Chapter 659

"Aww (my baby is still waiting for me to go back)"

"Aww (I've been looking for it all day)"

"Aww (Where is the food?)"

"Aww (why can't even see a mouse)"

"Aww (gosh, I'm not going to starve to death here)"

"Aww (my child is still waiting for me to go back)"

"Aww (Where is the food!)"

"Aww (God, why am I so poor)"

Yusuke was speechless, he was forced to accept a lot of skills, just now the fox barked a few times, and he learned the fox language, which really made him not know what expression to use to express it.

Therefore, Yusuke has not dared to go to the zoo until now. He is afraid that once he arrives at the zoo, he will not know how to respond to the animals saying hello to him. Thinking about the scene, he is a little scared.

The fox was still squatting there and shouting, the demonic voice kept replaying in his mind, Yusuke passively accepted a lot of information.

This mother fox came out to look for food, but she couldn't find any food in the freezing weather, so she was already very hungry.

But it thought of the child who was still waiting for it to go back, so it gritted its teeth and continued to search. It heard the sound from here just now, so it came to have a look, and it turned out that several humans were here.

It was vigilant and didn't come over, so it went back the same way. Fortunately, it found a bone on the way, and there was still some meat on the bone.

The mother fox was very happy, and she was ready to go back with the bone in her mouth, but there was an eagle staring at the bone.

The two sides fought fiercely, but those who ran on the ground were better than those who flew in the sky, and the air force would always have the advantage, not to mention that creatures like eagles were very fierce.

Some timid mother foxes are very scared, but they do their best for their children.

But sometimes some things can't be solved without hard work, and mother fox still loses, and she is already too hungry at this time.

It has no strength anymore, and can only shout loudly, complaining about the unfairness of life.

"Okay, don't bark any more," came a human voice.

Mother Fox came to her senses, and a can was placed in front of it.

"Eat, you will have strength after eating," came a human voice.

The mother fox looked nervously at the human being in front of her, and then looked at the can again.

"Aww (Why is this human being so good, give me something to eat?)"

"Aww (something is wrong, this person probably wants to eat me)"

Yusuke was speechless, the fox spoke out what was in his heart.

Then calmly said: "Don't worry, I won't eat you"

Pointing to the can, "Eat this, you will have strength after eating this."

The fox heard Yusuke's words, raised his head in surprise, and looked at Yusuke.

"Aww (can you understand me?)"

The animal language skills give Yusuke an inexplicable affinity for animals, coupled with familiarity with the language of animals, most of the animals have a very good first impression of Yusuke, and the mother fox who is usually a little scared of people is not so nervous at this time.

"Let's talk after dinner, you've been hungry for a long time"

Hearing Yusuke's words, mother fox realized that she was too hungry to bear it, so she was not polite at this time, let's talk after dinner.

"Aww (thank you)"

The fox nodded slightly, which surprised Yusuke, this fox is quite polite.

The fox was eating the canned food very quickly, and seemed to be very hungry, and Yui and the others also came over at this time.

When they saw Yusuke walking towards the fox in the car, they felt a little strange, so they followed after thinking about it.

A group of people came to watch the fox, and this red fox was still indulging in delicious food and didn't notice the existence of humans. When it looked up after eating, it was horrified to find that it was surrounded by humans. I shivered with fear.

Yusuke said calmly: "Don't worry, we won't eat you."

"Aww (then why are you surrounding me?)"

"Everyone is just a little novelty, there is no malice," Yusuke explained.

The fox looked at the crowd, and found that their eyes were all smiling. Animals could sense the malice of humans, but it didn't detect this aura from these humans.

Yui and the others were very surprised. I didn't expect Yusuke to be able to communicate with the fox. This is too outrageous!

They suddenly had a novel idea, if Yusuke went to the zoo, wouldn't he know every animal?

The corners of Heishuiquan and Kuroda Minami's mouths twitched. They are both video bloggers, but why do they feel that their strengths are completely unequal?

"Boss, what's the problem with this fox?" Satomi Kimura asked curiously at this time, and the others all looked over, and they all felt very fresh about the problems in the animal world.

Yongsuke told about Mother Fox's difficulties, and everyone was very sympathetic, so they donated all the snacks they had.

Yusuke picked out some food that animals could eat, packed them in bags, and put them in front of the fox.

"Take this food home"

"Aww (thanks, human)"

"Ooooh (I remember you, I will repay you)"

"Ooooh (what's your name?)"

