Chapter 639

It was a short middle-aged man who stopped the riot at the scene.

"Uncle Shenmu!" Qiuzi exclaimed in surprise.

Appearing here is Sato Hideo's friend, Kamiki Ichiro.

Seeing the middle-aged man, the few people who were about to make a move stopped. Dazhi's eyes showed a trace of displeasure, but he withdrew his fist.

"Taishi Mokai, how can you guys bully the girls of the Sato family!" Kamiki Ichiro shouted sharply.

"We don't have anyone who bullies Sato," Mokai Taishi replied, looking at Yusuke at this time, "This man bullied my sister, I want to get justice for my sister"

Kamiki Ichiro also looked at Yusuke at this time, this is an outsider.

At this time, Qiuzi quickly explained: "Mr. Misawa is my father's friend and a guest of our house. Just now Ayane Misawa bullied me, but Mr. Misawa saved me. Ayane Misawa sowed discord and ordered him Brother bullied us!"

Qiuzi quickly told what happened.

Taishi Qianjing shouted angrily: "Of course you are speaking for your family!"

"Then why don't you help your sister talk!"

Qiu Zihao looked at him without showing weakness.

Kamiki Ichiro looked at the two of them, and finally turned to Yusuke.

He heard from Hideo Sato that a friend will come to visit in the next few days. This person is very capable, and if he has the opportunity, he will introduce him to him.

But what Shenmu Ichiro didn't expect was that the so-called friend turned out to be a young man, which surprised him very much.

However, capable people regardless of age.

Soon, Shenki Ichiro made a calculation in his heart.

"This matter is Taishi Mitsui's fault!" Kamiki Ichiro looked at Taishi Mitsui sternly.

Kamiki Ichiro chose to side with Akiko Sato without hesitation.

"The village is developing tourism, attracting tourists from other places. You are bullying tourists here. This news will have a great impact on the village. You are destroying the cause of the village!"

Shenmu Ichiro is worthy of being an old fried dough stick, and he immediately covered a huge black pot.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I destroy the tourism industry in the village, I was just teaching the people who bullied my sister!" Qianjing Taizhi shouted angrily.

He won't take the blame for this!
If people found out, he would be pointed at on the road.

Taishi Mokai is very angry, very angry, but verbal quarrels have never been his strong point, and he likes to settle them violently.

In the face of outsiders, he can directly suppress them by force. This is his territory, who dares to mess around!
But facing the middle-aged people in the village, such a solution will not work.

If he dares to do something today, it is guaranteed that his house will be surrounded by angry villagers in less than an hour.

A conservative village has its own rules in operation, and even the Qianjing family must abide by these rules.

"Then why do the guests from Sato's house bully your sister? As far as I know, the guests from Sato's house just arrived yesterday, and they don't know your sister at all. Why do they bully your sister?"

Taishi Mokai's mind was spinning desperately. He had never thought about such a problem. His way of explaining it was to come over and beat the other party up, and then the other party would pay some money, and that would be the end of it. He never thought about the need for any reason.

Shenmu Ichiro stared at him firmly, which made him a little stressed, and then blurted out: "He is peeping at my sister's beauty!"

"Why did you steal your sister's beauty? The daughter of Sato's family is with him. It is impossible for him to spy on your sister in front of Akiko Sato." Shenmu Ichiro said disdainfully.

"Who said that!" Taishi Qianjing exclaimed angrily, "Maybe he's a scumbag!"

Yusuke watched their quarrel quietly, and he found that this Kamiki Ichiro was very cunning, and this Qianjing Taishi had fallen into his trap.

"Call your sister to come out and confront him on the spot!" Shenmu Ichiro said at this time, "The person involved should come out and explain clearly."

Shenmu Ichiro can be sure that any spying on his sister is fake, and now that the person involved is called out, as long as the confessions of the brother and sister are inconsistent, this can be seen through in person, and at the same time, the blame can be placed on their heads.

Mokai Taishi didn't think about it, he looked behind him, and found that his sister disappeared at some point, and he was a little nervous.

"Can't find the client?" Shenmu Ichiro looked disdainful, and then said in a stern tone: "I think you are slandering!"

Daiji Mokai panicked a little, while his companions looked at each other, a little helpless.

This old guy's Taoism is very deep!
"Who slandered!"

There was a sound of urgency and urgency.

Hearing this voice, Mokai Taishi seemed to see a savior, and Kamiki Ichiro's face changed suddenly.

Not far away, a burly middle-aged man was walking towards this side, and beside him was a young girl.

It was Mitsui's father and daughter.

