Chapter 642 642. Banned
The black bear's body fell two meters in front of it. The black body was very obvious on the snow. Blood flowed out of it continuously, and the undulating body gradually calmed down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it was too dangerous just now.

Ayane's feet softened, and she sat directly on the ground.

This was the first time she encountered such a scene. At this time, her heart was about to jump out of her chest, her hands and feet were weak, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

As the protagonist, Shui Lian has much richer experience. Apart from being a little frightened at the beginning, she also regained her strength at this time. When she saw her younger sister, she was a little angry and almost screwed up by her!

However, considering that it was still in the live broadcast and there was no time to reprimand her, he walked over, adjusted the camera, and checked the data by the way.

For the thrilling scene just now, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room increased rapidly, many people flocked in, and the comments in the live broadcast room were also rapidly updated.

Sure enough, excitement and gore are the number one key to increasing fans!

Seeing the data, Shui Lian was very satisfied, it was a success, and now she had to consolidate her popularity, so she smiled and interacted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

In a place where the audience couldn't see, Shui Lian pointed to Ayane and signaled, Dazhi then realized, and hurried over to help his sister up.

At this moment, Ayane also regained her strength, panting heavily, and struggled to stand up.

Subano came over with a troubled expression on his face. He forgot that it was the first time Ayane went out to hunt, and the first time he encountered such a brutal scene, the reaction would be so fierce. We can only let her recover as soon as possible.

After resting for a while, Ayane's face looked better. Seeing that her sister was still in the live broadcast, she felt a little ashamed. She didn't expect that she was holding back.

"Ayane, are you okay?" Subano asked at this moment.

Ayane nodded, "I will work hard!"

Tsukino nodded, then looked at Dashi, "Taishi, take care of your sister"

Dazhi also nodded. The team had a problem just after entering the field. This is not a good start.

But that's the end of the matter, and it has to go on.

Soon, Shuilian came over with the mobile phone, handed the mobile phone to Ayane, nodded, and said nothing more.

Ayane took the phone silently. Although her sister didn't reprimand her, she found that her sister gave her a casual stare just now, and that look made her a little scared. This was the first time she saw such a sister.

As for why my sister didn't get angry, it was because my sister was still live broadcasting and couldn't destroy her image.

Ayane was suddenly a little scared. If she messed up today, she believed that big conflicts would erupt in the family. You must know that sister has put a lot of effort into today's live broadcast. If she messes up...

Ayane shuddered, she must do a good job in today's live broadcast!

The next step is to deal with the prey. The dissection process is very bloody, but it is also very attractive, and the number of people watching it keeps increasing.

Seeing the data in the background, Shui Lian smiled happily. Sure enough, she found the secret!
But my sister's performance was slow, she even vomited!
This shocked everyone, Ayane was actually afraid of these things!
The whole village lives on hunting, and they have been exposed to this kind of thing since they were young, and they have become accustomed to it.

But for Ayane it was a complete disaster.

Her father had hoped for her since she was a child, letting her learn various talents, but she didn't learn the traditional hunting in the village, and she hadn't been exposed to it. It was the first time she saw such a bloody scene, and she couldn't bear it psychologically.

Shui Lian was very angry, the biggest hindrance came from her sister!
Now they encountered a problem, Ayane vomited too much, her hands and feet were weak, her face was pale, she could no longer move forward, she had to go home and rest.

But the game is still going on, the live broadcast cannot be stopped, and the cameraman fell first, which is a bit troublesome.

Everyone discussed it, and finally decided that Taishi would take Ayane back first, and Suiren would be the photographer, taking on two roles.

This accident made Shui Lian very depressed. Fortunately, the data in the background is good. Just be patient and get through today.

But she soon discovered the trouble of having two jobs for one person.

On the one hand, she has to pay attention to the shooting angle, and on the other hand, she has to concentrate on the game. The most important thing in hunting is concentration. A little trouble can cause huge qualitative changes. She has to be responsible for shooting during the live broadcast, and she has to look at the data, which makes her helpless Concentrate, the pace of progress slowed down, if not for my father's assistance, today's filming would probably be over.

It seems that the live broadcast is not as simple as I imagined.

However, the live broadcast has to go on.

Shui Lian gritted her teeth, the plan cannot fail!
On the other side, Yusuke and his team continued to march towards the mountain. The outdoor barbecue at noon brought them a lot of traffic. Many viewers were very interested, and the live broadcast was very popular.

