Chapter 658
Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Kanda Yishui to have such a past.

Kanda Yishui was silent for a while, and the next moment his eyes became fierce.

Before that, Kanda Yishui was just an ordinary literary youth with long hair and a hobby of photography. He was completely an ordinary college student, but now his eyes are fierce, and his whole temperament has undergone a huge change.

Quite a bit of a big villain who is usually quiet, but suddenly reveals his true colors.

My grandson Ginji and Araki Sato were stunned. Is this the Kanda Kazumi they knew?

"I just wanted to live a peaceful college life, but I didn't expect everything to be messed up by you"

At this time, he looked at Qingdao Wu with cold eyes, and his eyes looked at Qingdao Wu with a little hair.

I seem to have gotten into trouble and said something I shouldn't have said.

Kanda Yishui was a little angry. He tried his best to hide it for three years, and finally became an ordinary person, living a normal life like an ordinary person. Everyone didn't know his past, but Aoshima Wu uncovered everything. He All the secrets were exposed, which made him very angry.

Kazumi Kanda's decision to become an ordinary person and stop being a gangster like his uncle stemmed from a fight in high school.

There was a conflict with someone on the road, and there were many people on the other side, so he called his uncle for help. After his uncle arrived on the scene, he repaired the other party, but the trouble came like this.

He and his uncle were taken away that night, and what happened that day was the most vivid nightmare he has ever had.

That night, my uncle had one of his fingers chopped off, and he was beaten all over his body, and the mastermind behind the scenes was the young man who had clashed with him on the road.

It was the son of a politician.

That night, the uncle kowtowed desperately to admit his mistake, and his boss made a guarantee that he would pay his uncle a finger and a large sum of money, so that the two of them could come back safely.

And after that incident, Kazumi Kanda suddenly realized that the so-called gangsters are actually dogs in the hands of politicians. No matter how powerful and arrogant they are, they will always be dogs of politicians.

Just like the boss he thinks is the most powerful, he is like a dog in front of the politician's son. This is the boss he has always admired the most!
It's a chain that's been around their necks for generations.

He came to his senses, he wanted to be a human being, and he wanted to get out of this predicament!

So he chose to leave Hokkaido and become a human being again, and it took him three years to finally get rid of those previous habits and become an ordinary person again. Although he couldn't do whatever he wanted like before, he felt free .

until today
Kanda Yishui stared at the three of them unkindly. It doesn't matter if he was humiliated. The humiliation a few years ago was even worse, and he endured it.

He can comfort himself that there are always some setbacks in life.

However, he couldn't tolerate his past being uncovered, he wanted to live a normal life, if the school found out about this, the relationship he had maintained for three years would be broken.

If you become a gangster in Japan, you can only be a gangster for the rest of your life, and there is no way to clean up!

Qingdao Wu was a little frightened, he felt that he had made a wrong bet this time.

Some friends are very capable, and he has always thought that Kanda Yishui is this very capable friend, so in the past three years, he has maintained normal communication with him as if he did not know the other party's identity, but now it seems that he is in their The weight in my heart is not enough.

Takeshi Aoshima swallowed nervously, my grandson Ginji and Sato Araki looked at them nervously, the atmosphere was very serious.

After a long time, Kanda Yishui said: "I can ask my uncle for help."

Qingdao Wu suddenly showed anticipation.

"But you must promise me that this matter must never be mentioned to anyone, and you must not mention things about my family in school."

Kanda Kazusui stared at the three of them sharply. He didn't need to say anything threatening, but the three of them understood and nodded desperately.

The three of them knew that Kanda Yishui wanted to go ashore for nothing, of course it would not destroy his good deeds, but everyone's attitude changed.

Before the team was dominated by young people wearing glasses, but now the order has been reconfirmed, and the current boss is Kanda Yishui.

Now that it was all exposed, Kanda Yishui didn't hide it anymore, and became the boss directly, anyway, this is his old profession.

He took out his mobile phone, talked with his uncle under the expectant eyes of the three, and told what happened here.

After a while, Kazumi Kanda hung up the phone and said to the three of them, "I have already told my uncle that they will teach them a lesson, but they have to know their whereabouts first."

"Then let's deal with them here!" The three said excitedly. Although they were older youths, they were still very excited about this kind of action. It sounded so majestic!
Kazumi Kanda shook his head, looked at the three of them, and said, "The Niseko Ski Resort here is the largest ski resort. A conflict here is courting death. We have to go back to our territory."

