Chapter 650 650. This is a Serious Story
During the day, he went to Semi's house to help, and at night, he came to Sasaki's house for kendo training. Yusuke promised Seiko that he would practice with her in the next few nights.

After finishing the kendo training, Yusuke was about to go back, Seiko saw him off, and the two chatted at the door.

Yusuke said at this time: "Tonight, Torajiro seems to be a little different."

Tonight, Toranojiro also joined the training, but his style has undergone great changes, his attacking and speaking methods have matured a lot, which surprised Yusuke a little.

Shengzi explained with a smile: Dad had a conversation with him last night, and Toranojiro thought about it all night. When he came out this morning, his whole temperament changed, and he became more mature all of a sudden.

Yusuke smiled, this is a good phenomenon, men will grow up after all.

The two chatted for a while, and finally said goodbye to each other reluctantly.

Yongsuke was walking on the road, it was very late, and there was still some snow on the road, but there were still many pedestrians on the road, and everyone was in a hurry.

As the end of the year approaches, everyone is very busy.

"Isn't this Sanze-kun?" A familiar voice came.

Yusuke stopped, a car parked next to him, and the man in the car looked at him with a smile.

That is Aikawa Chosaku.

"Yusuke, long time no see." Nagasaku smiled and waved his hand.

Yusuke responded with a smile: "Nagasaku, why are you here?"

"I happened to be driving by and saw a person whose back looked like you, so I came up to have a look. I didn't expect it was really you. Get in the car."

Yusuke got into the car and the car started.

Yusuke asked, "Are you busy recently?"

"It's not bad," Chang Zuo replied, "The website is progressing smoothly."

"Then congratulations!"

"How's your situation over there?"

"Not bad, there will be a year-end meeting in two days, we are going to travel"

"The benefits are so good!" Nagasaku said in surprise, "I knew I would become a vlogger too."

"But you have to be as handsome as me to be a vlogger, you have no hope"

"Fuck you, I've never been called the little prince of love songs!"

"Does the little prince of the love song have anything to do with being handsome?"

The two laughed loudly.

"By the way, Yusuke," Changsaku said at this time: "We have a party in two days, you should come to it too."

"Your internal party? I should not be suitable."

"It doesn't matter, you are also a part of our company"

"I also have a share?" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"Don't forget your 500 million, I also count you as a shareholder"

"The 500 million is my loan from you"

"Why did the investment agreed last time turn into a loan? Are you trying to renege on the debt?" Changsaku said pretending to be angry.

"Okay" Yusuke smiled, "Investment is investment, but the party is fine, I am very busy here"

"How busy are you?"

"Work, Love"

"I know, I know!" Nagasaku winked for a while, "You have so many girlfriends, you can't do it all at once!"

Yusuke shrugged, not wanting to talk about this topic, Nagazaku laughed.

"Men, understandable, understandable"

This topic was skipped, and the two chatted about other things. They haven't seen each other for a long time, and they really have a lot to talk about.

The car stopped in front of Yusuke's house.

"Thanks for the long work"

Nagasaku waved his hand and said, "I think you'd better buy a car, it's very troublesome to always walk and take a car."

"I want to too, but I'm not old enough!"

"Then there's no other way." Nagasaku shrugged, almost forgetting Yusuke's age, "Then wait another two years, goodbye."

The car left quickly, and Yusuke returned home.

Aiyi ran over at this moment, and asked excitedly: "Brother, when can you eat that bear's paw?"

It took three days to remove the smell from the bear's paws, and Yusuke started to deal with it the next day after he came back, which made his sister look forward to it.

This bear paw has been in the refrigerator for a long time, and she has been waiting for it for a long time, and now she can finally taste it.

Yusuke replied with a smile: "It's not good yet, it will take two days."

Aiyi nodded expectantly, "I wonder what bear's paw tastes like?"

The taste of bear's paw is just like that. Yusuke tasted it once at Sato's house. It was very novel, but that's about it.

Yusuke returned to the room and took out the planner. Tomorrow is the day to gather with the club members, and so far, all the arrangements have been completed.

But thinking of tomorrow's party, Yusuke suddenly thought of Eri, and looked at a wooden doll on the table, it was a little pig.

After thinking about it, I packed the piglet and put it in my pocket, and gave it to her tomorrow.

The time finally came to day 2.

Yusuke packed up his things and went out. He came to the family restaurant that everyone often went to. Eri was already waiting here, but she seemed to be in a daze and didn't notice Yusuke's arrival.

