for this competition with all your strength."

"Will there be a live broadcast of this match?" Chunxiang thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up.

"Based on your current influence, Dad, if it is a large-scale hunter competition, it will definitely attract a lot of attention, and our fans will increase by then, which is a good publicity.

And it can also be used to let the people in the village see Dad's strength, and Dad's status in the village will also rise by then."

Hideo Sato nodded, "It's not just that, I have better ideas"

Chunxiang looked at her father in surprise, and Hideo Sato explained:

"The tradition of our village is hunting, and the village also uses this as a selling point to develop tourism, but the development of tourism in our village is not ideal. If we can promote the promotion of the village through live broadcast hunting, our tourism industry will definitely develop. !"

Chunxiang's eyes lit up, it was an excellent idea.

In a conservative and traditional village, the person who can bring benefits to everyone is the most capable person!
If this thing can really be done, then Dad will definitely be recognized by everyone in the village, and maybe he will be elected as the village head.

Although the name of the village head sounds very low, but in some remote places, this is the local overlord!

The more Chunxiang thought about it, the more excited she became. At this moment, her father coughed, "Don't think too much, the right way is to do a good job in the game in front of you first."

Only then did Chunxiang come to her senses, yes, the game in front of her was the most important, and only after this game was a success, all subsequent plans could be carried out.

Chunxiang thought for a while, then asked hesitantly, "Should I ask Mr. Sanze for help?"

Hideo Sato shook his head, "No need, I just invited Misawa-kun to participate in the competition this time to relax, and I have no such plan."

"However, it is the first time for us to live broadcast the game, and there will be many flaws. If Mr. Sanze can help, it will definitely save a lot of things," Chunxiang said unwillingly.

"Chunxiang!" Hideo Sato yelled sharply, and Chunxiang was taken aback.

"Chunxiang, remember one sentence, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself!"

"Even if Mr. Sanze can help us solve the difficulties this time, there are still many difficulties in the future. We can't always think about other people's help, we have to solve them by ourselves, even if there are flaws, but these are all experiences. Failure, how can there be success"

Chunxiang thought for a while, then nodded, "I see, Dad."

Dad is right, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself!
"Then let's discuss the live broadcast of the game now."

Chunxiang nodded, and the father and daughter began to discuss.

Yusuke went to his room led by Keiko Sato.

"The quilts and pillows are all new," Sato Keiko said with a smile, "The place is a bit rough, please don't mind it."

"Aunt Keiko is too polite"

Helping Yusuke tidy up the quilt, Sato Keiko nodded and left first.

Yusuke sat on the tatami and could rest.

The wooden room has a sense of age, and the whole room is very clean. It can be seen that the owner is very careful.

The room is not very big but well equipped with a table and chairs and a window next to it.

Yusuke was curious, opened the window, looked at the high mountains in the distance, and the black forest was covered with white snow, which looked very mysterious.

There is a very original atmosphere here!

Well, on the other hand, it also shows that this place is very backward.

Yusuke looked at the scenery and felt bored, so he lay down on the tatami, emptied his head, closed his eyes, and took a nap.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Yusuke woke up from his sleep, and fell asleep unconsciously, but this sleep made him very comfortable, and he hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time.

Get up and open the door, there is a small figure outside the door, that is Hideo Sato's youngest daughter, Fuyutsuki Sato, she is about the same age as Aiyi.

"Mr. Sanze," the little girl said obediently, "It's time for dinner."

"Thank you." Yusuke smiled, he was more patient with well-behaved little girls.

The little girl was not afraid of strangers at all, seeing Yusuke's smiling face, she had a very good impression of him, at this moment she rolled her eyes and waved to Yusuke.

Yusuke leaned down curiously.

"Mr. Sanze, did you come to have a blind date with our sister?" Dongyue asked in a low voice, her tone was full of excitement, but she still firmly believed in her guess.

Yusuke was stunned for two or three seconds before reacting, touched her head with a smile, "Why do you think so?"

