Chapter 638
Verbal violence is more terrifying than physical violence.

Qiuzi understood this very early on. She has seen many horrible things on the Internet. The violence of Internet language can kill a person socially. This is a powerful force.

But what Qiuzi didn't expect was that sometimes face-to-face violence is more terrifying than the language of the Internet.

Facing Ayane Mitsui, Akiko felt extremely indignant, and there were many words in her head, but she just couldn't speak!
There is a term for their behavior on the Internet: Keyboard Man.

Calling the wind and calling for the rain on the Internet, but being submissive in reality, is talking about Qiuzi's current reaction.

After being seen through the disguise by Ayane Ayane in person, Akiko was about to collapse, and was about to cry at this moment. She had never been humiliated like this.

Ayane Ayane and the others looked like demons, tormenting her in her mind constantly, causing her spirit to collapse.

Just then, Mr. Sanze appeared.

After Yusuke finished his breakfast, he greeted Hideo Sato, and he wanted to take a stroll in the village.

Sato wanted to arrange for someone to be a tour guide, but Yusuke refused.

He had already strolled around yesterday, and he had a rough idea of ​​the terrain here, so now he wants to take a stroll alone to relax.

Yusuke met some tourists on the road, and learned from the communication with Hideo Sato in the morning that the traditional event in the village, the Ghost Hunter Competition, has been reformed to allow outsiders to participate, and female contestants have also been added. These outsiders are all here to participate There is a competition, but there are not many people.

Still, the outsiders have added some popularity to the conservative village, with many shopkeepers smiling.

After all, tourism can bring income, which is something we all know.

Yusuke also bought some things in the store here. The village is remote, but some traditional handicrafts are quite special.

Although the price was a bit expensive, it was still within Yusuke's acceptable range.

Yusuke thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and took pictures while walking. It was a rare visit, and he also left something as a souvenir.

At this time, I found that on the road ahead, Sato Akiko was surrounded by three girls, she looked a little embarrassed, her eyes were red, and she looked like she was about to cry, and the three girls who surrounded her burst into laughter from time to time. laughter.

Yusuke is very familiar with this situation, no matter where he is, the phenomenon of bullying will not stop.

Facing the acquaintance's daughter, of course Yusuke ignored it and put the phone back in his pocket, but he also kept an eye out. After so many things, Yusuke knew that the evidence was very important, so he also turned on the recording of the phone.

At this moment, he shouted sharply, "Qiuzi, what are you doing?"

The appearance of Yusuke broke the atmosphere of the scene, and several girls looked over, their eyes brightened.

The boy in front of me is so handsome!

Although he was only wearing ordinary clothes, his aura and temperament formed a strong contrast with those of his peers, and no one could ignore him standing there.

Ayane Ayane was a little surprised, it was the first time she had seen such a handsome man, even in business affairs, none of the male models in the company looked so good.

Those who are handsome don't have this kind of temperament, but those who have this kind of temperament usually have a relatively ordinary appearance. This young man has combined the two together, and has a unique charm.

That kind of vigor made them stare sideways.

While in a daze, Qiuzi seized the opportunity and ran out from their encirclement. When they realized, Qiuzi was already standing beside Yusuke.

Akiko stood behind Yusuke, grabbed Yusuke's clothes, lowered her head, her face full of grievances.

Yusuke's tall figure gave her a great sense of security, the pressure in her heart was released, and even the grievance in her heart was released.

"Qiuzi, what's wrong with you?"

Qiuzi's eyes were red, and her tone was a little crying, "It's nothing."

Yusuke's eyes suddenly became serious, Hideo Sato is his good friend, he would not watch the Sato family members being bullied, so he looked at the girls with unkind eyes.

The three of them seemed to be stared at by some kind of predator, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end. Although the other party didn't say a word, their aura overwhelmed everyone.

They had a chilly feeling, as if facing a swordsman who could strike at any time, their hands and feet were tied up, and their spirits tensed up.

"We were just joking with Akiko," Ayane Mokai said with a stiff face.

"Akiko, are you okay?" Yusuke looked at Akiko at this moment and asked with concern.

Feeling Yusuke's concern, Akiko was a little moved, she probably misunderstood what happened in the morning, at this moment she shook her head slightly, "I have nothing to do."

"Do you know each other?"

Qiuzi hesitated for a moment, nodded, and explained in a low voice: "She is my elementary school classmate, and the relationship with our family is not good."

Yusuke understands that this is a fight about positions.

And the way to solve this kind of thing is to just go back on the spot.

