Chapter 656 656. Monsters
Takeshi Aoshima, Sato Araki, Kazumi Kanda, and my grandson Ginji, the four are a group. Although they have their own flaws in personality, it is undeniable that they are all very good friends.

As soon as Qingdao Wu mentioned this matter, others knew what he wanted to say.

My grandson Ginji shook his head and said, "Stop thinking about it!"

When he asked the other party for help just now, he also saw it. Although he couldn't see the appearance clearly, he could confirm that the people sitting in the car were all girls. No wonder they didn't stop to help. Be careful.

"Revenge on girls? You guys are too tasteless!" Araki Sato despised.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Aoshima Wu was a little annoyed, "I'm a gentleman, so I wouldn't do such a thing!"

Kazumi Kanda calmly complained, "If you were a gentleman, you wouldn't date three girls at the same time."

"This is great love! Great love! Do you know? I am full of love," said Aoshima Takeshi, who has dyed blond hair, confidently.

In college, with his shamelessness, good-looking skin, and a few sweet words, this guy is like a fish in water among girls.

Kanda Kazumi despised this very much, but he was actually very envious in his heart.

He also wants this kind of life!

It's just that his personality is too sullen, he doesn't have such courage, and he has a lust but no courage.

"I didn't intend to take revenge on them at all," Aoshima Wu said, "You didn't notice just now, there is a very cute girl in the car, very temperament!"

Speaking of this, Qingdao Wu was very excited, "I have never seen such a beautiful girl! I am very interested!"

"It's none of your business to be interested," my grandson Ginji said at this time, "The group of people are obviously tourists, so don't think too much about it."

"Yes, they are tourists!" Qingdao Wu said excitedly, "We are also tourists. Isn't it the best gift to have a romantic encounter at this time!"

"Let's not talk about where your romantic encounter came from, how do you know where the other party is?" Kanda Yishui complained.

"So you can't get a girlfriend!"

Kanda was stunned for a moment, and the next moment his veins popped out, this was his fatal spot!

And Qingdao Wu also reacted at this time, smiling and hugging his shoulders.

"Next time I will take you to a fellowship!"

Kanda Yishui snorted coldly, "Do you think I'm such an easy person to be bribed?"

“A lot of girls”

"For the sake of your sincerity, I agree, remember to inform me! Remember, you must remember!"


This guy is so easy to buy.

"Wait a minute, if there is a friendship, I will go too!" Sato Araki said, "I want girls too!"

"Come on, come on!" Aoshima Takeshi smiled and waved, "Come on together! Is Captain Yinji interested?"

My grandson Yinji adjusted his glasses, "I am very demanding!"

"Rest assured, absolute high quality!"

"Then it's settled!"

The four men suddenly smiled knowingly.

"We'll talk about the friendship after this job is over, and find that girl first," Qingdao Wu said.

Everyone was surprised, "You guys haven't given up until now!"

"How is it possible! You didn't see it, that girl is very beautiful! They are all tourists, and they must come here for skiing. I have a strong premonition that I will meet them this time!" Qingdao Wu said confidently.

"It's up to you!"

It doesn't matter to my companions, this guy always looks like this.

However, this is the most famous ski resort in Japan, and there are many tourists. To find that girl in the vast crowd, it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack, and they are not optimistic.

A group of people walked in noisily.

On the other side, after Yusuke and his team learned to ski, they went to play separately. Everyone's strength was different, and they were quickly divided into two teams.

Yusuke, Seiko, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua, and Heishuiquan, the four belonged to the master level, and they set off towards the top of the mountain if they wanted to challenge more difficult ones.

Yui and the others belonged to the average level, and started skiing from the mountainside.

After allocating teams, everyone acted separately.

At this moment, Yui looked at Kuroda Minami in the team, and asked strangely: "Miss Kuroda, why don't you go with them?"

Kuroda Minami has learned to ski since she was a child, and she is also very strong.

Kuroda Minami shook her head, "I've been playing since I was a child, and I'm not interested anymore. I feel happier when I'm with you, and I feel that they seem to want to learn from each other, so I won't join in the fun."

The four of them are all skilled in martial arts, and the fighters have a strong fighting spirit. Their competition feels a bit competitive, and Kuroda Minami does not want to participate.

"Yuyi, come and help me"

At this moment, Li Hui's voice came, and several people turned their heads. Li Hui was trembling and sliding down from above, but her figure was not very stable, and it seemed that she was about to fall.