"Don't think I'm a child!" Dongyue patted Yusuke's palm off, "Don't think I don't know, you and your second sister went out this afternoon, and your mother said that your second sister would take you to the village, but I don't know I can't believe it, you two are definitely going on a date!
Mr. Sanze, tell me quietly, are you going to marry sister Xia Xue? "

This misunderstanding is so deep!
Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "There is absolutely no such thing"



Dongyue felt a little regretful, "Why didn't such a thing happen?"

Yusuke thought it was a little funny, he saw the shadow of Saya in this little girl, she was a bit mischievous.

It seems that she is not as well-behaved as she appears on the surface.

Dongyue didn't get the answer she wanted, and Dongyue's expression was a little regretful, so she didn't continue to ask on this topic.

"Mr. Misawa, please come with me."

Yusuke followed Dongyue to the dining room, where Sato's family was waiting.

Dinner is also very rich.

Sato sat down and chatted with Mr. Sato for a while, and Yusuke went back to the room to rest.

This concludes the journey of Day 1.

The next morning, Yusuke was woken up by the sound of a rooster crowing.

Yusuke was a little strange, as if he hadn't heard such a sound for a long time except he had heard a rooster crowing when he was a child in his previous life.

I got up, tidied the quilt, took the cleaning supplies and was ready to wash.

At the washstand, a young girl was washing up there. Her hair was messy, she had dead fish eyes, and there were dark circles on her face. She looked like she didn't have enough sleep, and the pajamas on her body were crooked, looking very sloppy.

"Miss Akiko" Yusuke greeted her.

Qiuzi, who was washing, turned her head and saw Yusuke approaching with a smile, she was stunned for two or three seconds, her eyes widened, and then she realized it.

Oops, I forgot the guests at home, my image!
Qiuzi's movements froze, and the toothbrush stopped in his mouth without moving. It took two or three seconds before he realized it, and responded with a bold face: "Good morning, Mr. Misawa."

After saying hello, Qiuzi spit out the foam in his mouth immediately, and ran away in a hurry without washing his face.

Yusuke also felt that this kind of scene is not suitable for greeting, staying at their house temporarily will indeed encounter many different scenes, so it is better to avoid it as much as possible.

On the other side, Qiuzi was running hurriedly in the corridor.

Her heart was beating so fast, it was such a shame!
Mr. Sanze saw his slovenly appearance, and his image was completely gone!

My life is over!
Qiuzi covered her face with her hands, rushed back to the room, and collided with Chunxiang who was about to go out to wash.

The two fell to the ground and moaned at the same time. Xia Xue and Dongyue next to them were startled, and quickly helped them up.

"Qiuzi, what are you doing!" Chunxiang asked angrily.

The hit just now just hit her chest, making the weakness in her chest very painful.

At this time, I rubbed my chest to relieve the pain, and my heart ached terribly.

This one hasn't been used yet, so it can't be damaged!

"Sister, I can't get married!" Qiuzi's aggrieved voice came, and Chunxiang and Xia Xue were taken aback. Dongyue, who was about to go out, also stepped back at this time, with an excited expression on her face.

Akiko regretted a little, "I was seen by Mr. Sanze"

"What did you see?" Chunxiang's deep voice came.

The communication with Mr. Sanze was very good yesterday, and I had a good impression of him, but I didn't expect him to be such a person.

Misawa Yusuke's image collapsed in his heart, he really can't be judged by his appearance!
Xia Xue was also taken aback by Qiuzi's words. She was a little angry at first, but she came to her senses after a while.

In her contact with Yusuke Misawa yesterday, the other party should not be that kind of person. Could there be some misunderstanding?

The two waited for Qiuzi's explanation.

"He saw me brushing my teeth and washing my face just now." Qiuzi's regretful voice came.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Dongyue withdrew her eyes and walked out of the room, really bored.

Chunxiang couldn't bear it anymore, and flicked a finger on her forehead, so hard that Qiuzi covered her forehead.

"Sister Chunxiang, what are you doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense you bastard! Hurry up and tidy up and go to breakfast"

"Sister, you don't believe me?"