"Eri!" Yusuke greeted, and Eri, who was in a daze, came back to her senses and saw the surprise on Yusuke's face.

"Yusuke, you're back!"

Yusuke nodded, "I'm back."

"How about traveling?"

"Not bad" Yusuke replied: "Relax your mind and enrich yourself."

"Hearing what you said, I kind of want to go, can you take me there next time?" Eri looked at Yusuke expectantly at this moment.

Yusuke felt a lump in his heart, I was going to empty my mind, you follow me where can I relax!
Seeing Yusuke's expression, Eri immediately understood, curled her lips, "Stingy!"

Yusuke smiled, then took the wooden piglet from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"This is my gift to you"

It was a wooden piggy that looked goofy.

Eri was a little surprised, and grabbed the piglet to have a look.

"This little pig is so ugly, but since it was given by you, Yusuke, then I don't dislike it!"

Eri smiled at the end, "Thank you!"

You guys are really awkward, can't you just say thank you?
"Why did you send me this? Is my image a pig?" Eri asked strangely at this moment.

"When I saw this little pig, I thought it was like you"

"What! Is this the impression I have in your heart?" Eri pouted, her rosy cheeks looked a little coquettish, which was very different from her usual appearance.

Yusuke froze for a moment, but soon came back to his senses, this guy seemed to be becoming more and more attractive.

"When I saw this little pig, I only thought of you," Yusuke replied seriously.

Unexpectedly, it was such an answer, Eri was taken aback for a moment, and her face turned red the next moment.

What does Yusuke mean by that?Why did you suddenly become so active?Is he hinting at me?Is this a confession?

For a moment, Eri's mind began to think wildly.

Yusuke smiled, and found it quite amusing to see Eri, who has always been strong, suddenly be at a loss like a little girl.

Seeing his smile, Eri was suddenly ashamed and angry.

"Why are you smiling so unscrupulously?"

"Yes?" Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Yes, that's the kind of smile you have now!"

"Well, that's what you think it is"

"You bullied me, right?" Eri gritted her teeth, blushing.

"So what if I bully you?" Yusuke suddenly wanted to play a prank.

At this moment, Eri sat over, stretched out her hands, wrapped Yusuke's face, and squeezed Yusuke's cheeks with both hands.

"Watch me crush it"

"You bastard, let's talk about it, don't move your hands and feet, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

"I'm a woman, not a gentleman"

"You are sophistry!"

"So what about sophistry? Do you dare to do it?"

"Then I'll do it too"

Yusuke also pinched Eri's face at this time, and the two began to pinch each other.

After fighting for a while, Yusuke finally came to his senses.

No, no, why did I suddenly start playing, and let go of my hand immediately, but Eri still couldn't stop at this moment.

"How is it? Did you admit your mistake?"

"I was wrong I was wrong" Yusuke surrendered.

"That's good!" Eri said triumphantly, then let go of her hand, and patted her face lightly, her face was flushed red.

"You guys are really ruthless!" Eri pouted.

"You're about the same," Yusuke responded, his face flushed too.

The two glanced at each other and immediately laughed, but with a smile, their voices suddenly became smaller.

The two looked at each other, and the four eyes met. For a while, the atmosphere suddenly became a little ambiguous.

It was the first time that Yusuke discovered that Eri was so cute. At this time, his blushing face was like a red apple, with a lustrous and attractive luster, which made people want to kiss him. Yusuke was ready to move.

Eri's heart was also beating so fast, Yusuke looked at her eyes changed, becoming very naked, which made her a little nervous, but also had some small expectations.

"Hello!" Yui's voice came from the side at this time, and the two of them came back to their senses.

Yui was standing by the side and looked at them with a smile, looking at the two blankly, a little puzzled.

But when he saw Eri's blushing face, he was startled, maybe he had ruined their good deed.

Yusuke responded with a smile: "Long time no see, Yui"

As expected of a strong person, Eri adjusted her mentality in a blink of an eye, her face returned to normal, and she greeted with a smile, "Long time no see."

Seeing Eri's calm look, Yui was relieved, it seemed that they were not angry.

After a while, Lixiang also came over, and finally Seiko, everyone in the club was here.

Everyone said hello to each other. It has been a week since the winter vacation, and we have no chance to meet each other, and we all have a lot to talk about.

Yusuke went on a trip, and the others were not idle. Rika went to participate in the piano competition, Yui went back to her hometown, Seiko practiced kendo at home, and Eri was called by her mother to go back to her hometown to help out with some things. Everyone has their own things. Now is the time to meet.

The conversation was almost over, Eri coughed at this moment, and everyone looked over.

