The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 649 649. Come to my house as a guest

Chapter 649 649. Come to my house as a guest

In the morning, in the shopping street, inside a Japanese-style shop.

Semi gratefully said to Yusuke, Jessica, and Evangeline, "Thank you for your help today!"

Today is the day when the middle school two game group played together, but unexpectedly, Semi sent a message suddenly, and she had no choice but to come.

Everyone was a little confused, Semi explained.

It's the end of the year, and the family's business is very busy, and at this busiest time, her younger brother and sister are sick, and even her father suffers, and three labors are lost at once, leaving only her mother who can't keep busy , Semi has to help out at home.

Everyone felt a little regretful, but at this time Yiwen Jielin suggested: How about we go to Semei's house to help?
It was originally a job for 5 people, but now there are only two people doing it. Semi and the others must be very busy. As good friends, they can't stand by and watch at this time!

Jessica agreed very much, and Yusuke also agreed, and Semi was a little moved when she heard that everyone was coming to help, and at the same time she was relieved.

Having someone to help can really save a lot of burden. Otherwise, she and her mother would be too busy. The end of the year is the busiest day of the year. It is because of being too busy that the younger siblings and father are all overtired fall down!

I was supposed to close the store for a rest today, but there were too many appointments in the store before. These are all pre-orders, so I can't break the appointment.

The three of Yusuke came to Semi's house: Sakura no Sato, and said hello to Semi's mother. Semi's mother was very happy when she heard that Semi's friend was coming to help.

"Thank you very much for today!" Semi's mother said happily.

Yusuke smiled and replied: "Semi is in trouble, we as friends must help!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone got into the theme and began to assign work. Three girls, Jessica, Evangeline, and Semi, were in charge of the kanban. All three were very beautiful, each with their own characteristics, especially Jessica. And Yiwen Jielin, two beautiful foreign girls appearing in this kind of Japanese-style shop, it has a special style, it can be said to be an alternative sign.

Yusuke and Mama Semi are helping in the back kitchen, Yusuke is responsible for moving and carrying, and Mama Semi is in charge of making desserts.

Yusuke told Jessica and Evangeline: "You guys have to be more serious today!"

Jessica nodded earnestly, and Ewen Jielin patted the tablet's chest and said, "Leave it on us, and we will guarantee a burst of business today!"

Yusuke nodded, and Arisomi looked at them. There should be no problem today, so she came to the back kitchen, changed into the chef's uniform and started working.

Sakura no Sato sells Daifuku. The glutinous rice has been soaked all night, and today it can be refined. It is very easy to have an electric refiner. During this period, it is very important to master the heat, and Mama Semi will help to watch.

The rice milk is steamed, let cool, and then stir-fried to make it into a dough, and the skin is ready.

Then start to make the fillings. There are traditional red beans, taro, sweet potatoes, and various fruit flavors for the fillings. These are not very troublesome to make.

Soon, all the materials were ready, and the next step was to make Daifuku.

Semi's mother made a move, Yusuke looked at it for a while, and then said: "Auntie, why don't I come to help too"

"This..." Semi's mother hesitated, "Forget it, I did it myself."

It is very simple to make Daifuku. It is completely made by hand, but the craftsmanship must be trained. This kind of beginner who has never done it before will definitely make a terrible product. She is afraid that it will hurt his confidence. Mama Semi refused.

Yusuke said at this time: "But there are a lot of orders today, and you can't handle it by yourself."

That's right, Yusuke and the others came to help today to rush to make a batch of orders.

Semi's mother hesitated. Indeed, with this pace, she couldn't make it through the night.

Yusuke continued: "Let me try it first, if you think the finished product is okay, then I will help, if not, then I won't bother you."

Mama Semi thought for a while, then nodded, at most, she just lost some materials.

After washing his hands, Yusuke started to work. Under the guidance of Semi's mother, Yusuke's first work was very successful.

Semi's mother smiled and asked: "Sanze, do you often cook? Your cooking looks very skilled."

"Occasionally I cook," Yusuke said with a smile, "But I am quite confident in my skills. Last time I participated in a cake competition and won an award."

"Cake competition!" Semi's mother was a little surprised. It turns out that there is such a skill as a foundation, so there is no problem.

"Then trouble Misawa." Semi's mother smiled and nodded, and Yusuke also started to help.

Semi's mother slowly discovered that Yusuke's movements were fast, and he was not very proficient at the beginning, but as he did more, his movements became faster, and in the end his speed was even faster than hers, which surprised her a little. His work is very perfect.

This boy is amazing!
At this moment, he asked hesitantly, "Sanze, does your family own a cake shop?"

"No." Yusuke replied with a smile: "My father is just an ordinary civil servant, and I am just a hobby."