The three suddenly realized that it made sense!Worthy of being a professional!

On the other side, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua and Heishuiquan also came back.

"Why did you go there for so long?" Xiao Zhizi asked with a smile.

"There are more people?" Heishuiquan replied with a smile, everyone didn't care, and played together again.

At this time, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua quietly approached Yusuke, and said softly: "I lost it."

There were too many people in the ski resort, and it took a few minutes for them to catch up, so it was really difficult to find them.

Yusuke responded softly: "It's okay, just pay attention today."

Since he lost his follower, Yusuke didn't care, he asked Sanzhiyuan Soka to come out just as an insurance policy, but it didn't matter if he didn't.

On the contrary, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua was a little disappointed. The first mission failed, which made her a little uneasy.

Yusuke smiled and comforted: "Don't think so much, just do your own thing well."

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua nodded.

After playing in the ski resort for a whole day, everyone had a great time, and after a day of play, everyone's relationship has become a lot closer. At this time, they have already called each other by first name.

As the evening approached, everyone returned all their belongings, boarded a minibus and prepared to go back.

The driver also rested all day and was full of energy. Now as long as they are sent back, today's work is considered complete.

The car started quickly, and after the car left, a small car followed.

The sunset in the evening was very beautiful, shining on the white snow, with a hazy beauty, everyone was a little tired, sitting quietly watching the scenery outside.

Occasionally, some vehicles passed by on the road, causing a burst of snowflakes, but as they moved forward, they encountered fewer and fewer vehicles, and they were the only car driving in the wilderness.

Occasionally, some wild animals appeared, but everyone didn't have much energy. They just glanced at them and ignored them.

The girls leaned against each other unconsciously and fell asleep.

"Holy Son, don't you take a break?" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua asked strangely, Yuyi and Xiao Zhizi had already fallen asleep, only Shengzi looked at the snow scene outside very energetically.

"I'm not tired," the Son replied, "but don't you need to rest?"

"I don't need it." Sanzhiyuan Zuohua shook his head.

For those who practice martial arts, they have experienced more drills, and today's jokes are just trivial.

Sanchiin Soka looked around, and only three of them and Yusuke were awake, and even Heisuiquan and Kuroda Minami were asleep.

Yusuke was looking at the scenery outside, taking pictures with his mobile phone from time to time, looking very serious.

"Yusuke, are you taking pictures?"

The Son came over and sat beside him.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, "You must leave some souvenirs when you travel."

"It's true." Shengzi was a little moved, and took out his mobile phone at this time, "Why don't we take a few photos together?"

When we first got off the ski resort, everyone took a lot of photos, but there were no photos of the two of them alone. The Son of God was looking forward to it.

Yusuke nodded with a smile, and the two sat together, Seiko leaned his head lightly on Yusuke's shoulder at this time, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

In the back, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua turned her head. Although her face was calm, her heart was beating very fast.

It turns out that the relationship between the boss and the Son is like this!

I grass!

Shocking gossip!
Isn't the boss having an affair with Yui and Rie, even Seiko?
The boss is too powerful!

I wonder if the kidneys can withstand it?Today's young people really know how to play!

Yusuke and Seiko took a few photos together, and Seiko put away his phone in satisfaction. Looking at the two people in the photo, he couldn't help but smile.

The "guest" driver suddenly spoke at this moment.

Yusuke and Seiko were whispering, and at this moment they came back to their senses and looked at the driver.

"There is a car behind us that has been following us," the driver said seriously.

Yusuke was a little surprised, "Are you sure?"

The driver nodded seriously, "I have been driving for more than 30 years, and I am not mistaken, that car is following us"

Because the guests were all asleep, the driver slowed down, but as the speed slowed down, the car behind also slowed down, keeping a certain distance between the two sides, which is very abnormal!

"Guest, I'm going to call the police"

Drivers have been driving for decades, and they are already very familiar with this situation. In the past, the economy was not good and the traffic was underdeveloped. Things like this kind of road robbery often happened. It is only because the government has vigorously rectified it in recent years that such cases are rare.

However, occasionally such a situation will occur, and in the face of this situation, of course, the first time to choose to call the police.

Hearing that the driver wanted to call the police, Sanzhiyuan Soka walked over at this moment, looking at Yusuke nervously.

Yusuke said, "Wake everyone up."

Shengzi also put away his phone, showing a serious expression.

