Chapter 640
Yusuke was a little distressed. He thought it was a relaxing trip, but he didn't expect such a troublesome thing to be involved.

But that's the end of the matter, Yusuke didn't say anything.

People in the arena involuntarily.

People sit at home, pots fall from the sky.

The world is so unreasonable sometimes.

Yusuke pondered for a while, and said, "Mr. Sato, is there anything I can do for this competition?"

Already involved in this matter, there is no way to stay out of it at this time.

Chunxiang was a little excited, but she didn't expect Mr. Sanze to ask for help, which is really great!

But unexpectedly, his father shook his head.

"Sanze-kun, don't bother you, I will take care of this matter, this time you are here to travel, don't care about my affairs"

Yusuke shook his head, "If this matter is not resolved, I can't relax"

Seeing that Hideo Sato had something to say, Yusuke went on to say, "Of course, I'm not questioning your decision, Mr. Sato, but I'm not used to people watching me from behind."

Yusuke can be sure that the other party will not let it go, maybe it is against him, maybe it is against the Sato family, Yusuke does not want to sit still, the best solution is to take the initiative.

And according to Mr. Hideo Sato's introduction, as long as this game can go smoothly, increase the influence of the village, and bring obvious benefits, Hideo Sato's status in the village will also rise, at least he can be on an equal footing with him, it won't be like this The child is so passive.

Society is so realistic, whoever can bring benefits is the most useful person!

After listening to Yusuke's explanation, Hideo Sato stood up and bowed apologetically.

"Sorry, Sanze-kun, I'm the one who dragged you down"

The daughters were taken aback by their father's actions, and Yusuke smiled and stood up, helping Hideo Sato.

"If you are good friends, you don't need to say these things."

Hideo Sato was a little moved, and nodded, it doesn't matter if he is a friend.

Yusuke continued: "Then let's discuss the game now."

Since we have to do it, we must do our best!
Hideo Sato is a person who has gone through a lot of wind and waves, and he quickly adjusted his mentality and explained his plan again.

Hideo Sato is going to let the whole family play together. They all know how to hunt and can form a team. The eldest daughter Chunxiang is in charge of filming, and his wife Keiko is in charge of guarding. The protagonists are him and his second daughter Xia Xue.

Hideo Sato knows his shortcomings. His eloquence is not very good, and the live broadcast of a single person is too boring, requiring personal interaction, and his daughter Xia Xue is the most suitable.

Xia Xue is the beauty of the family!
Hideo Sato understands human nature very well. A game with female players and a game without female players are completely different concepts, and the degree of attention is also different.

"Wait! Dad" Xia Xue said at this time, "I want to join the live broadcast too?"

Xia Xue was a little confused, she had never heard of this.

"I forgot to tell you," Sato Qiaofu replied, "Xia Xue, you have to help this time."

"Isn't that going to be seen by many people? What will I do then? What if my condition is not good and people comment on it?" Xia Xue suddenly became a little nervous, "What if I can't do well?"

Hideo Sato was a little surprised. He thought his daughter was fine, but looking at her state, something seemed wrong. Could it be that Xia Xue has a phobia?

Yusuke smiled and replied: "Miss Xia Xue, you are too worried. This time the protagonist is Mr. Sato. To put it bluntly, you are just a supporting role. Don't think that you will be the protagonist. Your role is just to adjust the atmosphere."

These words made Xia Xue a little angry, and the worry just now disappeared, and now she looked at Yusuke angrily.

But Yusuke didn't care. After feeling Qiuzi's resentment, he didn't dare to be gentle with his daughter anymore. It's better to be fierce.

Although Yusuke's words were harsh, they finally dispelled Xia Xue's sense of fear.

Hideo Sato's team is very simple, but all the elements are complete, and the hunting place is the back mountain. Although it looks mysterious, they hold games here every year. The back mountain is like a back garden to the Sato family. , the risk is extremely low, everyone is confident.

After listening to the arrangement, Yusuke pondered for a while and said, "You still have something missing."

The father and daughter of Sato were able to watch, and Yusuke continued: "There are too few photographers. Although the live broadcast only needs a mobile phone, but the live broadcast can only focus on your personal state. For the whole game, this is just For a small part of them, you didn’t take pictures of other contestants, which is not very powerful for the village’s publicity.”

Hideo Sato thought for a moment, then reacted.

That's right, it is useful for the growth of his fans, but it is not very effective for the promotion of the village.

But now that the problem is known, the solution is simple.

Hideo Sato looked at the third daughter Qiuzi at this time. Qiuzi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that she was going to follow suit!
"I can help with shooting, but my shooting skills are not very good." Qiuzi hesitated and said, shooting also requires skills. She can promise to help the family, but she is even more afraid of messing things up.