Sato and his daughter were very encouraging, it seems that their positioning is correct!
After a group of people had lunch, they continued to move forward, and the next step was to look for prey.

This process will last for several hours. Fortunately, they have already arranged the script, Xia Xue will ask questions, and Sato Hideo will answer doubts.

How to survive in the wild, how to distinguish plants, how to avoid risks, how to judge the direction, how to judge the terrain, how to judge the wind direction, all kinds of messy knowledge are explained in the program, so that the audience has a little "strange knowledge" "It feels good, and the number of viewers is also very stable.

Hideo Sato was very surprised. This knowledge is necessary for hunters, and a lot of it is common sense as a hunter. He didn't expect that everyone would be so interested in it. I feel that the live broadcast process is getting smoother and smoother.

Chunhyang, who is filming, is happy and everything is going smoothly.

Yusuke took the opportunity to search the popularity of Matagi Hunter on Youtube.

Surprisingly, in the search for the designated noun "Matagi Hunter", Mr. Sato's video was ranked second, which surprised Yusuke. Is there anyone else live broadcasting this game?
Yusuke clicked on the No. [-] live broadcast. The main character of the live broadcast was a girl. Yusuke didn't know him, but he could see another middle-aged man appearing in the live broadcast.

It turned out to be from the Qianjing family!

Yusuke was a little surprised, and looked at her fan count, this guy is obviously a novice, why is his popularity so high?
Yusuke looked at the relevant comments with curiosity, and soon understood that she was playing the live broadcast on the sidelines, relying on blood and violence to attract the audience.

No wonder the popularity is so high, this is forbidden by the platform!

Yusuke can't see the relevant data, but he knows that this method is not advisable, and the live broadcast will be stopped at any time.

What audacity this guy is!
"Mr. Sanze, what are you looking at?" Qiuzi walked over at this moment

Yusuke felt a lump in his heart, he usually called me Mr. Sansawa, why did he suddenly call Sansawa-kun so close?
Looking at the enthusiasm in Akiko's eyes, Yusuke selectively pretended not to see it.

My damn charm!

Seeing Yusuke's calm expression, Akiko was a little disappointed. She deliberately found a topic to get together with Yusuke, and wanted to chat. She really couldn't hold back the thoughts in her heart, but seeing Yusuke always avoiding her, I feel very uncomfortable.

Am I that scary?

At this time, Aunt Huizi also left, and asked curiously: "Mr. Sanze, what are you looking at?"

Yusuke replied at this time: "I'm watching YouTube videos"

Keiko was a little confused, and Yusuke explained.

Yusuke wanted to check the popularity of the video, and then make relevant adjustments, but he didn't expect that someone was broadcasting live here, and the ranking was still ahead of Hideo Sato.

Qiuzi was still a little cautious at first, but at this moment, he was also attracted to him. He watched the video with his mother, and then the two exclaimed.

"Isn't this Mizuki Mizuren? This guy is also broadcasting live!"

Keiko remembers that when her husband started live broadcasting hunting for the first time, the people from Qianjing’s family kept sneering at Tottenham, but he didn’t expect that the other party would also choose to go this way, and the slap in the face was too fast!
Keiko felt a little contemptuous, but also a little happy at the same time.It feels like turning over and being the master.

Qiuzi asked at this time: "Why is her ranking ahead of Dad?"?
Mizui Mizuren's YouTube account doesn't have many fans, but they are very puzzled why they are ranked ahead of her father.

Yusuke smiled, "Because she conducted some illegal live broadcasts, pornographic violence on the platform is a borderline ball, and these things will be deleted once they pass the line. Many of Mr. Sato's previous videos are like this, but Mr. Sato still has A certain bottom line, except for some of the videos being deleted, the others barely passed the test. Mr. Sato quickly became famous because of this factor, and the Mikai family wanted to copy this, but they were too impatient and too impatient. bold"

"Then will they fail?" Keiko asked.

"It depends on the platform's punishment," Yusuke replied, "but I believe that if she continues to remain unchanged, she should be banned soon."

"It's best to ban them!" Qiuzi said angrily, "This way Dad can be ranked first."

Yusuke smiled and replied: "It's their business whether they can't help the broadcast, but if someone helps to make the competition more popular, it will be good for Mr. Sato's live broadcast, and it will also have a great effect on promoting the village.