Sanzhiyuan Souka woke up everyone one by one, everyone was still a little confused, but after listening to Yusuke's words, they woke up instantly, very nervous, unexpectedly such a thing happened!
When did law and order in Japan become so bad!
"Everyone, don't be afraid," Yusuke urged, "Maybe we are just suspicious."

At this moment, the small car behind accelerated and drove up, and soon tied with the CMB.

Yusuke could see the figures in the car, they were 4 middle-aged people, they also saw Yusuke, with grim smiles on their faces.

The person is not good!
"Everyone fasten your seat belts!" Yusuke shouted loudly, and everyone fastened their seat belts.

Yui and Rie lived together, and they were a little nervous at this time.

Yusuke sat next to them and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you"

The two nodded, and Seiko protected Xiaozhizi, Sanzhiyuan Soka protected Kimura Satomi, and Heishuiquan protected Kuroda Minami. Everyone looked outside nervously.

At this moment, the person in the car stretched out his body from the car window, holding a bat in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Stop the car!"

The driver was very nervous. At this time, he slammed on the gas pedal and wanted to speed up to get rid of the opponent, but the opponent's car was also accelerating, and the acceleration was faster.

At this moment, Yusuke called out: "Master, stop the car."

The driver was a little surprised when he heard the words, and didn't understand the operation.
"Our acceleration is not as fast as that of the other party. We will definitely be overtaken by the other party. Maybe there will be a car accident. It is better to stop."

The two cars are chasing each other, so accidents are easy to happen, and the acceleration of the minibus is absolutely unable to overtake the small car, so there is no advantage here.

But if the two sides stop and fight face to face, maybe there is a better chance of winning.

The other party might have a lethal weapon, Yusuke was ready, and it happened that the car was equipped with a window-breaking hammer, all of which were small steel hammers.

Yusuke took all the broken window hammers away, and Heishuiquan came over at this time.

"Sanze, give me a hand too"

Yusuke responded: "I'm useful, wait a minute and I'll take the lead"

Heishuiquan glanced at him, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry," Yusuke said seriously, "I never do things that I'm not sure about."

Heishuiquan hesitated for a moment, then nodded. They didn't have any luggage on them, and there were no lethal weapons in the car, so everyone could only deal with it empty-handed.

The driver slowed down at this time, and the car next to him accelerated and rushed to the front of the minibus. The driver slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped suddenly.

Everyone has already made preparations, but there is nothing serious about it.

At this time, Yusuke was already standing at the door of the car, and shouted at the driver: "Open the door!"

The driver opened the door immediately, and the other party just got out of the car.

The four middle-aged people got out of the car and happened to be looking this way, but just as they turned their heads, three black figures suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

A burst of severe pain came, and three screams sounded.

Everyone in the car watched this scene in amazement.

As soon as the opponent appeared, Yusuke threw the broken window hammer in his hand.

Skills: hit every shot!

This time, Yusuke didn't hold back his hands and exploded with all his strength. The window-breaking hammer is quite heavy. With the blessing of skills, it is not small. It hit their heads directly. If it wasn't for the angle problem, this hammer would directly blow their heads Heads are all possible.

It's a pity that there are only three broken window hammers, otherwise they can be dealt with at once.

Three people fell down, and the remaining middle-aged man didn't react at all, his head was completely dazed.

They had nothing to do today, a group of people were playing cards boringly, and suddenly they received an order from the boss. Someone bullied his nephew, and the boss asked them to come out to help his nephew.

In fact, they are not very willing. The economy is not good now, and the Japanese government has severely cracked down on the underworld. They used to be half-black and half-white, so they didn't suffer, but now they all want to clean up. If you go ashore in vain, you won't cause trouble if you can.

But they couldn't refuse the boss' request, so they came reluctantly.

After finding the boss' nephew and confirming the target with him, the group set off.

Their task is very simple, just teach each other a lesson.

They often do this kind of thing, and they are very familiar with it. They still do the same as before, first use the car to force the other party to stop, and then do it once with the previous method. They have already been very proficient in this, but this time it is different!

The middle-aged man looked at Yusuke in horror, this boy is different!

Before he could react, he saw that the boy had rushed towards him.

He tremblingly wanted to take out the dagger from his body, he often did this kind of thing, but this time his hands were shaking very badly, before his hands reached into his pockets, the boy had already appeared in front of his eyes.

A foot kicked directly on his body with such force that it felt as if his internal organs were about to explode.

The body of the middle-aged man slammed into the car, the car shook violently, the windows burst, and the doors were smashed.