"It's okay!" Chunxiang said at this time, "The special training will start tonight, I promise you will learn it."

Seeing Chunxiang getting serious, Qiuzi shuddered.

Sometimes Chunxiang will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals!

Yusuke said at this time: "I will also help with the filming. If there are three people filming at the same time, the effect will be almost the same."

"Then trouble Mr. Misawa!" Chunxiang nodded happily.

"Let's discuss the script next," Yusuke said.

Chunxiang nodded, "I have already designed a script, Mr. Sanze, please read it."

Xia Xue and Qiu Zi were a little surprised.

Isn't it a good live broadcast?

I didn't expect that there was a script arrangement, there are so many routines!

Several people kept discussing, but basically it was all questions and answers between Yusuke, Hideo Sato and Chunxiang. Xia Xue and Qiuzi were listening in. It was the first time for them to come into contact with this kind of thing. The amount of information was too large to have any Opinions are only for listening.

At this time, Qiuzi saw Yusuke's eyes with a little more admiration.

Yusuke's serious look is very imposing, and the image in her heart is even taller.

Qiuzi's heart was beating fast, and her face was already red. Fortunately, no one noticed her condition.

This excited feeling, am I in love?

Several people discussed until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and Keiko Sato finally couldn't bear it and walked in.

"Sanze-kun, why don't you take a short break first, you haven't had lunch yet."

It was only then that Yusuke and the others came to their senses. They were too involved in the discussion and forgot to eat lunch. Now that they were reminded by Sato Keiko, they also felt a little hungry.

"Sorry, Misawa-kun" Hideo Sato said with a smile, "Now let's go eat"

Yusuke nodded, everyone settled a simple matter, and continued the discussion.

But this time, Xia Xue and Qiu Zi didn't have to listen.

Akiko followed Chunxiang to learn shooting techniques, Xia Xue went to adjust her state, and Yusuke and Sato Hideo were discussing some arrangements for the live broadcast of the game.

In the studio, Chunxiang is teaching Qiuzi.

"When shooting, you must keep your hands steady. Of course, proper shaking is also possible. After all, we are live broadcasting outdoors. A slight shaking can increase the sense of reality. But be careful, you must not hold the light behind you, because the light will be too bright. Characters will appear too dark”

Chunxiang was teaching, but found that her sister's condition was not right.

Qiuzi was distracted!
Immediately, he lost his temper and patted her on the head, only then did Qiuzi come back to his senses.

Chunxiang said seriously: "Qiuzi, be serious about things, you are always distracted like this, in the future if you are working and distracted when communicating with customers, what should you do?"

Qiuzi was a little ashamed and lowered her head, "I was wrong, sister, I will correct it"

Chunxiang nodded and continued to teach, but found that Qiuzi couldn't enter the state, so she sighed helplessly.

"Tell me, Qiuzi, what are you thinking?"

To make her distracted so much, she must be thinking about something.

"This..." Qiuzi faltered, not daring to say it.

"Let me guess, is it because I spat with others on the Internet?"

"No!" Qiuzi retorted angrily, "I would never do such a thing!"

Chunxiang looked at her calmly, while Qiuzi shifted her gaze a little guilty.

They were all ignorant when they were young, after all, being an Internet troll is so cool!
But Qiuzi has corrected it, there is no future for being a troll!

"Then what are you worrying about? Can you tell your sister?"

Chunxiang was staring at Qiuzi's face all the time, Qiuzi was a little scared, and his eyes drifted.

"Could it be a boy?"

Qiuzi shuddered, her body stiffened, and Chunxiang immediately understood.

Sure enough, it was because of boys!

Chunxiang smiled, "It's okay, you have reached this age, but now there are important things at home, I hope you will not be distracted by these things, and think about him after this matter is resolved."

"I'm afraid it will be too late," Qiuzi replied in a low voice.

Chunxiang's ears are very good, and when she heard Qiuzi's words, she asked, "Why?"

Qiuzi hesitated for a moment, thought about it, and finally said his thoughts.

"What!" Chunxiang was startled, and shouted, "You like Mr. Sanze!"

The sound startled Qiuzi, and quickly covered her mouth.

"Sister, don't speak so loudly, it will be terrible if someone overhears you!"

Only then did Chunxiang come to her senses, and looked at Qiuzi with strange eyes.

"Why do you think like this?"

"No reason," Qiuzi replied shyly, "I don't know why, I feel very comfortable when I'm with him, and my heart beats fast when I look at him. I think I should is in love"

When it comes to love, Qiuzi's face is full of longing, this age is the time for longing for love.