If there are divisions in skiing, Yusuke and Kuroda Minami belong to the master level, Yui and Kimura Satomi belong to the ordinary level, and Rie and Kochiko are complete rookies.

Rie belongs to the kind without motor nerves, and Xiaozhizi is the first time to learn to come into contact with this kind, and has not yet learned it.

"Rie, now your feet are in an inward shape, and then use the ski poles to stop slowly"

Kuroda Minami exhorted loudly, Rie panicked and followed suit one by one, finally stopped, and was relieved.

Kuroda Minami said with a smile: "Miss Rie, you still need to train a bit."

At this time, I saw another rookie, Xiao Zhizi had already fallen to the ground.

"Miss Xiao Zhizi, you two should train together, the more you practice, the better it is, actually skiing is not difficult"

Both of them nodded.

With some guidance and training, Rie and Xiaozhizi finally learned the basic skiing skills. Gradually, the two became more and more aware of skiing and had more and more fun.

"Rie, be careful!"

Rie was skiing, and Yui's voice came from not far away. At this moment, she turned her head, and a figure above was rushing towards this side.

The other party danced and danced, obviously a beginner, who overestimated his own strength, challenged the mountains, and lost control.

Rie wanted to dodge, but she couldn't do it with her technique.

At this time, a figure rushed over and pulled Rie, and the two narrowly missed the rushing figure.

It was Kuroda Minami who came to the rescue.

At this time, Yuyi and the others also gathered around, and asked worriedly, "Rie, are you alright?"


Rie breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Kuroda Minami, "Thank you, Kuroda-san"

"This kind of thing often happens in ski resorts, you have to be careful," Kuroda Minami warned, "Some people don't know how to ski at all, and they think they have learned some tricks, but it's easy to pay the price , that’s what happened to that person just now.”

Everyone else nodded.

At this time, everyone looked at the figure that rushed down. It was a man who had fallen to the ground at this time, and he was surrounded by three young people, who seemed to be his partners.

Fortunately, there were no stones around, and the snow here was soft, so there was nothing serious about it. The man got up from the ground and patted the snow on his body.Several men muttered for a while, then walked towards this side.

Walking in front was a man wearing glasses, and said at this time: "Sorry, my companion accidentally lost control just now, are you all okay?"

"If you don't know how to ski, be careful!" Yuyi stood up at this moment, and said angrily, "It will be troublesome if you bump into someone!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to"

The man who was out of control just now said apologetically that he was burly and looked very oppressive.

"Forget it, Yui," Rie said, taking off the goggles at this time, revealing her beautiful facial features.

Komiya Rie is the school belle of Hechuan Middle School. Her facial features and appearance are definitely top-notch. The sudden beauty shocked the four men. The burly boys just now looked at Rie with blank eyes. Can't take my eyes off it.

This girl is bubbling beautifully!
Yui also took off the goggles and said, "Leave this matter alone, be more careful next time"

Yui's beauty also surprised the men, who didn't expect that she was also a beautiful girl.

Yuyi greeted, and the few people left. They were going to take a rest. At this time, the others also took off their goggles one after another, revealing their original appearance.

The four young men were shocked, they didn't expect that all the people in this group were beautiful girls!

Among them, the two girls just now have the highest appearance. With such appearance, they can even become idols when they debut!

It wasn't until Yuyi and the others left that the four young men came back to their senses.

"Have you seen it?" Qingdao Wu said excitedly. "Beauties! They are all beauties!"

Kazumi Kanda nodded seriously, his eyes shining brightly.

Yes, she is really beautiful!

He had never seen such a beautiful woman in college, and the way the two of them took off the goggles just now really surprised him, it was so beautiful!
"It's really beautiful!" My grandson Ginji, who was wearing glasses, also agreed. Everyone has a love for beauty, and he is no exception. These girls are indeed beautiful!
"Araki, you're almost drooling!" Aoshima Takeshi joked at this time.

Ever since he saw Rie's appearance, Araki Sato had been in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, which made Aoshima Takeshi find it interesting, so he made a joke.

But Sato Araki still didn't respond to Takeshi Aoshima's joke, and Takeshi Aoshima looked at his expression at this moment, and exclaimed in surprise: "Damn it, you must have fallen in love at first sight!"

love at first sight!
Hearing this term Araki Sato came back to his senses.

Yes, it was love at first sight!

The girl's beautiful appearance just now had been imprinted in his mind, and at that moment, only the girl's figure was left in his eyes.

He is moved!He likes this girl!