From just now, the term "Ghost Hunter Competition" has appeared frequently, and related videos have also increased. Obviously, some tourists are also shooting videos. As long as there are people participating, the competition will become popular and topical, and when the time comes The popularity of the village can also be opened.

That is, it is better for us to have more people involved! "

"Misawa-kun, you are amazing!" Akiko looked at Yusuke adoringly, his eyes shining brightly.

This made Yusuke a little overwhelmed, girl, you are too enthusiastic!

Aunt Keiko next to her saw her daughter's appearance and understood her daughter's thoughts at a glance, but she reacted when she saw Yusuke's performance, her daughter is so hot!
That being the case, then the daughter should not be allowed to stick to it, or the daughter will be the one who gets hurt.

Huizi said at this time: "Qiuzi, come with me and tell Dad about the news."

Qiuzi was a little reluctant, but seeing her mother's face, she didn't dare to refute, so she reluctantly left.

Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief, the hardest thing to bear is beauty's grace!
Oh, the damned charm!

I obviously didn't do anything, but why do girls like me?

I don't have time to delve into this issue. I have to keep a distance from the girls of the Sato family, or I won't even be friends with Mr. Sato.

Yusuke made up his mind and tried to distance himself from them during the filming process. His explanation for this was: Hideo Sato thought it made sense to shoot the game from different angles. Only Qiu Zi was upset, but she I was dragged by my mother.

Keiko knows that her daughter's current state is very dangerous. This kind of hot-headed state is prone to accidents. It is necessary to keep the distance between the two parties, and then calm down. The best way is to let the image of the other party collapse. As long as the image in her mind Inconsistency, daughter disappointment, everything sorted out.

However, Mr. Sanze is very good, and it is difficult to let his image collapse.

To be honest, it was the first time for Keiko to see such an outstanding young man, but unfortunately he has a girlfriend, otherwise he really wanted to recruit him as a son-in-law, but unfortunately, he did have a girlfriend!
The facts are already facts, and Keiko is thinking about how to treat her, or stop her daughter.

Yusuke, Akiko, and Keiko are thinking about different things in their heads, but the father and daughter Sato who are live broadcasting are completely unaware that they are currently engaged in the live broadcasting business.

On the other side, Qianjing Suirian was very excited, they met their prey again.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, they met a black bear, which brought great popularity to the live broadcast room, but as they moved forward, in the process of looking for prey, the number of people in the live broadcast room kept dropping, although she was desperately trying to make up for it , but the process of looking for prey was too boring, and they were not well prepared for it, and talked awkwardly throughout the process, which made people lose their popularity faster and made Shui Lian very anxious.

While she had to take care of the shooting, she had to take care of the live broadcast. She was often in a hurry, which made the scene even more chaotic. The number of people in the live broadcast room dropped rapidly, and she was very irritable.

But her luck struck again, and at this time she found her prey, a fawn.

When the figure of the deer appeared in front of the camera, the number of viewers began to increase, and finally it was not as boring as before.

Only then did Qianjing's father and daughter heave a sigh of relief. It seems that the live broadcast is not so easy to do.

They were a little worried. After the heat of the prey passed, the heat would drop again. What would they do then?

The father and daughter made up their minds and tried to delay the time as much as possible.

The next step is the hunting process. In fact, it was easy for them to catch this deer, but in order to delay the time, the father and daughter specially prepared a lot of fancy traps, which delayed for a long time. According to professionals This is completely unnecessary, but for the audience watching the live broadcast, it has a very professional feeling.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has risen again.

Shui Lian was very happy, she seemed to have discovered the secret.

These people are simply laymen. What they want to watch is a wonderful and bloody performance. The more complicated the process, the more enjoyable they will be watching. Appears during headshots.

This group of guys is a group of masters who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement!

The matter could have been solved with one shot, but they spent more than an hour setting several traps, and forced the wild deer to run into their traps. They kept going around in circles and were extremely busy. , and the audience who watched the live broadcast were very satisfied, this is the real hunting!

After playing with it for an hour, looking at the deer that fell into the trap, Shui Lian decided to deal with it. At this time, she took out a knife and prepared to give it a good time.

At this time, a local tyrant in the comment area expressed that he was going to shoot a headshot, and first gave a large reward to show his sincerity, and the audience was booing, they all wanted to watch a headshot!
The scene of the instant explosion and the bursting of flesh and blood made their online hormones soar, it was so exciting!
Shui Lian hesitated for a moment, and then agreed. Anyway, it was only a matter of a bullet, but it was of great help to her popularity.