"But he has a girlfriend"

Chunxiang's words instantly poured cold water on Qiuzi's head, his fiery heart cooled down instantly, and his face was gloomy.

Yes, he already has a girlfriend...

Chunxiang patted Qiuzi on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "I understand your feelings, but I hope you can understand one thing. This relationship has no good results. I hope you will give up when it is time to give up."

Qiuzi also understands the truth, but this is her first love after all!
First love is the most unforgettable!
Chunxiang had nothing to do about it, and she couldn't control things like feelings. At this moment, she thought of a question and asked, "Have you confessed your love to Mr. Sanze?"

Qiuzi was startled, her face turned red, "No."

"What's your impression of you, Mr. Sanze?"

"He seems to know, but he seems to be avoiding me interestingly," Qiuzi said in frustration, and Chunxiang was relieved.

Misawa Yusuke's approach is the most correct!
However, facing Qiuzi's current state, Chunxiang has no good way, after all, she has never experienced such a thing.

But now the situation is urgent and Qiuzi's help is needed, and Qiuzi can't be allowed to keep thinking about it.

Chunxiang thought for a while, and decided to take another approach, to forget her feelings through work.

Chunxiang decides to force-feed Qiuzi, and she must be trained within two days.

And high-intensity education also has a certain effect, Qiuzi also forgot her emotions, because there is no time to be sentimental, and there is simply not enough time!
While the discussions at the Sato family were heated, it was the other side of the situation at the Qianjing family.

In the living room, at the top is the head of the Mikai family, Mitsuno, on the right is his son Daiji Moai, and on the left are his two daughters, Ayane Miwai and her older sister Mizuren Mizui .

The order of the children of the Mikai family is: the eldest daughter Mizuren Mizui, the son Taishi Mikai, and the youngest daughter Ayane Miwai.

In the whole family, only Mitsui Ayane is still in school. The eldest son and daughter have both dropped out of school and are helping their father.

Taishi Mokai is reckless and has no brains. On the contrary, the two daughters are more careful, and the eldest daughter is even better. She can also hunt. Her skills are even stronger than her father, but unfortunately, because of her gender, no matter how Ability is not valued in the village.

But at home, Mizui Mizuren still has a strong say.

At this time, the father's face was very ugly, and neither the son nor the youngest daughter dared to breathe a sigh of relief. They knew that they had caused trouble this time.

In the negotiation with Sato's family today, my father was very passive and paid some price, which made my father very angry.

The atmosphere at home was silent.

Shui Lian said at this time: "Since the facts are already the case, Dad shouldn't be too angry. It's nothing to lose any rights, and you will lose them sooner or later. Why don't you take this opportunity to hand them over?"

Subano's expression eased a little, and he nodded, "I know this, but it's not the reason why I'm angry."

At this time, she looked at her youngest daughter, Ayane, who was a little nervous.

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

Ayane thought for a while, and replied: "I should go directly to my father, not my brother."

That's right, as long as the father is the first to act and the people in the Sato family have not reacted, the matter can be decided by them, instead of being delayed continuously like before, and the opponent turned defeat into victory in the end.

"Ayane, it's good that you have such an idea, but it's not the most important reason," said Subano. After all, it's still his daughter, and he still wants to cultivate it.

"Your biggest shortcoming is that you were intimidated by the other party at that time!"

Ayane was stunned for a moment, and Subano continued: "When the other party reported the name of the school and wanted to report to the school, you were afraid at the first time and flinched, and then you were caught by the other party. wrong!"

"Think about it, can the other party really complain to the school?"

Ayane thought for a while, and then she came to her senses.

That's right, the other party knew the name of the school, but he didn't know where it was at the school. Although there was an internet connection, it took a lot of effort, at least a little time, to find the school's address and contact number.

And during this period of time, she can do a lot of things, not to mention being threatened by the other party in her own village, which is really a great shame!

It was only then that Ayane realized that she was really bluffed by him, and suddenly she was a little angry.

Ziye nodded, it seemed that her daughter had figured it out, and said at this time: "The matter has come to this point, it is useless to get angry again. With this lesson, I will remember it next time."

Ayane took a deep breath and nodded.

At this time, Ciye looked at his son Dazhi, who also looked serious.

But as a father, he knew that Dazhi was actually very nervous, and he wasn't thinking about anything at all.

The son inherited his size, but not his way of doing things at all, which disappointed him a bit.

However, after all, it is still his own. Thinking that his son is still young, he can still hone it, so he explained it to him.

"Dazhi, your way of handling this time is very inappropriate"

"Yes, I should ask Dad for help," Dazhi said seriously.

Ciye's face froze, thinking in his heart that it was his own, and he still had to help him.