Your hobbies are too great!
Semi's mother was very surprised, but at the same time very happy. With Sanze's help, her progress was much faster.

Soon, a large pot of stuffing was done, filling several plates.

"Let's take a break first, Misawa-kun" Semi's mother said with a smile, "Have a snack to replenish your strength."

Yusuke smiled and nodded, washed his hands, and sat next to Semi's mother to rest.

"Your food is delicious!" Semi's mother was a little surprised, what she took was the Daifuku made by Yusuke, and with the same ingredients, the taste was even better than hers.

Yusuke also tasted it, and it tasted very good.

"Is Sanze-kun interested in working here?"

Semi's mother asked expectantly at this time, Sanze-kun's craftsmanship is beyond her imagination, if he can work here, I believe the business in the store will be very good, and one more person to help, I don't have to work so hard .

Yusuke shook his head apologetically, "I'm sorry, I have my own business to do."


Yusuke smiled and told about the video blogger, which surprised Semi's mother.

"I didn't expect you to have your own arrangements at such a young age, it's amazing!"

Semi's mother praised, looking at Yusuke with more recognition and appreciation, such an achievement at such an age is very amazing!
"Auntie is over the prize!" Yusuke responded with a smile.

"Sanze-kun, take a break first, I'll go upstairs to see how they are doing"

Semi's mother stood up at this time, her son, daughter, and husband were all sick, and she had already taken medicine in the morning, so she had to go and see.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, seeing Semi's mother go upstairs, he was also a little worried about the situation at the front desk, so he went to the front desk to have a look.

In fact, Yusuke is quite worried. A single chuichi is not scary, but when three chuichi get together, the situation may get out of hand.

However, the situation at the front desk was somewhat beyond Yusuke's expectations.

The business in front was very good, and the three of them were so busy that they didn't even have time to sit down and drink a glass of water, let alone playing the middle school game.

There are so many guests today!

Finally, after seeing off the last guest, the three of them had time to sit down and rest.

"Are you always this busy?" Evan Jielin asked, this was the first time she had such a busy job.

"No." Semi shook her head, "Usually it's just normal."

If they were all as busy as they are now, their family would have prospered a long time ago.

There are two reasons for being so busy. One is that the family business will be very good as the end of the year is approaching, and the other is that there is a new Kanban lady.

Jessica and Evangeline are both very beautiful foreign girls. Wearing Japanese-style aprons, standing in a Japanese-style store and selling things will give people a refreshing feeling. Everyone comes in with a novelty mentality. of.

Sometimes there is a certain reason for recruiting beautiful women as hostesses.

"Thanks for your hard work, let's eat something to replenish your strength." Yusuke smiled and put a plate of Daifuku in front of them.

The three little hands stretched out immediately. They were indeed a little tired and needed something to replenish their strength.

"This is delicious!" Semi said in surprise, "When did my mother's craftsmanship become so good? Well, no, this is not my mother's craftsmanship, this is made by you, Yusuke?"

Both Jessica and Evangeline looked over in surprise.

As expected of family members, Yusuke nodded with a smile as they were very familiar with each other's craftsmanship.


Semi praised that she has been learning from her father since she was a child, and the cooking is not as delicious as these, Yusuke is so good!

After a few people chatted for a while, Semi's mother also came down from upstairs.

Mom, Dad, how are they doing? "Semi asked at this time.

"The fever has subsided. I rested for a whole morning, and my spirit has recovered. I will be fine tomorrow."

"That's great!"

Everyone continued to work, and the three of Semi also continued to act as kanban girls

A familiar voice came, and Semi turned her head, seeing Kitagawa Hideki in front of her eyes.

"Beichuan, why are you here?"

"That, that I'm here to buy things," Hideki Kitagawa said hesitantly.

It's been a week since the winter vacation, and he misses Semi very much. He wants to see Semi, but he can't find an excuse. Nishi Kujo couldn't help but give him some advice: You can visit her by shopping, and then Everyone is chatting and chatting, this is not a chance!

Beichuan Hideki suddenly realized, and then came to buy things today.

"How many blessings do you want?"


“What kind of taste”

"red beans"

Semi packed the 4 red bean Daifuku and handed them to Hideki Kitagawa to collect the money. The conversation between the two ended here.

This is not right!
Beichuan Hideki looked puzzled, it shouldn't be like this, there should be other exchanges!Why is it the same as ordinary business!

At this time, Semi had already gone to entertain other guests, and Kitagawa Hideki stood there in a daze.

"Guest, please let me go"

A beautiful foreign girl wearing a Japanese-style apron and carrying a few boxes of things happened to pass by, and Kitagawa Hideki hurriedly stepped aside.