Sato Araki's eyes became serious, he wants to pursue her!

"Did you like that girl?" Aoki Takeshi asked with a smile at this moment, Araki Sato nodded seriously.

"Just go after it!"


Sato Araki was a little at a loss, he didn't know how to pursue it!
"What are you afraid of? Be more courageous and thick-skinned. That's what chasing girls should be like!" Qingdao Wu encouraged.

Araki Sato hesitated a little, he understood the reasoning, but he didn't understand the actual operation!

"Be confident, I'll go with you," Aoshima Wu said, "I like it too, we will share equally, one for you, one for me"

"Wait a minute!" Kanda Kazumi shouted anxiously at this moment, "I like the other one too!"

"Come on, you find someone else"

"No, these two are the most beautiful!"

"I like the other one," said my grandson Ginji, "These two are too young, they should be high school students, and they are too young."

"High school students are good!" Aoshima Takeshi said excitedly: "Pretty high school girls are a rare resource!"

The four young people were noisy, and finally everyone discussed it, but at this moment, it was discovered that the other party had gone to nowhere.

Youyi and the others came to rest at the foot of the mountain to rest.

"Rie, are you alright?" Yui asked worriedly.

Rie shook her head, "I'm not hurt, it's fine."

"It's them who have something to do." Xiao Zhizi said with a smile at this time, "Didn't you see that man saw Li Hui's appearance, his eyes were straight, and his saliva was about to flow out?"

Xiaozhizi laughed and said, "Lihui, you are so charming!"

Rie shook her head with a smile. She also saw the other party's performance. She had encountered such situations many times since she was a child, and she didn't care about it, nor did she feel any joy.

It was just a little joke, and everyone quickly skipped the subject.

"Shall we challenge the top of the mountain?" Xiao Zhizi said at this time: "It's a rare trip, it's not bad to challenge the top of the mountain."

"But..." Rie said hesitantly, "Our technology is not good enough!"

"Don't worry, just slide down slowly. After all, the opportunity is rare. I don't know when will be the next trip to Hokkaido."

This makes sense, it is rare to come once, and you have to experience it.

Everyone agreed, packed up their things and was ready to go, ready to take the cable car to the top of the mountain.

At this time, four young men suddenly appeared in front of them, and everyone stopped.

It was the four youths just now who looked at them with a smile on their faces.

"Sorry, we thought about it, it was too rude just now"

The one who spoke was a young man with dyed blond hair, smiling brightly.

"So we came here to apologize, are you okay?"

At this moment, she looked at Rie with sincere eyes.

The four discussed it and decided that Qingdao Wu would come forward. After all, this guy is the most handsome and sweet-talking, and he will have a higher success rate if he leads the battle.

Aoshima Wu showed what he thought was the most handsome smile, but unfortunately, the girls all looked calm.

"No, I'm fine," Rie replied.

"Meeting is fate, why don't we act together, I just checked, your skiing skills are not very good, and I happen to be the best at skiing."

"no need!"

Yuyi answered with a stiff tone.

"We can do it ourselves, please let me go"

"Okay." Qingdao Wu smiled and stood up. The burly young man behind him was a little anxious and wanted to say something, but Qingdao Wu gave him a look and stopped him.

Yuyi and the others left, Araki Sato asked anxiously at this moment: "Why did you let them go so easily?"

Qingdao Wu shook his head, "You are too impatient, you can't be impatient to chase girls"


"Do you want to use a strong one?"

Araki Sato shut up, even if he is an idiot, he knows that this is definitely not the way to pursue girls.

"They are all girls who act together, and they will definitely be wary of men who come up to strike up a conversation suddenly, which is normal"

"But this is also a good thing. On the other hand, it also shows that they are all pure girls, not those whores outside," Qingdao Wu said excitedly.

"Okay, we got a good piece of information, so what should we do next?" Kazumi Kanda with long hair asked expectantly at this time.

The first time we met, I didn’t see it very clearly. I took a look at it just now. The two girls are indeed very beautiful. There is also a girl who is also good-looking, with a level of 8 points, and the other two girls are almost 6 points. points, not ugly.

The appearance of these girls is very good!
Much better than those crooked melons and dates he saw in school!

Not to mention that they are very simple, which is another bonus!

"I have a way," Qingdao Wu said confidently, and the three of them could see the expectant eyes, and hurriedly urged: "Qingdao, hurry up!"

