Chapter 643 643. Call for help

"The black bear is a very ferocious animal, with thick skin and thick flesh, and tenacious vitality. Even a shotgun can't kill it in one shot, but it will arouse its ferocity. At this time, the black bear is the most dangerous.

In the face of this ferocious animal, we must have enough manpower. This time, my daughter and I will work together to deal with this black bear.

Here I have a recommendation, if you are hunting outdoors, it is best to prepare a bottle of bear spray.The main ingredient in the bear spray is capsaicin, which stimulates the bear's nose and can repel black bears."

Hideo Sato was explaining, and Xia Xue was already getting ready by the side.

The two hid behind the trees, set up shotguns, and Chunxiang, who was filming, also concealed her figure.

And not far away, Sato Keiko is also on alert, because she is the last resort, if the two miss, she will be responsible for leading the black bear away.

Everyone was very nervous, even Hideo Sato was no exception.

Hunting, in fact, is to use human power to challenge nature. Every time it is very dangerous, if it is not for life, he will not do such a job.

Once or twice is a hobby, but when the hobby becomes a job, the nature changes completely.

There is no such thing as a miss in this kind of job. Once you miss, your life will be lost, so you must be very cautious every time you hunt, he can't afford to lose!

As the black bear slowly entered the shooting target, Hideo Sato was counting down in a low voice at this time, Xia Xue concentrated and stared at the black bear in front of him.


The next moment, the two attacked at the same time.

Two shots were fired, and the black bear in the snow immediately howled, and the loud sound resounded through the mountains.

Two blood flowers bloomed on the black bear's body, and the two shots hit.

At this time, the black bear was very dangerous, and the huge wound aroused its fierceness. At this moment, it stood up and roared, looked around, and soon found this side, and the huge body rushed towards it immediately.

Sato and his daughter continued to attack.

Two more gunshots, once again succeeded.

One shot hit it in the chest and the other in its leg.

The black bear screamed, and rushed forward with its whole body, hitting the snow on the ground. There was a painful scream, and blood stained the snow red.

These four shots caused great fatal injuries to the black bear. The black bear kept screaming, but the sound gradually became smaller, and the white snow under him quickly turned red.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the danger was lifted.

Sato Hideo smiled at the camera: "We succeeded, we successfully hunted the black bear, but at this time the black bear is not dead, and it is also the most dangerous time, we should not be careless, it is best to wait for it to cool down, We could send him on the road with a single bullet if we had to, but in our tradition as ghost hunters, this is the time for me to give him the final blow.

Because it's dangerous, Xia Xue shouldn't go up there, just let me go alone."

The comments of "Warrior of the Bear" quickly appeared in the live broadcast room, and everyone admired Hideo Sato's courage.

The audience quickly saw Hideo Sato running forward quickly. Although the picture was not very clear, everyone was very nervous.

The black bear at this time is very dangerous. If it fights back, Hideo Sato's life will be in danger.

At this time, the black bear was not dead yet. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head and yelled at Hideo Sato. He kept pawing and pulling his forelegs, and the wound was pulled by the huge movement. His voice was filled with pain. He looked at Hideo Sato His eyes were full of anger.

Hideo Sato was a little nervous, but not scared.

The next step is to test the skills. The bear's attack power is very strong. If you are slapped by it, you may be half-disabled. At this time, it is a test of skills and courage.

In the camera, Hideo Sato moved instantly, his movement was extremely fast, almost at the moment when the black bear's forelegs fell, Hideo Sato stepped on the back of the black bear, a dagger appeared in his hand, and directly stabbed the black bear heart.

The severe pain drove the black bear crazy, and it let out a scream. It slapped the ground frantically with its palms, and its body twisted violently.

Hideo Sato gripped the dagger tightly, and within two or three seconds, the black bear stopped moving and finally died completely.

Get it done!

Hideo Sato pulled out his dagger, his hands were covered with blood, he smiled and waved to Chunxiang and the others.

Chunxiang and Xia Xue ran up quickly, and Yusuke and others surrounded him. Chunxiang took a close-up of the black bear, and then changed the camera after a few seconds.

The shooting can't be too long, and you can't shoot too much, otherwise it will violate the rules.

Soon the camera turned to Hideo Sato. He had some blood on his hands and face, but the smile on his face was very cheerful. It was a triumphant smile, and even the audience in the live broadcast room felt it. Soon the live broadcast room There are many rewards here, this is a reward for Hideo Sato.