As soon as she saw Kamiki Ichiro appearing just now, Mokai Ayane knew that the current situation was beyond their young people's ability to solve, so she went home immediately to rescue the soldiers and went directly to her father, Mokai Tsuno.

And she was lucky, she happened to meet his father on the way, and after briefly explaining the matter, the father and daughter rushed over, just in time to hear Shenmu Ichiro's last words.

Shenmu Iran already had the chance to win, but he didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come out halfway. At this moment, his complacent expression narrowed, and his face became serious.

Young people are easy to deal with, but old ones are tough!
At this moment, Taishi Moai walked up, and his partners followed suit. Several young people crowded around Tsukino Mokai.

Mitsui Tsuno stood in front of Kamiki Ichiro, staring at him with a majestic face, and his voice came from a manly voice.

"I heard you were slandering my son"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shenmu Ichiro shouted sharply, "It is your son who is bullying the tourists in the village and destroying the tourism industry in the village."

"Is it a tourist?"

At this moment, Tsuneto looked at Yusuke, staring at him with sharp eyes, wanting to show him off.

However, Yusuke has already seen a lot about this kind of eyes, and instead of showing a calm smile on his face, he showed a faint smile.

It was a sarcastic smile.

Yusuke's reaction was beyond his expectation, but he didn't care, and said at this time: "Even tourists can't be lawless, dare to bully the girls in our village, then they must be punished, otherwise everyone Tourists are like him, so our village is going to be messed up.

Shenmu, it's unfair for you to do this, and you will lose the hearts of the people in our village! "

Unexpectedly, the opponent covered a big black pot with his backhand.

Shenmu Ichiro's face was very ugly, and he said in a blunt tone: "It's up to them to tell whether it's slander or not. It happens that the parties involved are all present, so there's no need to argue so much."

At this moment, Kamiki Ichiro looked at Ayane Mitsui.

"Qiani Ayane, you are the person involved, come out and explain the matter clearly"

The sharp eyes stared at Ayane Ayane, which startled her.

But soon Qianjing Taishi stood in front of her.

"My sister is a victim. How can a victim come forward to defend herself? If she wants to defend herself, the perpetrator must defend herself."

I don't know if it's because there are so many people, but this guy's momentum is back, and his IQ is online again.

Shenmu Ichiro was a little hesitant, and Mitsui Tsuino then said: "Taishi is right, don't you still want to help people from other villages?"

Kamiki Ichiro couldn't answer this sentence, so he had to look at Yusuke.

Yusuke is ready to stand up, he is not afraid of things.

Just then, a voice came from behind.

"Who bullied our guests?"

Everyone was very familiar with this voice. Turning their heads, Hideo Sato was walking over there, with Haruka Sato beside him, both of them looked serious.

Seeing Hideo Sato's appearance, Mitsuno's face changed a bit, and soon returned to normal.

Taishi Mokai and Ayane Mokai were a little nervous. The development of the matter has exceeded their expectations, and it has become a struggle between the two families.

"Sato, is this a guest of your house? This guest's personality is not very good."

Mitsui Tsueno immediately made a big black pot, but Sato Hideo didn't care, and replied calmly: "Before the matter is settled, Moei, don't put a hat on people casually, let the facts speak for themselves"

Hideo Sato's light and calm appearance formed a strong contrast with Tsueno's majestic appearance, like fire and water, incompatible.

"Don't tell me you want to cover him up?" Tsukino said seriously at this time.

"I've said it all, can't you hear me? Let the facts speak for themselves," Hideo Sato also responded seriously.

Water can also turn into ice, and ice is very hard!
The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Mojing Taishi winked at the younger brothers, and if there was a fight later, they would rush forward.

The younger brothers are a little nervous. Hideo Sato is the strongest Matagi hunter in the village. He once shot down three black bears in a row. His skills are very strong. Facing the legend in the village, these young people are a little nervous.

If it is not done well, it is possible to be disabled on the spot by this old guy.

Those who can become legends are ruthless people!
"Mr. Sato" Yusuke's voice broke the silence at this moment, and everyone looked over.

Yusuke said calmly: "I have something, I believe everyone is very interested"

Fortunately, I saved a hand and recorded it before, which is an important key to comeback!

But it's not Yusuke's style to simply let the other party go.

If you beat someone, you must be prepared to be beaten!

Seeing Yusuke's calm expression, Hideo Sato was immediately confident. He was very confident in Yusuke. If he was not fully sure, he would not say such a thing.

At this time, he said: "Since we all think that we are the victimized party, let the person concerned talk about the situation at that time."

Everyone looked at Mitsuno, who pondered for a while. He always felt that things were a little weird, but he couldn't think of a reason to refute.

"What's the matter? Is there something unspeakable?" Hideo Sato said with serious eyes.