The beautiful foreign girl walked over, and Kitagawa Hideki looked at her strangely.

Do foreigners wear Japanese clothes?What a novelty!
But he felt that this foreign girl looked familiar, so he recalled it, and suddenly remembered, isn't that the foreign beautiful girl whom Semi saw last time when she was sick?

At this time, I looked at the store, and sure enough, there was another foreigner in the store. These two people are Semi's friends. It's really strange. How could they help here?
Beichuan Hideki remembered that when he came to buy things in the past, Semi's younger sister and younger brother were usually the ones looking at the shop. Why were they not present today?
Kitagawa Hideki was a little curious, and asked, "Semi, aren't Haruma and Meiko here?"

Semi just finished entertaining the guests, and replied casually: "They are sick"

"Then who are these two?"

"Jessica and Evangeline came to help, the family was too busy"

It was like this.

At this time, the kitchen door opened, and a teenager came out with several large plates.

Seeing the boy, Kitagawa Hideki was so startled that his eyes were about to drop.

Isn't this Yusuke Misawa!

Why is he here?And why are you wearing work clothes?

For a moment, various questions circled in his mind.

Yusuke also saw Kitagawa Hideki and smiled at him, and Kitagawa Hideki also reacted and nodded in response.

The previous misunderstandings have also been resolved, and everyone has no grievances, just treat it as acquaintances.

Yusuke put down his things and went back to work in the back kitchen. There is still a lot of work ahead.

Kitagawa Hideki hesitated for a while, then stopped Semi, Semi was a little strange, why hasn't Beichuan left yet!

"What's the matter with Beichuan?"

Kitagawa Hideki plucked up his courage and asked, "Why is Sanze here?"

"My brother and sister are sick, so we can't keep up here, so they came to help." Semi said with a smile, "They are all good people."

It turned out to be like this...

Kitagawa Hideki breathed a sigh of relief, he also thought of an idea and said, "Why don't I come to help too!"

"You?" Semi looked at him in surprise, and Kitagawa Hideki continued: "Semi, you have worked so hard, how can I stand by as a friend?"

"But, you and Yusuke..."

Semi has a headache, she is friends with Kitagawa Hideki, it is difficult to say no, but if she agrees, thinking of his relationship with Yusuke...

Although the misunderstanding was solved before, but now they get together, I don't know what troubles will arise again.

Seeing Semi's distress, Kitagawa Hideki explained at this time: "Don't worry, I won't conflict with him, I just want to help because you are so busy."

Semi thought for a while, the store has been very busy since the afternoon, the three of them are busy in the front, let alone there are only two people in the back kitchen, they must be too busy, so they nodded.

Kitagawa Hideki was very happy, put his things away, and followed Semi to the back kitchen.

Semi said hello to her mother. Semi's mother was a little surprised, and another classmate came to help, so she exchanged greetings with Kitagawa Hideki.

Kitagawa Hideki was flattered and hesitated, but fortunately, Semi's mother didn't care, and Kitagawa Hideki calmed down after a while.

After Kitagawa Hideki put on his work clothes, he saw Yusuke and Semi's mother making Daifuku, and said, "I'll help too."

Semi's mother smiled and nodded, "Then I will teach you how to do it, Beichuan, try it."

"No problem!" Kitagawa Hideki said confidently, "It's just packing, it's very simple!"

A few minutes later, the corners of Kitagawa Hideki's mouth twitched at Daifuku, who was stumbling around and showing his secrets, while Semi's mother next to her was silent.

This looks simple, but it is too difficult to actually do it!

Kitagawa Hideki looked at Misawa Yusuke who was beside him. His movements were extremely fast and smooth, and he wrapped a big blessing in a few seconds. The shape was very perfect. Compared with him, it was completely scum here.

Kitagawa Hideki also had to admire, this guy is really amazing!

Semi's mother said with a smile at this time: "How about Beichuan-san to help with the things?"

This skill is not good enough to get on the stage, so I can only do some hard work.

Kitagawa Hideki also knew that he couldn't force it, so he nodded.

He was in charge of delivering the prepared Daifuku to the front desk, and then bringing in the plates. He was also responsible for other sundries. The workload did not seem to be a lot, but once he did it, he couldn't stop. It took only two hours. Beichuan Hideki was a little tired.

At this time, I looked at Yusuke Misawa, this guy didn't change at all, like a robot, the movements in his hands didn't slow down, and I also looked at other people, no one looked tired.

Suddenly a little surprised, these people are so powerful!It's too resilient!
No, you can't let them look down on you, cheer up and continue working.

Finally, the last plate of Daifuku was brought out, and Hideki Kitagawa could rest.