"Aww (I want to publicize your name in our clan)"

Yusuke thought it was a little funny, so he replied: "My name is Yusuke Misawa"

"Aww (I've already remembered, I will repay you)"

Mother Fox went back with snacks in her mouth.

"Sanze, what did the fox tell you just now?" Heishuiquan couldn't help asking.

"It said it would repay me," Yusuke replied.

For a moment, everyone remembered the fairy tale.

In fairy tales, human beings rescued animals, and the animals turned into beautiful girls to make love with each other. There are so many stories like this!
Coupled with the influence of animation and manga, and the setting of animal ear girls, various pictures suddenly appeared in everyone's minds.

Yui and Rie suddenly felt a sense of urgency. If there is a beautiful girl next to Yusuke, it must be a vixen!
The encounter with the fox was just a small episode. When everyone returned to the car, they found that one of the middle-aged people who had been fucked to the ground just now woke up. It was the one who was kicked on the car by Yusuke.

He was not hit on the head by the hammer, so his head was still a little awake. At this time, he was staggering, and his vision was a little blurred. It took a while to see clearly.

When he saw the terrified boy in front of him, he screamed, as if he had seen something terrible.

He was still tied with a rope, he struggled, but was thrown to the ground, seeing Yusuke approaching, he shouted in horror: "Don't come here, don't come here, I'll do anything"

Yusuke stopped in his tracks, he just wanted to help the other party up, but now it seemed that there was a lot of insider information, and he looked at him calmly.

"Make things clear"

The girls were about to get into the car, when they realized that something was wrong, they all gathered around, and the nine of them watched the middle-aged man together.

The middle-aged man was a little stressed, so he quickly explained the matter.

They came to the ski resort this time, met Yusuke and the others on the road, and wanted to rob them temporarily. This was just a sudden action, and they were just ordinary fishermen.

"Would ordinary fishermen do such a thing?" Kimura Satomi couldn't help complaining, "Your excuse is too bad, isn't it?"

"We are really fishermen!" The middle-aged man said anxiously, "We usually fish at sea, this rope should be found in our car, you should have seen it, there is still a rope in our car Fishing nets, those are the tools we use for fishing”

"Why are there knives and daggers?" Yusuke asked, he was not satisfied with the answer, he always felt that the middle-aged man was hiding something.

The middle-aged man fell silent suddenly, this is hard to explain!

Yusuke has a guess in his mind, it seems that this guy is not telling the truth.

At this time, he said: "It seems that you don't want to tell the truth, and I won't force you anymore."

At this time, he said to Sanzhiyuan Zouhua, "Bring the bat here."

Sanzhiyuan Soka immediately understood Yusuke's thoughts, handed over the bat, and Yusuke walked over with the bat.

The middle-aged man was frightened half to death, and at this moment he shouted desperately: "I say, I say, don't hit me!"

At this time, he saw the three accomplices who were bloody and bloody, and shivered.

"I'm telling the truth, don't kill me"

The expressions on everyone's faces were a little strange. Could this guy think that his companions were all dead?

Think we're murderers?
Forget it, let him misunderstand this situation.

People at noon recounted their situation. Usually they are just ordinary fishermen, but when necessary, they will also become pirates and bandits. It’s just that the Japanese government has cracked down hard in recent years, and their behavior has become more and more serious. Less, and the knife and dagger are all tools for changing identities.

In fact, it wasn't a sudden idea that they came to Yusuke, they had received instructions from the boss.

The boss' nephew was bullied by Yusuke, and they came to vent their anger on the boss' nephew.


Everyone looked at each other, and immediately understood that it must be the young people who were repaired by them at noon. They didn't expect them to use such a method, which really surprised them.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua blamed herself a little at this time, if she had settled the matter in the afternoon, the current situation would not have happened.

Yusuke's eyes were calm, and when he walked over, the middle-aged man yelled in horror.

But it turns out that Yusuke just straightened his body.

"I won't kill you, tell the police about your crimes"

Ignoring the stunned middle-aged man, Yusuke walked back to the car, and not far away, the siren of the police car had come.

A total of three police cars came, and Yusuke explained the situation here, and the driver also handed over the video record on the car to the police.

After everyone recorded their statements, a police car led the CMB back to the hotel, while the other two police cars took the prisoners back to the police station.

With Yusuke's confession, the next step is the police's action.

