Chapter 655
It was a surprise for Heishuiquan to meet Yusuke here. She felt that this was an opportunity. Last time we greeted each other and had a certain foundation, but after all, we were not very familiar with each other, so we just took this opportunity to communicate.

One is that everyone is in the same industry, and they do different categories, so they can interact with each other.

One is that Heishuiquan has her own thoughts, and her martial arts video has reached the limit. In this category, she is one of the top few, but in the entire network video, the category of martial arts videos is too small , she needs to expand other categories, and the appearance of Yusuke Misawa gave her a lot of inspiration.

She watched the video of "Beauty Hunter" and she was very moved. This is very suitable for her attributes. If she can get some help from here, that would be the best thing!

The world of adults is all about profit!

Yusuke pondered for a while. To be honest, he didn't really want to act with Heishuiquan. We were just acquaintances, but not very close. The purpose of traveling was to relax, and he didn't want to mix too much business.

At this time, a staff member came over and said apologetically to Yusuke: "Sorry, guest, the minibus has been fully booked, and now there is only one minibus left. Can you see it?"

The price of a minibus is twice that of a minibus.

Heishuiquan said at this time: "Why don't we take the bus together? We just want to go to the Niseko Ski Resort. We originally wanted to take a minibus, but there is no minibus now. How about we go together?"

Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded, that's all.

The two parties agreed to share the price equally, and boarded the bus together.

Soon the car started and headed towards the ski resort.

Everyone chatted twitteringly, taking this opportunity to get to know each other again.

The girl next to Heishuiquan is her partner, Kuroda Minami. To become a top video blogger, one person cannot do it alone, it requires a team.There are two people on Heishuiquan's side, she is in charge of the video part, and the other girl is in charge of the logistics of the video.

We are all colleagues, and there are many topics to exchange.

Heishuiquan sat next to Yusuke at this time, and asked with a smile: "Sansawa, what was the proposal last time?"

Yusuke nodded, this is not a problem, the interaction between the two parties is beneficial to each other.

"Then let's have another party after the Chinese New Year." Heishuiquan said with a smile, "I also want to learn some experience from you."

Yusuke looked at her strangely, which directly showed his purpose!

"I want to open another category of account, I want to learn some experience from you, Sanze don't mind?"

It was the first time Yusuke saw such an aboveboard request.

However, my impression of her was much better.
It is better to be aboveboard than to be cautious in private!

And Yusuke doesn't mind, the cake of video blogger is very big, he can even bring Hideo Sato into it, and he doesn't mind sharing some experiences.

Seeing Yusuke nodding in agreement, Heishuiquan was very happy. She was a little surprised that it would go so smoothly, and her impression of Yusuke was much better at this time.

It seems that Yusuke Misawa is not a stingy person!
"Miss Heishui" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua came over at this time, "Miss Heishui, I heard that you are a master of martial arts"

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua's eyes were ready to move.

Heishuiquan understood her eyes and stood up.

However, Sanzhiyuan Souka's figure is too short, and he looks like a child in front of Heishuiquan, who is nearly 1 meters tall.

"Down to the Black Water Spring!"

"Play Hua at the Lower Sanzhiyuan!"

The two stretched out their hands and held each other...

Both parties can feel that each other is a master of martial arts, this is the intuition of a martial artist!

"It's time to compete," Sanzhiyuan Zuohua said with some anticipation.

The pursuit of strength is the biggest dream of warriors!

"Yes!" Heishuiquan nodded in response.

As a martial arts expert, she also has a certain degree of self-esteem, and her martial arts soul has not yet disappeared.

"Let's chat if you don't mind"

A cold voice came, and the Holy Son also came over at this moment, his eyes full of excitement.

It's a martial arts fanatic too!

Everyone looked at each other and confirmed their eyes. Everyone was of the same kind, and they all agreed with each other.

"Yusuke, do you want to come together?"

Seiko extended an invitation to Yusuke, and the other two looked over.

Heishuiquan was a little surprised, "Sanze, you also know martial arts?"

Yusuke nodded, "Knows a little bit"

After thinking for a while, he continued, "That's the strength of a national champion."

This tone is so loud!

Heishuiquan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Sanze to have this side. It seemed that they wanted to find an opportunity to learn from each other.