At this time, she picked up the shotgun and shot it on the fawn's head.

The audience in the live broadcast room reached a climax and were all urging.

The next moment, the gun rang out, like a watermelon bursting, the deer's head exploded into countless pieces, and the snow was red with blood, the scene was very bloody.

The audience in the live broadcast room were booing, and the rewards came one after another, which made Shuilian very excited. It turned out that this is a live broadcast, it's too easy!

The father next to him was a little emotional, this group of people is really boring enough.

But soon, Xue Lian's smile froze, and the live broadcast room instantly turned into a black screen.

Shui Lian was startled, what's going on?Why can't live broadcast all of a sudden?

At this time, I looked at the information in the backstage. The official information: Someone complained that this live broadcast room was banned, which made her very angry.

How could anyone report her?Are these people fed up?
Shui Lian immediately appealed to the official, but the official ruled that her live broadcast involved too many bloody scenes and was not suitable for viewing, so she was banned.

Shui Lian was very angry, but facing the official ruling, she had nothing to do, and angrily smashed the phone.

What a joke, she has been preparing for so long, but a ban on the broadcast made all her hard work go to waste, what is this!
My father also had a gloomy expression after hearing this. He didn't expect it to be like this. Their live broadcast was banned only halfway through the match, which was a big blow to them.

"Calm down," my father said at this moment. Although he was caught off guard, he still reacted immediately.

"There is a way to save it"

Shui Lian came back to her senses a little bit, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

That's right, things have turned around!
Her goal is to get the spokesperson of the village's tourism image. Live broadcast is only a means to achieve the goal. Although this means has failed, there is no way out now.

For example, she got very good results in this competition, as long as the results are bright enough, it is okay to leave everyone speechless.

In other words, it is time to adjust the goal next, and they must focus on this game.

The goal is to get the first place in this competition!

That being the case, all the previous plans have to be changed. Shui Lian threw away all the live broadcast equipment, and now she has to focus on hunting, so there is no need to bring these things.

The father and daughter discussed it. To achieve the best results, there is only one evaluation standard: black bear.

Whoever hits the most black bears is the winner!
Their luck is good, they just hunted the first one, and they already have a certain foundation, which is good news amidst misfortune.

But this competition is extremely difficult, because there are many participants, and the participation of female players has brought about a lot of variables in this competition.

It doesn't mean that female players are necessarily weaker than men, as far as Mitsuino knows, many female players in the village are no worse than him.

The two discussed it, and the goal was to kill at least three black bears.

The strongest record in the village was set by Hideo Sato, who won three black bears in the competition.And to get the first place, at least this standard is required.

The two packed up, and with the determination to win, they walked towards the deep mountain.

On the other side, Hideo Sato and their live broadcast finally ushered in a climax.

They came across a black bear!
When the appearance of the black bear appeared on the camera, the audience in the live broadcast suddenly boiled, and everyone was very excited.

Now comes the best part!
Sato stretched out his hand, everyone stopped, slowed down their breathing, and did not speak quietly, while Keiko tightly held the shotgun in his hand, tensely on guard.

Black bears are the most dangerous animals!
At this time, Hideo Sato held the microphone, put it near his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Friends in the audience, what we are encountering now is the most dangerous animal, the black bear. We have to keep our voice down so that it cannot be discovered.

Bears are the most ferocious animals. What should we do if we meet a bear in the wild?

There is a saying on the Internet that if you encounter a bear, you should play dead immediately, because bears do not eat dead bodies, so you can avoid black bears by playing dead, but I am responsible to tell everyone that playing dead is useless!

Because bears are playful things by nature, if you are unlucky and you meet a hungry bear and eat the dead body, and you meet a black bear with a full stomach, then you have to pray It doesn't treat you as a toy anymore, if it slaps you or licks you, then you will die even worse.

So what should we do when we encounter a bear?

We must remember that when encountering danger, we should not run away in a panic at the first time, and do not lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, but use our minds.

Bears have a well-developed sense of smell, but their eyesight is very weak. Our best way is to stand in a downwind and don't let it smell us.

For example, if we are below now, it will not be able to smell us, and if we find a good cover, there is a high chance that it will not be discovered by it.

Well, that's all for the little common sense, now it's time to start hunting black bears! "

(End of this chapter)

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