"Let's go back," Qiuzi said in a low voice. She has long been used to this kind of situation. There is no good end to head-on confrontation with the other party, not to mention that the other party is not easy to get along with. Yusuke is an outsider, and it will be very troublesome if he messes with the locals .

Yusuke smiled, didn't care, and looked at the three girls.

"You were bullying Qiuzi just now, I want you to apologize to Qiuzi"

The three of them froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"What funny things are you talking about!"

"What bullying her, we are good friends, we are just chatting, which eye of yours saw us bullying her!"

"You are slandering, I ask you to apologize to us!"

The three girls turned their backs and said, except for Lengshen at the beginning, they also realized that no matter how handsome the other party is, it has nothing to do with them. The other party is from the Sato family, which means that the two sides have different positions. There is no need to give him a good look.

"You guys are from Tianmei Academy, right?" Yusuke said at this time.

Maybe it was not long after returning home, the three girls were still wearing school uniforms, and Yusuke could see the nameplates on their school uniforms, with the words 'Tianmei Academy' written on them.

The three girls were a little strange and didn't answer.

Yusuke continued: "If I report your bullying to the school today, what do you think will happen?"

The three girls suddenly became a little nervous.

"Stop slandering people!" Mokai Ayane said, "We didn't bully people, and you have no evidence"

Yusuke smiled and said: "Does this kind of thing need evidence? For the school, the reputation is very powerful. A bad reputation will affect the enrollment rate and enrollment rate. Whether it is true or not, the school will take it seriously. What do you say? , if the school knows what you have done, what will happen to you at school?"

The three girls thought about what he said, and their expressions changed immediately.

As the saying goes, if you spread rumors, the other party only needs to report to the school a few times, and the school has to take it seriously, and they will be in big trouble by then.

Not to mention that they are studying in private schools. Private schools pay more attention to this kind of reputation. If the nature is serious, they may even be expelled from school. You must know that they have spent a lot of effort in order to go to Tianmei Gakuen. If they are expelled Then it would be a shame!

"Humble!" X3
The three said in unison, looking at Yusuke with hostility in their eyes.

Yusuke looked at them calmly, "You guys are not mean when you bully Akiko."

The three of them were speechless for a moment, while the two girls who were walking together looked nervously at Ayane Ayane. She was the boss of the three of them, and she decided everything.

Mokai Ayane stared at Yusuke, gritted her teeth and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"My answer is very simple, you have bullied Qiuzi, you must apologize to Qiuzi"

The three of them stared fiercely at Yusuke, and Yusuke's eyes were very calm. He had seen such eyes a lot, and he could completely ignore them.

In the end, Mitsui Ayane was still defeated, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

The voice was so low that if it weren't for Yusuke's good ears, he wouldn't be able to hear it at all.

"Speak up, we can't hear you, and the two next to you, you have to apologize together, you are together"

The three girls were a little angry, but the situation was stronger than others, and they finally lowered their heads.

"Sorry!" X3
The three of them said in unison, very loudly.

Qiuzi was taken aback by their voices, but she quickly realized that she felt warm and warm. She had never felt this way before, and she was very elated.

Yusuke said calmly, "I hope you can take care of yourself."

Then he left the scene with a somewhat excited Qiuzi.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, Ayane Mokai looked angry and kicked the stone next to her angrily.

hateful!She was so embarrassed, she would never let him go so easily!

But this guy's morality is very deep, the other party is not an ordinary boy, this guy's methods are very sophisticated, this kind of person is not easy to deal with.

I had no choice but to ask my family for help.

Our Qianjing family has never suffered a disadvantage!

After leaving the original place and walking on the road, Qiuzi also regained his mood at this time, summoned up his courage, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Sanze."

Yusuke smiled, "It's nothing, next time you encounter this kind of situation you should fight back on the spot, don't be afraid of getting hurt, counterattack is the most effective means"

"However, I can't counterattack as sharply as Mr. Misawa," Qiuzi replied.

Although she had demonstrated it thousands of times in her mind, she couldn't do it once in reality. The reality was more difficult than imagined, and after all, she couldn't say three sentences after a thousand words.

"Try a lot, and you'll get used to it after a while." Yusuke replied, "If it really doesn't work, just use violence."

"Violent solution?"

Akiko was taken aback, and looked at Yusuke in surprise, not expecting to get such an answer.

"Sometimes, some things just don't make sense, and violence solves most of them.

If you had a conflict with them just now, and a few girls got into a fight, the worst result would be a negotiation between the parents of both parties, but the other party will definitely not take any advantage, and instead will have concerns in the future."