Originally, the last scene was unnecessary, Hideo Sato only needed to give it a shot, but for the effect of the show, Hideo Sato had to risk himself.

If it was just ordinary hunting, everyone would have no interest at all. This last special performance is the real key.

The next step was to deal with the prey, which was still handled by Xia Xue, and Yusuke and the others also helped. After all, the black bear was too big to be handled by Xia Xue alone.

Hideo Sato was communicating with the audience in the live broadcast room, sharing some experience and consolidating his popularity.

Of course, some viewers expressed their desire to see the black bear dissection, but Hideo Sato dismissed it with a smile and other topics.

Hideo Sato already knew about the Mikai family. They were banned because they were too bloody during the process of live broadcasting the decomposition of their prey. This reminded him that he must not have such an illusion.

Peel off the bear’s skin, cut off the bear’s head and limbs, clean up the meat, and throw all the internal organs to the mountain. This is the tradition of Matagi hunters, to show respect for the mountain god. After all the procedures are completed, everyone will continue let's go.

The hunt is still going on.

Because it was the first time to hit a black bear, the audience in the live broadcast room was very excited, and the communication was very active. Yusuke looked at the popularity of YouTube, and Mr. Sato had already ranked first, and the topic of hunting was also brought up. Among them, " "Ogre Hunter" was mentioned the most, and everyone discovered that there is such a traditional hunting people in Japan, which made them very interested.

Among the teams in this competition, of course, not only Hideo Sato and his team performed well, they met a team on the road, they were three middle-aged women, and they were acquaintances of Sato's family.

Xia Xue came forward to say hello, and told them about the live broadcast. When a team happened to show up, she invited them to join the scene.

The three housewives were a little nervous, but under Xia Xue's persuasion, they hesitated and agreed.

After the two sides communicated, Hideo Sato went up to greet them and asked each other about the hunting situation.

To everyone's surprise, the three housewives had a very strong record. They had already hunted two black bears. When they took out the two black bear heads, everyone was shocked, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked. Not light.

The three middle-aged women are completely ordinary middle-aged women, but I didn't expect them to be so strong. Even Hideo Sato only hunted one black bear, but they have already hunted two, and their equipment is only three Bows and arrows, three spears and three daggers, such simple equipment has already killed two black bears, which shocked everyone, even Xia Xue and the others.

These three aunts are all mother's friends, they are just ordinary housewives, and they usually greet each other with a smile, but they didn't expect these three aunts to be so fierce that they killed two black bears.

They killed one just now, and a group of people were very happy, but they didn't expect that the other party had surpassed them without knowing it. The strength of female hunters was no worse than that of male hunters!

In the face of everyone's praise, the three middle-aged women seemed a little embarrassed, saying that if they hadn't missed just now, they would have killed the third one now, which made everyone a little speechless.

Hideo Sato suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and felt that he, the strongest Matagi hunter, seemed a bit misnamed.

At this time, Yusuke also looked at Aunt Keiko, and heard that they are good friends of Aunt Keiko, and the three of them are so strong, and Aunt Keiko is not much weaker.

Facing Yusuke's surprised eyes, Aunt Keiko just smiled and didn't answer, everything was self-evident.

Yusuke suddenly felt a little regretful, he should have let Sato and his wife work together if he knew earlier, maybe the record would be even stronger.

The two sides greeted each other, looked at each other's trophies, encouraged each other and waved goodbye.Sato's fighting spirit is high, but the three housewives can't let the three housewives compare, otherwise it will be embarrassing and embarrassing!

But their luck was good, and they encountered a black bear soon after moving forward.

This black bear was much more dangerous than the last one. When Hideo Sato and the others found the black bear, the black bear also spotted Sato and the others and killed them as soon as they met.

Hideo Sato raised his gun to fight back, and even Aunt Keiko joined the battlefield. After several gunshots, the black bear finally fell a few meters in front of them.

This is really too dangerous.

Hideo Sato breathed a sigh of relief. The black bear was so aggressive that they were caught off guard by attacking as soon as they met. Fortunately, Keiko joined in and finally solved it.

This time there was no limit to the operation, but the black bear was facing the ferocious scene, and the audience in the live broadcast room could see it clearly. They were also very nervous, and the audience was relieved until the black bear fell down.

This picture is so exciting!
This live broadcast is very risky!