The four of them exchanged glances, and they all had a high fighting spirit, and soon formed a small circle and communicated.

Kuroda Minami is also communicating with Yui and the others. They are all video bloggers, and they all deal with logistics. They all have a lot of common topics to talk about.

"Miss Kuroda, you are a local!" Yui said in surprise.

Kuroda Minami nodded, "This time is actually our end-of-year trip, so I just happened to go home and have a look."

Kuroda Minami looked at Yui and Rie at this moment, and said, "You and Misawa are partners, right?"

Both nodded.

"I heard from Quan that she met an interesting person when she was on the show last time. He opened a studio with two friends, and he was still very young. We were all surprised at the time. Your development It was really good!"

"I'm sorry," Youyi replied with a smile, the compliments from her peers made them very happy, "You guys are doing well too!"

"No, that's how we develop"

Unexpectedly, it was such an answer, Xiaozhizi asked strangely at this time: "I also followed your videos just now, and you are also bloggers with millions of fans, so it shouldn't be as bad as you said!"

"What do you think is the most profitable thing for video bloggers?" Kuroda Minami asked at this time.

This topic is of interest to everyone.

Timber Satomi thought for a while and replied, "Advertisement?"

"That's right, receiving advertisements, advertising fees are the bulk of video bloggers"

Kuroda Minami went on to say: "Receiving advertisements through one's own influence and getting fans to pay, this is the real source of money.

But because the categories of video bloggers are different, what we do is martial arts videos, and the types of advertisements we can receive are limited. What we endorse is nothing more than fitness equipment.

But fitness products are not fast-moving consumer goods, and its nature determines that its audience is extremely limited, but you are different! "

Kuroda Minami looked at the crowd, "You are doing pets. The pet market is a new market. This industry is huge. A survey shows that one out of every three Japanese people owns pets. Imagine this market. How huge it is.

You are also million-level bloggers, but your earning power is definitely stronger than ours! "

"Miss Kuroda, have you ever studied economics?" Kimura Satomi asked.

This analysis sounds decent!
“Actually, I am an economics graduate from the University of Tokyo”


Everyone was shocked.

The status of Dongda University in Japan is very high, and the graduates of Dongda University are elites in the eyes of everyone!
The eyes of everyone looking at Miha Kuroda changed, they didn't expect this to be a great god!
Kuroda Minami said with a smile: "Don't look at me with such eyes, graduates from Toyo University are just a threshold, but the threshold is a bit high."

"Miss Kuroda, is it difficult to take the entrance exam to Dongda University?" Yui asked at this time.

She had an agreement with Yusuke, they agreed to enter Tokyo University together!Now there is someone who has come here, which makes her very curious.

And Rie also looked over. Although she is said to be a top student, the reputation of Tokyo University is still very strong, not to mention the little intellectual who has only studied for a few years. In her eyes, Kuroda Minami is like a VIP player. , a proper life elite!
"It's hard!" Kuroda Minami said earnestly, "Study is never easy, and we need to do our best to achieve the goal, and we have to put all our energy together once!
For this exam, I memorized the books for three years and did not have any recreational activities for three years, so I finally passed the exam."

three years?
Both Yui and Rie were deep in thought.

"However, this is just my personal situation. Some people are very smart. A few students in the same period as me can be said to be real geniuses. They have not lagged behind in all aspects of study and entertainment, but their grades are better than mine, so my situation is only I can refer to it”

"Then why are you doing this"

Satomi Kimura hesitated, and Minami Kuroda smiled and said, "Are you asking me why I do such a job?"

Everyone nodded. It was really hard to imagine that such a talented student would actually work in this industry.

"You guys underestimate this industry too much!"

Everyone can see it and want to hear her opinion.

"What do you think is the greatest invention of this century?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Minami Kuroda asked and answered: "The Internet! The greatest invention of this century, the Internet has connected the whole world. We can see the scenery of the world at home. This is the greatest invention of this century. Things never thought of before.

The Internet has opened up a brand new world, and a brand new world represents various possibilities and various industries.

The Internet makes wealth easier. In the past, it took decades or even hundreds of years to accumulate wealth, and it required a little bit of cohesion.

But with the Internet, the speed of this cohesion has been accelerated hundreds of times. The most successful companies in recent years are all about Internet companies. Internet companies have developed rapidly. In just a few years, they have achieved what others have achieved in decades Even the scale of hundreds of years of development was unimaginable before.