"Next is the year-end general meeting of our club. I suggest that everyone cook a big meal together. How about it?"

Everyone thought about it and nodded.

If you go out to eat, you need to make an appointment, and the time is relatively tight, but it is much more convenient if you do it yourself, and you can arrange the time and place by yourself.

After discussing it, everyone felt that the idea was good, and then they went to the mall to buy things together, and finally went to Ritsuko's house.

"I said, what do you think of my house as a place!"

Ritsuko said angrily, it's rare to have a rest at home during the holiday, and these guys even came to her house to play, please, this is not your club, this is my home!
"We're going to hold a year-end general meeting," Eri explained, "Sister Ritsuko, you are the instructor of our club, and you want to participate, so I can borrow your place."

Ritsuko gave her a blank look, your logic is really invincible!
But Ritsuko said so, but still played with them, a group of people worked together, and quickly made a large table of delicacies.

"I'm so happy today, why don't we have a drink?" Eri said with a smile at this moment, looking at everyone.

Everyone moved a little bit, only Ritsuko shook his head resolutely, "No way!"

"Why?" Eri was a little unconvinced, "It's just a small drink, it's nothing."

The girls nodded in agreement. Their tutors are very good, they have never drank alcohol, and they all want to try it out.

"I'm afraid you'll go crazy after a while," Ritsuko replied.

"how could be?"

"It's you!" Ritsuko stared at Eri, "I still remember last year when you secretly drank a glass of wine, and you went crazy after drinking."

Everyone looked surprised and looked at Eri, so you are such a person!

Eri blushed a little, but quickly returned to normal.

"That was last year, this year is different! I am very confident in myself!"

Everyone was a little bit emotional, no wonder Eri became the head of the group, she's really thick-skinned!
But Ritsuko's attitude was very firm, and Eri had no choice but to give up. Yui asked at this time: "Mr. Ritsuko, I want to know what it looks like for Eri to go crazy with alcohol?"

Everyone looked over curiously, even Eri was no exception, she had forgotten what happened at that time.

"Well, I remember that Zhihua had a video at that time, and I should have saved it. I'll get it from her another day."

"Wait a minute!" Eri asked nervously at this moment: "You mean sister?"

"That's right" Ritsuko replied with a smile, "Your sister is so happy, she has been filming the whole time, and she said she would keep it, and take a look at it when she has time, and she was scolded by your mother for it."

Eri's head was covered with cold sweat instantly, what a real sister!
So drinking is a mistake, and you must not drink!
Everyone laughed and thought it was a very interesting thing.

There was no wine, so everyone used drinks instead. The atmosphere at the table was very lively, and everyone ate very happily, chatting about various things.

Soon, the table was in a mess, and everyone sat on chairs to rest.

"What's next?" Yui asked at this time, "After dinner, shouldn't I just go back like this? It seems too boring!"

"Of course not," Eri replied, "Then it's time for some activities, let's play a game."

"what game?"

Everyone looked over.

"How about the king game?" Eri said excitedly.

"Not so good!" Ritsuko retorted, "One man and five women are playing the game of kings, are you sure this isn't for others to take advantage of?"

Everyone saw Yusuke, and Yusuke said, "Just leave me out."

"That's not allowed!" Eri said seriously, "You are part of the club, how can you be excluded?"

"Then why not change the game?" Yui suggested.

"How about we change the rules?" Rika said at this time, "The king's game is still the king's game, but the order we gave was changed to read a line."

Read a line?
Everyone was a little confused, Li Xiang continued: "Those who can read the lines will be considered successful, and those who cannot read will be punished."

Everyone is a little strange, what kind of lines are you reading?There are still things I can't say!

I saw Rika smiling and taking out a notebook from the backpack next to her

"This is a new story I'm writing, how about using this as the version?"

Everyone has weird faces. The stories written by Lixiang are sometimes very touching, but sometimes they are hard to describe. It is really curious what story she wrote this time.

Rika said with a smile: "This is a brand new story, everyone will like it."

"Well, Rika, what kind of story are you writing?" Yusuke couldn't help asking, "Who are you taking as the protagonist again?"

Lixiang is unreliable at this point.

"This time it's a fictional story," Rika replied with a smile, "There will be surprises."

I was afraid that it would turn into a fright.

Yusuke wanted to read the story, but Lixiang refused, saying that there would be no sense of mystery.

Everyone looked at each other and discussed it.

Eri agreed, she thought it was good, Yui also nodded, Seiko and Ritsuko didn't object, Yusuke was dispensable, and the matter was settled like this.

