Chapter 641 641. The First Prey

Everything is being prepared...

And the time finally came to the day of the competition. Early in the morning, Sato's family finished their breakfast, tidied up their things, and set off in a mighty manner.

In the village, every house was brightly lit at this time, and hunters walked out of the door of every house, old or young, male or female, heading out of the village one by one.

Yusuke, who was following Sato, was a little surprised. He didn't expect there to be so many hunters.

It wasn't just Yusuke who was surprised, even Xia Xue and the others were very novel. In previous years, every household had people participating in the Yougui Hunter Competition, but it had never been as lively as it is today.

Too many people!

The reason why there are so many people this year is that there are female players participating.

Many people held their breath.

The tradition of the village is hunting, and this skill is basically available to both men and women, but because of traditional customs, women cannot participate in the competition. Signed up, there are old and young, and even middle-aged women in their tens of years.

Each of these female contestants has a serious face, and everyone has a fire in their hearts, and they are all ignited today!
Hideo Sato was a little excited. He was the strongest Matagi hunter in the village, but only among men, and he knew that many women in the village had very strong hunting skills. He had learned from a female hunter when he was a child. Technology is beyond his reach, so today is also a huge challenge for him.

The flow of people was increasing, and finally gathered in an open space outside the village. A high platform had already been built on the open space, and this was the place for offering sacrifices.

There were not so many procedures for the sacrifices in the past, but Hideo Sato understood the importance of the ceremony. This year, he specially built a high platform and a small god stand. At the same time, he also issued many rules, which made the villagers a little confused.

However, when everyone gathered here, the surrounding torches were blazing, the huge high platform, the black god stand, and a serious atmosphere instantly filled the air. Everyone couldn't help cheering up, and their expressions became serious.

Sure enough, the sense of ritual is the most important thing!
There were people maintaining order at the scene. The contestants lined up in rows, all whispering. Many people were filming with their mobile phones. Those were all tourists.

Seeing this scene, many locals looked at it and ignored it.

According to the past tradition, video recording is not allowed during the sacrificial ceremony, but Hideo Sato overcame all opinions and formulated many new rules, including filming.

Only when it is publicized, will the village be known to outsiders and have influence.Of course, some people had opinions, but in the end they compromised.

The hunters in the village have begun to break down. The new generation doesn't like this activity very much. The number of hunters has begun to decrease, and they are all middle-aged. If there is no reform, the tradition of the village will gradually disappear. Only reform can radiate new strength.

Inheritance is more important than anything!

Yusuke was also in the team, standing with the Sato family.

Today, the Sato family came out in full force. Except for the youngest daughter, Dongyue, who was guarding the house, everyone was mobilized. Everyone was adjusting their final state. In such an atmosphere, even Qiuzi put away her little thoughts. Everyone They are all waiting nervously.

Time passed little by little, and the flow of people at the scene was almost gathered.

There was a sound of 'Dang'.

The sound echoed in the wide open space, and everyone fell silent.

Hideo Sato, who is the director, appeared at this time.

Hideo Sato was wearing a strong black suit with a brown fur vest on his body, holding a spear in his hand, which was their traditional costume and was also worn by priests.

And behind him, ten middle-aged men also wearing brown vests appeared, also holding spears, clustered behind him.

A group of 11 people stood together in a row, with serious faces, but they just stood there quietly, but they gave off a very fierce aura, just like ancient hunters.

Everyone watched them silently.

Two young girls came onto the platform at this moment, one holding a wine glass in one hand, the other clutching a rooster.

The girl put the two things on the table on the high platform, bowed to the distant mountains, and quietly backed away.

Hideo Sato stepped forward and drew a dagger from his body.

Under the firelight, the blade was shining brightly, and everyone watched this scene nervously.

Hideo Sato picked up the dagger in his hand and slammed it at the live chicken on the table.

One kill!

The cock struggled a bit, and soon stopped twitching.

Hideo Sato put down the dagger in his hand, picked up the wine glass next to him with blood-stained hands, raised it high, bowed towards the direction of the mountain, and then poured out the wine in the glass, and the rooster on the table also jumped Throwing forward, the white snow ahead was stained with red blood.

"Stand up!"

The girl who was holding the wine glass just now sang loudly.

Eleven people, including Hideo Sato, stood up straight.


Everyone bowed in the direction of the mountain.

There was a sound of 'Dang'.

Another girl struck the gong in her hand.