Qingdao Wu didn't hold back anymore, and said: "The direction they are going is to take the cable car to the top of the mountain, that is to say, we will also go to the top of the mountain, and then run into each other on the top of the mountain. This kind of contact will be natural."

Everyone suddenly realized that, yes, such a contact was "accidental". If something small happened next, for example, the other party's skiing skills were not good, and he suddenly fell down. communicated.

This is a good idea!Although very old-fashioned, but very practical!
Sure enough, the simplest way is the most practical!

Everyone was very excited and immediately ran towards the cable car.

On the other side, Xiao Zhizi whispered: "They really came to strike up a conversation, I have to notify the boss,"

Kimura Satomi also nodded in agreement, it is better to inform the boss.

She has tried this kind of thing before. She was approached by someone on the road, and the other party was like a brown candy. She refused several times in a row, but the other party was still chasing after her. At that time, she was very scared. Fortunately, she finally met Sanzhiyuan Zuohua, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua beat the opponent up, and then escaped from danger.

And now the strongest members of the team are not here, which makes her a little nervous.

When going out, you can never be too careful.

Kuroda Minami looked at them in surprise. This group of people must have been too nervous, but after looking at the beauty of the girls, they should have been exposed to a lot of such things, and they have already been on guard, which is normal.

Sometimes, being too beautiful is not a good thing.

Xiao Zhizi called Yusuke directly, the ski resort is huge, and the communication facilities are well done, so the phone call can be made.

The phone rang for a while before it was connected.

"Little Zhizi, what happened?"

Xiaozhizi told what happened here, and Yusuke's calm voice came.

"I see, you wait for me below, we are on the mountainside now, we will come down soon"

Yusuke hung up the phone and looked down, Seiko and the others were sliding down the hill.

They slid down the mountain from the top of the mountain, and Yusuke received a call from Xiao Zhizi halfway up the mountain, so he found a place to stop.

Yusuke put away the phone, looking like he was going all out.

At this time, with the push of the ski pole in his hand, his body rushed forward and slid down extremely fast.

The three Shengzi who were skiing below were very excited. They mastered the skiing skills and were completely addicted to the fun.

At this time, an extremely fast figure flew into the air, flew high, and leapt over their heads.

The tourists who were skiing on the slopes were very surprised and looked up at this figure.

This figure flew high, leaning forward, with the skis under its feet backward, and the whole person rushed forward like a sharp sword.

Everyone was stunned. This kind of professional movement can only be seen in competitions. Is this guy a professional player?
And Seiko and the others were even more surprised, the figure flying in the air was Yusuke!
Sanze is too fierce!

Heishuiquan was very surprised that this Sanze was so powerful!Could this guy be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
But his behavior just now is indeed a beginner, and everyone is acquainted, there is no need to put on a show here.

In other words, the other party really learned all the techniques within half an hour!
Heishuiquan was startled.

It is rumored that there is a kind of omnipotent genius, could this be Sanze?
For the first time, she realized that there are still monsters in this world!

Yusuke's body flew more than 100 meters in the air, the body fell, and the skis under his feet stepped on the snow smoothly, sliding up, his body was like a sharp sword, and he flew quickly on the snowy road, the surrounding snow scene whistling past his ears .

The tourists on the slide were stunned, this guy slides so fast!

At this time, Seiko and the others in the rear also accelerated their speed, but no matter how fast they accelerated, they could only watch Yusuke's figure riding forward.

Seiko's eyes are full of excitement, as expected of Yusuke, it's really amazing!

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua's eyes were also full of shock, it seemed that the boss's strength was not as it appeared on the surface.

The last time she applied for the job, she had a sparring with the boss, and she won, but now she doubts if the other party let go.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua was thinking about whether to find a time to compete with him again, but thought that the other party was a boss, if he hurt the boss, would he be fired?
Especially now when it is time to divide the shares, this makes Sanzhiyuan Zuowu very hesitant, whether it is money or face.

At the foot of the mountain, Yuyi and the others were waiting.

"I guess those people should come to strike up a conversation again," Xiaozhizi said, but as soon as he finished speaking, four young men appeared in front of him.

Well, no guesswork.

When the young men saw Yuyi and the others, they ran over excitedly. This purpose was too obvious!
"Hi, we meet again. We are destined!" The blond young man said with a smile.

But at this moment, a figure slid down the mountain at an extremely fast speed. At this moment, a sudden stop was made, a thick pile of snow was shoveled out from the snow, and the figure stopped.

It was a teenager.

"Is there anything you can do with my companion?"

(End of this chapter)

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