The game of kings has officially begun!
Because the script is a dialogue novel, the rules will change a bit this time.

Everyone draws cards, Yusuke is lucky, he got the ghost card for the first time and becomes the king.

Yusuke looked at the crowd, everyone hid the cards with a smile, thought for a while, and said, "Let's just read the cards on page 1."

Everyone put out the cards, No. 1 is Li Xiang, No. 2 is Yui.

"I didn't expect me to be the first to play." Yui said with a smile, and both Lixiang and Lixiang stood up, and everyone looked at them curiously.

"Who's coming first?" Rika asked with a smile.

"Let me do it first!" Yui was full of motivation, then opened the script, turned to page 5, and began to read. Everyone was very curious about what kind of lines this was.

"Ah, um, ah, um, ah"

Yui is always there, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

Everyone was a little surprised, what kind of line is this, Yui immediately read.

"That's amazing, me"

The next moment, Yui slammed the script shut, blushing.

Everyone looked strange, but also very curious, what is written in this script?So far, there is only one line in this line, and they can't tell what the story is at all."

"I won't read it anymore!" Yui shouted shyly, "I admit defeat and I vote."

"If you surrender, you will be punished," Yusuke said.

"I accept the punishment"

Well, since the parties have said so, Yusuke doesn't care.

He took a bottle of vinegar from the kitchen and poured out a small glass.

"Come on, drink vinegar"

Those who fail the challenge will drink vinegar.

Smelling the sour smell, everyone felt a little bit soft, this punishment was too uncomfortable.

But I didn't expect Yui to grab the cup and kill it with a quick gulp. Then his face twisted, and the five senses almost squeezed together. This is too sour!At this moment, the whole person shrank into a ball.

"Yuki, are you okay?"

Everyone was a little nervous, wouldn't it hurt your stomach?

"give me a glass of water!"

The Son quickly poured a glass of water.

After drinking a glass of water, Yui stuck out her tongue before recovering, it was too sour.

At this point there is only one challenger left.

Everyone looked at Lixiang, and Lixiang smiled and said, "I choose to continue."

Everyone nodded, wanting to hear what kind of story this is.

Rika spoke at this moment.

"I am coming"

"do not be afraid"

"I will be gentle"

"I'm going to work hard"

Everyone froze for a second, then realized in the next second that Ritsuko jumped up and shouted angrily, "What kind of story are you writing?"

Yusuke turned his head in embarrassment, and the girls blushed.

This is actually a story about 18 bans!

My God, Lixiang, you have changed, why did such a good literary girl suddenly become an old pervert?

You used to write some Long Aotian-style stories, although they were a bit greasy and nonsensical, but everyone could still accept them as jokes, but now you actually write this kind of 18 bans!
Your way is narrow!
Seeing everyone's expressions, Lixiang also understood at this time, smiled and shook her head, "You guys misunderstood."

"Where is the misunderstanding!"

Ritsuko grabbed the script in her hand, "How can you write this kind of novel!"

"You really misunderstood, you look at the first few pages"

Ritsuko immediately flipped through the first few pages of the plot, and after reading the first half, she was a little dumbfounded, and her expression was a little speechless.

Everyone also reacted this time, it seems that this story is not what they thought.

"Sister Ritsuko, what's going on?" Eri asked curiously, and Ritsuko handed her the script with a speechless face.

Eri was also speechless after watching it, and Yusuke was curious, so he took it over to take a look, and then had a strange expression on his face.

This is a story about playing basketball

The story of playing basketball?

Yui couldn't believe it, grabbed the script and flipped through the first few pages.

Sure enough, this is a story about a man playing basketball.

Yui gritted his teeth and asked, "Why are there such lines?"

"I wanted to show the intensity of the competition, so I used a lot of pseudonyms," Rika explained with a smile.

There seems to be no problem with this answer, but everyone still looks weird.

"This game doesn't work!" Ritsuko said at this time, she just flipped through the scenes in it, although it was a basketball story, but Lixiang used too many onomatopoeia, and there were some words with unclear meanings. If you only look at a part of it, this line sounds very wrong!
"But isn't it interesting?" Rika said with a smile, "combining unserious words into a serious story"

The black line on everyone's face really has Lixiang's style.

We discussed it and finally decided to vote.

Yui agrees, she's finished drinking vinegar, and she won't play now, isn't it a joke, Eri also agrees, it sounds quite interesting, Seiko hesitates, then nods, Yusuke is optional , only Ritsuko objected, but her vote was useless, and the proposal passed like this.

(End of this chapter)

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