At this time, Hideo Sato raised the spear in his hand and shouted!
The 10 people behind also shouted in unison, and a hot-blooded atmosphere spread in the air.

Game start!
In the next moment, strong cheers erupted from the crowd.

This voice erupted too fast and too enthusiastically, and the atmosphere that had been suppressed before finally broke out at this moment.

Everyone was excited, holding the shotgun in their hands, calling loudly.

The game has officially started!

The mobilization ceremony in the early stage was very successful, everyone's emotions were mobilized, and the hunter groups moved towards the mountain one by one.

The competition time is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. Whoever catches the most and the strongest prey will be the champion this time.

Yusuke and his team also set off, a total of six people, three cameramen, two leading actors, and one logistics, a group of people headed towards the deep mountain, and the live broadcast had already started.

"Hi everyone, audience"

Hideo Sato said in a steady tone while walking.

"Today is a traditional event in our village. The once-a-year Matagi Hunter Competition. In this competition, the strongest Matagi Hunter will be decided. Now let's take a look at our competition."

The photographer Chunxiang turned the camera just right, and took a picture of the contestants on the road. The hunters were in a hurry, one after another, and it looked very lively.

The camera is adjusted back.

"This year's competition is very lively. It will be a battle between dragons and tigers. Not much to say, now we are going into the mountain. Before going up the mountain, let me introduce my assistant, my daughter Xia Xue"

Xia Xue also entered the camera just right and greeted everyone.

With the appearance of Xia Xue, the number of viewers increased rapidly, Hideo Sato nodded inwardly, it seemed that the progress was going well.

"Now we are going to the deep mountains. On the way, Xia Xue will introduce the situation of our village."

Xia Xue nodded, and began to explain the history of the village according to the arranged script.

The history of ghost hunters is actually a very unpopular and remote history. Except for the people in the village, outsiders don't know it at all. This history is very vivid and interesting under Xia Xue's explanation, and the camera also takes pictures of the mountain from time to time. Let everyone have a general impression, and also show that this live broadcast is very dangerous!
The program is ongoing, and the number of viewers is constantly rising.

Three mobile phones were used for this shoot, the main account used Chunxiang's mobile phone, and the whole process was broadcast live by Hideo Sato and Natsuki, while Yusuke and Akiko recorded the match from different angles.

The live broadcast only brings temporary popularity, but to have a lasting impact, a high-quality video is a must, and Yusuke and Akiko recorded material for this purpose.

The history of Oni Hunter is not very long, and the explanation will be finished soon. At this time, everyone has entered the mountain, and then it is Hideo Sato's home field.

According to the suggestion given by Yusuke, they are not in a hurry to hunt at this time, and first introduce the surrounding situation to the audience.

For example, the growth of trees, the types of plants, what should a person pay attention to when entering the deep mountains, what to do in case of danger, how many tools to bring, etc.

Hideo Sato and Akiko communicated with each other, and this knowledge was revealed during the conversation, and they also showed the tools on their bodies to the audience in the live broadcast room. Although they hadn't started hunting yet, some of the audience had already watched it with gusto.

The number of live streams did not drop.

Seeing the data, Chunxiang felt relieved, and it seemed that their direction was not wrong.

Hunting is an activity that requires a lot of patience. Sometimes it takes several hours to hunt the prey. This process is a test of patience.

Hideo Sato’s previous live broadcast hunting started when the prey appeared, and the process took about an hour. This is the first time that a round-the-clock live broadcast like this is the first time. For this reason, they have prepared a lot of materials. These materials are just to fill the gap. these blank hours.

The data of the live broadcast was not bad, the popularity did not drop, and Hideo Sato's luck also came. One hour after the live broadcast started, not long after entering the deep mountains, they encountered their first prey, a small deer.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast immediately became interested, and with the appearance of the prey, the number of viewers began to increase rapidly.

Hideo Sato stretched out his hand at this moment, and everyone stopped in their tracks, with serious expressions on their faces.

Hideo Sato lowered his voice at this time, "The prey is hiding behind the trees, and it is difficult to hunt from our angle."

At this moment, Chunxiang turned the camera to capture the prey in the distance.

About 50 meters ahead, a small deer was hiding behind a tree, looking very vigilant, looking around from time to time.

The camera shot for a minute or two, then turned back.

"The weather is cold and there is very little food. This fawn may have come out because it couldn't find food. We are lucky. This is our first prey," Hideo Sato said in a low voice.