"I believe it," came Chunxiang's calm voice, "And then, seeing you like this, what did you suffer? Don't you look like this every morning?"

"That's different!" Qiuzi said angrily, "That was at home, but now there are outsiders, and if people see her dressed like this, that's not the same. How will I behave in the future!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I told you a long time ago, don't be so sloppy, you didn't listen to it, and now it's fine, I will teach you a lesson"

"Qiuzi, you are too glass-hearted!" Xia Xue shook her head and said, "If people see you just brushing your teeth and washing your face, you won't be able to get married, and all the girls in this world will have to commit suicide."

Qiuzi was a little angry. The sisters didn't help her. You must know that she is a girl, and it's embarrassing to be seen looking sloppy!

Since the sisters didn't help me, I asked my mother for help, and ran out of the room angrily.

"I'm going to find my mother!"

Chunxiang and Xia Xue didn't care. After a while, Qiuzi came back dejected. She was also scolded by her mother. What are you being hypocritical about?

Qiuzi was a little bit indignant, so no one cared about the girl's feelings?
During the meal, I was always in an unhappy mood, especially when I saw Yusuke Misawa joking with his family, I was even more angry.

There are four sisters in the family. Chunxiang is the eldest daughter. She is the most sensible and mature. She often helps her father with things.

Xia Xue is the most beautiful girl in the family. She is extroverted and acts as the face of the family. She is also very popular in school.

And the youngest daughter, Dongyue, was clever and eccentric since she was a child, and she was also very loved by her parents. Only as the third child, she was quite indifferent to her father and mother. In addition, she was more introverted and talked less. She doesn't communicate much with other people, and she looks a little unremarkable at home. As time goes by, Qiuzi also becomes a little glass-hearted.

Seeing that everyone didn't care about him, Qiuzi was very angry. After eating, he went out to relax by himself.

Walking on the road to the village, Qiuzi's mood gradually improved. The village was still the same, with little changes in the past ten years, and it was still the same old village.

Everyone was lamenting that the village was backward, but she liked this kind of village a little bit in her heart, after all, it was what she remembered.

At this time, seeing a few people walking towards him, Qiuzi couldn't help shrinking his head, lowered his head, and walked past them in silence.

Passing by, she breathed a sigh of relief. These people had visited her home before, and Qiuzi had seen them before. She was very scared. It would be very embarrassing if the other party greeted her but she couldn't name her.

In the past, Qiuzi didn't have such troubles, but as her father's status in the village rose, more and more people came to visit and say hello to the house, and these worldly ways made her a little unbearable.

She has a rather homely personality and likes to indulge in her own world. Unlike Xia Xue, who can greet everyone with a smile, she has the most special personality among the sisters.

But she doesn't think there is anything wrong with her personality, everyone has their own characteristics, she is more introverted, she prefers to stay in her own world, she can get in touch with the outside world through the Internet, see the scenery outside, Her world is much bigger than the village, and her vision is higher than that of many people.

Looking at these people who might never get out of the village for the rest of their lives, Qiuzi actually felt a little proud. Her future development would definitely be better than these people!
Because she is someone who has seen the world!
"Isn't this Qiuzi?"

A voice broke Qiuzi's fantasy.

In front of her were several girls. The girl standing at the front, Akiko, knew her. That was Ayane Mitsui, and she was a classmate in elementary school.

The relationship between Ayane Ayane's father and her own father was not good, and they also had a competitive relationship.

His father overwhelmed Qianjing in hunting ability, and the power of Qianjing overwhelmed his father in the village. It can be said that the two were evenly matched.

But Qiu Zi and Qian Jing Ayane are different in school.

Different from her transparent self in school, Ayane Moisei has an outgoing personality and likes to make friends. In addition to her beautiful appearance, she is very popular in school.

To use the analogy of the people in the comics, Ayane Ayane is treated like the protagonist, and she has been only a supporting role since she was a child.

Because of his father, the relationship between the two was not very harmonious, and he was often targeted by the other party, and suffered a lot. Over time, Akiko felt a little afraid of Ayane Ayane.