The police will absolutely stop such behavior. Niseko Ski Resort is a signature tourist project here. If people know that such an accident happened to tourists, it will be a huge blow to the local tourism industry. The police will never allow it Behavior like this happens!
Back at the hotel, the police gave a few instructions, saying that they would be notified of subsequent developments, so they went back first.

Yusuke gave the fare to the driver, and the driver smiled and said that if he still needs service, he can find him.

Heishuiquan and Kuroda Minami also came over and said hello, and they are going back too.

Heishuiquan asked at this time: "Sanze, where are you going to play tomorrow?"?
Yusuke replied; "We're going to see the ice sculptures tomorrow"

Heishuiquan was a little excited, "It happens that we are going to see ice sculptures tomorrow, why don't we act together, so that there are more people."

She already has deep friendship with Yusuke.

Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Kurosuke Izumi and Kuroda Minami went back, and Yusuke and the others were also a little tired. After dinner, they went back to their rooms.

Yusuke had just returned to the room when a voice came.

"Wow (why did you come back so late?)"

Yusuke turned on the light, and the crow boss was standing by the window, looking at the scenery outside.

Yusuke smiled and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Wow (I'm coming to see you)"

The crow boss turned around at this time and flew over, Yusuke stretched out his arm, and the crow boss stood on his arm very familiarly.

After a while, the crow boss realized, how could he feel that the other party is so skilled!
But the crow boss didn't think about it, and called a few times at this time.

"Wow (I need your help with something)"

"I thought you were here to repay your favor," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Wow (I still remember the matter of repaying the favor, I have always kept this matter in my heart, and I will repay you when my affairs are finished)"

"Okay, what do you want from me?"

Yusuke walked over and sat on the chair, the crow boss also flapped his wings and flew up, standing on the opposite table, one person and one crow looked at each other.

"Whoah (I want revenge!)"

"Whoah (I was hurt by that guy before, and now I'm healed, I want revenge!)"

"Whoah (but I can't beat it)"

"So you came to me?" Yusuke felt a little funny, "Do you want me to help fight it?"

"Whoah (no, I need a weapon!)"

"Weapon?" Yusuke was a little surprised by this answer.

"Wow (I can't beat it with my strength, so I have to use weapons)"

The crow boss was a little excited, "Wow (I saw a news on TV yesterday, there was a bird fighting with his companions, and his beak was broken by his companions, humans helped him install an iron beak, In the end it was invincible)”

"Wow (I realized it at that moment)"

"Whoah (I also put steel on my claws so I can kill it)"

The idea of ​​the crow boss made Yusuke very novel. He even thought of arming himself with weapons. This guy's IQ is so powerful!

Yusuke couldn't help asking: "I'm curious about a question, if you do this, won't your subordinates think you're invincible?"

The crow boss looked at Yusuke in surprise, "Wow (don't you humans also use weapons?)"

Yusuke can't refute this sentence!

"Okay, I'll help you"

Since he promised to help the crow boss make a weapon, Yusuke measured the length of its claws, and then went out to buy some materials to help him modify it.

Yusuke can’t make it as detailed as the TV, but simple modification is still possible. Add some steel to the claws of the crow boss, fasten his claws with some soft leather, and the weapon is ready.

This paw is quite big.

"Try to see if you can fly, if not, I will reduce the weight"

The crow boss tried to flap his wings. It was indeed a lot heavier, but it was still within its tolerance.

The crow boss practiced flying a circle, and soon got used to it.

At this time, Yusuke also took out a piece of meat, which was a dinner bought for the crow boss along the way, and placed on this table.

"You try to attack this piece of meat"

The boss of the crow looked at the piece of meat on the table, flapped his wings, and then quickly descended.

The claws swept across violently, and the flesh was torn open several times.

The boss crow looked at his paws and nodded in satisfaction.

“Wow wow (well done)”

Yusuke helped the boss of the crow look at the claws, the steel was not loose, and then he nodded in satisfaction.

"Boss Crow, come back to me after you finish your revenge." Yusuke said, "I'll help you remove the steel from your claws."

The crow boss was a little unhappy, "Wow (I feel very satisfied with this)"

Yusuke shook his head, "It will be fine as a weapon for a while, but it will have a great impact on your life if you carry it for a long time."

The boss of the crow is still a little hesitant. He is a little bit reluctant to get such a powerful weapon.

Yusuke said: "How about you try to see if you can untie it with your mouth, and if you can, then wear it like this."

The boss of the crow nodded, and tried to untie it with his beak, but the crow's beak was no match for a human's hands.