"But this deer is very alert. It hides behind the trees. From our perspective, it is difficult to hunt. Once there is a turmoil, it can run towards the high mountains behind. It will be difficult to hunt at that time, so we have to take a two-pronged attack"

Hideo Sato looked around at this moment and pointed in one direction.

"Xia Xue, you lie in ambush over there. If I miss you later, you can continue to attack."

Xia Xue nodded, tiptoed away, came to a place more than ten meters away, and found a tree for cover.

Hideki Sato leaned against a tree, and Chunxiang followed him, nervously filming.

Although the picture is not very clear due to the slight jitter and biased perspective, it makes the audience feel very real.

The number of viewers is on the rise.

Not far behind, Yusuke and Akiko filmed the hunting process from two angles, while Aunt Keiko stood guard with a shotgun.

Qiuzi was a little nervous. Whether he could catch the first prey was of great significance to their live broadcast today.

Xia Xue had already set up an ambush, set up the shotgun, and made a gesture. Sato nodded, and the two of them held the shotgun, aimed at the prey, and looked for an opportunity.

Time passed by second by second, and the little deer in the camera was looking around, there was no unnecessary action, and everyone was silent.

After a long time, the little deer came out, without the obstruction of the trees, its figure walked out slowly, but its footsteps were very slow, and it took two steps to look around from time to time, very carefully.

A few minutes later, the figure of the deer fully appeared.

Sato gestured at this moment.

The next moment, the gun went off.

The little deer in the distance wailed, a stream of blood rose up in the air, and the little deer fell to the snow.

Hideo Sato ran up happily, and Xia Xue also walked over with a smile, Chunxiang followed closely, and Yusuke and others hurriedly followed.

Soon, the camera captured the state of the deer.

The bullet hit its abdomen, and there was a huge wound in its abdomen, and blood was flowing at this time.

The fawn was lying on the ground, its body pumping non-stop.

The camera flashed by.

Scenes that are too bloody will be banned!
Hideo Sato's account was banned several times because of this before. Chunxiang has already experienced this, so just a few seconds of footage will do.

Soon, Hideo Sato entered the country, and said with a smile: "We were lucky and caught the first prey, but we still have to hunt, and it is inconvenient to carry the prey, so we will take this prey now. Let’s deal with it, it’s almost noon now, this prey is our lunch, now we’re going to find a clean water source, and we need to prepare some firewood.”

Hideo Sato took Chunxiang to find firewood, and the prey was handed over to Xia Xue to deal with.

If it is the previous shooting method, the next step is the processing of the prey. Many people like to watch this part, but it is also the most likely to be banned.

So this time the live broadcast adjusted the direction, and the prey was handled by Xia Xue, and Hideo Sato went to find water and wood to avoid risks.

Although some viewers complained quite a bit, but considering that the program was quite exciting, these voices disappeared quickly.

It was very easy to find the water source. To Hideo Sato, this high mountain was like a back garden. He quickly found a stream and picked up a lot of wood. Xia Xue had already disposed of the prey at this time.

Next is the cooking process.

The shooting of this part is very important. Foodies are always the largest group in the world, and enjoying food is the most important ceremony.

Because it is hunting outdoors, the style of cooking needs to be changed. It is best to use natural ingredients. This aspect cannot be difficult for Hideo Sato.

Decades of experience, these are trivial matters. Seeing him introducing various edible wild plants like a normal household, the audience was eye-opening. This guy is simply a master of survival in the wild!
Many people find it very novel to use various wild plants for seasoning and cooking. The number of people watching the live broadcast has increased a lot during this time period, which surprised the father and daughter of Sato.

The power of foodies is always so strong!
The cooking process was broadcast live for an hour, and everyone watched it with gusto, and many local tyrants gave rewards, which surprised Chunxiang. She rarely received rewards when hunting, but she did not expect to receive rewards during cooking. What a surprise!
The live broadcast got off to a good start, and Hideo Sato became more confident about today's live broadcast.

On the other side, the Qianjing family is also doing a great business of live broadcasting.

Today, the whole family of Mikai’s family also went out together. The main character of the live broadcast is Mizuren Mizui, and Tsukino is the assistant. It is said that the Mikai family copied the configuration of the Sato family completely.

Qianjing Shuilian has already registered a YouTube account in her own name, but because she is a novice, she doesn't have many fans, and there were not many people when she first started live broadcasting.

But today, after the heat of the ghost hunter competition, Mizuren Mizui's appearance is not bad, and she can be regarded as a 90-point beauty after makeup. With the combination of several elements, the number of viewers has improved slightly.