"Ask for help from your family is something only a girl can do. As a man, you must never do this. You did this, but it shamed our Qianjing family!"

Dazhi was a little ashamed when he heard the words. It turned out that his father didn't think so.

"Your greatest weakness is that you don't act decisively"

"Make a quick decision?" Dazhi was a little surprised.

"At that time you should have attacked the opponent directly"

"But Kamiki Ichiro was also there at the time." Taishi said hesitantly, "If you make a move, it won't be easy to deal with it."

"Father means to let you attack that outsider." Shui Lian said from the side at this time, seeing her father's tired look, she couldn't help explaining.

"The other party is just a foreigner, and we had a conflict with us. Which side do you think Ichiro Shenmu must stand on?"

"Even if he is from the Sato family, he must stand on your side, because he is from the village, and this is a matter of position!"

Only then did Dazhi suddenly realize.

Yes indeed!If they fought directly at that time, Shenmu Ichiro couldn't help the other party beat himself, that would be really despised!
At this moment, he was a little annoyed, he had long been upset at that little boy, but he had been scruples about this and that, which made him unable to do anything, so he was very regretful at this moment.

"I knew I'd beat him up just now!" Dazhi gritted his teeth in anger.

Shui Lian sighed helplessly, his younger brother is like this, his thinking is really too simple sometimes, even his younger sister's performance is better than him.

The thing has passed, it is useless to be upset, the important thing is to learn something, not to recall what happened at that time, which is of no use at all!

No wonder my father felt very tired. Why didn't my younger brother understand such a simple truth.

"Okay, let's skip this topic." My father said at this time, "Don't think about it after it has happened. The next thing we should prepare is the ghost hunter competition."

The Oni Hunter competition has always been dominated by the Mikai family, but this year it was dominated by Sato Hideo, and the power of the Mikai family was divided.

Although it is only the first year's experiment, if it succeeds, the Mikai family will lose the dominance of the competition in the future, which is unacceptable to the Mokai family.

"Then let's engage in pornography," Dazhi said at this time, "We'll make trouble for a few tourists and make them automatically out of the game."

"Idiot!" Ciye couldn't help cursing, "Such a blatant act is destroying the village's tourism industry, and the villagers will definitely not agree to it!"

Only then did Dazhi realize that he took it for granted.

Shui Lian said at this time: "I discussed with my father, I also want to participate in this competition."

Ayane and Taishi looked over in surprise.

"Female players can participate in this year's competition, and I will also participate, and then strive to have a good performance in this competition"

"In that case..." Ayane said hesitantly, "Isn't this giving someone else's prestige?"

"Do you know why Hideo Sato was able to take the lead in the village competition this time?" Shui Lian asked at this time.

Ayane thought for a while and replied, "Because he fought for the interests of the village."

"That's right, whoever can fight for the interests of the village is useful to the village and has the right to speak. This is the simplest truth!"

"As for Hideo Sato's method of gaining profits, he made a lot of money by broadcasting the hunting process live, which made everyone very excited.

And Hideo Sato can lead everyone to make money together, so he will have such a big influence.”

"What Hideo Sato can do, we can do too," Suiren said at this time.

"However, the industry of live broadcasting is not that simple." Ayane said at this time, "I am surprised that the Sato family can succeed."

This popular industry can be participated by both men, women and children, as long as you have a mobile phone, you can live broadcast, but there are very few successful people, and live broadcast requires a certain threshold.

"I know," Shui Lian said, "but we can take advantage of his popularity. Sato will definitely broadcast live in this game. This game will definitely attract attention. We can take advantage of this popularity and build up our reputation. And then that's my real purpose."

Both Taishi and Ayane looked over.

"The tourism industry needs an image spokesperson, and I want to fight for that image spokesperson"

That's right, this is the real purpose of the water lotus.

A spokesperson is also a mascot, which plays a very important role in Japan. A good spokesperson or mascot can drive the development of a place, such as the most famous Kumamon, which has become popular all over the world.

Shui Lian's idea: If she fails in the ghost hunter competition this time, everyone will be happy. If she succeeds, she will take advantage of the popularity of this competition to gain fame, and then her father will propose that she be the spokesperson of the tourism image.

To be an image spokesperson, there are two requirements, one is appearance and the other is achievement.

In terms of appearance, Mizui Mizuren has passed the test, what is needed now is results, that is to say, she has to perform well in this competition.

As long as this image spokesperson's signboard is not lost, the Qianjing family's right to speak in the village will definitely not be lost, and it can even go further.

After all, everyone can do live broadcast, but there is only one image spokesperson.

The Qianjing family is bound to win!
(End of this chapter)

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