After trying for a long time, I couldn't solve it no matter what. At this time, I was a little discouraged and felt a little troublesome.

"Whoah (Okay, I got it, I'll get back to you)"

The boss of the crow flapped his wings and flew outside, and his voice came from the night sky.

"Wow (I will repay your kindness!)"

The crow boss left, Yusuke tidied up his things, took a shower and was about to go to bed, when the door knocked.

Yusuke got up from the bed, opened the door, and there was Seiko standing outside the door.

Shengzi had also finished taking a bath at this time, wearing a blue bathing suit, her long black hair was pinned up with a barrette, and only a few strands of black hair were hanging down, forming a sharp contrast with her reddish face , bright and moving,
Yongsuke couldn't take his eyes off, Shengzi blushed a little, and coughed, Yongsuke looked away, and asked with some embarrassment: "Holy Son, what can I do for you?"

"Yongsuke, how are things going today?" Shengzi asked seriously.

Hearing the business, Yusuke also became serious.

If it's just an ordinary jealousy, it's just a small fight, and Shengzi is not worried at all, but in the confession of the middle-aged man just now, they have already provoked a mafia boss, Shengzi is a little worried, this is beyond the scope of handling their abilities.

Seiko was wondering if he needed to ask his father for help, so he came over to ask Yusuke for his opinion.

Yusuke pondered for a while, then said, "Let's talk to the master."

No matter how big or small it is, you still have to inform the master. If you take his daughter out to play, if you get hurt, Yusuke will bear the blame.

Although Yusuke thinks he can protect them well, sometimes there are things that must be done.

The Holy Son nodded, "Then let me tell my father."

"No, let me tell the master." Yusuke said, "You come in first."

Shengzi nodded and followed Yongjie into the room.

It's getting late now, but it's urgent, so Yusuke still called the master.

The call was connected quickly, and Yusuke told what happened today.

Hu Che was silent for a while after listening, and said: "Protect the Son, I will take care of the next thing."

Yusuke responded seriously: "Master, I will protect everyone."

"You don't need to be too nervous." Hu Che said with a smile at this time, "It's just a small matter, you don't have to think so much."

After chatting with the master for a few words, I hung up the phone, told the matter to the Son, and comforted me: "Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you."

Shengzi nodded with a smile, and the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous in the next moment.

At this moment, Shengzi remembered that the two of them were alone in a room in the middle of the night, and the atmosphere was very strange!
Unknowingly, Seiko's face turned red, and Yusuke felt his heart beating so fast, this scene is indeed a bit imaginative!

Unknowingly, his eyes became aggressive.

Shengzi was a little anxious, Yusuke's eyes were too aggressive, as if he wanted to see his body clearly, at this moment he was a little at a loss, he didn't know where to put his hands, his eyes fluttered, and his heart beat So fast.

Seiko averted his eyes, but he still couldn't help turning his head and glanced quietly. At this time, he met Yusuke's eyes, his face turned red again, his heart beat so fast, and his breathing became short of breath.

In the entire room, only the rapid breathing of the two could be heard, and unconsciously, their bodies were getting closer...

At this time, the phone rang, and the two of them came back to their senses. Yusuke immediately sat back up, and Seiko also sat up in danger, but her heart was beating very fast.

Yusuke looked at the incoming call on his mobile phone, it was from the master, he was a little embarrassed.

Could it be that the master installed a positioning system and knew what he was doing?
A little guilty, he picked up the phone and said hello.

"Yusuke, I've already said hello here, it's just a little guy, it's been resolved, don't worry"

When the master's voice came, Yusuke came back to his senses. It turned out that this was the matter. At this time, he was a little ashamed, and he was still thinking about messy things.

Responded: "Thank you, master!"

"Have fun and don't think too much"

Seiko was listening and knew that the matter had been resolved. Seeing that Yusuke had hung up the phone, he stood up and said nervously, "I'm going back to my room first."

Yusuke nodded, the two of them can't get along like this anymore, otherwise it's easy to misfire.

Yusuke has not forgotten his plan. Before his strength is strong enough to protect everyone, he will not take action casually. This is his responsibility to them and himself, but...

The charm of girls is too great!Yusuke couldn't hold it anymore!
After sending Seiko off, Yusuke blows the cold wind on the balcony to cool himself down a bit.

After a long time, he calmed down and was about to go to bed, when the knock on the door sounded again.

Yusuke is a little strange, who is this?
Opening the door, Yui and Rie stood outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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