It is worthy of being the strongest Matagi hunter who dares to face the most dangerous situation.

The live broadcast was well received.

Xia Xue and the others were also responsible for decomposing the prey. This time, they only took the bear skin, head and limbs, and all the bear meat was removed, because there were too many things, which would bring a burden to their progress.

At this time, everyone came to a small stream and rested here for a while.

Two consecutive battles consumed a lot of energy for everyone. At this time, some energy needs to be replenished, and there is still some meat left from the fawn that was killed before, so everyone replenishes their energy here.

At this time, Hideo Sato needed to rest, and the live broadcast was handed over to his assistant Xia Xue, who chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room and answered some questions.

Xia Xue coped well at the beginning, but soon became a little flustered. The audience in the live broadcast room saw Xia Xue's appearance, like a big bad wolf seeing Little Red Riding Hood, and asked random questions one after another, which caught Xia Xue by surprise. In the end, Hideo Sato took over and said with a smile, "Don't bully my daughter."

Sato made a joke with the audience in the live broadcast room, and quickly changed the subject, and the live broadcast continued.

From morning to now, the live broadcast has lasted for five or six hours, and there are only two or three hours left before the game. The Sato family has already harvested two black bears, but this standard cannot win the championship. The three middle-aged women before I also hunted two black bears, and now I may have hunted a third one. To win the game, the minimum requirement is to have three black bears.

The prey was not so easy to find. For the next hour or so, they didn't even see a single prey.

Xia Xue was a little impatient at this time, they might not be able to win the championship if this continues, and the audience in the live broadcast room also began to decrease. There was no prey for more than an hour, and the process was a bit boring. These two aspects made Xia Xue very irritable .

Hideo Sato also noticed this, and said seriously at this moment: "Xia Xue, you are in the wrong state!"

"Is there something wrong with me?" Xia Xue was a little puzzled.

"You are too impatient"

"But, Dad!" Xia Xue retorted anxiously, "If we can't find any more prey, then we will lose this competition."

"You can't do it in this state!" Hideo Sato said seriously: "Hunting is a rigorous matter, and any mistake will be completely over. Your mentality is a big taboo for hunters!

It doesn't matter if you don't find the prey, but the most important thing is to maintain a good attitude, otherwise even if you find the prey, you will miss it with your mentality."

Xia Xue was silent, and Hideo Sato continued to comfort him: "Don't think too badly about everything. You don't need to be nervous if you can't find the prey. We need to adjust our mentality. At this time, we can do other things to distract us. We adjust our mentality and then continue.

Winning or losing is very important, but even more important is ourselves! "

Xia Xue pondered for a while, then nodded, and the audience in the live broadcast room also comforted him, there is no need to be so anxious, even if they did not win the game, they would support him.

After Sato Hideo's enlightenment, Xia Xue also adjusted her mentality, and the next itinerary was less impatient.They couldn't find the prey, so they started broadcasting other things. In the mountains, there are not only animals, but also plants!
There are many plants in the mountains, and Hideo Sato can basically tell the name and use of each plant, which made the audience in the live broadcast room very novel. How much does this guy know?

Hideo Sato said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't know much at the beginning, but as I gained more hunting experience, encountered more things, and saw more things, I added up little by little. Then there is a lot of knowledge, no one is born with it at the beginning, it all needs to be learned.”

Although the number of people in the live broadcast has dropped somewhat, the quality of the live broadcast has not declined, and everyone still watched it very well.

And Hideo Sato's luck also came, the third black bear they encountered.

But this black bear was wounded, a wound on its foreleg was bleeding, it was shot by a bow and arrow.

Everyone stopped and looked around to see if there were any hunters around.

The most important and taboo thing about hunting is to grab other people's prey.

Everyone looked at it for a long time, and there were no other hunters around, and there were no traces of hunting on the ground. It seemed that this black bear must have escaped from the hands of other hunters and ran here to recuperate.

Like a frightened bird, this black bear hid behind the trees, licking its wound with its tongue, and whining from time to time, looking very pitiful.

Hunters know that the black bear is the most dangerous at this time. Its wounds arouse its viciousness. It is full of vigilance against everything around it, and a slight disturbance can cause it to attack.

But this is also an opportunity. Its injury means that its mobility will be affected to a certain extent. This is the best opportunity to solve it.

After capturing this black bear, Sato and the others had hunted three of them, and the number was guaranteed to a certain extent.