Girls' attacks are generally all kinds of sowing discord, or scheming, but if they encounter such unreasonable and direct hard work, they will be confused.

From the results point of view, it is the best choice.

After hearing what Yusuke said, Qiuzi felt as if he could see the bright moon through the dark clouds. This solution is really novel!

However, Qiuzi always felt that this method was weird, but she couldn't tell what was wrong with it. It was a bit different from the common sense she had acquired since she was a child.

"Of course, my method is also somewhat extreme. If you don't have confidence in your own strength, it is not recommended to use this method. I suggest you use another more troublesome method."

"What method?" Qiuzi was very curious, this was the first time he heard of such a method.

"Leave evidence to call the police" Yusuke also took out his mobile phone at this time, and all the recordings just now are there.

"Record all the actions of the other party. Of course, all of this must be done quietly, and then call the police afterwards. Don't feel troublesome. The most effective way is to call the police.

But it is also the most troublesome way, you have to waste time with her, but I believe that as long as you have experienced it once, it is guaranteed that no one will dare to mess with you in the future."

Because everyone can't afford it!
Akiko nodded. It turned out that this is what adults do. He has gained knowledge. At this time, he looked at Yusuke Misawa and his eyes changed. This person is so amazing!

"Miss Qiuzi, where are you going now?" Yusuke asked at this time.

Only then did Akiko realize that she had already chatted with him a lot before she knew it, and the two of them also walked a certain distance. After getting along, she found that Yusuke Misawa was not difficult to get along with, and she was very comfortable when talking, and she could learn from him. To a lot of things, people unconsciously forget the time.

No wonder he became friends with his father, such a person is outstanding everywhere!

"Miss Akiko" Yusuke's voice came, and Akiko finally came back to her senses, she accidentally lost her mind just now, this is her bad habit.

She is often indulged in a world of one person, so she is very distracted.

"Well, it's nothing, just going out for a stroll, Mr. Sanze, what about you?"

"I'm also wandering around, but I'm going to go to the forest to see"

"Forest?" Qiuzi looked towards the distant mountains and asked, "Are you alone? Is it too risky?"

"It's okay, I'm just walking outside, I won't go in," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Yusuke also understands the reason why a gentleman should not stand on a dangerous wall.

"Why don't I go with you, Mr. Sanze, I just happen to have nothing to do right now, and it feels too dangerous for you to be alone," Qiuzi said directly without thinking about it.

Yusuke was a little surprised, he looked at Qiuzi with doubts in his eyes, and his eyes were obvious: You guys will hold me back if you go!
Qiuzi was a little unconvinced and felt offended.

"Don't look at me like this, our whole family can hunt, and my hunting skills are not bad."

Yusuke was a bit unimaginable.

Generally, women who can hunt have stronger personalities, but just now Qiuzi was besieged by three girls and almost cried. It is really unbelievable that such a person would hunt and kill ferocious animals.

"I just don't like to interact with people," Qiuzi explained, "It's just a matter of personality."

Yusuke thought for a while, nodded and agreed, "But you still have to tell your family."

Qiuzi just went out for a stroll. If she left home for too long, her family would be worried.

Akiko made a phone call with her family and informed her of her itinerary. Sato Keiko felt relieved knowing that she was acting with Yusuke, and at the same time warned: Don't be too rude!

Among the three daughters, Akiko is the most taciturn, and the Sato couple is the most worried.

After the call was over, Qiuzi curled her lips. Mom didn't trust her and thought she would be rude. This is too much!
She also has a tutor, okay?

However, parents are really relieved. Let yourself act with a young man, so you are not afraid of any accidents?

Thinking of this, Qiuzi suddenly shivered.

At this moment, she remembered that Mr. Sanze was a young man, and now he was going to go to the mountains and mountains, alone and widowed, if something happened, the consequences...

"Miss Qiuzi" Yusuke's voice came from the front, and Qiuzi finally came back to her senses, she was distracted again, and she was thinking wildly just now!

Shaking his head, he followed immediately.

Mr. Misawa is not that kind of person!
Seeing Akiko distracted, Yusuke thinks of Hideo Sato's four daughters, which is really interesting.

One thing is for sure, they are good girls!

Yusuke and Akiko headed towards the mountain, and they circled around the edge of the forest.

The trees here are very tall, the whole body is pitch black, and even the stones are black, which contrasts strongly with the white snow on the ground. The whole environment is only black and white, and there is no green at all.