"Will there be too few people watching?" Lingyin asked in a low voice. She was in charge of filming and could see some data. The number of people in the live broadcast room made her frown, it was too few!

Shui Lian looked calm, and when the camera turned to other places, she explained in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, the live broadcast will last for a whole day, as long as our overall data can be improved."

It is also the first time for Shuilian to come into contact with live broadcasting, and she doesn't understand the industry very well, and she doesn't know much about marketing, but she knows one thing: copy!
She watched all of Hideo Sato's videos, read some comments, and some other people's videos, and finally found that there is only one quickest way to make a name for herself: edge kicks.

The edge kick can attract the attention of the audience, and Hideo Sato's video started with the edge kick.

His videos are very bloody, especially the naked picture when he decomposes the prey, which is real and bloody, which is the favorite of some people!
So he became a dark horse and quickly gained fans.

What Hideo Sato can do, I, Mizuren Mitsui, can do too!
Shuilian knows that the content of the previous live broadcast is boring, so she doesn't care about the number of people. The real big thing is the process of hunting the prey. As long as the prey appears, she believes that the number of people watching will increase rapidly, as long as the interest of the audience can be satisfied , It is very easy to quickly increase fans.

The biggest problem now is how to quickly find the prey.

At this moment, Shui Lian looked at her father. Her own hunting skills are very strong, but her father is definitely the strongest in finding prey. Decades of experience are no joke!
And Mitsui Tsuino also knew his mission. Although the two of them were filmed together, the main live broadcast object was his daughter Suirian, who was responsible for helping to find the prey.

They were lucky. They entered the mountain for an hour, when they encountered their first prey, a black bear.

Ayane immediately pointed her camera at the black bear, seeing the appearance of the black bear, the number of people in the live broadcast room increased rapidly.

Sure enough, I guessed right, this is the key to gaining followers!

However, hunting bears is not an easy task. Even Tsukino must be careful. Bears are one of the three most powerful wild animals.

Shui Lian made a gesture, and everyone quieted down, quietly hiding behind the tree, slowing down their breathing.

The wild bear's sense of smell is very sensitive. If it suddenly explodes, the whole army may be wiped out, so we can't be too careful.

Ayane was very nervous. She was the only one in Mokai's family who didn't know how to hunt. This was the first time she faced such a ferocious animal. At this time, she felt her body was a little stiff and her breathing was a little short.

This abnormal phenomenon also attracted Shui Lian's attention, her sister's condition is not quite right!

Mitsui Tsuino also noticed it, and he felt a lump in his heart. This symptom was the first time he faced a ferocious animal, and it was only for beginners.

He forgot that Ayane had never learned to hunt, nor had she ever gone into the mountains with him, this was her first time!

Ayane's state was very strange, and the black bear in front of him sniffed his nose at this moment, showing a guarded look.

It found something was wrong!
No, my sister will definitely be found out if she continues like this!

Shuilian immediately made up her mind to make a quick decision!

At this time, he made a gesture to his father, and Tsukino immediately understood, and the two of them set up the shotgun without hesitation.

Their movements also caught the black bear's attention. At this moment, it stood up, roared in this direction, and then ran over.

Gunshots sounded.

A trace of blood appeared on the black bear's shoulder. At this moment, it howled in pain, but it also aroused its fierceness, and rushed over with a roar.

These two shots missed!

This situation was beyond the expectations of the Qianjing family, and even Jiye was stunned, and he missed it!
But Shui Lian quickly reacted and shouted loudly: "Continue to attack!"

The attack was too hasty just now, without setting a trap, if you run away now, you will definitely be torn to pieces by the black bear, now you can only fight!
Dazhi also took the shotgun, and now he has to do his best, and all three members of the family are dispatched.

The gunfire kept ringing.

Finally, a huge gash appeared on the black bear's body. The black bear let out a scream, and its running body slowed down. At this time, it was only two or three meters away from them.

The black bear raised its head, stared at them with angry eyes, and growled loudly.

Ayane's body stiffened while holding the phone, unable to move.Her eyes contracted extremely quickly, seeing such a ferocious animal for the first time, her whole body stopped breathing, and death was imminent.

The next moment, the black bear's head exploded.

A bloody picture bloomed in front of Ayane's eyes, and several pieces of flesh and blood stuck to her face.

Shui Lian next to her breathed a sigh of relief, she was the one who fired the last shot, and it was finally resolved.

Almost capsized!
(End of this chapter)

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