Hideo Sato made a gesture, Xia Xue understood immediately, took out the bait, it was the venison from before, inserted the venison in the bow and arrow, opened a bag, it contained honey, poured the honey on the venison Up, bow, launch.

The bow and arrow shot out and stuck in the snow not far away. The sound caught the black bear's attention. The black bear stood up and roared, looking around.

The two hid behind a tree and set up shotguns, while Keiko stood guard not far away.

The black bear didn't see anything else, but it smelled the honey, hesitated for a while, then came out from behind the tree, without shelter, and soon appeared in the hunting range.

Hideo Sato counted down quietly.

The next moment, gunshots rang out, two blood flowers bloomed in the air, and the black bear screamed.

Fortunately, the two shots hit its body, one shot hit its arm, and the other shot hit its hind leg.

The black bear quickly discovered the existence of Sato and the others, roaring and rushed over, but because of the injury, it did not move very quickly.

Hideo Sato and Xia Xue continued to attack, the gunfire rang out again, and the black bear let out a cry. The next moment, its huge body fell on the snow. The body lay on the snow, ups and downs, and soon calmed down.

These two shots hit again, good luck!
And one of the shots hit it directly in the heart, and the black bear quickly cooled down. Everyone ran up happily, and Chunxiang also took pictures of all the hunting scenes. The audience in the live broadcast was very excited. So far, three black bears have been killed, which is amazing!

Still skinning and beheading, Hideo Sato looked at the time and said, "We have to go back."

There is still more than an hour before the end of the game. They have come to the central part of the deep mountain. It is about the same time to return from here. Everyone nodded, full of excitement. The three black bears are their confidence.

The live broadcast also ended here. Hideo Sato said hello to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then he will return quickly. There is no time to shoot. The ranking of the competition will be announced in the follow-up comments. Thank you very much for watching this time.

Chunxiang turned off her mobile phone, and the live broadcast ended perfectly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This event was very successful!
Yusuke and Akiko also finished filming and moved forward with the team.

"Misawa-kun, I'm sorry, I originally invited you to hunt, but you have been helping the whole process, and you haven't had any free activities," Hideo Sato said apologetically.

Yusuke smiled, "It doesn't matter, it's also a pleasure to see a wonderful hunt."

Yusuke and Hideo Sato were chatting, Xia Xue and Chunxiang were chatting about the live broadcast, only Akiko's expression was a little gloomy, the game was over, which meant that Misawa-kun was going back, and he felt a bit sad at this moment .

Keiko also saw this scene, but there was no other way, she could only hope that time would forget everything.

Yusuke stopped suddenly at this moment, and Hideo Sato also stopped, looking at him curiously.

"What happened to Sanze-kun?"

Yusuke's ears moved, and he looked in one direction, "I seem to hear a voice calling for help."

Hideo Sato suddenly became serious and listened carefully, but he didn't hear any sound, so he was a little puzzled.

Yusuke closed his eyes, listened carefully, and moved his ears, which surprised everyone who had been watching him.

Yusuke opened his eyes and pointed in a direction.

"Over there, I heard a voice, like a girl"

Hideo Sato said at this time: "Then I will go up with you to have a look."

Turning to Chunxiang and the others, she said, "You guys wait here, Keiko, please watch them."

Keiko nodded. It is really not suitable for them to travel with their luggage. It is safest to wait where they are.

Yusuke and Hideo Sato set off with their things.

Seeing the two leave, Xia Xue asked at this moment: "Mom, did you hear the cry for help?"

Keiko shook her head. When Yusuke reminded her just now, she also listened carefully, but she didn't hear the sound. Where did the cry for help come from?

But Mr. Sanze will never aim at nothing. It should be that someone is really asking for help, hoping that they will not be in danger.

Sato Hideten also didn't hear the cry for help, but he believed in Yusuke's trust without hesitation.

As he moved forward, Hideo Sato finally heard a slight sound, and was a little surprised. Sanze-kun's hearing is too sensitive!

The two kept moving forward, running a full distance of several hundred meters, only then did they discover the source of the cry for help.

It was under a cliff.

The two lay on the edge of the cliff and looked down.

On a protruding platform on the cliff, a girl was standing there screaming anxiously, while a man was sitting on the ground, clutching his arms, looking injured.

Yusuke and Hideo Sato were a little surprised, but they didn't expect it to be Mizuren Mitsui and Tsugeno Miwai!
(End of this chapter)

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