The snow here is also very deep, some places can even go to the knees.

The two tried to move forward for a while, but quickly retreated.

This snow is too thick!
"This place is where the competition will take place in two days," Qiuzi explained at this time.

Yusuke was very surprised.

Hunting in this kind of primeval forest is very difficult, even he is not sure, the environment is the biggest factor.

It's no wonder that Yougui hunters are known as the strongest hunters, hunting for a living in such a difficult environment depends on their excellent skills!

The two wandered around the outskirts of the forest, then returned the same way.

After traveling together for a while, the relationship between the two became more harmonious. When they came back, they were able to talk and laugh. During the communication with Yusuke, Akiko also found that she seemed to have changed.

Maybe I should be braver!
Walking on the road in the village, several men rushed over from the other side and surrounded them.

Yusuke and the two stopped.

A burly man took the lead, and not far away, Ayane Ayane was standing there watching all this, with a smug smile in the corner of her eyes.

This is for revenge!

Yusuke didn't expect the revenge to come so quickly and so directly, and he was so direct.

But it's normal when you think about it, this is their territory, strong dragons don't overwhelm local snakes, as a local, being humiliated by a foreigner, this is a great shame!

The burly man looked at Yusuke and the two, and Qiu Zi stood up at this moment and asked loudly, "Taishi, what are you going to do!"

The person who came was Mokai Ayane's elder brother, Mokai Taishi.

Akiko never expected that Ayane Mitsui would choose to call her parents!

This made her a little contemptuous. If you bully someone, you must be prepared to be bullied. As a result, as soon as you are bullied, you immediately go to your family to help you out. This is shameless behavior!

"The Sato family, it's none of your business, I'm looking for this man"

Mokai Taishi looked at Yusuke fiercely, "You dare to bully my sister, you have to give me an explanation!"

"Who bullied your sister!" Qiuzi, not to be outdone, stood at the front and looked at the man.

There is a gap in height between the two, and the petite Qiuzi is like a little white rabbit, looking extremely weak.

The few people present were a little surprised. The third daughter of the Sato family has always been timid and fearful, but she didn't expect to be so brave this time. What kind of stimulation did she get?

Qiuzi was very scared, but she remembered what Yusuke said just now, if she doesn't learn to resist, she will be bullied to death for the rest of her life, not to mention the truth is on her side, she is not afraid!
Only then did Taishi Mokai take a look at Akiko, with short black hair, a petite figure, and a very ordinary appearance, but his eyes looked firm.

However, her calf was trembling.

This is forcibly calming down!
Mokai Taishi smiled disdainfully, this is vulnerable!

"Get out of the way, I don't hit women." At this moment, he looked at Yusuke and said loudly: "If it's a man, stand up and have a one-on-one with me!"

"This is a guest of our family, and you won't let you humiliate me!" Qiuzi snapped.

Mokai Taishi glanced at her, and that fierce look made Akiko take a step back, after all, he still had too little experience.

At this time, a hand was in front of her.

Yusuke took a step and stood in front of Akiko.

Yusuke is not in the habit of putting women in front of him.

Yusuke looked at the burly man calmly. Compared with him, Yusuke's figure was not very obvious.

However, Yusuke's aura is stronger than his, his calm eyes are like sharp knives, it seems that the burly man is the one being looked down upon.

Mokai Taishi suddenly had a bad feeling, but he quickly put this feeling behind him. At this moment, he stared at Yusuke and asked in a low voice: "Are you the one who bullied Ayane? You are so brave. You even bullied our Qianjing family!"

"Who are you?" Yusuke's calm voice came.

"I'll make you understand that I'm Ayane's older brother, Taishi Mitsui"

"I make two points." Yusuke said calmly, "I didn't bully your sister, but your sister bullied Akiko"

"The second one, I, Yusuke Misawa, have never been afraid of anyone!"

The sharp eyes stared at the burly man, like a sharp famous knife, piercing directly into the man's heart, making the man tremble with fear.

Mokai Taishi couldn't help but took a step back, and looked around at this time, there were 4 people on his side, and the other party was only alone, so what are you afraid of!
"Have you finished talking nonsense? Let me show you how powerful our Qianjing family is."

Taishi Qianjing grinned grimly, and his companions surrounded him.

Akiko grabbed Yusuke's arm nervously, raised her head, and was surprised to see Yusuke's calm eyes.

Misawa-san is so calm!

"Stop!" A stern voice came from behind, and the people who were about to start stopped their movements.

(End of this chapter)

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