The middle-aged man passed out foaming at the mouth, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Although the three people who were hit by Yusuke with the broken window hammer just now were bleeding, they were still conscious, and they were struggling to get up.

Yusuke rushed forward directly, the matter has not been resolved yet!

Everyone in the car could see it clearly.

Yusuke punched the middle-aged man in front of him flying, and the opponent flew into the air. At this time, Yusuke reached out and grabbed his ankle with one hand, and swung his whole body like a windmill. Before the two middle-aged men could react, they were knocked to the ground, and the three of them rolled into a ball.

After two shocks, the three middle-aged men finally couldn't stand it and passed out.

In less than 10 seconds, all four middle-aged people were settled.

Heishuiquan opened his mouth wide, with a look of disbelief on his face. Although she considers herself a master of martial arts, with her strength, she would definitely not be able to do it so easily in a 1v4. This is completely like an adult beating a child!

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua was also dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to react.

The boss definitely let go of the water at that time!

Yui and the others were also refreshed. They knew that Yusuke was very powerful, but they didn't expect him to be so powerful. This is already a superman!

Everyone was startled, only Shengzi was the first to react, and quickly ran down from the car.

Hearing footsteps, other people reacted one after another, and got out of the car one by one.

"Yongsuke, are you alright?" Seiko asked worriedly, although Yusuke showed great power to settle all four of them, Seiko was still a little worried.

Only then did Yusuke heave a sigh of relief, and replied: "I'm fine, but you can't be careless, let's tie them up first."

Shengzi also nodded, and Heishuiquan and Sanzhiyuan Zuohua also came over, and they tied up the four middle-aged men.

By the way, the rope was found from the opponent's car, as well as daggers, bats, and fishing nets. It is obvious that these people are bandits!
Looking at the four middle-aged men who were beaten to blood, Heishuiquan smacked his lips, Sanze's attack was really ruthless!
She just took a look. The three people who were hit on the head by the hammer, if it weren't for the angle problem, they might have been headshot on the spot.

Sanze's hand is really powerful!
Heishuiquan suddenly felt that this Misawa Yusuke was like a big boss, usually smiling, but once he was serious, he was very scary, powerful in force, and had various skills, it was a pity that this guy should not be a villain.

"Are they going to die?" Xiao Zhizi came over to take a look, and asked nervously.

"It's okay" was the Holy Son's answer, "I'm still angry, I won't die for a while"

"That's good." Xiao Zhizi heaved a sigh of relief, "If we die, we'll wait until we leave."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you die, anyway, we are in self-defense," the Son said calmly.

Kuroda Minami next to her had black lines on her face, she always felt that this conversation was abnormal.

The driver also came down to take a look, a little surprised, he looked at Yusuke with admiration, this young man is amazing!

At this time, he said: "I have already called the police. The police will come in a while. We have to wait here."

Yusuke nodded, and asked everyone to go back to the car, where he watched.

Although it's okay if you don't look at it, but it's freezing cold now, if a few people freeze to death, it will be troublesome.

The girls were chatting in the car, and everyone was a little excited, so they talked to relieve the pressure at this time.

And Yusuke stood there guarding the few people, looking at the snow scene boredly.

At this time, he saw a red figure in the grass in the distance, and looked carefully, it was a red fox.

The red fox looked at this side from a distance, and was sizing up the situation here.

Living in the suburbs, it is normal to have wild animals, but such alert creatures as foxes usually keep a certain distance from humans. Yusuke just took a look and ignored them.

And the fox also noticed the existence of human beings, took a few glances, and then ran back into the grass,
After a while, there was a strange cry, and Yusuke turned his head.

I saw the fox that ran into the grass just now, with a bone in its mouth, running fast, as if avoiding some creature.

There was a cry of an eagle. The sound was so loud that everyone in the car heard it too. They all looked out curiously. In the sky, a black eagle appeared.

That's a tiger-headed sea eagle.

The tiger-headed sea eagle's goal was the bone in the fox's mouth, and it swooped down to compete with the fox for food.

This scene is really too rare.

All the leaders watched this scene intently. This is a battle between the Air Force and the Army!

At this moment, Yusuke took out his mobile phone and took a picture of this scene.

After all, the Army is still no match for the Air Force.

The last piece of bone was snatched away by the sea tiger-head sea eagle. The fox screamed a few times in aggrieved voice, which sounded very pitiful.

"Aww (my food!)"

"Congratulations: you learned the language of foxes"

(End of this chapter)

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