The emergence of online video is one of them.

Online video has changed the pattern of the TV industry. In the past, all of our entertainment programs came from TV stations, but the emergence of online video has completely disrupted the pattern of TV stations. Up to now, the market share of online video has become more and more Big.

Online video is a huge cake, so big that everyone can eat their fill, and their mouths are full of oil. I am very optimistic about this industry.”

Kuroda Minami went on to say: "The most important point is that I don't like the life of a social animal. I like a free life. This is my personal choice."

Kuroda Minami's purpose is very simple. To study is to make money, and to make money is to live a better life. Since there are more profitable things, why do you want to be a social animal?Wouldn't it be better to be free!

Everyone nodded, making money is not a shabby thing.

Rie said at this time: "Yusuke told us before, it's similar to what you said."

Kuroda Minami was thoughtful, it seems that this Misawa Yusuke is very smart, but it is also true to think about it, it is definitely not ordinary people who can achieve such an achievement at his age!

"However, Yusuke talked a little bit more," Rie continued.

Kuroda Minami looked over, "Do you mind telling me?"

Rie replied with a smile: "It's okay, it's not a big secret, everyone in our studio knows it"

"You all know?"

Kuroda Minami was a little surprised, looked at the crowd, and both Tomoko and Kimura Satomi nodded in agreement.

Before this trip, Yusuke called everyone together and announced one thing. After the new year, he will readjust the company's shares according to everyone's performance.

The development of the company needs talents, and talents must have certain shares to win over.

Previously, Yusuke held 50% of the shares in the studio, and Yui and Rie held 25% in total. After that, the plan will be readjusted.

The specific plan will be announced by Yusuke in the next year, but what can be guaranteed is that everyone has a share.

The three of Xiaozhizi were very excited. Their investment and hard work had been rewarded, and they recognized the studio even more.

Now that he has become his own, Yusuke told everyone about the company's direction, which is to make the video account into an IP.

The best example, Kumamon, became popular all over the world, this is a super profitable IP!

And the company's pets are all Internet celebrity pets. If they can promote the image of their pets and become a phenomenon-level Internet celebrity and a well-known IP, they can use this IP to develop various industries, not only pet products, but also pet products. It involves toys, stationery, and even clothes. As long as this IP is successful, their tentacles can be extended to various industries. This is the ultimate goal.

When Xiaozhizi and the others heard such a goal for the first time, they were really shocked. It sounds really shocking!
They are just a six-person studio, plus two contracted video bloggers, there are only eight people in total. According to Yusuke's vision, they will become a super large group, which sounds really incredible!
However, this sounds very passionate!
Everyone has ambition, they didn't have such an idea before, but once this ambition is aroused, their desire becomes stronger!
Of course, the basis of all this, the root of all this, is that they must be a phenomenal internet celebrity blogger!
Only with a basic disk can we talk about ideals, otherwise everything is empty talk.

When Kuroda Minami heard about their goal, she was indeed shocked. This ambition is really too big!

No wonder they don't mind, it's just ideal.

However, this sounds very passionate!

Especially seeing them full of enthusiasm, Kuroda Minami wanted to join them.

Kuroda Minami suddenly became very interested in this Yusuke Misawa, such a young man is really rare.

Teenagers at this age are either thinking about dating and making girlfriends all day long, or doing nothing all day without a goal, or they are too shrewd, and they kill themselves because of being too shrewd, but they have clear goals like this, one step at a time. It is so rare to see young people who make progress one step at a time!


At this moment, Xiao Zhizi's surprised voice came, and everyone came back to their senses, and followed her fingers to look out.

In the wilderness not far away, several red foxes were playing around.

"That's a red fox," Kuroda Minami said with a smile, "it's a wild animal here."

"It's so beautiful!" Kimura Satomi praised.

The red fox has a pair of smiling eyes, it looks like it is smiling, very cute.

"Don't look at them like this, they are full of wildness," Kuroda Minami explained, "Everyone just look at them, don't approach them, there have been incidents where passengers tried to play with them, but they were bitten instead, everyone be careful!"

Everyone nodded and looked at the scenery outside.

The car has already driven out of the urban area, driving in the wilderness, seeing some animals from time to time, and these red foxes are one of them.