Mitsui Tsuino thought for a while, and said to Mitsui Ayane next to him, "Ayane, tell me about the situation at that time."

Ayane Ayane's head turned extremely fast. Unlike her big brother, she was extremely smart.

When Hideo Sato suggested to confront them on the spot just now, she was taken aback. After all, it was just a lie that her brother just uttered casually, and it was a bit difficult to realize the lie all at once.

But Dad had already bought her time, and she had already thought up her words.

Qianjing Ayane stood up and said in a crying tone: "At that time, Yumi and the others and I were shopping on the road, and then Akiko appeared. She blocked our way and humiliated us with words, and the man who was walking with me was even worse. It was obscene, said a lot of shameless things, and even molested us. We ran away, and he laughed at us from behind. I was very angry, so I came to find this man to settle accounts, but I didn't expect this man to deny it."

Speaking of this, Ayane Mokai's eyes were red, and a few tears stayed in her eyes, but they didn't flow out, looking very aggrieved.

Yusuke looked at her with admiration!
This guy's acting ability is top-notch!It's true, it's a pity not to be an actor.

Qiuzi was very angry. She had never seen such a shameless person who turned black and white in person.

At this moment, Taishi Mokai stared at Yusuke viciously, as if he was the biggest villain, and shouted sharply: "What else do you have to say!"

Yusuke is very calm, so calm that everyone is surprised.

"It's very simple. The Qianjing family and two girls besieged Akiko. I couldn't see it, so I rescued him and asked them to apologize. The other party couldn't be angry, so I found someone to take revenge. It's as simple as that."

"What are you kidding!" Qianjing Dashi shouted angrily, "If you hadn't molested my sister, I wouldn't have done such a thing. The people in our village are the friendliest!"

Yusuke laughed, as if he heard a big joke.

"What are you laughing at?" Qianjing Taishi yelled sharply, as if he was going to get him down if he didn't agree with each other.

His partners also looked at Yusuke with unfriendly eyes, this outsider is so arrogant!
Faced with the other party's doubts, Yusuke calmly took out his mobile phone.

Misai Ayane suddenly had a bad feeling.

Did he have a recording at that time?

impossible!How can anyone be so careful!

But the truth is like she thought otherwise.

When Ayane Ayane's voice came from the mobile phone, everyone was stunned.

The recording was not very long, more than ten minutes long, but the content of the recording was completely different from what Ayane Mitsui said just now.

After the recording ended, Yusuke looked at them calmly, and Tsugano and the others looked very ugly.

Hideo Sato was very surprised. He didn't expect Yusuke to be able to produce such evidence, but he quickly realized that now is the best time. At this time, he looked at the Qianjing family seriously.

"Mokai Ayane, Mitsui Taishi, what else do you have to say!"

In the face of the evidence, Ayane Mokai and Taishi Mokai panicked. They didn't expect the other party to record. This person is so strange!

Tsutsui Tsueno's expression was ugly, and he shouted at the two of them, "You two apologize quickly!"

The two reacted immediately, and immediately apologized: "Sorry! We were just joking, but I didn't expect it to be so big. I'm really sorry!"

"There was a little fight among the children, it's no big deal, just solve the misunderstanding," said Tsunei Tsueno.

"Children are joking?" Sato Hideo sneered, "This is to cover up the matter, which is very your style."

Tsuneto's expression changed instantly.

"What do you mean by that! You can't help outsiders!"

"It's not about outsiders, it's about our two families! You humiliated my daughter, it's not that simple!"

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Tsuneto regressed, "Let's talk in another place"

Hideo Sato hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said to Yusuke, "I'm sorry, Misawa-kun, I surprised you."

"It's nothing," Yusuke replied, "Leave the matter to Mr. Sato and you can handle it."

In other people's territory, it would be better for the master to handle it.

Hideo Sato nodded, "I will give you an explanation for this matter."

Everyone left, only Yusuke and Akiko were left.

At this moment, Akiko breathed a sigh of relief, her feet softened, and she almost sat on the ground, but was supported by Yusuke.

Yusuke smiled and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

“A bit soft on the feet”

Qiuzi replied feebly that she had exhausted all her strength just now to muster up the courage to confront Dazhi. Now that the matter was settled, she suddenly lost her courage and became weak all over.

"Just get used to it," Yusuke responded with a smile.

People always have to go through some things to grow up.

"Let's go back"

Qiuzi nodded, but her legs didn't have the strength yet, so she couldn't stand still.

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "How about I carry you back?"

"This..." Qiuzi froze for a moment, gestured with his fingers, and blushed slightly.

"Will it be bad?"