Later, when she was in high school, Qianjing's father sponsored her to study in an outside school, and they hadn't met since high school.

Misai Ayane has been away for a semester, and it is approaching the end of the year, and it is time to come back for the New Year.

Seeing the other party wearing a brand-new school uniform and trendy attire, Qiuzi felt a little unhappy, turned her head and was about to leave.

But the opponent's movements were faster than hers, and the two girls who were walking with her were already blocking her, and the three of them formed a triangle to surround her.

"Akiko, you are too ruthless. My classmates from childhood to adult say hello to you, but you don't even respond to me," Ayane Qianai said with a smile.

Her smile looks very sweet, but it is like a poisonous snake in Qiuzi's eyes. This guy has deceived many people with this smile since he was a child. Many boys are deceived by her smile. Only a small number of girls Only then did she see her true face.

But it's a pity, this guy is too good at acting!
"Qianjing, what are you doing around me?" Qiuzi asked angrily.

"You're too ruthless, you didn't respond when I greeted you, so I had to do something wrong," Ayane Mokai replied with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a semester, and you don't ask me about my situation outside?"

Qiuzi ignored it and looked around. It seemed that this guy would not let him leave so easily.

This guy doesn't know how to hit people. After all, he is no longer a child. Hitting people is too ugly, but this guy will definitely humiliate himself verbally.

Qiuzi was already mentally prepared, but she was still a little upset.

Seeing Qiuzi with a displeased face, Ayane's smile grew even wider.

"Do you know how my semester is going outside?"

"It's really great. The outside world is completely different from the village. Big cities are different. There are many high-rise buildings. Whether it is travel, accommodation, or employment, it is completely incomparable with small villages."

"That's right!" A girl who was traveling with her agreed, "It's completely different from the people in the village."

These two people are the companions of Ayane Moisei. At that time, the three of them went out to study together. When they were away from home, the three of them in the same village easily joined together, so they also formed the Iron Triangle.

1 vs 3, the situation is not very clear.

The three girls surrounded Qiuzi, constantly talking about their life of studying in the big city, showing off in various ways.

Qiuzi didn't feel anything about it, and was even a little disgusted, but the three of them kept refusing to let her leave, which made Qiuzi a little passive.

Seeing Akiko's disgusted expression, Ayane Ayane's smile became even wider, and she said at this time: "Akiko, are you still addicted to your online world?"

Qiuzi's expression stiffened.

"Since junior high school, you have been obsessed with the Internet world, and you have been talking about how beautiful the outside world is, and you must go out to see it in the future, but until now you have been acting in the village, it seems Haven't been out before?"

This speech directly hit Qiuzi's Achilles' heel. Ever since he came into contact with the Internet, Qiuzi has been attracted by the beautiful world outside, and his mind is full of beautiful ideals and ambitions.

But in fact, Qiuzi was born in a closed village, and her information reception is very passive. In addition, the information on the Internet is true and false, and the massive amount of information makes it difficult for her to distinguish. In the past few years, she has been emphasizing her ideals, but Actually just a keyboard actor.

At this time, Qiuzi is at the most confused time in her life, and no one can point her in a direction.

Compared with Akiko, Ayane Ayane's development is really good, she is already advancing at her own pace.

In the narration just now, Ayane Mokai has been spotted by a model company and started working as a part-time model. Her future must be very bright. It can be said that she has embarked on a completely different path from Akiko.

This is the most dreamed path of the people in the village, going to the big city and becoming a person of another class.

Akiko's face became ugly, and Ayane Mokai noticed it, and said with a smile: "Your behavior can be summed up by a term outside: keyboard man!"

Qiuzi's body stiffened, she poked the biggest flaw, and her body trembled a little.

The corners of Qiuzi's eyes were a little red. This was something she had been trying her best to cover up, but was torn apart by the other party without hesitation. At this moment, she seemed to be whipped without taking off her clothes. Qiuzi felt that she was about to collapse!

"Qiuzi, what are you doing?"

A somewhat familiar voice came, and they froze for a moment, then turned their heads, and a handsome young man was standing there looking at them.

(End of this chapter)

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