At this time, the car suddenly slowed down, and the driver was a middle-aged man, and said at this time: "Guest, there are some accidents ahead."

Everyone was a little surprised and looked forward.

In the distance, there was a car parked there, and four young men stood there, holding their hands up and greeting them non-stop.

The driver explained at this time: "It seems that their car has broken down and they can't move forward."

At this moment, Yusuke looked at the driver and asked, "What should you do in this situation?"

"In this case, we usually ask the customer. If the customer agrees, we will go forward and ask about the situation. If it is some simple problems, such as the car is out of gas, or the water is dry, and suddenly the power is out, we can help. If the customer refuses, we will help, and if the customer refuses, we will move on.”

The driver looked at Yusuke, waiting for his decision.

Yusuke hesitated and asked, "How long is it until the destination?"

"Almost half an hour away"

"Forget it, let's move on"

Half an hour's journey away, the rescue team is almost here, and the cars are full of girls. Yusuke doesn't want to take risks. Although it is a legal society now, Yusuke doesn't want to gamble the kindness of others with his kindness.

The car continued to move forward, and soon passed by the broken down car. Yusuke also saw that it was four young people, shouting.

The four people were very happy to see the car here, but when the car passed by, they realized it and shouted loudly, but the car was gone forever.

This is just a small episode.

The car moved on and finally reached its destination after half an hour.

Everyone walked down excitedly. This is Niseko Ski Resort, the best ski resort in Japan.

There are so many tourists here that the parking lot is almost full.

Fortunately, they arrived in time and there was a parking space. The minibus stopped in the parking lot, and the driver went to find a place to rest.

A group of people bought tickets, rented a few sets of ski suits, and entered the venue excitedly.

Everyone was very excited when they came to the ski resort, but unexpectedly, everyone was a novice and could only learn from scratch.

Kuroda Minami said with a smile at this time: "How about I teach you?"

She is a local. Hokkaido is full of snow in winter, and skiing is a skill they must master since childhood.

Under the guidance of Kuroda Minami, everyone quickly mastered the basic skills, while Yusuke, Seiko, and Sanzhiin Soka, who are more athletic, have completely mastered the tricks and are already able to play various tricks.

A group of people were playing together lively.

On the other side, four young people also came to Niseko Ski Resort.

They are the four young people whose car broke down on the road. They are a club in the university, and they are all photographers. This trip to Hokkaido is partly for taking pictures of the scenery and participating in the competition, and partly for relaxation.

They chose to travel by car and arrived in Hokkaido yesterday, but they were unlucky. The car broke down on the way, which made them very depressed.

They called the police and waited for rescue. During the rescue process, they happened to meet Yusuke's CMB, so they chose to ask for help.

But they didn't expect that the other party ignored them and drove away directly, which made them a little disappointed. The trust between people was agreed!
Can't you just stop and help?

Fortunately, the place where they broke down was not very far from the nearest rescue site. After waiting for half an hour, the rescue vehicle arrived and towed the car away.

They originally wanted to go to the countryside to shoot wild animals, but now that they didn't have a car, they had to change their destination. They came directly to the Niseko Ski Resort and chose to go skiing.

"What's so fun about skiing?" A boy with long hair said expressionlessly.

He is a local, and has been skiing since he was a child. The sport of skiing seems very common to him, without any charm at all.

"Don't say that!" A young man with blond hair put his arms around his neck and said excitedly: "There are many beautiful sisters here! We are unlucky, come here to change your luck, relax! "

A young man wearing glasses said: "Relax and relax, but everyone, don't overdo it, especially you, Qingdao! Don't forget our mission this time."

"Don't worry, don't worry," the blond young man named Qingdao responded with a smile, "Don't worry, Captain Silver, I promise I won't delay things."

The last young man was tall and tall. Looking at the ski resort with some expectation, he said to himself, "I've never skied before."

"Araki, haven't you skied before?" the long-haired young man asked in surprise, and the other two looked over.

The burly young man named Araki nodded, "This is the first time I have come to the ski resort."

"It's okay, I'll teach you, skiing is very easy! It's like walking with you," the young man with long hair said calmly.

"Then trouble Kanda!"

"let's go"

The four walked into the ski resort noisily.

"By the way, do you still remember the people on the minibus just now?" the blond young man asked at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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