Yusuke thought for a while, then nodded, "It's really not good, I didn't think carefully, if I'm misunderstood, I'll be in trouble."

For some reason, Akiko was a little unhappy when she heard Yusuke's words.

"It's okay, just carry me back"

Yusuke looked at the angry Akiko, and he came to his senses after a while.

Qiuzi's current appearance is somewhat similar to that of her childhood sweetheart Yuyi, and she is a little embarrassed. She must have done something bad again.

If I had known that I would have stopped talking so much just now, it was too late to retort, so I squatted down, Qiuzi lay on his back, and the two went home together.

When he arrived at Sato's house, Yusuke put down Akiko and left after a few words of advice.

Seeing Yusuke leaving, Akiko suddenly felt a little regretful.

He has a girlfriend...

At noon, Sato and his daughter came back, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

"Dad, did something good happen?" Xia Xue asked a little strangely.

Chunxiang sister and father both seemed very happy.

Hideo Sato nodded with a smile, and asked, "Where's Misawa-kun?"

"he's in the room"

"Xia Xue, can I trouble you to call him over? By the way, call Qiuzi here too."

Xia Xue was a little strange, but she didn't ask.

After a while, everyone is here.

Akiko saw Yusuke, her face turned red suddenly, and she didn't dare to look at Yusuke, but she looked secretly from the corner of her eyes, and found that Yusuke didn't pay attention to this side at all, and she was a little angry.

Regarding Akiko's resentment, Yusuke chose to ignore it, then looked at Hideo Sato and asked, "Mr. Sato, is the matter resolved?"

Hideo Sato nodded, and said seriously: "Everyone is here, let me tell you the matter again. Today we had a conflict with the Mikai family. I went to negotiate. The Mikai family promises not to participate in this competition." Get us into trouble, and I take a step back, this matter is written off, and that's it.

Although it sounds like the Mikai family took advantage of it, and just a verbal agreement solved the problem, but don't forget that Mikai Tsueno has always been the director of the Matagi Hunter competition. This year, Sato Hideo is the leader. If he doesn't cooperate, Hideo Sato is also very troublesome in doing things.

But now that the other party is willing to step back, Hideo Sato is also relieved.

Of course, the biggest reason is that Yusuke has the key evidence. This evidence seems to be nothing. Even if the police call the police, it is just a simple warning, but it is different for the Qianjing family.

If this matter is publicized, it will have a certain impact on his prestige in the village, and even his children will be implicated.

East Asia will always be a humane society.

Things can be big or small, the key depends on how Qianjing chooses.

The Qianjing family chose to take a step back, and Sato Hideo also accepted it as soon as it was good.

Hideo Sato said to Yusuke apologetically at this time: "Sorry, Misawa-kun, I will make it up to you"

This result is very beneficial to the Sato family, but it is not very friendly to Yusuke.

Yusuke smiled, "It's okay, this is already the best solution."

There are many things that sometimes require compromise.

"Mr. Sato, what is the background of the other party?" Yusuke asked at this time.

"The Miei family and our Sato family have never dealt with each other since the past," Sato Hideo replied.

"When we were young, the relationship between our two families was not good. We were all poor at that time, and hunting was the only means. We were the two best hunters in the village. I ranked first and he ranked second, so Moisei was very unconvinced and often had conflicts.

Later, Mitsui Tsuno made some money, gained some status in the village, and later became the director of the Matagami Hunter Competition.

The Matagami Hunter Competition has always been a tradition in our village, but this competition has not been taken seriously before, and this director has been in charge of it for more than ten years.

However, the situation has been different in recent years. A few years ago, the village decided to develop tourism, and this competition was brought up, and the status of Mitsui Tsuno as the director has also risen with the tide.”

Speaking of this, Hideo Sato paused for a moment, and then said: "In those years, he was relatively popular and had a status in the village, and in those years I happened to be working outside, and I didn't care much about the development of the village.

But this year when I came back, I made some suggestions in the village to promote the tourism industry in the village, and everyone agreed.

And to drive tourism, there must be special projects, so I have taken a fancy to the ghost hunter competition."

Yusuke nodded. It turned out that it was a conflict of interests, and taking money from someone was like killing one's parents. No wonder the other party had such a reaction.

The other party appeared to be targeting him this time, but in fact the real purpose was to attack Sato's family. Although it didn't hurt the bones, it could also damage Sato's prestige to a certain extent.

Some things are gathered little by little.

There are so many rural routines!
"Sanze-kun, don't worry, this matter will never affect you"

Hideo Sato said seriously: "I invite you to be a guest, and I will definitely not let you be affected."

If even the invited guests can't guarantee their personal safety, then the Sato family will be really ashamed!

(End of this chapter)

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