"Thanks for your hard work." Semi came over with a plate of snacks at this time, "Let's eat something to replenish your strength."

"Thank you"" Kitagawa Hideki stuffed a few big blessings into his mouth in two or three mouthfuls, gobbled it up, and finished eating quickly. Semi handed him a cup of tea, and Kitagawa Hideki took it and drank it down in one gulp.

"Thank you!"

Kitagawa Hideki said with a sigh of relief.

"I want to thank you," Semi said with a smile, "Thank you for coming to help today."

Seeing Semi's smile, Kitagawa Hideki felt that all the previous hard work was worthwhile.

At the front desk, Yiwen Jielin quietly looked at the two of them, and asked in a low voice: "Can you let Semei get in touch with him? I always feel that this guy is not a good person."

Yusuke smiled, "This guy is a nice guy"

From knowing him to now, this guy has been pursuing Semi, but because of his awkward personality, he has not expressed it until now, and Semi is also a little natural, and he still doesn't know his intentions. The relationship between the two has no relationship at all. any progress.

I don't know about other aspects, but emotionally this guy is definitely the most innocent!
However, I don't know why, Yiwen Jielin is very upset seeing Kitagawa Hideki. It may be that the last meeting left a bad impression on her, or it may be because Semi is her Bright Knight. You must know that Bright Knight and Bright Knight Saints are a couple.

Well, Yusuke shook off the cranky thoughts in his head.

We have been busy until the evening, all the orders in the store have been completed, and the stock has also been sold out, so everyone can finally rest.

Mama Semi was very grateful for this, and wanted to invite everyone to dinner, but everyone refused with a smile.

Semi still has a lot of things to do at home, and there are three sick patients to take care of. Semi and her mother are also tired, so there is no need to be so troublesome.

Everyone packed up and got ready to go home.

Semi nodded her thanks to Hideki Kitagawa, Hideki Kitagawa was a little at a loss, and said falteringly, "If I need it tomorrow, I will come to help too."

"Well..." Semi thought for a while, "Why don't you come to my house to work!"

"Part-time job?" Kitagawa Hideki was taken aback.

"That's right, our family is recruiting temporary workers. It's quite busy these days. If you can, come and work. I'll tell my parents, and Beichuan, you are not an outsider."

not an outsider
Kitagawa Hideki's eyes lit up instantly.

"it is good"

"Then please teach me a lot!"

Kitagawa Hideki waved happily, "I'll come over tomorrow to help!"

Yusuke smiled when he saw the excited Kitagawa Hideki, this guy was too easy to satisfy.

If he doesn't take the initiative, he and Semi will still have the same relationship by the time he graduates from high school.

The three of Yusuke greeted Semi and went back.

The three of them arrived at the station quickly, and after waiting for a while, the tram arrived. There were not many people in the carriage, so the three of them sat in their seats.

At this moment, Yusuke felt some weight on the shoulders on both sides. Looking around, the two little girls fell asleep unconsciously at this time. They were too tired today.

Yusuke smiled, let them rest.

However, a group of three people is still very eye-catching. The combination of a boy and two foreign beauties is really eye-catching, and it looks like a "blessing of all people", which is really enviable!

Fortunately, Yusuke has a thick skin and a strong heart, so he ignores these angry eyes.

When the tram arrived, Yusuke woke up the two of them, and when they woke up in a daze, Yusuke pulled them out of the car.

Blown by the cold air outside, the consciousness of the two quickly recovered.

"Am I falling asleep?" Evangeline said strangely, "Impossible, am I cursed?"

Curse your sister!
Before the IQ came back, the consciousness of secondary school came online ahead of time.

"Stop talking stupid things," Yusuke complained, "You two are very tired today, go home early and rest."

"Oh!" X2
After being told by Yusuke, the two of them were indeed a little tired, and their desire to fight disappeared.

Yiwen Jielin waved her hands to the two of them, and then bounced back.

But Jessica didn't leave, looking at Yusuke expectantly.

"Yusuke, I have something to tell you."

Yusuke nodded, listening carefully.

"Christmas will be in a few days. I want to invite you to my house as a guest. Are you free?"

Jessica looked at Yusuke enthusiastically.

Christmas is an important holiday for Westerners, and it is usually a family gathering, and being invited to attend together shows that he is treated as a family member.

is it christmas

Yusuke thought for a while, then nodded, "I'll visit then"

"That's great!" Jessica smiled, "Then I'll be waiting for you at home then."

"it is good!"

"Mom, Dad and sister must be very happy, they haven't seen you for a long time"

Yusuke smiled, looking at the happy Jessica, he was also in a good mood.

Jessica came over at this moment, hugged Yusuke gently, and said with a reddish face, "I'll wait for you"

(End of this chapter)

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